- //*******************************************************//
- // //
- // DelphiFlash.com //
- // Copyright (c) 2004-2006 FeatherySoft, Inc. //
- // info@delphiflash.com //
- // //
- //*******************************************************//
- // Description: Main demo
- // Last update: 20 jun 2006
- {$I defines.inc}
- unit UDemo;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, OleCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls,
- StdCtrls, Buttons, Menus,
- ShockwaveFlashObjects_TLB, ShockwaveEx, FlashObjects, SWFObjects,
- SWFTools, FLV;
- type
- TmDemo = class(TForm)
- P1: TPanel;
- Splitter: TSplitter;
- Pages: TPageControl;
- P2: TPanel;
- eName: TEdit;
- bBrowse: TSpeedButton;
- P3: TPanel;
- P4: TPanel;
- CBCompr: TCheckBox;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- bPlay: TSpeedButton;
- bPause: TSpeedButton;
- TrackBar: TTrackBar;
- bReweind: TSpeedButton;
- TabSound: TTabSheet;
- SndName: TEdit;
- bSndBrowse: TSpeedButton;
- Label1: TLabel;
- sndVariant: TRadioGroup;
- lFrames: TLabel;
- TimerSWF: TTimer;
- SndEvParam: TGroupBox;
- Label2: TLabel;
- sndLoop: TEdit;
- cbSyncNoMultiple: TCheckBox;
- TabShape: TTabSheet;
- rvShape: TRadioGroup;
- FillShape: TRadioGroup;
- GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
- cbLine: TCheckBox;
- UseA: TCheckBox;
- ImgName: TEdit;
- Label3: TLabel;
- BrowsImg: TSpeedButton;
- TabButton: TTabSheet;
- Label4: TLabel;
- EOpenUtr: TEdit;
- TabText: TTabSheet;
- StaticText: TEdit;
- BFont: TButton;
- FontDialog: TFontDialog;
- EditText: TEdit;
- MemoHTML: TMemo;
- HTMLBrowse: TSpeedButton;
- RBText1: TRadioButton;
- RBText2: TRadioButton;
- RBText3: TRadioButton;
- LGetText: TLabel;
- TabTransform: TTabSheet;
- FlashPlayer: TShockwaveFlashEx;
- Trans2: TCheckBox;
- Trans1: TCheckBox;
- Trans3: TCheckBox;
- Trans4: TCheckBox;
- TabSprite: TTabSheet;
- Sprite1: TCheckBox;
- Sprite2: TCheckBox;
- TabSheet1: TTabSheet;
- Label5: TLabel;
- StreamBox: TGroupBox;
- CBDuration: TCheckBox;
- Label6: TLabel;
- SDuratiom: TEdit;
- cbProtect: TCheckBox;
- EPassw: TEdit;
- FntEmbed: TCheckBox;
- TabSheet2: TTabSheet;
- RBMorphFill: TRadioGroup;
- CBLineM: TCheckBox;
- TabVIdeo: TTabSheet;
- z: TGroupBox;
- VCBoxPlace: TCheckBox;
- VCBoxWriteFrame: TCheckBox;
- VSTStartframe: TStaticText;
- VSTY: TStaticText;
- VEStartFrame: TEdit;
- VEX: TEdit;
- VEY: TEdit;
- VLabelX: TLabel;
- VFileEdit: TEdit;
- VFileButton: TSpeedButton;
- Label7: TLabel;
- VSoundEnableChecker: TCheckBox;
- CBPreloader: TCheckBox;
- bMake: TBitBtn;
- ASSource: TRadioGroup;
- TabXML: TTabSheet;
- EXML: TRichEdit;
- GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
- Label8: TLabel;
- CBBlend: TComboBox;
- Label9: TLabel;
- CBFilter: TComboBox;
- procedure bBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bMakeClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure P4Resize(Sender: TObject);
- procedure P2Resize(Sender: TObject);
- procedure P3Resize(Sender: TObject);
- procedure TimerSWFTimer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bSndBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure TrackBarChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bPauseClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bPlayClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bReweindClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- procedure BrowsImgClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure BFontClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure HTMLBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CBDurationClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CBLineMClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RBMorphFillClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure VFileButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cbProtectClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FLV: TFLVData;
- procedure CustomPlace (be:TBitsEngine; P: TWriteFrameInfo; Tr: TFlashPlaceObject);
- procedure CustomWrite (be:TBitsEngine; P: TWriteFrameInfo);
- procedure CustomWriteFrame(sender: TSWFObject; BE: TBitsEngine);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- prgChange : boolean;
- GetEditValueState: byte; // 0 - no get 1 - prepare 2 - geting
- MP3Duration : single;
- TmpName: string;
- end;
- var
- mDemo: TmDemo;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- Uses SWFConst, SoundReader, ImageReader, ExtDlgs, JPEG,
- FontReader;
- const
- pShape = 0;
- pSound = 1;
- pButton = 2;
- pText = 3;
- pTransform = 4;
- pSprite = 5;
- PScript = 6;
- pMorph = 7;
- pVideo = 8;
- pXML = 9;
- procedure TmDemo.CustomPlace (be:TBitsEngine; P: TWriteFrameInfo; Tr: TFlashPlaceObject);
- begin
- Tr.ColorTransform.addA := - P.Frame;
- Tr.SetPosition(TR.TranslateX + P.Frame, TR.TranslateY + P.Frame*2);
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.CustomWriteFrame(sender: TSWFObject; BE: TBitsEngine);
- begin
- With FLV.Frame[TSWFVideoFrame(sender).FrameNum] do
- begin
- if FLV.Header.CodecInfo = 3
- then be.WriteByte((byte(FLV.Header.KeyFrame) shl 4)+FLV.Header.CodecInfo);
- FLV.Data.Position := Start;
- BE.BitsStream.CopyFrom(FLV.Data, Len);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.CustomWrite(be:TBitsEngine; P: TWriteFrameInfo);
- var
- l, i: Cardinal;
- VFrame: TSWFVIdeoFrame;
- PlaceMatrix: TSWFMatrix;
- VDefStream: TSWFDefineVideoStream;
- PlaceStream: TSWFPlaceObject2;
- begin
- PlaceStream:= TSWFPlaceObject2.Create;
- if P.Frame = 0 then
- begin
- VDefStream := TSWFDefineVideoStream.Create;
- VDefStream.CharacterID:=P.ID;
- VDefStream.CodecID:=FLV.Header.CodecInfo;
- VDefStream.NumFrames:=FLV.Header.FrameCount;
- VDefStream.Width:=FLV.Header.XDim;
- VDefStream.Height:=FLV.Header.YDim;
- VDefStream.WriteToStream(BE);
- VDefStream.Free;
- PlaceStream.Depth := P.Depth;
- PlaceStream.CharacterId := P.ID;
- end else
- begin
- PlaceStream.PlaceFlagMove:=True;
- PlaceStream.Depth := P.Depth;
- i:=FLV.Header.YDim*P.Frame;
- if i > 40*FLV.Header.YDim then i:=40*FLV.Header.YDim;
- l:= P.Frame; if l > 90 then l:= 90;
- PlaceMatrix := PlaceStream.Matrix;
- PlaceMatrix.SetTranslate(20, i);
- PlaceMatrix.SetRotate(l);
- PlaceStream.Ratio:= P.Frame;
- end;
- VFrame := TSWFVIdeoFrame.Create;
- VFrame.StreamID := P.ID;
- VFrame.FrameNum := P.Frame mod FLV.Header.FrameCount;
- VFrame.OnDataWrite := CustomWriteFrame;
- VFrame.WriteToStream(be);
- VFrame.Free;
- PlaceStream.ColorTransform.addA := - 100;
- PlaceStream.WriteToStream(be);
- PlaceStream.Free;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var ACH: array [0..255] of char;
- begin
- TmpName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
- eName.Text := TmpName + 'demo.swf';
- prgChange := false;
- bReweind.Down := FlashPlayer.Loop;
- sndName.Text := TmpName + 'stream.mp3';
- imgName.Text := TmpName + 'img.jpg';
- GetWindowsDirectory(ACH, SizeOf(ACH));
- TmpName := string(ACH) + 'Temptemp.swf';
- CreateEmptySWF(TmpName, WithoutA(cswfWhite));
- Pages.TabIndex := 0;
- MP3Duration := 21.92;
- SDuratiom.Text := Format('%2.2f', [MP3Duration]);
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- DeleteFile(TmpName);
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.bBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- With TSaveDialog.Create(self) do
- begin
- Options := Options + [ofOverwritePrompt];
- Filter := 'SWF|*.swf';
- DefaultExt := 'swf';
- FileName := eName.Text;
- if Execute then eName.Text := FileName;
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.bMakeClick(Sender: TObject);
- var Movie: TFlashMovie;
- I: Integer;
- il, il2: integer;
- Shapes: array [1..12] of TFlashShape;
- C: recRGBA;
- AP: array [0..6] of TPoint;
- AC: array [1..4] of recRGBA;
- Img: TFlashImage;
- But: TFlashButton;
- Txt: TFlashText;
- Sprite: TFlashSprite;
- Fnt: TFlashFont;
- FCh: TFlashChar;
- balpha: byte;
- TransX, TransY: integer;
- BDC, OFH: THandle;
- Morph: TFlashMorphShape;
- Video: TFlashVideo;
- PV, PV2: TFlashPlaceVideo;
- _label1: TSWFOffsetMarker;
- PStr: PChar;
- begin
- Randomize;
- bPlay.Enabled := true;
- bPause.Enabled := true;
- bReweind.Enabled := true;
- GetEditValueState := 0;
- LGetText.Caption := '';
- Movie := TFlashMovie.Create(0, 0, 400 * twips, 400 * twips, 12);
- Movie.SystemCoord := scPix;
- Movie.Version := 7;
- Movie.Compressed := CBCompr.Checked;
- Movie.Protect := cbProtect.Checked;
- if cbProtect.Checked then
- Movie.Password := EPassw.Text;
- if CBPreloader.Checked then
- begin
- AC[1] := cswfGray70;
- AC[2] := cswfGray20;
- AC[3] := cswfGray60;
- AC[4] := cswfBlack;
- Movie.AddRectangle(0, 0, 200, 10).SetLinearGradient(AC, 270);
- Movie.AddFont(self.Font, true).Bold := true;
- with Movie.AddDynamicText('pr', '0%', cswfRed, Movie.Fonts[0], Rect(100, 100, 300, 120)) do
- begin
- AutoSize := false;
- NoSelect := true;
- Align := taCenter;
- end;
- Sprite := Movie.AddSprite;
- Sprite.PlaceObject(Movie.Shapes[0], 1);
- Sprite := Movie.AddSprite;
- with Sprite.PlaceObject(Movie.Shapes[0], 1) do
- begin
- ColorTransform.AddA := -180;
- SetTranslate(100, 115);
- end;
- Sprite.PlaceObject(Movie.Texts[0], 2).Name := 'prText';
- with Sprite.PlaceObject(Movie.Sprites[0], 10) do
- begin
- SetTranslate(100, 115);
- Name := 'pBar';
- end;
- Sprite.ShowFrame;
- with Movie.PlaceObject(Sprite, 1) do
- begin
- with OnEnterFrame do
- begin
- ConstantPool(['loaded', '_root', 'getBytesLoaded', 'getBytesTotal',
- 'pBar', '_xscale', 'pr', '%', 'gotoAndPlay']);
- Push([0, 100, 0, 1], [vtConstant8, vtInteger, vtInteger, vtConstant8]);
- GetVariable;
- PushConstant(2);
- CallMethod;
- Push([0, 1], [vtInteger, vtConstant8]);
- GetVariable;
- PushConstant(3);
- CallMethod;
- Divide;
- Multiply;
- ToInteger;
- SetVariable;
- PushConstant(4);
- GetVariable;
- PushConstant([5, 0]);
- GetVariable;
- SetMember;
- PushConstant([6, 0]);
- GetVariable;
- PushConstant(7);
- Add2;
- SetVariable;
- PushConstant(0);
- GetVariable;
- Push(100);
- Equals2;
- _Not;
- _label1 := _If.BranchOffsetMarker;
- Push([2, 1, 1], [vtInteger, vtInteger, vtConstant8]);
- GetVariable;
- PushConstant(8);
- CallMethod;
- Pop;
- SetMarker(_label1);
- end;
- end;
- Movie.FrameActions.Stop;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- Movie.RemoveObject(1);
- end;
- case Pages.ActivePageIndex of
- pShape:
- begin
- if CBBlend.ItemIndex > 1 then
- begin
- Movie.BackgroundMode := bmColor;
- Movie.BackgroundColor.RGB := SWFRGB(Random($FFFFFF));
- Shapes[1] := Movie.AddRectangle(0, 0, 600, 3);
- Shapes[1].SetLinearGradient(cswfBlue, cswfGreen);
- for il := 1 to 20 do
- Movie.PlaceObject(Shapes[1], il).SetTranslate(0, il*25);
- end;
- for il:=1 to 12 do
- begin
- Case rvShape.ItemIndex of
- 0: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddRectangle(0, 0, Random(200),Random(200));
- 1: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddStar(Random(100), Random(100), Random(150) - 50, Random(200), Random(100));
- 2: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddEllipse(0, 0, Random(200),Random(200));
- 3: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddCircle(Random(100), Random(100), Random(200));
- 4: begin
- AP[0] := Point(0, 0);
- AP[6] := AP[0];
- For il2:=1 to 5 do
- AP[il2] := Point(Random(200), Random(200));
- Shapes[il] := Movie.AddPolygon(AP);
- end;
- 5: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddRing(Random(100), Random(100), Random(100) + 20, Random(50)+20);
- 6: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddPie(Random(100), Random(100), Random(100) + 20, Random(100) + 20, Random(360), Random(360));
- 7: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddArc(Random(100), Random(100), Random(100) + 20, Random(100) + 20,
- Random(360), Random(360));
- 8: Shapes[il] := Movie.AddDiamond(0, 0, Random(200),Random(200));
- end;
- C.R := Random(255);
- C.G := Random(255);
- C.B := Random(255);
- if UseA.Checked then C.A := Random(255) else C.A := $ff;
- Case FillShape.ItemIndex of
- 0: Shapes[il].SetSolidColor(C);
- 1: begin
- case il of
- 1..3: Shapes[il].SetLinearGradient(C, cswfWhite, (il - 1) * 45);
- 4..5: begin
- AC[1] := C;
- AC[2] := cswfWhite;
- AC[3] := C;
- AC[4] := cswfBlack;
- Shapes[il].SetLinearGradient(AC, 0);
- end;
- 6..7: Shapes[il].SetRadialGradient(C, cswfWhite, 50, 50);
- 8: Shapes[il].SetRadialGradient(cswfWhite, C, 35, 35);
- 9..11: Shapes[il].SetRadialGradient(C, cswfWhite, (il - 9) * 30, (il - 9) * 20);
- 12: begin
- AC[1] := C;
- if UseA.Checked then AC[1].A := 0;
- AC[2] := cswfWhite;
- AC[3] := C;
- AC[4] := cswfBlack;
- Shapes[il].SetRadialGradient(AC, 50, 50);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- case il of
- 1:begin
- Img := Movie.AddImage(ImgName.Text);
- if UseA.Checked and img.AsJPEG then
- begin
- Img.MakeAlphaLayer;
- Img.AlphaData.Position := 0;
- for il2 := 0 to Img.AlphaData.Size - 1 do
- begin
- if (il2 mod Img.Width) = 0 then balpha := 255;
- balpha := balpha - 1;
- img.AlphaData.Write(balpha, 1);
- end;
- end;
- Shapes[il].SetImageFill(Img, fmFit);
- end;
- 2, 4, 8:
- Shapes[il].SetImageFill(Img, fmClip);
- 3, 6, 7:
- With Shapes[il].SetImageFill(Img, fmTile) do
- Matrix.SetScale(2, 2);
- else Shapes[il].SetImageFill(Img, fmFit);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if cbLine.Checked then
- begin
- C.R := Random(255);
- C.G := Random(255);
- C.B := Random(255);
- Shapes[il].SetLineStyle(Random(10), C);
- end;
- with Movie.PlaceObject(Shapes[il], il + 100) do
- begin
- SetTranslate(Random(200), Random(200));
- if CBBlend.ItemIndex > 1 then BlendMode := CBBlend.ItemIndex;
- if CBFilter.ItemIndex > 0 then
- Case CBFilter.ItemIndex - 1 of
- fidDropShadow: Shadow;
- fidBlur: Blur;
- fidGlow: Glow;
- fidBevel: Bevel;
- fidGradientGlow: GradientGlow;
- fidGradientBevel: GradientBevel;
- fidColorMatrix:
- ColorMatrix.AdjustColor(0, 0, -100, 0);
- end;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame(2);
- if il > 6 then Movie.RemoveObject(il-6 + 100);
- Case il of
- 4, 8, 12: Movie.ShowFrame(10);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- pSound: begin
- Movie.BackgroundColor.RGB := SWFRGB(clSkyBlue);
- if fileExists(SndName.Text) then
- begin
- Case sndVariant.ItemIndex of
- 1: begin // as event
- With Movie.StartSound(Movie.AddSound(SndName.Text).CharacterID) do
- begin
- HasLoops := true;
- try
- LoopCount := StrToInt(sndLoop.Text);
- except
- LoopCount := 1;
- end;
- SyncNoMultiple := cbSyncNoMultiple.Checked;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- 0: begin // as stream
- Movie.BackgroundSound.LoadSound(SndName.Text);
- Movie.BackgroundSound.AutoLoop := false;
- if CBPreloader.Checked then
- Movie.BackgroundSound.StartFrame := 1;
- if not CBDuration.Checked then
- try
- MP3Duration := StrToFloat(SDuratiom.Text);
- except
- MP3Duration := Movie.BackgroundSound.Duration;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame(round(MP3Duration * 12));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- pButton:begin
- Shapes[1] := Movie.AddCircle(0, 0, 40);
- Shapes[1].SetRadialGradient(cswfWhite, cswfBlue, 35, 35);
- Shapes[2] := Movie.AddCircle(0, 0, 40);
- Shapes[2].SetRadialGradient(cswfWhite, cswfNavy, 40, 40);
- But := Movie.AddButton;
- But.SndRollOver.SoundId := Movie.AddSound('event.wav').CharacterID;
- But.AddRecord(Shapes[1], [bsUp, bsHitTest]);
- with But.AddRecord(Shapes[1], [bsOver]) do
- Matrix.SetScale(1.1, 1.1);
- with But.AddRecord(Shapes[2], [bsDown]) do
- Matrix.SetScale(1.1, 1.1);
- // But.Actions.AddGetUrl(EOpenUtr.Text, '_blank');
- But.OnReleaseActions.GetUrl(EOpenUtr.Text, '_blank');
- Movie.PlaceObject(But, 1).SetTranslate(100, 100);
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- pText:begin
- if FntEmbed.Checked then
- begin
- Fnt := Movie.AddFont(BFont.Font, false);
- Fnt.Layout := true;
- end else
- Fnt := Movie.AddFont(BFont.Font);
- if RBText1.Checked then
- begin
- Shapes[1] := Movie.AddRectangle(50, 120, 200, 220);
- Shapes[1].SetLineStyle(1, cswfGray30);
- Movie.PlaceObject(Shapes[1], 1);
- Txt := Movie.AddText(StaticText.Text, cswfBlue, Fnt, Point(200, 120), taRight);
- // Txt.CharSpacing := 2;
- Movie.PlaceObject(Txt, 2);
- // Shapes[1] := Movie.AddRectangle(0, 0, 150, 50);
- // Shapes[1].SetSolidColor(cswfYellow);
- // Movie.PlaceObject(Shapes[1], 1);
- end;
- if RBText2.Checked then
- begin
- Fnt.AddChars(AllChars);
- Txt := Movie.AddDynamicText('EditText', EditText.Text, cswfBlue,
- Fnt, Rect(10, 100, 390, 150));
- Txt.Border := true;
- // Txt.Align := taCenter;
- Movie.PlaceObject(Txt, 2);
- Txt := Movie.AddDynamicText('EditText2', EditText.Text, cswfBlue,
- Fnt, Rect(10, 160, 390, 400));
- Txt.Border := true;
- Txt.WordWrap := true;
- Txt.Multiline := true;
- Txt.Align := taCenter;
- Movie.PlaceObject(Txt, 3);
- GetEditValueState := 1;
- end;
- if RBText3.Checked then
- begin
- Fnt.Bold := false;
- Fnt.Italic := false;
- Fnt.AddChars(AllEnglishChars);
- Txt := Movie.AddDynamicText('', string(MemoHTML.Lines.GetText), cswfGray50,
- Fnt, Rect(0, 0, 400, 400));
- TXT.HTML := true;
- Txt.ReadOnly := true;
- Movie.PlaceObject(Txt, 3);
- if FntEmbed.Checked then
- begin
- Fnt := Movie.AddFont(BFont.Font, false);
- Fnt.Bold := true;
- Fnt.Italic := false;
- Fnt.FontUsing := [fuDynamicText];
- Fnt.AddChars('bold');
- Fnt.Layout := true;
- Fnt := Movie.AddFont(BFont.Font, false);
- Fnt.Bold := false;
- Fnt.Italic := true;
- Fnt.FontUsing := [fuDynamicText];
- Fnt.AddChars('italc'); // two "i"
- Fnt.Layout := true;
- end;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- pTransform:
- begin
- Shapes[1] := Movie.AddCircle(0, 0, 50);
- Shapes[1].SetRadialGradient(cswfWhite, SWFRGBA(clNavy), 35, 35);
- if not (Trans1.Checked or Trans2.Checked or Trans3.Checked or Trans4.Checked) then Trans1.Checked := true;
- For il := 0 to 40 do
- begin
- With Movie.PlaceObject(Shapes[1], 1) do
- begin
- if Trans1.Checked then
- SetScale(1+il / 10, 1+il / 20);
- TransX := 200;
- TransY := 200;
- if Trans2.Checked then
- begin
- TransX := TransX + il*2;
- TransY := TransY - il*2;
- end;
- SetTranslate(TransX, TransY);
- if Trans3.Checked then
- SetSkew(il /10, 0);
- if Trans4.Checked then
- InitColorTransform(true, Round(il / 40 * 255), 0, -Round(il / 40 * 255), 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- true);
- if il>0 then RemoveDepth := true
- else Movie.ShowFrame(5);
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- end;
- pSprite:
- begin
- Shapes[1] := Movie.AddRectangle(0, -45, 100, 45);
- C.R := Random(255);
- C.G := Random(255);
- C.B := Random(255);
- C.A := 200;
- AC[1] := C;
- AC[2] := cswfWhite;
- AC[3] := C;
- AC[4] := cswfBlack;
- Shapes[1].SetLinearGradient(AC, 0);
- Sprite := Movie.AddSprite;
- Sprite.PlaceObject(Shapes[1], 1);
- Sprite.ShowFrame;
- For il := 1 to 10 do
- begin
- With Sprite.PlaceObject(Shapes[1], 1) do
- begin
- if il > 5 then SetScale(1, 1 + (10 - il)/ 10)
- else SetScale(1, 1 + il/ 10);
- RemoveDepth := true
- end;
- Sprite.ShowFrame;
- end;
- if Sprite2.Checked then
- Movie.PlaceObject(Sprite, 2).SetTranslate(150, 200);
- if not Sprite1.Checked then
- begin
- Movie.PlaceObject(Sprite, 1).SetTranslate(150, 100);
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end else
- For il := 1 to 30 do
- with Movie.PlaceObject(Sprite, 1) do
- begin
- SetRotate(360 * il / 30);
- SetTranslate(50 + il*6, 100);
- if il > 1 then RemoveDepth := true;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- end;
- PScript:
- begin
- Txt := Movie.AddDynamicText('EditText', '0', cswfRed,
- Movie.AddFont(BFont.Font), Rect(30, 10, 100, 50));
- Txt.ReadOnly := true;
- Txt.NoSelect := true;
- Movie.PlaceObject(Txt, 1);
- Shapes[1] := Movie.AddCircle(0, 0, 20);
- Shapes[1].SetRadialGradient(cswfWhite, cswfGray60, 35, 35);
- But := Movie.AddButton;
- But.AddRecord(Shapes[1], [bsUp, bsOver, bsHitTest]);
- With But.AddRecord(Shapes[1], [bsDown]).ColorTransform do
- begin
- addR := 200;
- addG := 10;
- addB := 10;
- end;
- if ASSource.ItemIndex = 0 then
- With But.OnReleaseActions do
- begin
- Push('EditText');
- GetVariable('EditText');
- ToInteger;
- Push(1);
- Operation('+');
- SetVariable;
- end
- else
- {$IFDEF ASCompiler}
- But.CompileEvent('on(release){EditText = int(EditText) + 1;}')
- {$ENDIF};
- with Movie.PlaceObject(But, 2) do
- begin
- SetTranslate(200, 200);
- Name := 'but';
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- With Movie.FrameActions do
- if ASSource.ItemIndex = 0 then
- begin
- Push([1,'but', fpPosX, 'but', fpPosX]);
- GetProperty;
- Random(7, 15);
- Operation('+');
- SetProperty;
- Push(['but', fpPosY, 'but', fpPosY]);
- GetProperty;
- Random(7, 15);
- Operation('+');
- SetProperty;
- GotoFrame2(true);
- end else
- {$IFDEF ASCompiler}
- Compile('but._x += (random(15) - 7);' +
- 'but._y += (random(15) - 7);' +
- 'gotoAndPlay(1);');
- {$ELSE}
- ShowMessage('Your license not support ActionScript Compiler features!');
- {$ENDIF}
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- pMorph:
- begin
- Morph := Movie.AddMorphShape; // 1
- Morph.SetStartBound(0, 0, 50, 50);
- Morph.SetEndBound(-70, -70, 70, 70);
- if CBLineM.Checked then
- Morph.SetLineStyle(1, 12, cswfBlue, cswfYellow);
- case RBMorphFill.ItemIndex of
- 1: Morph.SetSolidColor(cswfGray10, cswfRed);
- 2: Morph.SetLinearGradient(cswfRed, cswfWhite, cswfRed, cswfBlack, 0, 90);
- 3: Morph.SetRadialGradient(cswfRed, cswfWhite, cswfRed, cswfBlack, 50, 50, 35, 35);
- end;
- With Morph.StartEdges do
- begin
- MoveDelta(-50, 0);
- MakeEllipse(50, 50);
- MakeMirror(true, false);
- end;
- With Morph.EndEdges do
- begin
- MakeStar(0, 0, 60, 30, 8, true);
- MakeMirror(true, false);
- end;
- for il := 0 to 20 do
- begin
- With Movie.PlaceObject(Morph, 1) do
- begin
- Ratio := Round(il / 20 * $FFFF);
- if il > 0 then RemoveDepth := true
- else SetTranslate(100, 100);
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame(2);
- Movie.RemoveObject(1);
- Morph := Movie.AddMorphShape; // 2
- Morph.SetStartBound(-70, -70, 70, 70);
- Morph.SetEndBound(-3, -3, 103, 63);
- if CBLineM.Checked then
- Morph.SetLineStyle(12, 6, cswfYellow, cswfBlack);
- case RBMorphFill.ItemIndex of
- 1: Morph.SetSolidColor(cswfRed, cswfGreen);
- 2: Morph.SetLinearGradient(cswfRed, cswfBlack, cswfBlue, cswfBlack, 90, 180);
- 3: Morph.SetRadialGradient(cswfRed, cswfBlack, cswfBlack, cswfBlue, 35, 35, 50, 70);
- end;
- With Morph.StartEdges do
- begin
- MakeStar(0, 0, 60, 30, 8, true);
- MakeMirror(true, false);
- end;
- With Morph.EndEdges do
- begin
- MoveDelta(-100, 0);
- LineDelta(20, 0);
- LineDelta(0, 30);
- LineDelta(50, 0);
- LineDelta(0, -30);
- LineDelta(30, 0);
- LineDelta(0, 60);
- LineDelta(-100, 0);
- LineDelta(0, -60);
- MakeMirror(true, false);
- end;
- for il := 0 to 20 do
- begin
- With Movie.PlaceObject(Morph, 1) do
- begin
- Ratio := Round(il / 20 * $FFFF);
- if il > 0 then RemoveDepth := true
- else SetTranslate(100, 100);
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame(2);
- Movie.RemoveObject(1);
- Morph := Movie.AddMorphShape; // 3
- Morph.SetStartBound(-3, -3, 103, 63);
- Morph.SetEndBound(0, 0, 50, 50);
- if CBLineM.Checked then
- Morph.SetLineStyle(6, 1, cswfBlack, cswfBlue);
- case RBMorphFill.ItemIndex of
- 1: Morph.SetSolidColor(cswfGreen, cswfGray10);
- 2: Morph.SetLinearGradient(cswfBlue, cswfBlack, cswfRed, cswfWhite, 180, 0);
- 3: Morph.SetRadialGradient(cswfBlack, cswfBlue, cswfRed, cswfWhite, 50, 70, 50, 50);
- end;
- With Morph.StartEdges do
- begin
- MoveDelta(-100, 0);
- LineDelta(20, 0);
- LineDelta(0, 30);
- LineDelta(50, 0);
- LineDelta(0, -30);
- LineDelta(30, 0);
- LineDelta(0, 60);
- LineDelta(-100, 0);
- LineDelta(0, -60);
- MakeMirror(true, false);
- end;
- With Morph.EndEdges do
- begin
- MoveDelta(-50, 0);
- MakeEllipse(50, 50);
- MakeMirror(true, false);
- end;
- for il := 0 to 20 do
- begin
- With Movie.PlaceObject(Morph, 1) do
- begin
- Ratio := Round(il / 20 * $FFFF);
- if il > 0 then RemoveDepth := true
- else SetTranslate(100, 100);
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame(2);
- end;
- pVideo:
- begin
- Movie.BackgroundColor.RGB := SWFRGB(clBlack);
- if fileExists(VFIleEdit.Text) then
- begin
- Video := Movie.AddVideo(VFIleEdit.Text);
- FLV := Video.FLV;
- Movie.FPS:=WordToSingle(FLV.FPS);
- PV := Movie.PlaceVideo(Video, 2);
- PV.EnableSound:=VSoundEnableChecker.Checked;
- PV.StartFrame := StrToInt(VEStartFrame.Text);
- if (PV.StartFrame = 0) and CBPreloader.Checked then PV.StartFrame := 1;
- PV.AutoReplay := false;
- try
- AP[0].X := StrToInt(VEX.Text);
- except
- AP[0].X := 0;
- end;
- try
- AP[0].Y := StrToInt(VEY.Text);
- except
- AP[0].Y := 0;
- end;
- PV.SetTranslate(AP[0].X, AP[0].Y);
- if VCBoxPlace.Checked then
- begin
- PV2 := Movie.PlaceVideo(Video, 1);
- PV2.SetTranslate(AP[0].X, AP[0].Y);
- PV2.onPlaceFrame := CustomPlace;
- end;
- if VCBoxWriteFrame.Checked then
- begin
- PV2:=Movie.PlaceVideo(Video, 3);
- PV2.onWriteFrame := CustomWrite;
- end;
- end;
- Movie.ShowFrame(FLV.FrameCount + 10);
- //ShowMessage(IntToStr(FLV.FrameCount));
- end;
- pXML: begin
- {$IFDEF XMLSupport}
- PStr := EXML.Lines.GetText;
- Movie.LoadFromXMLString(PStr, true);
- StrDispose(PStr);
- {$ELSE}
- Txt := Movie.AddDynamicText('', 'Your license not support XML features!', cswfRed,
- Movie.AddFont(BFont.Font), Rect(30, 10, 300, 50));
- Txt.ReadOnly := true;
- Txt.NoSelect := true;
- Txt.WordWrap := true;
- Txt.AutoSize := true;
- Movie.PlaceObject(Txt, 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- Movie.MakeStream;
- Movie.SaveToFile(eName.Text);
- Movie.Free;
- FlashPlayer.Movie := TmpName; // for empty last movie
- FlashPlayer.Movie := eName.Text;
- TrackBar.Max := FlashPlayer.TotalFrames - 1;
- lFrames.AutoSize := true;
- lFrames.Caption := IntToStr(FlashPlayer.TotalFrames)+'/'+IntToStr(FlashPlayer.TotalFrames) + ' frm';
- lFrames.AutoSize := false;
- FlashPlayer.Play;
- P4Resize(nil);
- TimerSWF.Enabled := true;
- if GetEditValueState = 1 then GetEditValueState := 2;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.P4Resize(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- // if sender
- bReweind.Left := P4.Width - bReweind.Width - 2;
- lFrames.Left := bReweind.Left - 4 - lFrames.Width;
- TrackBar.Width := lFrames.Left - 1 - TrackBar.Left;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.P2Resize(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- bBrowse.Left := P1.Width - bBrowse.Width - 2;
- eName.Width := bBrowse.Left - 4 - eName.Left;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.P3Resize(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FlashPlayer.CreateWnd;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.TimerSWFTimer(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- prgChange := true;
- try
- lFrames.Caption := IntToStr(FlashPlayer.CurrentFrame)+'/'+IntToStr(FlashPlayer.TotalFrames) + ' frm';
- TrackBar.Position := FlashPlayer.CurrentFrame;
- if GetEditValueState = 2 then
- begin
- LGetText.Caption := FlashPlayer.GetVariable('EditText');
- end;
- finally
- prgChange := false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.bSndBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- With TOpenDialog.Create(self) do
- begin
- Filter := 'Music & sound (*.wav, *.mp3)|*.wav;*.mp3';
- FileName := SndName.Text;
- if Execute then
- begin
- if isSupportSoundFormat(FileName)
- then
- begin
- SndName.Text := FileName;
- With TFlashSound.Create(nil, FileName) do
- begin
- MP3Duration := Duration;
- SDuratiom.Text := Format('%2.2f', [Duration]);
- Free;
- end;
- end
- else MessageBox(handle,'Sorry, this sound format is not supported.', PChar(Caption), MB_Ok + MB_ICONError);
- end;
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.TrackBarChange(Sender: TObject);
- var pl: boolean;
- begin
- if prgChange then Exit;
- pl := FlashPlayer.Playing;
- FlashPlayer.GotoFrame(TrackBar.Position);
- if pl then FlashPlayer.Play;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.bPauseClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FlashPlayer.Stop;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.bPlayClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FlashPlayer.Movie <> '' then
- FlashPlayer.Play;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.bReweindClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FlashPlayer.Loop := bReweind.Down;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.BrowsImgClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- With TOpenPictureDialog.Create(self) do
- begin
- Filter := 'Picture (*.bmp, *.jpg)|*.bmp;*.jpg';
- FileName := imgName.Text;
- if Execute then
- begin
- if isSupportImageFormat(FileName)
- then imgName.Text := FileName
- else MessageBox(handle,'Sorry, this image format is not supported.', PChar(Caption), MB_Ok + MB_ICONError);
- end;
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.BFontClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- with TFontDialog.Create(self) do
- begin
- Options := [fdTrueTypeOnly];
- Font.Assign(BFont.Font);
- if Execute then
- begin
- BFont.Font.Assign(Font);
- BFont.Caption := Font.Name;
- end;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.HTMLBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- With TOpenDialog.Create(self) do
- begin
- Filter := 'HTML (*.htm, *.html)|*.htm;*.html';
- if Execute then
- MemoHTML.Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName);
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.CBDurationClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if CBDuration.Checked then SDuratiom.Text := Format('%2.2f', [MP3Duration]);
- SDuratiom.Enabled := not CBDuration.Checked;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.CBLineMClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (not CBLineM.Checked) and (RBMorphFill.ItemIndex = 0) then
- RBMorphFill.ItemIndex := 1;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.RBMorphFillClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (RBMorphFill.ItemIndex = 0) and (not CBLineM.Checked) then
- CBLineM.Checked := true;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.VFileButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- With TOpenDialog.Create(self) do
- begin
- Filter := 'Stream video (*.flv)|*.flv';
- FileName := VFIleEdit.Text;
- if Execute then VFIleEdit.Text := FileName;
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TmDemo.cbProtectClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- EPassw.Enabled := cbProtect.Checked;
- end;
- end.