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- Begin VB.Line Line49
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 1440
- X2 = 1920
- Y1 = 3120
- Y2 = 3120
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line48
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 2280
- X2 = 3120
- Y1 = 3120
- Y2 = 3120
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line47
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 1440
- X2 = 1440
- Y1 = 3120
- Y2 = 3960
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line46
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 3120
- X2 = 3120
- Y1 = 3120
- Y2 = 3960
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line45
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 1440
- X2 = 3120
- Y1 = 3960
- Y2 = 3960
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label22
- Caption = "☆物料配完后打☆☆开阀门出料D2☆☆灯亮 ☆"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 615
- Left = 1560
- TabIndex = 52
- Top = 3240
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line44
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 4200
- X2 = 3480
- Y1 = 1920
- Y2 = 1440
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line43
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 3840
- X2 = 3480
- Y1 = 1920
- Y2 = 1440
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line42
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 4200
- X2 = 4920
- Y1 = 1920
- Y2 = 1920
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line41
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 3240
- X2 = 3840
- Y1 = 1920
- Y2 = 1920
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line40
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 3240
- X2 = 3240
- Y1 = 1920
- Y2 = 2880
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line39
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 4920
- X2 = 4920
- Y1 = 1920
- Y2 = 2880
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line38
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 3240
- X2 = 4920
- Y1 = 2880
- Y2 = 2880
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label21
- Caption = "☆物料进入容器☆☆当物料填满后☆☆容器配料D3灯☆☆亮并显示进度☆"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 735
- Left = 3360
- TabIndex = 51
- Top = 2040
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line37
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 6960
- X2 = 6240
- Y1 = 1080
- Y2 = 600
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line36
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 6240
- X2 = 6600
- Y1 = 600
- Y2 = 1080
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line35
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 6000
- X2 = 6600
- Y1 = 1080
- Y2 = 1080
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line34
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 7680
- X2 = 7680
- Y1 = 1080
- Y2 = 2040
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line33
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 6000
- X2 = 6000
- Y1 = 1080
- Y2 = 2040
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line32
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 6000
- X2 = 7680
- Y1 = 2040
- Y2 = 2040
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line31
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 6960
- X2 = 7680
- Y1 = 1080
- Y2 = 1080
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label20
- Caption = "☆根据系统操作☆☆员提供的数据☆☆物料进料D4灯☆☆亮直到容器满☆"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 735
- Left = 6120
- TabIndex = 50
- Top = 1200
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line30
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 10680
- X2 = 11160
- Y1 = 1440
- Y2 = 960
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line29
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 10320
- X2 = 11160
- Y1 = 1440
- Y2 = 960
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line28
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 11280
- X2 = 10680
- Y1 = 1440
- Y2 = 1440
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line27
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 11280
- X2 = 11280
- Y1 = 1440
- Y2 = 2400
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line26
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9600
- X2 = 9600
- Y1 = 1440
- Y2 = 2400
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line25
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9600
- X2 = 11280
- Y1 = 2400
- Y2 = 2400
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line24
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9600
- X2 = 10320
- Y1 = 1440
- Y2 = 1440
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label19
- Caption = "☆小车进入装料☆☆位置系统操作☆☆员选择要生产☆☆的产品和原料☆"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 735
- Left = 9720
- TabIndex = 49
- Top = 1560
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label18
- Caption = "☆小车装满后离☆☆开位置SQ2-ON☆☆同时 D1灯 亮☆"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 615
- Left = 9240
- TabIndex = 48
- Top = 6960
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line23
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9960
- X2 = 9120
- Y1 = 7680
- Y2 = 8040
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line22
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9600
- X2 = 9120
- Y1 = 7680
- Y2 = 8040
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line21
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9120
- X2 = 9600
- Y1 = 7680
- Y2 = 7680
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line20
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9120
- X2 = 9120
- Y1 = 6840
- Y2 = 7680
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line19
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 10800
- X2 = 10800
- Y1 = 6840
- Y2 = 7680
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line7
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9960
- X2 = 10800
- Y1 = 7680
- Y2 = 7680
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line6
- BorderColor = &H000000FF&
- X1 = 9120
- X2 = 10800
- Y1 = 6840
- Y2 = 6840
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label17
- Caption = "☆系统启动后小☆☆车开进位置进☆☆行装料SQ1-ON☆"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 615
- Left = 9240
- TabIndex = 47
- Top = 6960
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label4
- Caption = "传感器-->"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 7080
- TabIndex = 46
- Top = 8880
- Width = 855
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label16
- Caption = "<--容器配料进度显示"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 3120
- TabIndex = 45
- Top = 1920
- Width = 1815
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label12
- Caption = "代表系统运行态"
- ForeColor = &H0000FFFF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 840
- TabIndex = 27
- Top = 6960
- Width = 1335
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label11
- BackColor = &H0000FFFF&
- Caption = "黄色"
- Height = 375
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 26
- Top = 6840
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label10
- Caption = "额外要求"
- ForeColor = &H0000FF00&
- Height = 255
- Left = 720
- TabIndex = 23
- Top = 9120
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label9
- BackColor = &H0000C000&
- Caption = "绿色"
- Height = 375
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 22
- Top = 9000
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label8
- Caption = "代表系统的终态"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 720
- TabIndex = 21
- Top = 8400
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label7
- BackColor = &H000000FF&
- Caption = "红色"
- Height = 375
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 20
- Top = 8280
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label6
- Caption = "代表系统初始状态"
- ForeColor = &H000080FF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 720
- TabIndex = 19
- Top = 7680
- Width = 1455
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label5
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "橙色"
- Height = 375
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 18
- Top = 7560
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label M4
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "M4"
- Height = 375
- Left = 6360
- TabIndex = 17
- Top = 7200
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label M3
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "M3"
- Height = 375
- Left = 4200
- TabIndex = 16
- Top = 6240
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label M2
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "M2"
- Height = 375
- Left = 2160
- TabIndex = 15
- Top = 5280
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label M1
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "M1"
- Height = 375
- Left = 0
- TabIndex = 14
- Top = 4320
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label D4
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "D4灯"
- Height = 375
- Left = 7200
- TabIndex = 11
- Top = 600
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label D3
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "D3灯"
- Height = 375
- Left = 3240
- TabIndex = 10
- Top = 1080
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label D2
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "D2灯"
- Height = 375
- Left = 360
- TabIndex = 9
- Top = 2400
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label D1
- BackColor = &H000080FF&
- Caption = "D1灯"
- Height = 375
- Left = 8760
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 9120
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label L2
- BackColor = &H000000FF&
- Caption = "L2"
- Height = 375
- Left = 10680
- TabIndex = 7
- Top = 9120
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Label L1
- BackColor = &H0000C000&
- Caption = "L1灯"
- Height = 375
- Left = 9960
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 9120
- Width = 375
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line18
- X1 = 9840
- X2 = 9840
- Y1 = 8880
- Y2 = 9000
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line17
- X1 = 8040
- X2 = 8040
- Y1 = 8880
- Y2 = 9000
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line16
- X1 = 8040
- X2 = 9840
- Y1 = 9000
- Y2 = 9000
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line15
- X1 = 8040
- X2 = 9840
- Y1 = 8880
- Y2 = 8880
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label3
- Caption = "<--出料口"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 1440
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 2280
- Width = 975
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label2
- Caption = "<--进料口"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 255
- Left = 6480
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 120
- Width = 1095
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line14
- X1 = 6360
- X2 = 6360
- Y1 = 0
- Y2 = 480
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line13
- X1 = 6240
- X2 = 6240
- Y1 = 0
- Y2 = 480
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line12
- X1 = 840
- X2 = 1320
- Y1 = 3480
- Y2 = 3480
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line11
- X1 = 840
- X2 = 1320
- Y1 = 3600
- Y2 = 3600
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line10
- X1 = 6360
- X2 = 3120
- Y1 = 0
- Y2 = 0
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line9
- X1 = 1320
- X2 = 1320
- Y1 = 2160
- Y2 = 3600
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line8
- X1 = 840
- X2 = 840
- Y1 = 2160
- Y2 = 3600
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line5
- X1 = 3120
- X2 = 3120
- Y1 = 480
- Y2 = 1920
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line4
- X1 = 6360
- X2 = 3120
- Y1 = 480
- Y2 = 480
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "容器"
- ForeColor = &H000000FF&
- Height = 1815
- Left = 0
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 0
- Width = 3015
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgRoll1
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- Height = 435
- Left = 360
- Picture = "frmView.frx":1088
- Stretch = -1 'True
- Top = 4320
- Width = 2220
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgRoll2
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- Height = 435
- Left = 2520
- Picture = "frmView.frx":78F0
- Stretch = -1 'True
- Top = 5280
- Width = 2220
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgRoll3
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- Height = 435
- Left = 4560
- Picture = "frmView.frx":E158
- Stretch = -1 'True
- Top = 6240
- Width = 2220
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgRoll4
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- Height = 435
- Left = 6720
- Picture = "frmView.frx":149C0
- Stretch = -1 'True
- Top = 7200
- Width = 2220
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line1
- BorderWidth = 2
- X1 = 2520
- X2 = 2880
- Y1 = 4680
- Y2 = 5280
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line2
- BorderWidth = 2
- X1 = 4680
- X2 = 5040
- Y1 = 5640
- Y2 = 6240
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line3
- BorderWidth = 2
- X1 = 6720
- X2 = 7080
- Y1 = 6600
- Y2 = 7200
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgres1
- Height = 450
- Left = 5280
- Picture = "frmView.frx":1B228
- Top = 0
- Width = 975
- End
- Begin VB.Image imgmix1
- Height = 555
- Left = 840
- Picture = "frmView.frx":1B91E
- Stretch = -1 'True
- Top = 2160
- Width = 465
- End
- Begin VB.Menu popMenu
- Caption = ""
- Visible = 0 'False
- Begin VB.Menu wait
- Caption = "您的程序已暂停"
- End
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "frmView"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Dim ImageNo1% '当前第一个滚梯的位图编号
- Dim ImageNo2% '当前第二个滚梯的位图编号
- Dim ImageNo3% '当前第三个滚梯的位图编号
- Dim ImageNo4% '当前第四个滚梯的位图编号
- Dim a As Double
- Dim b As Double '小车做循环直线移动
- Dim c As Double
- Dim d As Double
- Dim x(100), Y(100), pace(100), size(100) As Integer
- Private Sub cmbPro_Click()
- If cmbPro.Text = "产品1" Then
- Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 产品信息表 where Productname = '产品1'"
- Adodc1.Refresh: Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1
- Text2.Visible = True
- Text3.Visible = True
- ElseIf cmbPro.Text = "产品2" Then
- Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 产品信息表 where Productname = '产品2'"
- Adodc1.Refresh: Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1
- Text2.Visible = True
- Text3.Visible = True
- ElseIf cmbPro.Text = "产品3" Then
- Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 产品信息表 where Productname = '产品3'"
- Adodc1.Refresh: Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1
- Text2.Visible = True
- Text3.Visible = True
- End If
- '提示(物料加工列表)
- Label27.Visible = True
- Line80.Visible = True
- Line81.Visible = True
- Line82.Visible = True
- Line83.Visible = True
- Line84.Visible = True
- Line85.Visible = True
- Line86.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmd_Click()
- MonthView.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdGive_Click()
- 'ccrpProgressBar1.Max = Text2.Text + 20
- Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
- Adodc2.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "dbmaterialinfo2007.mdb;Persist Security Info = False"
- If Text2.Text = "" Or Text3.Text = "" Or cmbPro.Text = "选择产品" Or cmbMID.Text = "原料" Then
- MsgBox "请正确输入产品、产量信息、日期!", 48, "提示信息"
- Else
- con.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "dbmaterialinfo2007.mdb;Persist Security Info = False"
- con.Open
- Set Rs = con.Execute("insert into 物料加工表([Code],[Productname],[Volume1],[Day]) values('" + cmbPro.Text + "','" + cmbMID.Text + "','" + Text2 + "','" + Text3 + "')")
- con.Close
- ccrpProgressBar1.Max = Text2.Text + 20
- Timer9.Enabled = True
- imgres1.Visible = True
- '物料进料提示
- Label20.Visible = True
- Line31.Visible = True
- Line32.Visible = True
- Line33.Visible = True
- Line34.Visible = True
- Line35.Visible = True
- Line36.Visible = True
- Line37.Visible = True
- End If
- Adodc2.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "dbmaterialinfo2007.mdb;Persist Security Info = False"
- Adodc2.RecordSource = "select * from 物料加工表 order by ID"
- Adodc2.Refresh
- Set DataGrid2.DataSource = Adodc2
- DataGrid2.Columns(0).Visible = False
- 'Timer9.Enabled = True
- 'imgres1.Visible = True
- '提示框(提交物料)
- Label19.Visible = False
- Line24.Visible = False
- Line25.Visible = False
- Line26.Visible = False
- Line27.Visible = False
- Line28.Visible = False
- Line29.Visible = False
- Line30.Visible = False
- '提示(物料加工列表)
- Label27.Visible = False
- Line80.Visible = False
- Line81.Visible = False
- Line82.Visible = False
- Line83.Visible = False
- Line84.Visible = False
- Line85.Visible = False
- Line86.Visible = False
- '物料进料提示
- 'Label20.Visible = True
- 'Line31.Visible = True
- 'Line32.Visible = True
- 'Line33.Visible = True
- 'Line34.Visible = True
- 'Line35.Visible = True
- 'Line36.Visible = True
- 'Line37.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdOver_Click()
- MsgBox "<@>您的程序已经暂停,点击确定可以继续<@>"
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
- Text2.Text = ""
- Text3.Text = ""
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdRep_Click()
- MonthView.Visible = False
- Text2.Visible = False
- L1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- L2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M3.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M4.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D3.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D4.BackColor = &H80FF&
- SQ1.Caption = "SQ1(OFF)"
- SQ2.Caption = "SQ2(OFF)"
- GoNow = False
- ImageNo1% = 1 '当前第一个滚梯的位图编号
- ImageNo2% = 2 '当前第二个滚梯的位图编号
- ImageNo3% = 3 '当前第三个滚梯的位图编号
- ImageNo4% = 4 '当前第四个滚梯的位图编号
- c = 0
- '提示框 (小车)
- Label17.Visible = False
- Label18.Visible = False
- Line6.Visible = False
- Line7.Visible = False
- Line19.Visible = False
- Line20.Visible = False
- Line21.Visible = False
- Line22.Visible = False
- Line23.Visible = False
- '提示框(提交物料)
- Label19.Visible = False
- Line24.Visible = False
- Line25.Visible = False
- Line26.Visible = False
- Line27.Visible = False
- Line28.Visible = False
- Line29.Visible = False
- Line30.Visible = False
- '提示(物料加工列表)
- Label27.Visible = False
- Line80.Visible = False
- Line81.Visible = False
- Line82.Visible = False
- Line83.Visible = False
- Line84.Visible = False
- Line85.Visible = False
- Line86.Visible = False
- '物料进料提示
- Label20.Visible = False
- Line31.Visible = False
- Line32.Visible = False
- Line33.Visible = False
- Line34.Visible = False
- Line35.Visible = False
- Line36.Visible = False
- Line37.Visible = False
- '容器提示信息
- Label21.Visible = False
- Line38.Visible = False
- Line39.Visible = False
- Line40.Visible = False
- Line41.Visible = False
- Line42.Visible = False
- Line43.Visible = False
- Line44.Visible = False
- '物料出料提示
- Label22.Visible = False
- Line45.Visible = False
- Line46.Visible = False
- Line47.Visible = False
- Line48.Visible = False
- Line49.Visible = False
- Line50.Visible = False
- Line51.Visible = False
- 'c传送带1的提示信息
- Label23.Visible = False
- Line52.Visible = False
- Line53.Visible = False
- Line54.Visible = False
- Line55.Visible = False
- Line56.Visible = False
- Line57.Visible = False
- Line58.Visible = False
- '传送带2的提示
- Label24.Visible = False
- Line59.Visible = False
- Line60.Visible = False
- Line61.Visible = False
- Line62.Visible = False
- Line63.Visible = False
- Line64.Visible = False
- Line65.Visible = False
- '传送带3的提示
- Label25.Visible = False
- Line66.Visible = False
- Line67.Visible = False
- Line68.Visible = False
- Line69.Visible = False
- Line70.Visible = False
- Line71.Visible = False
- Line72.Visible = False
- '传送带4的提示
- Label26.Visible = False
- Line73.Visible = False
- Line74.Visible = False
- Line75.Visible = False
- Line76.Visible = False
- Line77.Visible = False
- Line78.Visible = False
- Line79.Visible = False
- '还原跟小车有关的属性
- picCar.Left = 9960
- picCar.Top = 8040
- picCar.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "imgmaincar1.GIF")
- '还原跟物料添加有关的属性
- imgres1.Left = 5280
- imgres1.Top = 0
- '物料出料的相关属性
- imgmix1.Left = 840
- imgmix1.Top = 2160
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- imgres1.Visible = False
- imgmix1.Visible = False
- MonthView.Visible = False
- Text2.Visible = False
- Dim ChangeRate As Variant
- Dim ChangeRate1 As Variant
- ChangeRate = Array("产品1", "产品2", "产品3")
- ChangeRate1 = Array("600005", "600037", "600088", "600228", "600253", "600283", "600513", "600775", "600789")
- For i = 0 To 2
- cmbPro.AddItem ChangeRate(i)
- Next i
- For i = 0 To 8
- cmbMID.AddItem ChangeRate1(i)
- Next i
- Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "dbmaterialinfo2007.mdb;Persist Security Info = False"
- Adodc2.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "dbmaterialinfo2007.mdb;Persist Security Info = False"
- L1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- L2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M3.BackColor = &H80FF&
- M4.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D3.BackColor = &H80FF&
- D4.BackColor = &H80FF&
- SQ1.Caption = "SQ1(OFF)"
- SQ2.Caption = "SQ2(OFF)"
- GoNow = False
- ImageNo1% = 1 '当前第一个滚梯的位图编号
- ImageNo2% = 2 '当前第二个滚梯的位图编号
- ImageNo3% = 3 '当前第三个滚梯的位图编号
- ImageNo4% = 4 '当前第四个滚梯的位图编号
- c = 0
- '提示框 (小车)
- Label17.Visible = False
- Label18.Visible = False
- Line6.Visible = False
- Line7.Visible = False
- Line19.Visible = False
- Line20.Visible = False
- Line21.Visible = False
- Line22.Visible = False
- Line23.Visible = False
- '提示框(提交物料)
- Label19.Visible = False
- Line24.Visible = False
- Line25.Visible = False
- Line26.Visible = False
- Line27.Visible = False
- Line28.Visible = False
- Line29.Visible = False
- Line30.Visible = False
- '提示(物料加工列表)
- Label27.Visible = False
- Line80.Visible = False
- Line81.Visible = False
- Line82.Visible = False
- Line83.Visible = False
- Line84.Visible = False
- Line85.Visible = False
- Line86.Visible = False
- '物料进料提示
- Label20.Visible = False
- Line31.Visible = False
- Line32.Visible = False
- Line33.Visible = False
- Line34.Visible = False
- Line35.Visible = False
- Line36.Visible = False
- Line37.Visible = False
- '容器提示信息
- Label21.Visible = False
- Line38.Visible = False
- Line39.Visible = False
- Line40.Visible = False
- Line41.Visible = False
- Line42.Visible = False
- Line43.Visible = False
- Line44.Visible = False
- '物料出料提示
- Label22.Visible = False
- Line45.Visible = False
- Line46.Visible = False
- Line47.Visible = False
- Line48.Visible = False
- Line49.Visible = False
- Line50.Visible = False
- Line51.Visible = False
- 'c传送带1的提示信息
- Label23.Visible = False
- Line52.Visible = False
- Line53.Visible = False
- Line54.Visible = False
- Line55.Visible = False
- Line56.Visible = False
- Line57.Visible = False
- Line58.Visible = False
- '传送带2的提示
- Label24.Visible = False
- Line59.Visible = False
- Line60.Visible = False
- Line61.Visible = False
- Line62.Visible = False
- Line63.Visible = False
- Line64.Visible = False
- Line65.Visible = False
- '传送带3的提示
- Label25.Visible = False
- Line66.Visible = False
- Line67.Visible = False
- Line68.Visible = False
- Line69.Visible = False
- Line70.Visible = False
- Line71.Visible = False
- Line72.Visible = False
- '传送带4的提示
- Label26.Visible = False
- Line73.Visible = False
- Line74.Visible = False
- Line75.Visible = False
- Line76.Visible = False
- Line77.Visible = False
- Line78.Visible = False
- Line79.Visible = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Activate()
- Randomize
- For i = 1 To 100
- X1 = Int(Label1.Width * Rnd)
- Y1 = Int(Label1.Height * Rnd)
- pace1 = Int(500 - (Int(Rnd * 499)))
- size1 = 25 * Rnd
- x(i) = X1
- Y(i) = Y1
- pace(i) = pace1
- size(i) = size1
- Next
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single)
- If Button = vbRightButton Then
- frmMain.PopupMenu popMenu
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- Select Case KeyAscii
- Case Asc("0") To Asc("9"), vbKeyBack
- 'text Change
- Case Else
- KeyAscii = 0
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub wait_Click()
- wait.Checked = Not wait.Checked
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdStart_Click() '启动按钮
- Timer8.Enabled = True
- L1.BackColor = &HC000&
- D1.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- End Sub
- Private Sub MonthView_DateClick(ByVal DateClicked As Date)
- Text3.Text = MonthView.Value
- MonthView.Visible = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub Text3_LostFocus()
- If Trim(Text3.Text) = "" Then
- MsgBox "请输入日期!", 48, "提示"
- Text3.SetFocus
- Else
- If Not IsDate(Text3.Text) Then
- MsgBox "请输入日期型格式!", 48, "提示"
- Text3.SetFocus
- Else
- Text3.Text = Format(Text3.Text, "yyyy-mm-dd")
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt容器模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- D3.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- Static nTimes As Integer
- nTimes = nTimes + 1
- Debug.Print nTimes
- If nTimes = ccrpProgressBar1.Max Then
- nTimes = nTimes - ccrpProgressBar1.Max
- imgmix1.Visible = True
- Timer1.Enabled = False
- Timer2.Enabled = True
- D3.BackColor = &HFF&
- Label3.Caption = "<--开始出料"
- End If
- ccrpProgressBar1.Value = nTimes
- For i = 1 To 100
- Circle (x(i), Y(i)), size(i), BackColor
- Y(i) = Y(i) + pace(i)
- If Y(i) >= Label1.Height Then Y(i) = 0: x(i) = Int(Label1.Width * Rnd)
- Circle (x(i), Y(i)), size(i)
- Next
- '物料进料提示
- Label20.Visible = False
- Line31.Visible = False
- Line32.Visible = False
- Line33.Visible = False
- Line34.Visible = False
- Line35.Visible = False
- Line36.Visible = False
- Line37.Visible = False
- '容器提示信息
- Label21.Visible = True
- Line38.Visible = True
- Line39.Visible = True
- Line40.Visible = True
- Line41.Visible = True
- Line42.Visible = True
- Line43.Visible = True
- Line44.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer10_Timer()
- '提示框 (小车)
- Label17.Visible = False
- Label18.Visible = False
- Line6.Visible = False
- Line7.Visible = False
- Line19.Visible = False
- Line20.Visible = False
- Line21.Visible = False
- Line22.Visible = False
- Line23.Visible = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt物料出料模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- D2.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- Static xTimes As Integer
- xTimes = xTimes + 1
- Debug.Print xTimes
- If xTimes = 8 Then
- xTimes = xTimes - 8
- Timer2.Enabled = False
- Timer3.Enabled = True
- imgmix1.Visible = False
- D2.BackColor = &HFF&
- End If
- imgmix1.Top = imgmix1.Top + 220
- '容器提示信息
- Label21.Visible = False
- Line38.Visible = False
- Line39.Visible = False
- Line40.Visible = False
- Line41.Visible = False
- Line42.Visible = False
- Line43.Visible = False
- Line44.Visible = False
- '物料出料提示
- Label22.Visible = True
- Line45.Visible = True
- Line46.Visible = True
- Line47.Visible = True
- Line48.Visible = True
- Line49.Visible = True
- Line50.Visible = True
- Line51.Visible = True
- Line52.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer3_Timer() 'Timer事件
- Open App.Path & "txt传送带模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- M1.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- ImageNo1% = ImageNo1% + 1 '动画下一帧
- If ImageNo1% > 8 Then '如果动画已到最后一帧,则
- ImageNo1% = 0 '再从第一帧开始
- Timer3.Enabled = False
- Timer4.Enabled = True
- M1.BackColor = &HFF&
- End If
- imgRoll1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "imgroll1roll" & ImageNo1% & ".jpg")
- '物料出料提示
- Label22.Visible = False
- Line45.Visible = False
- Line46.Visible = False
- Line47.Visible = False
- Line48.Visible = False
- Line49.Visible = False
- Line50.Visible = False
- Line51.Visible = False
- '传送带1的提示
- Label23.Visible = True
- Line52.Visible = True
- Line53.Visible = True
- Line54.Visible = True
- Line55.Visible = True
- Line56.Visible = True
- Line57.Visible = True
- Line58.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt传送带模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- M2.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- ImageNo2% = ImageNo2% + 1 '动画下一帧
- If ImageNo2% > 8 Then '如果动画已到最后一帧,则
- ImageNo2% = 0 '再从第一帧开始
- Timer4.Enabled = False
- Timer5.Enabled = True
- M2.BackColor = &HFF&
- End If
- imgRoll2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "imgroll2roll" & ImageNo2% & ".jpg")
- 'c传送带1的提示信息
- Label23.Visible = False
- Line52.Visible = False
- Line53.Visible = False
- Line54.Visible = False
- Line55.Visible = False
- Line56.Visible = False
- Line57.Visible = False
- Line58.Visible = False
- '传送带2的提示
- Label24.Visible = True
- Line59.Visible = True
- Line60.Visible = True
- Line61.Visible = True
- Line62.Visible = True
- Line63.Visible = True
- Line64.Visible = True
- Line65.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt传送带模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- M3.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- ImageNo3% = ImageNo3% + 1 '动画下一帧
- If ImageNo3% > 8 Then '如果动画已到最后一帧,则
- ImageNo3% = 0 '再从第一帧开始
- Timer5.Enabled = False
- Timer6.Enabled = True
- M3.BackColor = &HFF&
- End If
- imgRoll3.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "imgroll3roll" & ImageNo3% & ".jpg")
- '传送带2的提示
- Label24.Visible = False
- Line59.Visible = False
- Line60.Visible = False
- Line61.Visible = False
- Line62.Visible = False
- Line63.Visible = False
- Line64.Visible = False
- Line65.Visible = False
- '传送带3的提示
- Label25.Visible = True
- Line66.Visible = True
- Line67.Visible = True
- Line68.Visible = True
- Line69.Visible = True
- Line70.Visible = True
- Line71.Visible = True
- Line72.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer6_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt传送带模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- M4.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- ImageNo4% = ImageNo4% + 1 '动画下一帧
- If ImageNo4% > 8 Then '如果动画已到最后一帧,则
- ImageNo4% = 0 '再从第一帧开始
- Timer6.Enabled = False
- Timer7.Enabled = True
- M4.BackColor = &HFF&
- L1.BackColor = &HC000&
- L2.BackColor = &H80FF&
- SQ2.Caption = "SQ2(ON)"
- End If
- imgRoll4.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "imgroll4roll" & ImageNo4% & ".jpg")
- '传送带3的提示
- Label25.Visible = False
- Line66.Visible = False
- Line67.Visible = False
- Line68.Visible = False
- Line69.Visible = False
- Line70.Visible = False
- Line71.Visible = False
- Line72.Visible = False
- '传送带4的提示
- Label26.Visible = True
- Line73.Visible = True
- Line74.Visible = True
- Line75.Visible = True
- Line76.Visible = True
- Line77.Visible = True
- Line78.Visible = True
- Line79.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer7_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt小车开走模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- D1.BackColor = &HFF&
- picCar.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "imgmaincar2.GIF")
- Static yTimes As Integer
- yTimes = yTimes + 1
- Debug.Print yTimes
- If yTimes = 11 Then
- yTimes = yTimes - 11
- Timer7.Enabled = False
- SQ1.Caption = "SQ1(OFF)"
- End If
- picCar.Left = picCar.Left - 440
- '传送带4的提示
- Label26.Visible = False
- Line73.Visible = False
- Line74.Visible = False
- Line75.Visible = False
- Line76.Visible = False
- Line77.Visible = False
- Line78.Visible = False
- Line79.Visible = False
- '提示框 (小车)
- Label17.Visible = False
- Label18.Visible = True
- Line6.Visible = True
- Line7.Visible = True
- Line19.Visible = True
- Line20.Visible = True
- Line21.Visible = True
- Line22.Visible = True
- Line23.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer8_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt小车模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- L2.BackColor = &HFF&
- L1.BackColor = &H80FF&
- SQ1.Caption = "SQ1(ON)"
- Label2.Caption = "<--开始进料"
- Static aTimes As Integer
- aTimes = aTimes + 1
- Debug.Print aTimes
- If aTimes = 7 Then
- aTimes = aTimes - 7
- '提示框(提交物料)
- Label19.Visible = True
- Line24.Visible = True
- Line25.Visible = True
- Line26.Visible = True
- Line27.Visible = True
- Line28.Visible = True
- Line29.Visible = True
- Line30.Visible = True
- Timer8.Enabled = False
- Timer10.Enabled = True
- D4.BackColor = &HFFFF&
- End If
- picCar.Left = picCar.Left - 200
- '提示框 (小车)
- Label17.Visible = True
- Label18.Visible = False
- Line6.Visible = True
- Line7.Visible = True
- Line19.Visible = True
- Line20.Visible = True
- Line21.Visible = True
- Line22.Visible = True
- Line23.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer9_Timer()
- Open App.Path & "txt物料进料模块代码.txt" For Input As #1
- Do While Not EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, aspect$ '一行一行读入
- whole$ = whole$ + aspect$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
- Loop
- Text1.Text = whole$
- Close #1
- Static bTimes As Integer
- bTimes = bTimes + 1
- Debug.Print bTimes
- If bTimes = 5 Then
- bTimes = bTimes - 5
- Timer9.Enabled = False
- imgres1.Visible = False
- Timer1.Enabled = True
- D4.BackColor = &HFF&
- End If
- imgres1.Left = imgres1.Left - 650
- End Sub