- /* idct.c, inverse fast discrete cosine transform */
- /*************************************************************/
- /* inverse two dimensional DCT, Chen-Wang algorithm */
- /* (cf. IEEE ASSP-32, pp. 803-816, Aug. 1984) */
- /* */
- /* floating point conversion by Miha Peternel */
- /* x87 hand-optimized assembly by Miha Peternel */
- /* 27.11. - 11.12.2000 */
- /* */
- /* You are free to use this code in your project if: */
- /* - no changes are made to this message */
- /* - any changes to this code are publicly available */
- /* - your project documentation contains the following text: */
- /* "This software contains fast high-quality IDCT decoder */
- /* by Miha Peternel." */
- /* */
- /*************************************************************/
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // TODO:
- // - loops can be easily vectorized for SIMD
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <math.h>
- # define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
- #define FLOAT double
- const static double RC = 1.0*1024*1024*1024*1024*256*16 + 1024; // magic + clip center
- static FLOAT W1; // /* sqrt(2)*cos(1*pi/16) */
- static FLOAT W2; // /* sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi/16) */
- static FLOAT W5; // /* sqrt(2)*cos(5*pi/16) */
- static FLOAT W1_8;
- static FLOAT W2_8;
- static FLOAT W5_8;
- static FLOAT W7; // /* sqrt(2)*cos(7*pi/16) */
- static FLOAT W1mW7; // W1-W7
- static FLOAT W1pW7; // W1+W7
- static FLOAT W3; // /* sqrt(2)*cos(3*pi/16) */
- static FLOAT W3mW5; // W3-W5
- static FLOAT W3pW5; // W3+W5
- static FLOAT W6; // /* sqrt(2)*cos(6*pi/16) */
- static FLOAT W2mW6; // W2-W6
- static FLOAT W2pW6; // W2+W6
- static FLOAT S2; // 1/sqrt(2)
- static FLOAT D8 = 1.0/8;
- static FLOAT W7_8;
- static FLOAT W1mW7_8;
- static FLOAT W1pW7_8;
- static FLOAT W3_8;
- static FLOAT W3mW5_8;
- static FLOAT W3pW5_8;
- static FLOAT W6_8;
- static FLOAT W2mW6_8;
- static FLOAT W2pW6_8;
- /* private data */
- static short iclip[1024+1024]; /* clipping table */
- static short *iclp;
- void Initialize_FPU_IDCT()
- {
- int i;
- S2 = sqrt(0.5); // 1.0/sqrt(2);
- W1 = sqrt(2)*cos(PI*(1.0/16));
- W1_8 = W1/8;
- W2 = sqrt(2)*cos(PI*(2.0/16));
- W2_8 = W2/8;
- W3 = sqrt(2)*cos(PI*(3.0/16));
- W3_8 = W3/8;
- W5 = sqrt(2)*cos(PI*(5.0/16));
- W5_8 = W5/8;
- W6 = sqrt(2)*cos(PI*(6.0/16));
- W6_8 = W6/8;
- W7 = sqrt(2)*cos(PI*(7.0/16));
- W7_8 = W7/8;
- W1mW7 = W1-W7; W1mW7_8 = W1mW7/8;
- W1pW7 = W1+W7; W1pW7_8 = W1pW7/8;
- W3mW5 = W3-W5; W3mW5_8 = W3mW5/8;
- W3pW5 = W3+W5; W3pW5_8 = W3pW5/8;
- W2mW6 = W2-W6; W2mW6_8 = W2mW6/8;
- W2pW6 = W2+W6; W2pW6_8 = W2pW6/8;
- iclp = iclip+1024;
- for (i= -1024; i<1024; i++)
- iclp[i] = (i<-256) ? -256 : ((i>255) ? 255 : i);
- }
- /*
- int all = 0;
- int turn = 0;
- int diff = 0;
- int empty = 0;
- int allused = 0;
- int used[65] = {0};
- int trows[9] = {0};
- int tcols[9] = {0};
- */
- void FPU_IDCT(short *block)
- {
- /*
- int row[8] = {0};
- int col[8] = {0};
- int dirty = 0;
- int x,y,nrows,ncols;
- */
- int *b = (int *) block;
- if( b[0]==0 && (b[31]==0x10000 || b[31]==0) )
- {
- if( b[ 1]|b[ 2]|b[ 3]|b[ 4]|b[ 5] )
- goto normal;
- if( b[ 6]|b[ 7]|b[ 8]|b[ 9]|b[10] )
- goto normal;
- if( b[11]|b[12]|b[13]|b[14]|b[15] )
- goto normal;
- if( b[16]|b[17]|b[18]|b[19]|b[20] )
- goto normal;
- if( b[21]|b[22]|b[23]|b[24]|b[25] )
- goto normal;
- if( b[26]|b[27]|b[28]|b[29]|b[30] )
- goto normal;
- b[31]=0;
- ////empty++;
- return;
- }
- normal:
- /*
- for( y = 0; y < 8; y++ )
- for( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
- if( block[y*8+x] )
- {
- row[y] = 1;
- col[x] = 1;
- dirty++;
- }
- allused += dirty;
- used[dirty]++;
- nrows = row[0]+row[1]+row[2]+row[3]+row[4]+row[5]+row[6]+row[7];
- trows[nrows]++;
- ncols = col[0]+col[1]+col[2]+col[3]+col[4]+col[5]+col[6]+col[7];
- tcols[ncols]++;
- if( ncols < nrows )
- turn += nrows-ncols;
- if( block[63] != 1 )
- {
- diff++;
- }
- all++;
- if( (all % 10000) == 0 )
- {
- all *= 1;
- }
- if( (all % 100000) == 0 )
- {
- all *= 1;
- }
- //*/
- // FLOAT tmp[8*8];
- // FLOAT tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
- // int int0, int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7;
- #define tmp ebx
- #define tmp1 ebx-1*8
- #define tmp2 ebx-2*8
- #define tmp3 ebx-3*8
- #define int0 ebx-3*8-1*4
- #define int1 ebx-3*8-2*4
- #define int2 ebx-3*8-3*4
- #define int3 ebx-3*8-4*4
- #define int4 ebx-3*8-5*4
- #define int5 ebx-3*8-6*4
- #define int6 ebx-3*8-7*4
- #define int7 ebx-3*8-8*4
- #define SIZE 8*8*8+3*8+8*4+16 // locals + 16-byte alignment area
- __asm
- {
- lea ebx,[esp-8*8*8]
- sub esp,SIZE
- and ebx,-16 // force 16-byte alignment of locals
- // rows
- mov esi,[block]
- lea edi,[tmp]
- mov ecx,8
- align 16
- Lrows:
- movsx eax,word ptr [esi+2]
- or eax, [esi+4]
- or eax, [esi+8]
- or eax, [esi+12]
- jnz L1
- fild word ptr [esi+0*2]
- fst qword ptr [edi+7*8]
- fst qword ptr [edi+6*8]
- fst qword ptr [edi+5*8]
- fst qword ptr [edi+4*8]
- fst qword ptr [edi+3*8]
- fst qword ptr [edi+2*8]
- fst qword ptr [edi+1*8]
- fstp qword ptr [edi+0*8]
- jmp L2
- align 16
- L1:
- fild word ptr [esi+7*2]
- fld st(0)
- fild word ptr [esi+1*2]
- fadd st(1),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [W7]
- fxch st(1)
- fmul qword ptr [W1mW7]
- fxch st(1)
- fmulp st(2),st(0)
- fadd st(0),st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp1]
- fild word ptr [esi+3*2]
- fld st(0)
- fxch st(3)
- fmul qword ptr [W1pW7]
- fild word ptr [esi+5*2]
- fadd st(4),st(0)
- fmul qword ptr [W3mW5]
- fxch st(1)
- fsubp st(3),st(0)//fsubrp
- fld qword ptr [W3]
- fmulp st(4),st(0)
- fsubr st(0),st(3)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp2]
- fmul qword ptr [W3pW5]
- fsubp st(2),st(0)//fsubrp
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp3]
- fild word ptr [esi+0*2]
- fild word ptr [esi+4*2]
- fild word ptr [esi+2*2]
- fld st(0)
- fmul qword ptr [W2mW6]
- fld st(3)
- fild word ptr [esi+6*2]
- fxch st(5)
- fsub st(0),st(4)
- fxch st(3)
- fadd st(0),st(5)
- fxch st(1)
- faddp st(4),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [W6]
- fmulp st(1),st(0)
- fxch st(4)
- fmul qword ptr [W2pW6]
- fld qword ptr [tmp1]
- fsub qword ptr [tmp2]
- fld st(5)
- fxch st(3)
- faddp st(6),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [tmp1]
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp1]
- fld st(6)
- fadd qword ptr [tmp3]
- fxch st(1)
- fadd qword ptr [tmp2]
- fxch st(7)
- fsub qword ptr [tmp3]
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp2]
- fld st(4)
- fxch st(3)
- fsubrp st(2),st(0)//fsubp
- fxch st(4)
- fsub st(0),st(5)
- fxch st(2)
- faddp st(5),st(0)
- fld st(2)
- fsub st(0),st(1)
- fxch st(5)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp3]
- fld qword ptr [tmp1]
- fld qword ptr [S2]
- fxch st(4)
- faddp st(2),st(0)
- fld st(3)
- fxch st(1)
- fadd st(0),st(5)
- fmulp st(1),st(0)
- //
- /*
- fld st(1)
- fxch st(5)
- fsubr qword ptr [tmp1]
- fxch st(5)
- fadd st(0),st(1)
- fxch st(4)
- fmulp st(5),st(0)
- fxch st(3)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+1*8]
- fld st(4)
- fxch st(1)
- fsubrp st(3),st(0)//fsubp
- fxch st(4)
- fsub st(0),st(3)
- fxch st(4)
- faddp st(3),st(0)
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+6*8]
- fxch st(2)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+5*8]
- fstp qword ptr [edi+2*8]
- fld qword ptr [tmp3]
- fadd st(0),st(2)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+0*8]
- fxch st(1)
- fsubr qword ptr [tmp3]
- fld st(1)
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+7*8]
- fadd qword ptr [tmp2]
- fstp qword ptr [edi+3*8]
- fsub qword ptr [tmp2]
- fstp qword ptr [edi+4*8]
- */
- //
- fld qword ptr [tmp3]
- fadd st(0),st(7)
- fxch st(5)
- fsubr qword ptr [tmp1]
- fxch st(5)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+0*8]
- fxch st(6)
- fsubr qword ptr [tmp3]
- fld st(2)
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+7*8]
- fadd qword ptr [tmp2]
- fxch st(3)
- fmulp st(4),st(0)
- fxch st(2)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+3*8]
- fld st(1)
- fadd st(0),st(5)
- fxch st(1)
- fsub qword ptr [tmp2]
- fxch st(2)
- fsubrp st(5),st(0)//fsubp
- fstp qword ptr [edi+1*8]
- fld st(2)
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+4*8]
- fxch st(2)
- fsub st(0),st(1)
- fxch st(2)
- faddp st(1),st(0)
- fxch st(2)
- fstp qword ptr [edi+6*8]
- fstp qword ptr [edi+5*8]
- fstp qword ptr [edi+2*8]
- L2:
- add esi,8*2
- add edi,8*8
- dec ecx
- jnz Lrows
- // columns
- lea esi,[tmp]
- mov edi,[block]
- lea edx,[iclip+1024*2]
- mov ecx,8
- align 16
- Lcols:
- /*
- mov eax,[esi+1*8*8]
- or eax,[esi+2*8*8]
- or eax,[esi+3*8*8]
- or eax,[esi+4*8*8]
- or eax,[esi+5*8*8]
- or eax,[esi+6*8*8]
- or eax,[esi+7*8*8]
- jnz L3
- fld qword ptr [esi+0*8*8]
- fmul qword ptr [D8]
- fistp dword ptr [int0]
- mov eax,[int0]
- mov ax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+0*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+1*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+2*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+3*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+4*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+5*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+6*8*2],ax
- mov [edi+7*8*2],ax
- jmp L4
- align 16
- L3:
- //*/
- fld qword ptr [esi+7*8*8]
- fld st(0)
- fld qword ptr [esi+1*8*8]
- fadd st(1),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [W7_8]
- fxch st(1)
- fmul qword ptr [W1mW7_8]
- fxch st(1)
- fmulp st(2),st(0)
- fadd st(0),st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp2]
- fld qword ptr [esi+3*8*8]
- fld st(0)
- fxch st(3)
- fmul qword ptr [W1pW7_8]
- fld qword ptr [esi+5*8*8]
- fadd st(4),st(0)
- fmul qword ptr [W3mW5_8]
- fxch st(1)
- fsubp st(3),st(0)//fsubrp
- fld qword ptr [W3_8]
- fmulp st(4),st(0)
- fsubr st(0),st(3)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp3]
- fld qword ptr [D8]
- fld qword ptr [esi+0*8*8]
- fmul st(0),st(1)
- fxch st(2)
- fmul qword ptr [W3pW5_8]
- fld qword ptr [esi+4*8*8]
- fmulp st(2),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [esi+6*8*8]
- fld st(3)
- fxch st(6)
- fsubrp st(2),st(0)//fsubp
- fld qword ptr [esi+2*8*8]
- fld st(0)
- fxch st(5)
- fsub st(0),st(4)
- fxch st(7)
- faddp st(4),st(0)
- fxch st(4)
- fadd st(0),st(1)
- fld qword ptr [W6_8]
- fxch st(2)
- fmul qword ptr [W2pW6_8]
- fxch st(2)
- fmulp st(1),st(0)
- fxch st(4)
- fmul qword ptr [W2mW6_8]
- fld qword ptr [tmp2]
- fsub qword ptr [tmp3]
- fxch st(2)
- fsubr st(0),st(5)
- fxch st(1)
- faddp st(5),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [tmp2]
- fxch st(2)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp2]
- fld st(5)
- fxch st(2)
- fadd qword ptr [tmp3]
- fxch st(6)
- fsub st(0),st(3)
- fxch st(2)
- faddp st(3),st(0)
- fld st(3)
- fsub st(0),st(5)
- fxch st(3)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp3]
- fxch st(3)
- faddp st(4),st(0)
- fld st(5)
- fld qword ptr [tmp2]
- fxch st(7)
- fsub st(0),st(4)
- fxch st(7)
- fadd st(0),st(2)
- fxch st(1)
- faddp st(4),st(0)
- fld qword ptr [S2]
- fmul st(1),st(0)
- fxch st(1)
- fstp qword ptr [tmp1]
- fld st(4)
- fadd st(0),st(6)
- fxch st(2)
- fsubr qword ptr [tmp2]
- fxch st(5)
- fsubrp st(6),st(0)//fsubp
- fxch st(1)
- fistp dword ptr [int0]
- fxch st(4)
- mov eax,[int0]
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+0*8*2],ax
- fistp dword ptr [int7]
- mov eax,[int7]
- fld st(0)
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+7*8*2],ax
- fadd qword ptr [tmp3]
- fistp dword ptr [int3]
- mov eax,[int3]
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+3*8*2],ax
- fsub qword ptr [tmp3]
- fld st(1)
- fxch st(1)
- fistp dword ptr [int4]
- mov eax,[int4]
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+4*8*2],ax
- fadd qword ptr [tmp1]
- fxch st(3)
- fmulp st(2),st(0)
- fxch st(2)
- fistp dword ptr [int1]
- fxch st(1)
- mov eax,[int1]
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+1*8*2],ax
- fsub qword ptr [tmp1]
- fld st(2)
- fsub st(0),st(2)
- fxch st(1)
- fistp dword ptr [int6]
- fxch st(2)
- mov eax,[int6]
- faddp st(1),st(0)
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+6*8*2],ax
- fistp dword ptr [int2]
- mov eax,[int2]
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+2*8*2],ax
- fistp dword ptr [int5]
- mov eax,[int5]
- movsx eax,word ptr [edx+2*eax]
- mov [edi+5*8*2],ax
- add esi,8
- add edi,2
- dec ecx
- jnz Lcols
- add esp,SIZE
- }
- }