


Visual Basic

  1. VERSION 5.00
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  5. Begin VB.Form frmMaterial 
  6.    BorderStyle     =   1  'Fixed Single
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  81.       EndProperty
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  89.    End
  90.    Begin MSComCtl2.MonthView MonthView1 
  91.       Height          =   2220
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  103.       CurrentDate     =   39125
  104.    End
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  106.       Caption         =   "Data1"
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  121.    End
  122.    Begin VB.TextBox txtChange 
  123.       Height          =   288
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  128.    End
  129.    Begin VB.TextBox txtVol 
  130.       Height          =   288
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  135.    End
  136.    Begin VB.TextBox txtVolPrice 
  137.       Height          =   288
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  142.    End
  143.    Begin VB.TextBox txtToday 
  144.       Height          =   288
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  149.    End
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  151.       Height          =   288
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  153.       TabIndex        =   6
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  156.    End
  157.    Begin VB.TextBox txtName 
  158.       Height          =   288
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  165.       Caption         =   "物料信息"
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  185.       End
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  192.       End
  193.       Begin VB.Label Label9 
  194.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  195.          Caption         =   "库    存:"
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  199.          TabIndex        =   25
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  202.       End
  203.       Begin VB.Label Label6 
  204.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  205.          Caption         =   "物料名称:"
  206.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
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  212.       End
  213.       Begin VB.Label Label2 
  214.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  215.          Caption         =   "昨日金额:"
  216.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  217.          Height          =   255
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  219.          TabIndex        =   21
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  222.       End
  223.       Begin VB.Label Label3 
  224.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  225.          Caption         =   "物料类型:"
  226.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  227.          Height          =   255
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  231.          Top             =   480
  232.          Width           =   975
  233.       End
  234.       Begin VB.Label Label7 
  235.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  236.          Caption         =   "今日金额:"
  237.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  238.          Height          =   255
  239.          Left            =   2160
  240.          TabIndex        =   19
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  243.       End
  244.       Begin VB.Label Label8 
  245.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  246.          Caption         =   "日均额:"
  247.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  248.          Height          =   255
  249.          Left            =   4200
  250.          TabIndex        =   18
  251.          Top             =   960
  252.          Width           =   735
  253.       End
  254.       Begin VB.Label Label5 
  255.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  256.          Caption         =   "涨    跌:"
  257.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  258.          Height          =   255
  259.          Left            =   6120
  260.          TabIndex        =   17
  261.          Top             =   960
  262.          Width           =   975
  263.       End
  264.       Begin VB.Label Label10 
  265.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  266.          Caption         =   "日    期:"
  267.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  268.          Height          =   255
  269.          Left            =   120
  270.          TabIndex        =   16
  271.          Top             =   1680
  272.          Width           =   855
  273.       End
  274.       Begin VB.Label Label4 
  275.          BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
  276.          Caption         =   "日耗量:"
  277.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  278.          Height          =   255
  279.          Left            =   4200
  280.          TabIndex        =   15
  281.          Top             =   480
  282.          Width           =   735
  283.       End
  284.       Begin VB.Label Label1 
  285.          Caption         =   "物料代码:"
  286.          ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  287.          Height          =   255
  288.          Left            =   120
  289.          TabIndex        =   14
  290.          Top             =   480
  291.          Width           =   855
  292.       End
  293.    End
  294.    Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar sbr 
  295.       Align           =   2  'Align Bottom
  296.       Height          =   375
  297.       Left            =   0
  298.       TabIndex        =   1
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  303.       _Version        =   393216
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  305.          NumPanels       =   1
  306.          BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  307.          EndProperty
  308.       EndProperty
  309.    End
  310.    Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
  311.       Caption         =   "物料列表"
  312.       ForeColor       =   &H00000000&
  313.       Height          =   3135
  314.       Left            =   120
  315.       TabIndex        =   2
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  319.          Left            =   480
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  324.          ImageWidth      =   32
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  327.          _Version        =   393216
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  331.                Picture         =   "frmStock.frx":08CA
  332.                Key             =   "Add"
  333.             EndProperty
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  335.                Picture         =   "frmStock.frx":11A4
  336.                Key             =   "Edit"
  337.             EndProperty
  338.             BeginProperty ListImage3 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  339.                Picture         =   "frmStock.frx":1A7E
  340.                Key             =   "Save"
  341.             EndProperty
  342.             BeginProperty ListImage4 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  343.                Picture         =   "frmStock.frx":2358
  344.                Key             =   "Del"
  345.             EndProperty
  346.             BeginProperty ListImage5 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  347.                Picture         =   "frmStock.frx":2C32
  348.                Key             =   "Exit"
  349.             EndProperty
  350.          EndProperty
  351.       End
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  353.          Bindings        =   "frmStock.frx":350C
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  360.          _ExtentY        =   4895
  361.          _Version        =   393216
  362.          Cols            =   1
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  365.          ForeColor       =   16711680
  366.          BackColorFixed  =   -2147483624
  367.          BackColorSel    =   16744576
  368.          ForeColorSel    =   16777215
  369.          BackColorBkg    =   16777215
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  373.          SelectionMode   =   1
  374.          AllowUserResizing=   3
  375.       End
  376.    End
  377. End
  378. Attribute VB_Name = "frmMaterial"
  379. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  380. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  381. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  382. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  383. Public dbs As Database
  384. Public filename As String
  385. Public rec As Recordset
  386. Public rec1 As Recordset
  387. Public xg As Boolean
  388. Dim TotalRecord As Integer
  389. Private Sub comDate_Click()
  390.   MonthView1.Visible = True
  391. End Sub
  392. Private Sub Form_Load()
  393. Dim MaterialType  As Variant
  394. MaterialType = Array("甲等", "乙等")
  395. For i = 0 To 1
  396.     Combo1.AddItem MaterialType(i)
  397. Next i
  398. filename = App.Path & "dbmaterialinfo2007.mdb"
  399. Set dbs = OpenDatabase(filename)
  400. Set rec = dbs.OpenRecordset("物料信息变化表")
  401. Set rec1 = dbs.OpenRecordset("物料信息表")
  402. D1.DatabaseName = filename
  404.  Tlbar.Buttons(2).Enabled = False
  405.  Tlbar.Buttons(3).Enabled = False
  406.  Tlbar.Buttons(5).Enabled = False
  407.  AllDisEnabled
  408.  Combo1.Enabled = False
  409.  MonthView1.Visible = False
  410.  comDate.Enabled = False
  412.  D1.RecordSource = "SELECT 物料信息变化表.ID ,物料信息变化表.Code as 物料代码,Name as 物料名称,Last as 昨日金额,Today as 今日金额,Volume as 日耗量,[Volume Price] as 日均额,Change as 涨跌,TypeName as 物料类型,Inventory as 库存,Day as 日期 FROM 物料信息变化表,物料信息表,物料类型信息表  WHERE 物料信息变化表.Code=物料信息表.Code and 物料信息表.TypeId=物料类型信息表.ID ORDER BY 物料信息变化表.ID"
  413.  D1.Refresh
  414.  grid.ColWidth(0) = 300
  415.  rec.MoveLast
  416.  TotalRecord = rec.RecordCount
  417.  rec.MoveFirst
  418.  sbr.Panels(1).Text = " 共 :" & TotalRecord & "条记录"
  419. End Sub
  420. Private Sub grid_Click()
  421. If grid.Row = 0 Then Exit Sub
  422.  txtCode.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 1)
  423.  txtName.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 2)
  424.  txtLast.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 3)
  425.  txtToday.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 4)
  426.  txtVol.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 5)
  427.  txtVolPrice.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 6)
  428.  txtChange.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 7)
  429.  txtInventory.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 9)
  430.  txtDate.Text = grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 10)
  432.  AllDisEnabled
  433.  comDate.Enabled = False
  434.  If grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 8) = "甲等" Then
  435.     Combo1.ListIndex = 0
  436.  Else
  437.     Combo1.ListIndex = 1
  438.  End If
  441.  Tlbar.Buttons(3).Enabled = True
  442.  Tlbar.Buttons(5).Enabled = False
  443.  Combo1.Enabled = False
  444. End Sub
  445. Private Sub MonthView1_DateClick(ByVal DateClicked As Date)
  446.   txtDate.Text = MonthView1.Value
  447.   MonthView1.Visible = False
  448. End Sub
  449. Private Sub Tlbar_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
  451.  Select Case Button.key
  452.    Case "Add"
  453.     add
  454.    Case "Save"
  455.     save
  456.    Case "Del"
  457.      If txtCode.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
  458.       r = MsgBox("确定要删除【" & txtName.Text & "】?(Y/N)", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton1, "自动配料系统")
  459.          If r = 1 Then
  461.               dbs.Execute "DELETE * FROM " & " [物料信息变化表] WHERE Code='" & grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 2) & "'"
  463.        D1.Refresh
  464.        add
  466.        If Not D1.Recordset.EOF Then
  467.           D1.Recordset.MoveLast
  468.        End If
  470.        TotalRecord = D1.Recordset.RecordCount
  471.        sbr.Panels(1).Text = " 共 :" & TotalRecord & "条记录。"
  472.      End If
  473.      Clear
  475.   Case "Edit"
  476.    Edit
  477.   Case "Exit"
  478.    Unload Me
  479.    dbs.Close
  481.  End Select
  482. End Sub
  483. Private Sub add()
  484.  AllEnabled
  485.  AllClear
  486.  comDate.Enabled = True
  487.  txtCode.SetFocus
  488.  xg = False
  489.  Tlbar.Buttons(5).Enabled = True
  490.  Combo1.Enabled = True
  491. End Sub
  492. Private Sub save()
  493. D1.DatabaseName = filename
  494. Set rec = dbs.OpenRecordset("物料信息变化表")
  495. Set rec1 = dbs.OpenRecordset("物料信息表")
  496.   If Trim(txtCode.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtLast.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtName.Text) = "" & _
  497.                    "" Or Trim(txtToday.Text) = "" & _
  498.                    "" Or Trim(txtVolPrice.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtDate.Text) = "" Or Val(txtDate.Text) < #1/1/100# Or Val(txtDate.Text) > #12/31/9999# Then
  499.       r = MsgBox("数据非法,不能保存!", 0 + 16, "自动配料系统")
  500.       Exit Sub
  501.   End If
  504.   If xg = False Then
  505.      rec.AddNew
  506.      rec.Fields("Code") = txtCode.Text
  507.      rec.Fields("Last") = Val(txtLast.Text)
  508.      rec.Fields("Volume") = Val(txtVol.Text)
  509.      rec.Fields("Today") = Val(txtToday.Text)
  510.      rec.Fields("Change") = Val(txtChange.Text)
  511.      rec.Fields("Volume Price") = Val(txtVolPrice.Text)
  512.      rec.Fields("Inventory") = Val(txtInventory.Text)
  513.      rec.Fields("Day") = txtDate.Text
  514.      rec.Update
  516.      rec1.Index = "PrimaryKey"
  517.      rec1.Seek "=", txtCode.Text
  518.      If rec1.NoMatch Then
  519.         rec1.AddNew
  520.         rec1.Fields("Code") = txtCode.Text
  521.         rec1.Fields("Name") = txtName.Text
  522.         rec1.Fields("TypeId") = Combo1.ListIndex + 1
  523.         rec1.Update
  524.      End If
  525.      D1.Refresh
  526.       If Not D1.Recordset.EOF Then
  527.           D1.Recordset.MoveLast
  528.       End If
  529.     TotalRecord = D1.Recordset.RecordCount
  530.     sbr.Panels(1).Text = " 共 :" & TotalRecord & "条记录。"
  532.    Else
  533.       rec.Index = "PrimaryKey"
  534.       rec.Seek "=", grid.TextMatrix(grid.Row, 0)
  535.       rec.Edit
  536.       rec.Fields("Code") = txtCode.Text
  537.       rec.Fields("Last") = Val(txtLast.Text)
  538.       rec.Fields("Volume") = Val(txtVol.Text)
  539.       rec.Fields("Today") = txtToday.Text
  540.       rec.Fields("Change") = Val(txtChange.Text)
  541.       rec.Fields("Volume Price") = Val(txtVolPrice.Text)
  542.       rec.Update
  544.      rec1.Index = "PrimaryKey"
  545.      rec1.Seek "=", txtCode.Text
  546.      If Not rec1.NoMatch Then
  547.         rec1.Edit
  548.         rec1.Fields("Code") = txtCode.Text
  549.         rec1.Fields("Name") = txtName.Text
  550.         rec1.Fields("TypeId") = Combo1.ListIndex + 1
  551.         rec1.Update
  552.      End If
  553.      D1.Refresh
  554.    End If
  555.    Clear
  556. End Sub
  557. Private Sub txt_Change(Index As Integer)
  558.  Tlbar.Buttons(5).Enabled = True
  559. End Sub
  560. Private Sub Edit()
  561.  xg = True
  562.  AllEnabled
  563.  Tlbar.Buttons(5).Enabled = True
  564.  Combo1.Enabled = True
  565.  comDate.Enabled = True
  566. End Sub
  567. Private Sub Clear()
  568.  AllClear
  569.  AllDisEnabled
  570.  Tlbar.Buttons(3).Enabled = False
  571.  Tlbar.Buttons(5).Enabled = False
  572.  Combo1.Enabled = False
  573.  comDate.Enabled = False
  574. End Sub
  575. Private Sub AllClear()
  576.  txtCode.Text = ""
  577.  txtLast.Text = ""
  578.  txtName.Text = ""
  579.  txtVol.Text = ""
  580.  txtToday.Text = ""
  581.  txtChange.Text = ""
  582.  txtVolPrice.Text = ""
  583.  txtInventory.Text = ""
  584. End Sub
  585. Private Sub AllDisEnabled()
  586.  txtCode.Enabled = False
  587.  txtLast.Enabled = False
  588.  txtDate.Enabled = False
  589.  txtVol.Enabled = False
  590.  txtName.Enabled = False
  591.  txtToday.Enabled = False
  592.  txtChange.Enabled = False
  593.  txtVolPrice.Enabled = False
  594.  txtInventory.Enabled = False
  595. End Sub
  596. Private Sub AllEnabled()
  597.  txtCode.Enabled = True
  598.  txtLast.Enabled = True
  599.  txtDate.Enabled = True
  600.  txtName.Enabled = True
  601.  txtVol.Enabled = True
  602.  txtToday.Enabled = True
  603.  txtChange.Enabled = True
  604.  txtVolPrice.Enabled = True
  605.  txtInventory.Enabled = True
  606. End Sub
  607. Private Sub txtDate_LostFocus()
  608.     If Trim(txtDate.Text) = "" Then
  609.         MsgBox "请输入日期!", 48, "提示"
  610.         Text3.SetFocus
  611.     Else
  612.         If Not IsDate(txtDate.Text) Then
  613.             MsgBox "请输入日期型格式!", 48, "提示"
  614.             txtDate.SetFocus
  615.         Else
  616.             txtDate.Text = Format(txtDate.Text, "yyyy-mm-dd")
  617.         End If
  618.     End If
  619. End Sub