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资源名称:ertos.rar [点击查看]
- #include <rtos.h>
- #include <net.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #define SMTPLOG "SMTP.LOG"
- static DWORD defaultgate = 0L;
- static char *hostname = NULL;
- static char *smtplogfile = NULL;
- static void (*oldinit)(char*,char*);
- static void newinit( char *directive, char *value )
- {
- if (!stricmp( directive, SMTPHOST ))
- hostname = kstrdup( value );
- else if (!stricmp( directive, SMTPLOG ))
- smtplogfile = kstrdup( value );
- else if (!stricmp( directive, SMTPGATE ))
- defaultgate = inet_addr( value );
- else
- if (oldinit) (*oldinit)( directive, value );
- }
- static void (*oldpost)(void);
- static void newpostinit( void )
- {
- char *buffer;
- buffer = kcalloc( 128 , 1 );
- if ( hostname == NULL ) {
- #ifdef __DJGPP__ /* using Watt-32 lib */
- if (reverse_resolve_ip4 (gethostid(), buffer))
- #else
- if ( reverse_addr_lookup( gethostid(), buffer ))
- #endif
- hostname = kstrdup( buffer );
- else
- rt_halt("no hostname set, smtp.hostname=... in TCP.CFG and reverse addr lookup failed");
- }
- kfree( buffer );
- if ( oldpost ) (*oldpost)();
- }
- #ifdef __DJGPP__
- __attribute__((constructor))
- #endif
- static void smtp_init( void )
- {
- oldinit = usr_init;
- usr_init = newinit;
- oldpost = usr_post_init;
- usr_post_init = newpostinit;
- }
- #if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
- #pragma startup smtp_init 100
- #endif
- static void smtplog( char *direction, char *value )
- {
- FILE *f;
- if ( smtplogfile != NULL ) {
- dos_enter();
- if ( (f = fopen( smtplogfile, "at")) != NULL ) {
- fprintf( f, "%s %sn", direction, value );
- fclose( f );
- }
- dos_exit();
- }
- }
- static int getres( tcp_Socket *s, char *buffer )
- {
- buffer[3] = 0;
- do {
- if ( tcp_tick( s ) == NULL ) return( 600 );
- if ( !sock_dataready( s ) ) continue;
- sock_gets( s, buffer, 128 );
- } while ( buffer[3] != ' ');
- smtplog( "<<<", buffer );
- return( atoi( buffer ));
- }
- static void sendline( tcp_Socket *s, char *cmd, char *arg1, char *arg2 )
- {
- char buffer[ 128 ];
- if ( tcp_tick( s ) == NULL ) return;
- strcpy( buffer, cmd );
- if ( arg1 != NULL ) strcat( buffer, arg1 );
- if ( arg2 != NULL ) strcat( buffer, arg2 );
- sock_puts( s, buffer );
- smtplog( ">>>", buffer );
- }
- #define SMTPPORT 25
- int smtp_client( DWORD host, char *from, char *to, char *subject, char *msg )
- {
- int x;
- tcp_Socket *s;
- char buffer[ 256 ];
- int result = -1;
- s = kcalloc( sizeof( tcp_Socket ), 1 );
- if ( s == NULL ) return( -4 );
- if ( host == 0 ) host = defaultgate;
- if ( host == 0 ) rt_halt("no smtp gateway set (smtp.gateway=... in TCP.CFG)");
- if ( hostname == NULL )
- rt_halt("no hostname set for SMTP");
- if ( ! tcp_open( s, 0, host , SMTPPORT, NULL )) return( -3 );
- sock_mode( s, TCP_MODE_ASCII );
- while ( 1 ) {
- /* expect 220 welcome */
- if ( getres( s, buffer ) != 220 ) break;
- sendline( s, "HELO ", hostname, NULL );
- if ( getres( s , buffer ) != 250 ) break;
- strcpy( buffer, from );
- if ( strchr( buffer, '@')== NULL ) {
- strcat( buffer, "@");
- strcat( buffer, hostname );
- }
- sendline( s, "mail from: <", buffer, ">" );
- if ( getres( s, buffer ) != 250 ) break;
- strcpy( buffer, to );
- if ( strchr( buffer, '@') == NULL ) {
- strcat( buffer, "@");
- strcat( buffer, hostname );
- }
- sendline( s, "rcpt to: <", buffer, ">" );
- if ( getres( s, buffer ) != 250 ) break;
- sendline( s, "data", NULL, NULL );
- if ( getres( s, buffer ) != 354 ) break;
- if ( strchr( from , '@'))
- sendline( s, "From: ", from, NULL);
- sendline( s, "To: ", to , NULL );
- sendline( s, "Subject: ", subject, NULL );
- smtplog( ">>>", "...message body...");
- sock_puts( s, "");
- sock_puts( s, msg);
- sock_puts(s,".");
- if ( getres( s, buffer ) == 250 ) result = 0;
- break;
- }
- sendline( s, "QUIT", NULL, NULL );
- getres( s, buffer );
- sock_close( s );
- sock_wait_closed( s, 3, NULL, &x );
- sock_err:
- sock_abort( s );
- kfree( s );
- return( result );
- }