资源名称:Shopping.rar [点击查看]
- window.onerror = function(){return true;}
- Sys = function(){;}
- Sys.NS = (document.layers) ? true : false;
- Sys.IE = (document.all) ? true : false;
- Sys.DOM = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
- if (Sys.IE) Sys.DOM = false;
- Sys.MAC = (navigator.platform) && (navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') >= 0);
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- Sys.getObj = function(objId){if (document.getElementById)return document.getElementById(objId);else if (document.all)return document.all(objId);};
- Sys.urlEncode = function(str)
- {
- var i,c,ret="",strSpecial="!"#$%&'()*+,/:;<=>?@[]^`{|}~%";
- for(i=0;i<str.length;i++)
- {
- c=str.charAt(i);
- if(c==" ")
- ret+="+";
- else if(strSpecial.indexOf(c)!=-1)
- ret+="%"+str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
- else
- ret+=c;
- }
- return ret;
- };
- Sys.urlDecode = function(str)
- {
- if("undefined" == typeof decodeURIComponent)
- {
- return unescape(str).replace(/+/g, ' ').replace(/%2B/g,'+');
- } else {
- /*just use my self decode script*/
- /*return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/+/g, ' ').replace(/%2B/g,'+'));*/
- return unescape(str).replace(/+/g, ' ').replace(/%2B/g,'+');
- }
- };
- Sys.urlToParams = function(urlContent)
- {
- cmdMap = new Array();
- cmdParams = new Array();
- pos = -1;
- while (true)
- {
- newPos = urlContent.indexOf('&', pos+1);
- if (newPos>=0) {
- encodedProperty = urlContent.substring(pos+1, newPos);
- }
- else {
- encodedProperty = urlContent.substring(pos+1, urlContent.length);
- }
- equalsPos = encodedProperty.indexOf('=');
- paramName = encodedProperty.substring(0, equalsPos);
- paramValue =(encodedProperty.substring(equalsPos+1, encodedProperty.length));
- cmdParams[paramName] = paramValue;
- if (newPos==-1) {
- break;
- }
- pos = newPos;
- }
- return cmdParams;
- };
- Sys.addEvent = function(objectId, eventName, eventFunction)
- {
- if(document.attachEvent)
- objectId.attachEvent("on"+eventName, eventFunction);
- else
- objectId.addEventListener(eventName, eventFunction, false);
- }
- function getTrustfulVisitorInfo(){
- var visitorInfoUrl="";
- if(typeof trustfulInfo!="undefined"&&trustfulInfo.length>0&&trustfulInfo!=null&&trustfulInfo!="null"){
- visitorInfoUrl="info="+trustfulInfo+"";
- }
- return visitorInfoUrl;
- }
- function StaticIcon(inLogger, inPreferences)
- {
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.companyID = this.preferences["companyID"];
- this.iconIndex = this.preferences["iconIndex"];
- = this.preferences["online"];
- this.offline = this.preferences["offline"];
- this.parentObject = null;
- this.reload = StaticIcon_reload;
- this.generate = StaticIcon_generate;
- this.onIconClick = StaticIcon_onIconClick
- this.start = StaticIcon_start;
- }
- function StaticIcon_start()
- {
- this.generate();
- };
- function StaticIcon_reload()
- {
- /*
- var baseIconUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseHtmlUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + this.preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] + "/icons";
- if( == null || this.offline == null)
- {
- onlineUrl = baseIconUrl + "/" + this.iconIndex + "_online.gif";
- offlineUrl = baseIconUrl + "/" + this.iconIndex + "_offline.gif";
- }else
- {
- onlineUrl =;
- offlineUrl = this.offline;
- }
- var reloadUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + "/SurferServer?cmd=111";
- reloadUrl += "&companyID=" + this.companyID;
- reloadUrl += "&online=" + onlineUrl;
- reloadUrl += "&offline=" + offlineUrl;
- Sys.getObj("live800icon").src = reloadUrl;
- */
- // version 3 do nothing, the reload function remove to visiteHandle
- };
- function StaticIcon_generate()
- {
- var live800IconLink = Sys.getObj("live800iconlink");
- var live800Icon = Sys.getObj("live800icon");
- if(live800Icon == null) return;
- var baseIconUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseHtmlUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + this.preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] + "/icons";
- if(this.preferences["online"] == null || this.preferences["offline"] == null)
- {
- onlineUrl = baseIconUrl + "/" + this.preferences["iconIndex"] + "_online.gif";
- offlineUrl = baseIconUrl + "/" + this.preferences["iconIndex"] + "_offline.gif";
- }else
- {
- onlineUrl = this.preferences["online"];
- offlineUrl = this.preferences["offline"];
- }
- live800Icon.src = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + '/SurferServer?'+getParam()+'&cmd=111&companyID=' + this.preferences["companyID"] + '&online=' + onlineUrl + '&offline=' + offlineUrl+'&'+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- var attr='width=541,height=401';
- var tempsurl=this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"]+"/chatClient/chatbox.jsp?"+getGid()+getParam()+"&companyID="+ this.preferences["companyID"]+getEnterUrl()+"&"+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- var boxname="chatbox"+this.preferences["companyID"];
- live800IconLink.href ="'"+tempsurl+"','"+boxname+"','"+attr+"')";
- Sys.addEvent(live800IconLink, "click", function(){staticIconOnIconClick();return false;});
- live800Icon.border = 0;
- this.reload();
- };
- function staticIconOnIconClick()
- {
- globalIcon.onIconClick();
- }
- function StaticIcon_onIconClick()
- {
- this.parentObject.onIconClick();
- };
- function Logger()
- {
- //document.write('<div style="position: absolute; top: 430; left: 0;"><textarea style=" width:800px; height:600px;" id="loggerTextarea"></textarea>');
- this.textarea = document.getElementById('loggerTextarea');
- this.log = Logger_log;
- }
- function Logger_log(message)
- {
- if(this.textarea!=null)
- {
- newMessage = new Date() + ' ' +message + 'rn';
- this.textarea.value += newMessage;
- this.textarea.scrollTop = 999999;
- }
- };
- function RpcMethod(inServiceName, inCmdNo, inParams, inRetryTimes, inOnSuccess, inOnError)
- {
- this.serviceName = inServiceName;
- this.cmdNo = inCmdNo;
- this.params = inParams;
- this.retryTimes = inRetryTimes;
- this.onSuccess = inOnSuccess;
- this.onError = inOnError;
- }
- function SendDriver(inLogger, inPreferences)
- {
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.busy = false;
- this.rpcImage = null;
- this.onRpcSuccess = SendDriver_onRpcSuccess;
- this.onRpcError = SendDriver_onRpcError;
- this.execute = SendDriver_execute;
- }
- function SendDriver_execute(inRpcMethod)
- {
- this.logger.log("SendDriver_execute():inRpcMethod.cmdNo=" + inRpcMethod.cmdNo);
- this.busy = true;
- this.rpcMethod = inRpcMethod;
- var rpcImageUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + preferences["baseWebapp"] + "/" + this.rpcMethod.serviceName + "?cmd=" + this.rpcMethod.cmdNo + "&visitorIDInSession=" + this.preferences["visitorIDInSession"];
- if(this.rpcMethod.params != null)
- {
- for (i in this.rpcMethod.params)
- {
- pos = this.rpcMethod.params[i].indexOf("=");
- paramName = this.rpcMethod.params[i].substring(0,pos);
- paramValue = this.rpcMethod.params[i].substring(pos+1);
- rpcImageUrl += '&' +paramName+ '=' +Sys.urlEncode(paramValue);
- }
- }
- rpcImageUrl += '&rpcImageId=' +(new Date()).getTime();/*this param keep browser do not cache the rpcImage*/
- this.rpcImage = new Image();
- this.rpcImage.onload = onRpcSuccess;
- this.rpcImage.onerror = onRpcError;
- this.rpcImage.src = rpcImageUrl;
- };
- function onRpcSuccess(){globalSendDriver.onRpcSuccess(this.width, this.height);};
- function SendDriver_onRpcSuccess(inWidth, inHeight)
- {
- if(this.rpcMethod.onSuccess != null)
- this.rpcMethod.onSuccess(inWidth, inHeight);
- this.busy = false;
- };
- function onRpcError(){globalSendDriver.onRpcError();};
- function SendDriver_onRpcError()
- {
- if(this.rpcMethod.retryTimes <=0)
- {
- if(this.rpcMethod.onError != null)
- this.rpcMethod.onError(this.rpcMethod);
- this.busy = false;
- }else
- {
- this.logger.log("SendDriver_onRpcError():rpcMethod.retryTimes=" + this.rpcMethod.retryTimes);
- this.rpcMethod.retryTimes--;
- this.execute(this.rpcMethod);
- }
- };
- function getCookie(name)
- {
- var arr,reg=new RegExp("(^| )"+name+"=([^;]*)(;|$)");
- if(arr=document.cookie.match(reg)) return unescape(arr[2]);
- else return null;
- };
- function setCookie(name,value)
- {
- var Days = 30;
- var exp = new Date(); //new Date("December 31, 9998");
- exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Days*24*60*60*1000);
- //document.cookie = name + "="+ escape (value) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
- document.cookie = name + "="+ escape (value);
- };
- function getGid(){
- if(typeof jid!="undefined"){
- return "jid="+jid+"&";
- }
- else
- return "";
- };
- function getParam()
- {
- var paramUrl="";
- if(getCookie("operatorId")!=null&&typeof getCookie("operatorId")!="undefined"&&getCookie("operatorId").length!=0&&getCookie("operatorId")!="undefined")
- {
- paramUrl="operatorId="+getCookie("operatorId")+"&";
- }
- if(getCookie("skillId")!=null&&getCookie("skillId")!="undefined"&&getCookie("skillId").length!=0&&getCookie("skillId")!="undefined")
- {
- paramUrl=paramUrl+"skillId="+getCookie("skillId")+"&";
- }
- return paramUrl;
- };
- function ReceiveDriver(inLogger, inPreferences)
- {
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.receiveDriverListeners = new Array();
- this.loadingTag = false;
- this.lastMsgTime = "-1";
- this.tagImage = new Image();
- this.tags = new Array();
- this.receiveTimer = null;
- var paramUrl=getParam();
- this.tagUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + live800_baseWebApp+"/SurferServer?cmd=101&companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"]+"&"+getTrustfulVisitorInfo()+getParam();
- this.localTyping = false;
- this.initTags = ReceiveDriver_initTags;
- this.getTag = ReceiveDriver_getTag;
- this.onTagSuccess = ReceiveDriver_onTagSuccess;
- this.onTagError = ReceiveDriver_onTagError;
- this.sendMessage = function(cmdParams){this.logger.log("ReceiveDriver_sendMessage: cmdNo=" + cmdParams["content"]);};
- this.start = ReceiveDriver_start;
- this.stop = ReceiveDriver_stop;
- this.addReceiveDriverListener = ReceiveDriver_addReceiveDriverListener;
- this.initTags();
- }
- function ReceiveDriver_stop()
- {
- clearTimeout(this.receiveTimer);
- };
- function ReceiveDriver_initTags()
- {
- this.tags["1"] = ["0000"];/*loadContent*/
- this.tags["2"] = ["6040"];/*iconreload*/
- this.tags["3"] = ["6021"];/*BeInvitedToChat invite show*/
- this.tags["4"] = ["6020"];/*invite hide*/
- this.tags["5"] = ["6031"];/*openInitiatedChat*/
- };
- function URLEncode(Str){
- if(Str==null||Str=="")
- return "";
- var newStr="";
- function toCase(sStr){
- return sStr.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- }
- for(var i=0,icode,len=Str.length;i<len;i++){
- icode=Str.charCodeAt(i);
- if( icode<0x10)
- newStr+="%0"+icode.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- else if(icode<0x80){
- if(icode==0x20)
- newStr+="+";
- else if((icode>=0x30&&icode<=0x39)||(icode>=0x41&&icode<=0x5A)||(icode>=0x61&&icode<=0x7A))
- newStr+=Str.charAt(i);
- else
- newStr+="%"+toCase(icode);
- }
- else if(icode<0x800){
- newStr+="%"+toCase(0xC0+(icode>>6));
- newStr+="%"+toCase(0x80+icode%0x40);
- }
- else{
- newStr+="%"+toCase(0xE0+(icode>>12));
- newStr+="%"+toCase(0x80+(icode>>6)%0x40);
- newStr+="%"+toCase(0x80+icode%0x40);
- }
- }
- return newStr;
- };
- var pagetitle=URLEncode(document.title);
- var pagelocation=URLEncode(document.URL);
- var pagereferrer=URLEncode(document.referrer);
- function JustUrlLen()
- {
- pagetitle=URLEncode(document.title);
- pagelocation=URLEncode(document.URL);
- pagereferrer=URLEncode(document.referrer);
- if(pagelocation.length>=1600)
- pagelocation=pagelocation.substring(0,1600);
- if(pagereferrer.length>=1600)
- pagereferrer=pagereferrer.substring(0,1600);
- if(pagetitle.length>1600)
- pagetitle=pagetitle.substring(0,1600);
- for(var i=1;i>0;i++)
- {
- if((pagetitle+pagelocation+pagereferrer).length>1600)
- {
- if(pagetitle.length>=100)
- pagetitle=pagetitle.substring(0,pagetitle.length-200);
- if((pagetitle+pagelocation+pagereferrer).length>1600)
- {
- if(pagelocation.length>=100)
- pagelocation=pagelocation.substring(0,pagelocation.length-100);
- if((pagetitle+pagelocation+pagereferrer).length>1600)
- {
- if(pagereferrer.length>=100)
- pagereferrer=pagereferrer.substring(0,pagereferrer.length-100);
- if((pagetitle+pagelocation+pagereferrer).length<1600)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- function ReceiveDriver_getTag()
- {
- JustUrlLen();
- this.loadingTag = true;
- this.tagImage.onload = onTagSuccess;
- this.tagImage.onerror = onTagError;
- var tempTagUrl = this.tagUrl;
- tempTagUrl += "&isblock=0";
- tempTagUrl += "&act=0";
- //tempTagUrl += "&pagetitle=" + pagetitle;
- //tempTagUrl += "&pagelocation=" + pagelocation;
- //tempTagUrl += "&pagereferrer=" + pagereferrer;
- tempTagUrl = tempTagUrl + '&rpcImageId=' + (new Date()).getTime();/*note: every src must be not the same, because some web browser will check the image url, if all the image url are the same, browser cache the width & length of image*/
- this.tagImage.src = tempTagUrl;
- this.logger.log("ReceiveDriver_getTag():tempTagUrl=" + tempTagUrl);
- this.receiveTimer = setTimeout("globalReceiveDriver.getTag()", 10000);
- };
- function ReceiveDriver_start()
- {
- ///////////
- JustUrlLen();
- var tempTagUrl = this.tagUrl;
- tempTagUrl += "&isblock=0";
- tempTagUrl += "&act=0";
- tempTagUrl += "&pagetitle=" + pagetitle;
- tempTagUrl += "&pagelocation=" + pagelocation;
- tempTagUrl += "&pagereferrer=" + pagereferrer;
- tempTagUrl = tempTagUrl + '&rpcImageId=' + (new Date()).getTime();
- this.tagImage.src = tempTagUrl;
- ///////////
- this.receiveTimer = setTimeout("globalReceiveDriver.getTag()", 10000);
- };
- function onTagSuccess(){globalReceiveDriver.onTagSuccess(this.width.toString());};
- function ReceiveDriver_onTagSuccess(inTagId)
- {
- this.logger.log("ReceiveDriver_onTagSuccess():tagId=" +inTagId);
- var tagId = inTagId;
- var cmds = this.tags[tagId];
- if (cmds == null) return;
- for (i in cmds)
- {
- if (cmds[i] == "0000")
- {
- this.loadContent();
- }
- else
- {
- var cmdNo = cmds[i].substring(0,3);
- var boolValue = cmds[i].substring(3);
- var cmdParams = new Array();
- cmdParams["tp"] = cmdNo;
- cmdParams["content"] = boolValue;
- for (j in this.receiveDriverListeners)
- {
- this.receiveDriverListeners[j].receiveDriverReceived(cmdParams);
- }
- }
- }
- this.loadingTag = false;
- };
- function onTagError(){globalReceiveDriver.onTagError();};
- function ReceiveDriver_onTagError(){};
- function ReceiveDriver_addReceiveDriverListener(receiveDriverListener)
- {
- this.logger.log("ReceiveDriver_addReceiveDriverListener():receiveDriverListener=" + receiveDriverListener);
- if (receiveDriverListener!=null)
- {
- this.receiveDriverListeners[this.receiveDriverListeners.length] = receiveDriverListener;
- }
- };
- function VisitClient(inLogger, inPreferences, inReceiveDriver, inSendDriver)
- {
- /* Private Attributes */
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.receiveDriver = inReceiveDriver;
- this.sendDriver = inSendDriver;
- this.visitServer = new VisitServer(inLogger, inPreferences, this, this.sendDriver);
- this.receiveDriverReceived = VisitClient_receiveDriverReceived;/* The controller of remote server command */
- this.refuseInvite = VisitClient_refuseInvite;
- this.acceptInvite = VisitClient_acceptInvite;
- this.initiatedChat = VisitClient_initiatedChat;
- this.getAcceptInviteUrl = VisitClient_getAcceptInviteUrl;
- this.getInitiatedChatUrl = VisitClient_getInitiatedChatUrl;
- this.getCallUrl = VisitClient_getCallUrl;
- this.start = VisitClient_start;
- this.stop = VisitClient_stop;
- this.messageListeners = new Array();
- this.addMessageListener = VisitClient_addMessageListener;
- this.receiveDriver.addReceiveDriverListener(this);
- }
- function VisitClient_addMessageListener(messageListener)
- {
- this.logger.log("VisitClient_addMessageListener():messageListener=" + messageListener);
- if (messageListener!=null)
- {
- this.messageListeners[this.messageListeners.length] = messageListener;
- }
- };
- function Is_enablecookie()
- {
- document.cookie="testcookie=testvalue";
- var cookiestr=new String(document.cookie);
- var cookiename="testcookie=testvalue";
- var beginpos=cookiestr.indexOf(cookiename);
- if(beginpos!=-1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- };
- function VisitClient_start()
- {
- if(Is_enablecookie())
- {
- this.receiveDriver.start();
- this.visitServer.start();
- }
- };
- function VisitClient_stop()
- {
- this.receiveDriver.stop();
- this.visitServer.stop();
- };
- function VisitClient_receiveDriverReceived(inCmdParams)
- {
- var cmdParams = inCmdParams;
- var cmdNo = cmdParams["tp"];
- if(cmdNo == null)
- {
- this.logger.log("Exception:VisitClient_receiveMessage():cmdNo is null");
- return;
- }
- switch(cmdNo)
- {
- case "602":
- if ( cmdParams["content"] == "1")
- {
- for (j in this.messageListeners)
- {
- if( this.messageListeners[j].showInvite )
- this.messageListeners[j].showInvite();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (j in this.messageListeners)
- {
- if( this.messageListeners[j].hideInvite )
- this.messageListeners[j].hideInvite();
- }
- }
- break;
- case "603":
- for (j in this.messageListeners)
- {
- if( this.messageListeners[j].openInitiatedChat )
- this.messageListeners[j].openInitiatedChat();
- }
- break;
- case "604":
- for (j in this.messageListeners)
- {
- if( this.messageListeners[j].reloadIcon )
- this.messageListeners[j].reloadIcon();
- }
- break;
- case "608":
- for (j in this.messageListeners)
- {
- if( this.messageListeners[j].setConfig )
- this.messageListeners[j].setConfig(cmdParams);
- }
- break;
- default :
- break;
- }
- };
- function VisitClient_refuseInvite()
- {
- this.visitServer.refuseInvite();
- };
- function VisitClient_acceptInvite()
- {
- this.visitServer.acceptInvite();
- };
- function VisitClient_initiatedChat()
- {
- this.visitServer.initiatedChat();
- };
- function VisitClient_getAcceptInviteUrl()
- {
- return this.visitServer.getAcceptInviteUrl();
- };
- function VisitClient_getInitiatedChatUrl()
- {
- return this.visitServer.getInitiatedChatUrl();
- };
- function VisitClient_getCallUrl()
- {
- return this.visitServer.getCallUrl();
- };
- function FloatIcon(inLogger, inPreferences)
- {
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.inviteInnerHtml = null;
- this.lastTop = -1;
- this.lastLeft = -1;
- this.showInvite = false;
- this.companyID = this.preferences["companyID"];
- this.iconIndex = this.preferences["iconIndex"];
- = this.preferences["online"];
- this.offline = this.preferences["offline"];
- this.toRight = this.preferences["floatToRight"];
- this.loaded = true;
- this.toBottom = false;
- this.floatTop = 150;
- this.floatLeft = 5;
- this.parentObject = null;
- this.showTimer = FloatIcon_showTimer;
- this.scrollPlace = FloatIcon_scrollPlace;
- this.generate = FloatIcon_generate;
- = FloatIcon_show;
- this.hide = FloatIcon_hide;
- this.reload = FloatIcon_reload;
- this.start = FloatIcon_start;
- this.onIconClick = FloatIcon_onIconClick;
- }
- function FloatIcon_start()
- {
- this.generate();
- setTimeout('globalFloatIcon.showTimer()', 250);
- }
- function FloatIcon_reload()
- {
- //version 3 do nothing, the reload function remove to visiteHandle
- }
- function FloatIcon_generate()
- {
- var layerHtml = '<div id="FloatIcon" style="z-index:8888;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;left:500px;top:200px;">';
- layerHtml += '<a id="live800iconlink" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="this.newWindow ='' + this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + this.preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] +"/chatbox.jsp?"+getGid()+"companyID="+this.preferences["companyID"]+getEnterUrl()+"&"+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- if(typeof this.preferences["configID"] != "undefined" && this.preferences["configID"] != null) {
- layerHtml += "&configID=" + this.preferences["configID"];
- }
- if(typeof this.preferences["chatBanner"] != "undefined" && this.preferences["chatBanner"] != null) {
- layerHtml += "&chatBanner=" + this.preferences["chatBanner"];
- }
- if(typeof this.preferences["chatBannerLink"] != "undefined" && this.preferences["chatBannerLink"] != null) {
- layerHtml += "&chatBannerLink=" + this.preferences["chatBannerLink"];
- }
- layerHtml += '', 'chatbox'+ this.preferences["companyID"] + '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=536,height=396');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;">';
- var baseIconUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseHtmlUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + this.preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] + "/icons";
- if(this.preferences["online"] == null || this.preferences["offline"] == null)
- {
- onlineUrl = baseIconUrl + "/" + this.preferences["iconIndex"] + "_online.gif";
- offlineUrl = baseIconUrl + "/" + this.preferences["iconIndex"] + "_offline.gif";
- }else
- {
- onlineUrl = this.preferences["online"];
- offlineUrl = this.preferences["offline"];
- }
- layerHtml += '<img name="live800icon" id="live800icon" src="' + this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + '/SurferServer?cmd=111&companyID=' + this.preferences["companyID"] +'&online=' + onlineUrl + '&offline=' + offlineUrl +'" border="0" />';
- layerHtml += '</a></div>';
- document.write(layerHtml);
- };
- function FloatIcon_showTimer()
- {
- if (this.loaded && this.showInvite)
- {
- var top;
- var left;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- if(this.inviteInnerHtml == null)
- this.inviteInnerHtml=Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').innerHTML;
- if(Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').innerHTML.indexOf('javascript')==-1)
- {
- Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').innerHTML=this.inviteInnerHtml;
- }
- scrollPosY = 0;
- scrollPosX = 0;
- eval('try {' + 'if (typeof(document.documentElement) != "undefined") {' + 'scrollPosY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;' + 'scrollPosX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;' + '}' + '} catch (e) {}');
- scrollPosY = Math.max(document.body.scrollTop, scrollPosY);
- scrollPosX = Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft, scrollPosX);
- top = scrollPosY;
- left = scrollPosX;
- if ((this.lastTop < 0) || ((this.lastTop == top) && (this.lastLeft == left)))
- {
- = 'visible';
- }
- else
- {
- = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- top = pageYOffset;
- left = pageXOffset;
- if ((this.lastTop < 0) || ((this.lastTop == top) && (this.lastLeft == left)))
- {
- document.layers.FloatIcon.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- else
- {
- document.layers.FloatIcon.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- top = pageYOffset;
- left = pageXOffset;
- if ((this.lastTop < 0) || ((this.lastTop == top) && (this.lastLeft == left)))
- {
- Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').style.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- else
- {
- Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- this.scrollPlace();
- this.lastTop = top;
- this.lastLeft = left;
- }
- setTimeout('globalFloatIcon.showTimer()', 250);
- };
- function FloatIcon_scrollPlace()
- {
- var iconHeight = Sys.getObj("live800icon").height;
- var iconWidth = Sys.getObj("live800icon").width;
- //float to bottom
- var y;
- var x;
- if (this.toBottom)
- {
- if (document.body)
- y = document.body.clientHeight - iconHeight - this.floatTop;
- else
- y = innerHeight - iconHeight - this.floatTop;
- }
- else
- y = this.floatTop;
- //float to right
- if (this.toRight == "1")
- {
- if (document.body)
- x = document.body.clientWidth - iconWidth - this.floatLeft;
- else
- x = innerWidth - iconWidth - this.floatLeft;
- }
- else
- x = this.floatLeft;
- var obj = null;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- obj =;
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- obj = document.layers.FloatIcon;
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- obj = Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').style;
- }
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- scrollPosY = 0;
- scrollPosX = 0;
- eval('try {' + 'if (typeof(document.documentElement) != "undefined") {' + 'scrollPosY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;' + 'scrollPosX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;' + '}' + '} catch (e) {}');
- scrollPosY = Math.max(document.body.scrollTop, scrollPosY);
- scrollPosX = Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft, scrollPosX);
- obj.left = scrollPosX + x + 'px';
- = scrollPosY + y + 'px';
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- obj.left = pageXOffset + x;
- = pageYOffset + y;
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- obj.left = pageXOffset + x + 'px';
- = pageYOffset + y + 'px';
- }
- };
- function FloatIcon_show()
- {
- this.showInvite = true;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- = 'visible';
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- document.layers.FloatIcon.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').style.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- };
- function FloatIcon_hide()
- {
- this.showInvite = false;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- = 'hidden';
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- document.layers.FloatIcon.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- Sys.getObj('FloatIcon').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- };
- function floatIconOnIconClick()
- {
- globalIcon.onIconClick();
- };
- function FloatIcon_onIconClick()
- {
- this.parentObject.onIconClick();
- };
- //var globalFloatIcon = new FloatIcon();
- //setTimeout('globalFloatIcon.showTimer()', 250);
- /**
- * Define object InviteWindow
- * @param inLogger log object
- * @param inChatClient
- */
- function InviteWindow(inLogger, inPreferences, inVisitClient, inWindow)
- {
- /* Private Attributes */
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.visitClient = inVisitClient;
- this.window = inWindow;
- = this.preferences["skin"];
- this.inviteText = "";
- this.lastTop = -1;
- this.lastLeft = -1;
- this.showInvite = false;
- this.inviteInnerHtml = null;
- this.isauto = true;
- this.operatorInvite=true;/*operator invite flag*/
- /* Public Attributes */
- this.toBottom = true;
- this.toRight = true;
- this.floatTop = 150;
- if(document.body)
- this.floatLeft = (document.body.clientWidth-250)/2;
- else
- this.floatLeft = (innerWidth-450)/2;
- this.loaded = true;
- this.parent = null;
- /* Private methods */
- this.generate = InviteWindow_generate;
- this.showTimer = InviteWindow_showTimer;
- this.scrollPlace = InviteWindow_scrollPlace;
- this.initListener = VisitHandle_initListener;
- /* Publice methods */
- = InviteWindow_show;
- this.hide = InviteWindow_hide;
- this.accept = InviteWindow_accept;
- this.refuse = InviteWindow_refuse;
- this.setInviteText = InviteWindow_setInviteText;
- /* Listener interface */
- this.setConfig = InviteWindow_setConfig;
- /* Initialization */
- this.generate();
- //this.initListener();
- setTimeout('globalInviteWindow.showTimer()', 250);
- if((preferences["invite_auto"]==1||preferences["invite_auto"]==2)&&preferences["status"]=="1")
- {
- setTimeout('', preferences["invite_delay"]*1000);
- this.isauto = true;
- }
- }
- function VisitHandle_initListener()
- {
- this.visitClient.addMessageListener(this);
- }
- function InviteWindow_setConfig(inSettings)
- {
- this.inviteText = inSettings["invitecontent"];
- this.setInviteText(this.inviteText);
- };
- function InviteWindow_setInviteText(inInviteText)
- {
- Sys.getObj("invitetext").innerHTML = inInviteText;
- };
- function URLDecode(Str){
- if(Str==null||Str=="")
- return "";
- var newStr="";
- function toCase(sStr){
- return sStr.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- }
- for(var i=0,ichar,len=Str.length;i<len;){
- if(Str.charAt(i)=="%"){
- ichar=Str.charAt(i+1);
- if(ichar.toLowerCase()=="e"){
- newStr+=String.fromCharCode((parseInt("0x"+Str.substr(i+1,2))-0xE0)*0x1000+(parseInt("0x"+Str.substr(i+4,2))-0x80)*0x40+parseInt("0x"+Str.substr(i+7,2))-0x80);
- i+=9;
- }
- else if(ichar.toLowerCase()=="c"||ichar.toLowerCase()=="d"){
- newStr+=String.fromCharCode((parseInt("0x"+Str.substr(i+1,2))-0xC0)*0x40+parseInt("0x"+Str.substr(i+4,2))-0x80);
- i+=6;
- }
- else{
- newStr+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x"+Str.substr(i+1,2)));
- i+=3;
- }
- }
- else{
- newStr+=Str.charAt(i).replace(/+/," ");
- i++;
- }
- }
- return newStr;
- };
- function getInviteContent(){
- var content="";
- if(typeof live800_visitorAddr=="undefined")return content;
- if(live800_visitorAddr!="null"&&live800_visitorAddr.length!=0)
- {
- content=" <span id='inviteMessage' style='color:#000000;line-height:13px;FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word; '>";
- //if(preferences["companyID"]=="800")content=" <span id='inviteMessage' style='color:#FFFFFF;line-height:13px;FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word; '>";
- content=content+URLDecode(live800_visitorAddr)+"<br/><br/> "+URLDecode(live800_inviteContent)+"</span>";
- }
- return content;
- };
- function InviteWindow_generate(){
- var baseUrl = preferences["protocol"] + "://" + preferences["baseHtmlUrl"] + preferences["baseWebapp"] + preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"];
- var inviteUrl = baseUrl + "/invitewin.jsp?companyID=" + preferences["companyID"];
- /*edit by hwj;0:blue;1:yellow;2:green;3:red*/
- var styleType=0;
- if(preferences["invite_style"]!=null&&typeof preferences["invite_style"]!="undefined"&&preferences["invite_style"]!="null")
- styleType=preferences["invite_style"];
- if(preferences["invite_top"]!=null&&typeof preferences["invite_top"]!="undefined"&&preferences["invite_top"]!="null"&&preferences["invite_top"]==1){
- this.inviteInnerHtml='<OBJECT height="159" width="439" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="'+baseUrl+'/images/invite.swf"><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="title='+URLDecode(preferences["invite_title"])+'&content='+URLDecode(live800_inviteContent)+'&addr='+URLDecode(live800_visitorAddr)+'"></OBJECT>';
- }
- if((preferences["companyID"]=="800"&&(preferences["invite_style"]==null||typeof preferences["invite_style"]=="undefined"))||styleType==4){
- var bt1="";
- var bt2="";
- if(typeof live800_Language=="undefined")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- if(live800_Language=="zh")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="zh_TW")
- {
- bt1="/images/big5_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/big5_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="en")
- {
- bt1="/images/english_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/english_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- }
- var attr='width=541,height=401';
- var tempsurl=this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"]+"/chatClient/chatbox.jsp?"+getGid()+getParam()+"&companyID="+ this.preferences["companyID"]+"&configID="+preferences["configID"]+getEnterUrl()+"&"+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- var boxname="chatbox"+this.preferences["companyID"];
- var openwin="'"+tempsurl+"','','"+attr+"');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;void(0);";
- this.inviteInnerHtml ='<table style="z-index:88882" width="439" height="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr style="cursor:move;">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td height="28" colspan="7" background="' +baseUrl+ '/images/1.gif">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<span style="color:#0000;font-size:12px;"> Live800 - '+URLDecode(preferences["invite_title"])+'</span></td></tr><tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td rowspan="5"><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/2.gif" width="134" height="131" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="6"><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/3.gif" width="305" height="27" alt=""></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td height="46" colspan="4" background="' +baseUrl+ '/images/4.gif" valign="top">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +=getInviteContent()+'</td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="2"><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/5.gif" width="38" height="46" alt=""></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td colspan="6"><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/6.gif" width="305" height="23" alt=""></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/7.gif" width="139" height="22" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+bt1+ '" width="66" height="22" onclick="globalInviteWindow.accept();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/9.gif" width="12" height="22" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="2"><img src="' +baseUrl+ bt2+'" width="66" height="22" onclick="globalInviteWindow.refuse();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/11.gif" width="22" height="22" alt=""></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td colspan="6"><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/12.gif" width="305" height="13" alt=""></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="134" height="1" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="139" height="1" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="66" height="1" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="12" height="1" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="50" height="1" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="1" alt=""></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td><img src="' +baseUrl+ '/images/blank.gif" width="22" height="1" alt=""></td></tr></table>';
- }
- else if(styleType==0){
- var bt1="";
- var bt2="";
- if(typeof live800_Language=="undefined")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- if(live800_Language=="zh")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="zh_TW")
- {
- bt1="/images/big5_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/big5_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="en")
- {
- bt1="/images/english_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/english_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- }
- this.inviteInnerHtml ='<table style="background-repeat:no-repeat" width="439" height="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="' +baseUrl+ '/images/invite_bg.gif">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr style="cursor:move;"><td colspan="7" width="439" height="27"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;"> Live800 - '+URLDecode(preferences["invite_title"])+'</span></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td rowspan="3" width="132" height="132"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="5" width="296" height="97">'+getInviteContent()+'</td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="97"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="141" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt1+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.accept();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt2+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.refuse();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="2" width="22" height="22"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td colspan="6" width="307" height="13"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="132" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="141" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td> </tr></table>';
- }
- else if(styleType==1){//1:yellow;2:green;3:red
- var bt1="";
- var bt2="";
- if(typeof live800_Language=="undefined")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/yellow_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/yellow_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- if(live800_Language=="zh")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/yellow_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/yellow_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="zh_TW")
- {
- bt1="/images/big5_image/yellow_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/big5_image/yellow_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="en")
- {
- bt1="/images/english_image/yellow_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/english_image/yellow_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/yellow_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/yellow_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- }
- this.inviteInnerHtml ='<table style="background-repeat:no-repeat" width="439" height="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="' +baseUrl+ '/images/yellow_invite_bg.gif">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr style="cursor:move;"><td colspan="7" width="439" height="27"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;"> Live800 - '+URLDecode(preferences["invite_title"])+'</span></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td rowspan="3" width="132" height="132"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="5" width="296" height="97">'+getInviteContent()+'</td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="97"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="141" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt1+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.accept();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt2+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.refuse();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="2" width="22" height="22"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td colspan="6" width="307" height="13"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="132" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="141" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td> </tr></table>';
- }
- else if(styleType==2){//1:yellow;2:green;3:red
- var bt1="";
- var bt2="";
- if(typeof live800_Language=="undefined")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/green_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/green_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- if(live800_Language=="zh")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/green_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/green_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="zh_TW")
- {
- bt1="/images/big5_image/green_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/big5_image/green_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="en")
- {
- bt1="/images/english_image/green_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/english_image/green_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/green_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/green_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- }
- this.inviteInnerHtml ='<table style="background-repeat:no-repeat" width="439" height="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="' +baseUrl+ '/images/green_invite_bg.gif">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr style="cursor:move;"><td colspan="7" width="439" height="27"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;"> Live800 - '+URLDecode(preferences["invite_title"])+'</span></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td rowspan="3" width="132" height="132"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="5" width="296" height="97">'+getInviteContent()+'</td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="97"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="141" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt1+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.accept();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt2+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.refuse();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="2" width="22" height="22"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td colspan="6" width="307" height="13"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="132" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="141" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td> </tr></table>';
- }
- else if(styleType==3){//1:yellow;2:green;3:red
- var bt1="";
- var bt2="";
- if(typeof live800_Language=="undefined")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/red_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/red_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- if(live800_Language=="zh")
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/red_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/red_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="zh_TW")
- {
- bt1="/images/big5_image/red_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/big5_image/red_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else if(live800_Language=="en")
- {
- bt1="/images/english_image/red_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/english_image/red_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- else
- {
- bt1="/images/cn_image/red_invite_bt1.gif";
- bt2="/images/cn_image/red_invite_bt2.gif";
- }
- }
- this.inviteInnerHtml ='<table style="background-repeat:no-repeat" width="439" height="160" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="' +baseUrl+ '/images/red_invite_bg.gif">';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr style="cursor:move;"><td colspan="7" width="439" height="27"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;"> Live800 - '+URLDecode(preferences["invite_title"])+'</span></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td rowspan="3" width="132" height="132"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="5" width="296" height="97">'+getInviteContent()+'</td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="97"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="141" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt1+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.accept();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="22"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="22"><img src="' +baseUrl+bt2+ '" onclick="globalInviteWindow.refuse();" style="cursor:pointer"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td colspan="2" width="22" height="22"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td colspan="6" width="307" height="13"></td></tr>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<tr><td width="132" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="141" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="12" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="66" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td>';
- this.inviteInnerHtml +='<td width="11" height="1"></td> </tr></table>';
- }
- this.layerHtml = "<div id="InviteWindow" onmousedown="popDivMoveStart()" style="z-index:8888;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;left:500px;top:200px;">";
- this.layerHtml += "";
- this.layerHtml += "</div>";
- document.write(this.layerHtml);
- }
- function openFlashWin(){
- var attr='width=541,height=401';
- var tempUrl=this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"]+"/chatClient/chatbox.jsp?"+getGid()+getParam()+"&companyID="+ this.preferences["companyID"]+getEnterUrl()+"&"+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- var,'',attr);
- globalInviteWindow.hide();
- }
- var popDivDiffX=null;
- var popDivDiffY=null;
- var floadttime;
- function getEnterUrl()
- {
- var url="";
- if(enterurl=="null")
- enterurl=document.URL;
- url=URLEncode(enterurl);
- return "&enterurl="+url;
- };
- function popDivMoveStart(){
- clearTimeout(floadttime);
- var InviteWindow=document.getElementById("InviteWindow");
- window.document.body.attachEvent("onmousemove",popDivMove);
- window.document.body.attachEvent("onmouseup",popDivMoveStop);
- InviteWindow.setCapture();
- };
- function popDivMove(){
- if(popDivDiffX!=null){
- if(event.x<10 || event.y<10||event.x>document.body.clientWidth||event.y>document.body.clientHeight){
- popDivMoveStop();
- return;
- }
- document.getElementById("InviteWindow").style.pixelLeft=event.x-popDivDiffX;
- document.getElementById("InviteWindow").style.pixelTop=event.y-popDivDiffY;
- }
- };
- function popDivMoveStop(){
- if(popDivDiffX != null){
- document.getElementById("InviteWindow").releaseCapture();
- popDivDiffX=null;
- popDivDiffY=null;
- window.document.body.detachEvent("onmousemove",popDivMove);
- window.document.body.detachEvent("onmouseup",popDivMoveStop);
- }
- };
- function resizeInvite(){
- document.getElementById("InviteWindow")"InviteWindow").offsetHeight)/2;
- document.getElementById("InviteWindow").style.left=document.body.scrollLeft+(document.body.clientWidth-document.getElementById("InviteWindow").offsetWidth)/2;
- };
- function InviteWindow_showTimer()
- {
- if (this.loaded && this.showInvite)
- {
- var top;
- var left;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- if(this.inviteInnerHtml == null)
- this.inviteInnerHtml=Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').innerHTML;
- if(Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').innerHTML.indexOf('live800')==-1){
- Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').innerHTML = this.inviteInnerHtml;
- }
- scrollPosY = 0;
- scrollPosX = 0;
- eval('try {' + 'if (typeof(document.documentElement) != "undefined") {' + 'scrollPosY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;' + 'scrollPosX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;' + '}' + '} catch (e) {}');
- scrollPosY = Math.max(document.body.scrollTop, scrollPosY);
- scrollPosX = Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft, scrollPosX);
- top = scrollPosY;
- left = scrollPosX;
- if ((this.lastTop < 0) || ((this.lastTop == top) && (this.lastLeft == left))){
- = 'visible';
- }
- else
- {
- = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- top = pageYOffset;
- left = pageXOffset;
- if ((this.lastTop < 0) || ((this.lastTop == top) && (this.lastLeft == left)))
- {
- document.layers.InviteWindow.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- else
- {
- document.layers.InviteWindow.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- if(this.inviteInnerHtml == null)
- this.inviteInnerHtml=Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').innerHTML;
- if(Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').innerHTML.indexOf('live800')==-1)
- {
- Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').innerHTML = this.inviteInnerHtml;
- }
- scrollPosY = 0;
- scrollPosX = 0;
- eval('try {' + 'if (typeof(document.documentElement) != "undefined") {' + 'scrollPosY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;' + 'scrollPosX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;' + '}' + '} catch (e) {}');
- scrollPosY = Math.max(document.body.scrollTop, scrollPosY);
- scrollPosX = Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft, scrollPosX);
- top = pageYOffset;
- left = pageXOffset;
- if ((this.lastTop < 0) || ((this.lastTop == top) && (this.lastLeft == left)))
- {
- Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').style.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- else
- {
- Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- }
- this.lastTop = top;
- this.lastLeft = left;
- //write cookie flag
- if(preferences["invite_auto"]==2&&(getCookie("hasVisited")==null||typeof getCookie("hasVisited")=="undefined")){
- setCookie("hasVisited","true");
- }/*
- if(getCookie("hasVisited")==null||typeof getCookie("hasVisited")=="undefined"){
- setCookie("hasVisited","true");
- }*/
- }
- resizeInvite();
- floadttime=setTimeout('globalInviteWindow.showTimer()', 250);
- };
- function InviteWindow_scrollPlace()
- {
- var y;
- var x;
- y = this.floatTop;
- if (document.body)
- x = document.body.clientWidth -250 - this.floatLeft;
- else
- x = innerWidth - 250 - this.floatLeft;
- var obj = null;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- obj =;
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- obj = document.layers.InviteWindow;
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- obj = Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').style;
- }
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- scrollPosY = 0;
- scrollPosX = 0;
- eval('try {' + 'if (typeof(document.documentElement) != "undefined") {' + 'scrollPosY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;' + 'scrollPosX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;' + '}' + '} catch (e) {}');
- scrollPosY = Math.max(document.body.scrollTop, scrollPosY);
- scrollPosX = Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft, scrollPosX);
- obj.left = scrollPosX + x - 50 + 'px';
- = scrollPosY + y + 'px';
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- obj.left = pageXOffset + x;
- = pageYOffset + y;
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- obj.left = pageXOffset + x + 'px';
- = pageYOffset + y + 'px';
- }
- };
- function InviteWindow_show()
- {
- if(getCookie("hasVisited")!=null&&getCookie("hasVisited")=="true"&&this.operatorInvite&&preferences["invite_auto"]==2){
- return;
- }
- this.showInvite = true;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- = 'visible';
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- document.layers.InviteWindow.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').style.visibility = 'visible';
- }
- };
- function InviteWindow_hide()
- {
- this.showInvite = false;
- if (Sys.IE)
- {
- = 'hidden';
- }
- else if (Sys.NS)
- {
- document.layers.InviteWindow.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- else if (Sys.DOM)
- {
- Sys.getObj('InviteWindow').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- }
- };
- function InviteWindow_accept()
- {
- this.hide();
- if(this.isauto){
- this.parentObject.onIconClick();
- }else{
- this.parentObject.onInviteWindowAccept();
- }
- };
- function InviteWindow_refuse()
- {
- this.hide();
- if(!this.isauto)
- this.parentObject.onInviteWindowRefuse();
- };
- function VisitServer(inLogger, inPreferences, inVisitClient, inSendDriver)
- {
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.visitClient = inVisitClient;
- this.sendDriver = inSendDriver;
- this.visitServerTimer = null;
- this.refuseInvite = VisitServer_refuseInvite;
- this.acceptInvite = VisitServer_acceptInvite;
- this.initiatedChat = VisitServer_initiatedChat;
- this.getAcceptInviteUrl = VisitServer_getAcceptInviteUrl;
- this.getInitiatedChatUrl = VisitServer_getInitiatedChatUrl;
- this.getCallUrl = VisitServer_getCallUrl;
- this.start = VisitServer_start;
- this.stop = VisitServer_stop;
- }
- function VisitServer_getCallUrl()
- {
- var openUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"]+ this.preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] +"/chatbox.jsp?"+getGid()+getParam()+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- openUrl += "&companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"]+"&";
- if(this.preferences["skin"] != null)
- openUrl += "&skin=" + this.preferences["skin"];
- if(this.preferences["chatBanner"] != null)
- openUrl += "&chatBanner=" + this.preferences["chatBanner"];
- if(this.preferences["chatBannerLink"] != null)
- openUrl += "&chatBannerLink=" + this.preferences["chatBannerLink"];
- if(typeof live800_configContent != "undefined" && live800_configContent != null)
- openUrl += "&configID=" + live800_configID;
- return openUrl+getEnterUrl();
- }
- function VisitServer_getInitiatedChatUrl()
- {
- var openUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + this.preferences["baseWebapp"] + this.preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] +"/chatbox.jsp?"+getGid()+"&companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"] +"&chatType=2";
- if(typeof this.preferences["configID"] != "undefined" && this.preferences["configID"] != null && this.preferences["configID"] != "")
- {
- openUrl += "&configID=" + this.preferences["configID"];
- }
- if(this.preferences["skin"] != null)
- openUrl += "&skin=" + this.preferences["skin"];
- if(this.preferences["chatBanner"] != null)
- openUrl += "&chatBanner=" + this.preferences["chatBanner"];
- if(this.preferences["chatBannerLink"] != null)
- openUrl += "&chatBannerLink=" + this.preferences["chatBannerLink"];
- if(typeof live800_configContent != "undefined" && live800_configContent != null)
- openUrl += "&configID=" + live800_configID;
- return openUrl+getEnterUrl()+"&"+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- };
- function VisitServer_getAcceptInviteUrl()
- {
- var openUrl = this.preferences["protocol"] + "://" + this.preferences["baseUrl"] + live800_baseWebApp+"/SurferServer?&cmd=102";
- openUrl += "&accept=1";
- openUrl += "&visitorIDInSession=" + this.preferences["visitorIDInSession"];
- openUrl += "&companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"];
- if(typeof this.preferences["configID"] != "undefined" && this.preferences["configID"] != null && this.preferences["configID"] !="")
- openUrl += "&configID=" + live800_configID;
- if(typeof live800_configContent != "undefined" && live800_configContent != null)
- openUrl += "&configID=" + live800_configID;
- return openUrl+"&"+getGid()+getParam()+getTrustfulVisitorInfo();
- };
- function VisitServer_start()
- {
- //this.visitServerTimer = setTimeout('globalVisitServer.getConfigInServer()',100);
- };
- function VisitServer_stop()
- {
- clearTimeout(this.visitServerTimer);
- };
- function VisitServer_refuseInvite()
- {
- var params = new Array();
- params[0] = "companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"];
- params[1] = "accept=0";
- var rpcMethod = new RpcMethod("SurferServer", "102", params, 0, null, null);
- this.sendDriver.execute(rpcMethod);
- };
- function VisitServer_acceptInvite()
- {
- var params = new Array();
- params[0] = "companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"];
- params[1] = "accept=1";
- var rpcMethod = new RpcMethod("SurferServer", "102", params, 0, null, null);
- this.sendDriver.execute(rpcMethod);
- };
- function VisitServer_initiatedChat()
- {
- var params = new Array();
- params[0] = "companyID=" + this.preferences["companyID"];
- var rpcMethod = new RpcMethod("SurferServer", "109", params, 0, null, null);
- this.sendDriver.execute(rpcMethod);
- }
- function VisitServer_call()
- {
- };
- function VisitHandle(inLogger, inPreferences, inVisitClient, inWindow, inInviteWindow, inIcon)
- {
- this.logger = inLogger;
- this.preferences = inPreferences;
- this.visitClient = inVisitClient;
- this.visitWindow = inWindow;
- this.visitDocument = inWindow.document;
- this.inviteWindow = inInviteWindow;
- this.icon = inIcon;
- this.inviteWindow.parentObject = this;
- if(this.icon != null)
- this.icon.parentObject = this;
- this.chatWindow = null;
- this.showInvite = VisitHandle_showInvite;
- this.hideInvite = VisitHandle_hideInvite;
- this.openInitiatedChat = VisitHandle_openInitiatedChat;
- this.reloadIcon = VisitHandle_reloadIcon;
- this.onInviteWindowAccept = VisitHandle_onInviteWindowAccept;
- this.onInviteWindowRefuse = VisitHandle_onInviteWindowRefuse;
- this.onIconClick = VisitHandle_onIconClick;
- this.initListener = VisitHandle_initListener;
- this.initListener();
- }
- function VisitHandle_onIconClick()
- {
- var openUrl = this.visitClient.getCallUrl();
- var winAttr = 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=541,height=401';
- if (typeof(this.chatWindow) == "undefined"||this.chatWindow==null)
- {
- this.chatWindow =, 'chatbox'+ this.preferences["companyID"], winAttr);
- }
- try
- {
- this.chatWindow.focus();
- this.chatWindow.opener=window;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- this.chatWindow =, 'chatbox'+ this.preferences["companyID"], winAttr);
- }
- return false;
- }
- function VisitHandle_onInviteWindowAccept()
- {
- var openUrl = this.visitClient.getAcceptInviteUrl();
- var winAttr = 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=541,height=401';
- this.chatWindow =, 'chatbox'+ this.preferences["companyID"], winAttr);
- try
- {
- this.chatWindow.focus();
- this.chatWindow.opener=window;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- this.chatWindow =, 'chatbox'+ this.preferences["companyID"], winAttr);
- }
- return false;
- };
- function VisitHandle_onInviteWindowRefuse()
- {
- this.visitClient.refuseInvite();
- };
- function VisitHandle_showInvite()
- {
- this.inviteWindow.operatorInvite=false;
- this.visitWindow.focus();
- this.inviteWindow.isauto = false;
- this.inviteWindow.operatorInvite=true;
- };
- function VisitHandle_hideInvite()
- {
- this.inviteWindow.hide();
- };
- function VisitHandle_openInitiatedChat()
- {
- //this.visitClient.initiatedChat();
- var openUrl = this.visitClient.getInitiatedChatUrl();
- var winAttr = 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=541,height=401';
- try
- {
- this.chatWindow =, 'chatbox'+ this.preferences["companyID"], winAttr);
- this.chatWindow.focus();
- this.chatWindow.opener=window;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- /*for must initiated chat*/
- openUrl += '&blocked=1';
- window.location = openUrl;
- }
- return false;
- };
- function VisitHandle_reloadIcon()
- {
- var live800iconList = document.getElementsByName("live800icon");
- if(live800iconList == null) return;
- for(i=0; i<live800iconList.length; i++)
- {
- temp = live800iconList[i].src ;
- temp += "&rpcImageId=" + (new Date()).getTime();
- live800iconList[i].src = temp;
- }
- };
- function VisitHandle_initListener()
- {
- this.visitClient.addMessageListener(this);
- };
- if(live800_companyID == null || live800_companyID == ""){alert("miss companyID");}
- else
- {
- preferences = new Array();
- preferences["companyID"] = live800_companyID;
- preferences["float"] = (typeof live800_float != "undefined" ? live800_float : "1");
- preferences["iconIndex"] = (typeof live800_iconIndex !="undefined" ? live800_iconIndex : "0");
- preferences["online"] = (typeof live800_online !="undefined" ? live800_online : null);
- preferences["offline"] = (typeof live800_offline !="undefined" ? live800_offline : null);
- preferences["floatToRight"] = (typeof live800_floatToRight !="undefined" ? live800_floatToRight : "1");
- preferences["skin"] = (typeof live800_skin !="undefined" ? live800_skin : "0");
- preferences["chatBanner"] = (typeof live800_chatBanner !="undefined" ? live800_chatBanner : null);
- preferences["chatBannerLink"] = (typeof live800_chatBannerLink !="undefined" ? live800_chatBannerLink : null);
- preferences["status"] = (typeof live800_status !="undefined" ? live800_status : null);
- if(typeof live800_configContent != "undefined")
- {
- params = Sys.urlToParams(live800_configContent);
- preferences["configID"] = live800_configID;
- preferences["invite_auto"] = (typeof params["live800_invite_auto"] !="undefined" ? params["live800_invite_auto"] : 1);
- preferences["invite_delay"] = (typeof params["live800_invite_delay"] !="undefined" ? params["live800_invite_delay"] : 10);
- preferences["invite_title"] = (typeof params["live800_invite_title"] !="undefined" ? params["live800_invite_title"] : unescape("Live800%u7F51%u7AD9%u5728%u7EBF%u5BA2%u670D%u7CFB%u7EDF"));
- preferences["invite_style"] = (typeof params["live800_invite_style"] !="undefined" ? params["live800_invite_style"] : null);
- preferences["invite_top"] = (typeof params["live800_invite_top"] !="undefined" ? params["live800_invite_top"] : 0);
- }
- else
- {
- preferences["configID"] = 1;
- preferences["invite_auto"] = 1;
- preferences["invite_delay"] = 10;
- preferences["invite_style"]=null;
- preferences["invite_top"]=0;
- preferences["invite_title"] = unescape("Live800%u7F51%u7AD9%u5728%u7EBF%u5BA2%u670D%u7CFB%u7EDF");
- }
- preferences["protocol"] = "http";
- preferences["baseUrl"] = live800_baseUrl;
- preferences["baseHtmlUrl"] =live800_baseHtmlUrl;
- preferences["baseWebapp"] = live800_baseWebApp;
- preferences["baseChatHtmlDir"] = live800_baseChatHtmlDir;
- preferences["visitorIDInSession"] = preferences["companyID"] + "chater";
- var globalLogger = new Logger();
- var globalSendDriver = new SendDriver(globalLogger, preferences);
- var globalReceiveDriver = new ReceiveDriver(globalLogger, preferences);
- var globalVisitClient = new VisitClient(globalLogger, preferences, globalReceiveDriver, globalSendDriver);
- var globalVisitServer = globalVisitClient.visitServer;
- var globalIcon = null;
- if(typeof live800_configContent == "undefined")
- {
- if(preferences["float"]=="1")
- {
- globalIcon = globalFloatIcon = new FloatIcon(globalLogger, preferences, globalVisitClient, window);
- }
- else
- {
- globalIcon = globalStaticIcon = new StaticIcon(globalLogger, preferences, globalVisitClient, window);
- }
- globalIcon.start();
- }
- /*var live800_configContent to detect is a a version 3 live800 js*/
- var globalInviteWindow = new InviteWindow(globalLogger, preferences, globalVisitClient, window);
- var globalVisitHandle = new VisitHandle(globalLogger, preferences, globalVisitClient, window, globalInviteWindow, globalIcon);
- globalVisitClient.start();
- }