资源名称:ertos.rar [点击查看]
- #include <rtos.h>
- #include <emath.h>
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void test( char *s )
- {
- char buffer[128];
- EM x;
- x = strtoem( s );
- cprintf("converting %s -> %s (internally stored as %lu)nr",
- s, emtostr( x, buffer ), x);
- }
- test2( char *a, char *b)
- {
- char buffer[ 128 ], buffer2[128];
- /* demonstrates how to assign EM numbers from ASCII strings */
- EM x = strtoem( a );
- EM y = strtoem( b );
- /* show our x and y values */
- cprintf("x = %s, y = %s rn", emtostr( x, buffer ), emtostr(y, buffer2));
- /* conversion from EM back to long integer scaled by factor of 10 */
- cprintf("convert to long : emtol(x,10) = %lurn", emtol( x, 10 ));
- cputs("Arithmetic Functions :rn");
- cprintf(" x + y = %s ", emtostr( x + y , buffer ));
- cprintf(" x - y = %srn", emtostr( x - y , buffer ));
- cprintf(" x y = %s ", emtostr( EM_MUL(x, y) , buffer ));
- cprintf(" x / y = %srn", emtostr( EM_DIV(x,y) , buffer ));
- cprintf("Mathematical Functionsrn");
- cprintf(" int(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_INT(x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" round(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_ROUND(x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" sqrt(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_SQR( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" log10(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_LOG10( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" ln(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_LN( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" 10^(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_POWER10( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" e^(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_EXP( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" x^y = %srn", emtostr( EM_POWER( x, y ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" cos(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_COS( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" sin(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_SIN( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" tan(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_TAN( x ), buffer ));
- cprintf(" asin(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_ASIN(x), buffer ));
- cprintf(" acos(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_ACOS(x), buffer ));
- cprintf(" atan(x) = %srn", emtostr( EM_ATAN(x), buffer ));
- cprintf(" x -> %s radians x -> %s degreesrn",
- emtostr( EM_RAD( x ), buffer ),
- emtostr( EM_DEG( x ), buffer2 ));
- }
- test3()
- {
- EM x, y, r;
- long u, v;
- EM degree;
- EM fullcircle;
- clrscr();
- cputs("Drawing a circle... it will look like an elipse due to screen aspect ratio.");
- fullcircle = EM_ASSIGN( 360, 1 ); /* 360/1 = 360.0000 */
- r = EM_ASSIGN( 10, 1 ); /* r = 10/1 = 10.0000 */
- for ( degree = EM_ZERO ;
- degree < fullcircle ;
- degree= EM_ADD( degree, EM_ONE )) {
- /* x = r * sin( rad( degree ) ) */
- /* y = r * cos( rad( degree ) ) */
- x = EM_MUL( r, EM_SIN( EM_RAD( degree ) ) );
- y = EM_MUL( r, EM_COS( EM_RAD( degree ) ) );
- /* convert to integers, and add 60, 15 to roughly center on screen */
- u = emtol( EM_ROUND(x), 1 ) + 40;
- v = emtol( EM_ROUND(y), 1 ) + 15;
- gotoxy( u, v );
- cputs("*");
- }
- gotoxy( 1, 2 );
- puts("Press any key to continue...");
- getch();
- clrscr();
- }
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- char buffer[ 128];
- rt_init( 100 );
- if ( argc < 3 ) {
- test3();
- cputs("Here are some sample numbers:rn");
- test( "1.125" );
- test( "10.002" );
- test( "3.14159" );
- test( "32799.24");
- test( "-243.34");
- test( "-.05");
- cprintf(" pi = %s (%lu) rn", emtostr( EM_PI, buffer ), EM_PI );
- /* demonstrates how to ASSIGN from fraction (numerator/denominator) */
- cprintf(" 314/100 = %srn", emtostr(EM_ASSIGN(314,100), buffer ) );
- cputs("Run this program with two arguments (eg mathtest 2 3) and see resultsrn");
- } else {
- test2( argv[1] , argv[2] );
- }
- }