- [FileVersion]
- Version=7.0
- [Compiler]
- A=8
- B=0
- C=1
- D=1
- E=0
- F=0
- G=1
- H=1
- I=1
- J=0
- K=0
- L=1
- M=0
- N=1
- O=1
- P=1
- Q=0
- R=0
- S=0
- T=0
- U=0
- V=1
- W=0
- X=1
- Y=1
- Z=1
- ShowHints=1
- ShowWarnings=1
- UnitAliases=WinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE;
- NamespacePrefix=
- SymbolDeprecated=1
- SymbolLibrary=1
- SymbolPlatform=1
- UnitLibrary=1
- UnitPlatform=1
- UnitDeprecated=1
- HResultCompat=1
- HidingMember=1
- HiddenVirtual=1
- Garbage=1
- BoundsError=1
- ZeroNilCompat=1
- StringConstTruncated=1
- ForLoopVarVarPar=1
- TypedConstVarPar=1
- AsgToTypedConst=1
- CaseLabelRange=1
- ForVariable=1
- ConstructingAbstract=1
- ComparisonFalse=1
- ComparisonTrue=1
- ComparingSignedUnsigned=1
- CombiningSignedUnsigned=1
- UnsupportedConstruct=1
- FileOpen=1
- FileOpenUnitSrc=1
- BadGlobalSymbol=1
- DuplicateConstructorDestructor=1
- InvalidDirective=1
- PackageNoLink=1
- PackageThreadVar=1
- ImplicitImport=1
- HPPEMITIgnored=1
- NoRetVal=1
- UseBeforeDef=1
- ForLoopVarUndef=1
- UnitNameMismatch=1
- NoCFGFileFound=1
- MessageDirective=1
- ImplicitVariants=1
- UnicodeToLocale=1
- LocaleToUnicode=1
- ImagebaseMultiple=1
- SuspiciousTypecast=1
- PrivatePropAccessor=1
- UnsafeType=0
- UnsafeCode=0
- UnsafeCast=0
- [Linker]
- MapFile=3
- OutputObjs=0
- ConsoleApp=1
- DebugInfo=0
- RemoteSymbols=0
- MinStackSize=16384
- MaxStackSize=1048576
- ImageBase=4194304
- ExeDescription=
- [Directories]
- OutputDir=
- UnitOutputDir=
- PackageDLLOutputDir=
- PackageDCPOutputDir=
- SearchPath=
- Packages=
- Conditionals=
- DebugSourceDirs=
- UsePackages=0
- [Parameters]
- RunParams=
- HostApplication=
- Launcher=
- UseLauncher=0
- DebugCWD=
- [Language]
- ActiveLang=
- ProjectLang=
- RootDir=
- [Version Info]
- IncludeVerInfo=0
- AutoIncBuild=0
- MajorVer=1
- MinorVer=0
- Release=0
- Build=0
- Debug=0
- PreRelease=0
- Special=0
- Private=0
- DLL=0
- Locale=2052
- CodePage=936
- [Version Info Keys]
- CompanyName=
- FileDescription=
- FileVersion=
- InternalName=
- LegalCopyright=
- LegalTrademarks=
- OriginalFilename=
- ProductName=
- ProductVersion=
- Comments=
- [Exception Log]
- EurekaLog Version=6014
- Activate=0
- Activate Handle=1
- Save Log File=1
- Foreground Tab=0
- Freeze Activate=0
- Freeze Timeout=0
- SMTP From=eurekalog@email.com
- SMTP Host=
- SMTP Port=25
- SMTP UserID=
- SMTP Password=
- Append to Log=0
- TerminateBtn Operation=2
- Errors Number=32
- Errors Terminate=3
- Email Address=
- Email Object=
- Email Send Options=0
- Output Path=
- Encrypt Password=
- AutoCloseDialogSecs=0
- WebSendMode=0
- SupportULR=
- HTMLLayout Count=15
- HTMLLine0="%3Chtml%3E"
- HTMLLine1=" %3Chead%3E"
- HTMLLine2=" %3C/head%3E"
- HTMLLine3=" %3Cbody TopMargin=10 LeftMargin=10%3E"
- HTMLLine4=" %3Ctable width="100%%" border="0"%3E"
- HTMLLine5=" %3Ctr%3E"
- HTMLLine6=" %3Ctd nowrap%3E"
- HTMLLine7=" %3Cfont face="Lucida Console, Courier" size="2"%3E"
- HTMLLine8=" %3C%%HTML_TAG%%%3E"
- HTMLLine9=" %3C/font%3E"
- HTMLLine10=" %3C/td%3E"
- HTMLLine11=" %3C/tr%3E"
- HTMLLine12=" %3C/table%3E"
- HTMLLine13=" %3C/body%3E"
- HTMLLine14="%3C/html%3E"
- AutoCrashOperation=2
- AutoCrashNumber=10
- AutoCrashMinutes=1
- WebURL=
- WebUserID=
- WebPassword=
- WebPort=0
- AttachedFiles=
- ProxyURL=
- ProxyUser=
- ProxyPassword=
- ProxyPort=8080
- TrakerUser=
- TrakerPassword=
- TrakerAssignTo=
- TrakerProject=
- TrakerCategory=
- TrakerTrialID=
- ZipPassword=
- PreBuildEvent=
- PostSuccessfulBuildEvent=
- PostFailureBuildEvent=
- ExceptionDialogType=2
- Count=0
- EMail Message Line Count=0
- loNoDuplicateErrors=0
- loAppendReproduceText=0
- loDeleteLogAtVersionChange=0
- loAddComputerNameInLogFileName=0
- loSaveModulesAndProcessesSections=1
- loSaveAssemblerAndCPUSections=1
- soAppStartDate=1
- soAppName=1
- soAppVersionNumber=1
- soAppParameters=1
- soAppCompilationDate=1
- soAppUpTime=1
- soExcDate=1
- soExcAddress=1
- soExcModuleName=1
- soExcModuleVersion=1
- soExcType=1
- soExcMessage=1
- soExcID=1
- soExcCount=1
- soExcStatus=1
- soExcNote=1
- soUserID=1
- soUserName=1
- soUserEmail=1
- soUserPrivileges=1
- soUserCompany=1
- soActCtlsFormClass=1
- soActCtlsFormText=1
- soActCtlsControlClass=1
- soActCtlsControlText=1
- soCmpName=1
- soCmpTotalMemory=1
- soCmpFreeMemory=1
- soCmpTotalDisk=1
- soCmpFreeDisk=1
- soCmpSysUpTime=1
- soCmpProcessor=1
- soCmpDisplayMode=1
- soCmpDisplayDPI=1
- soCmpVideoCard=1
- soCmpPrinter=1
- soOSType=1
- soOSBuildN=1
- soOSUpdate=1
- soOSLanguage=1
- soOSCharset=1
- soNetIP=1
- soNetSubmask=1
- soNetGateway=1
- soNetDNS1=1
- soNetDNS2=1
- soNetDHCP=1
- soCustomData=1
- sndShowSendDialog=1
- sndShowSuccessFailureMsg=0
- sndSendEntireLog=0
- sndSendXMLLogCopy=0
- sndSendScreenshot=1
- sndUseOnlyActiveWindow=0
- sndSendLastHTMLPage=1
- sndSendInSeparatedThread=0
- sndAddDateInFileName=0
- sndAddComputerNameInFileName=0
- edoSendErrorReportChecked=1
- edoAttachScreenshotChecked=1
- edoShowCopyToClipOption=1
- edoShowDetailsButton=1
- edoShowInDetailedMode=0
- edoShowInTopMostMode=0
- edoUseEurekaLogLookAndFeel=0
- edoShowSendErrorReportOption=1
- edoShowAttachScreenshotOption=1
- edoShowCustomButton=0
- csoShowDLLs=1
- csoShowBPLs=1
- csoShowBorlandThreads=1
- csoShowWindowsThreads=1
- csoDoNotStoreProcNames=0
- boPauseBorlandThreads=0
- boDoNotPauseMainThread=0
- boPauseWindowsThreads=0
- boUseMainModuleOptions=1
- boCopyLogInCaseOfError=1
- boSaveCompressedCopyInCaseOfError=0
- boHandleSafeCallExceptions=1
- boCallRTLExceptionEvent=0
- boCatchHandledExceptions=0
- loCatchLeaks=0
- loGroupsSonLeaks=1
- loHideBorlandLeaks=1
- loFreeAllLeaks=1
- loCatchLeaksExceptions=1
- cfoReduceFileSize=1
- cfoCheckFileCorruption=0
- Count mtInformationMsgCaption=1
- mtInformationMsgCaption0="Information."
- Count mtQuestionMsgCaption=1
- mtQuestionMsgCaption0="Question."
- Count mtErrorMsgCaption=1
- mtErrorMsgCaption0="Error."
- Count mtDialog_Caption=1
- mtDialog_Caption0="Error occurred"
- Count mtDialog_ErrorMsgCaption=2
- mtDialog_ErrorMsgCaption0="An error has occurred during program execution."
- mtDialog_ErrorMsgCaption1="Please read the following information for further details."
- Count mtDialog_GeneralCaption=1
- mtDialog_GeneralCaption0="General"
- Count mtDialog_GeneralHeader=1
- mtDialog_GeneralHeader0="General Information"
- Count mtDialog_CallStackCaption=1
- mtDialog_CallStackCaption0="Call Stack"
- Count mtDialog_CallStackHeader=1
- mtDialog_CallStackHeader0="Call Stack Information"
- Count mtDialog_ModulesCaption=1
- mtDialog_ModulesCaption0="Modules"
- Count mtDialog_ModulesHeader=1
- mtDialog_ModulesHeader0="Modules Information"
- Count mtDialog_ProcessesCaption=1
- mtDialog_ProcessesCaption0="Processes"
- Count mtDialog_ProcessesHeader=1
- mtDialog_ProcessesHeader0="Processes Information"
- Count mtDialog_AsmCaption=1
- mtDialog_AsmCaption0="Assembler"
- Count mtDialog_AsmHeader=1
- mtDialog_AsmHeader0="Assembler Information"
- Count mtDialog_CPUCaption=1
- mtDialog_CPUCaption0="CPU"
- Count mtDialog_CPUHeader=1
- mtDialog_CPUHeader0="CPU Information"
- Count mtDialog_OKButtonCaption=1
- mtDialog_OKButtonCaption0="%26OK"
- Count mtDialog_TerminateButtonCaption=1
- mtDialog_TerminateButtonCaption0="%26Terminate"
- Count mtDialog_RestartButtonCaption=1
- mtDialog_RestartButtonCaption0="%26Restart"
- Count mtDialog_DetailsButtonCaption=1
- mtDialog_DetailsButtonCaption0="%26Details"
- Count mtDialog_CustomButtonCaption=1
- mtDialog_CustomButtonCaption0="%26Help"
- Count mtDialog_SendMessage=1
- mtDialog_SendMessage0="%26Send this error via Internet"
- Count mtDialog_ScreenshotMessage=1
- mtDialog_ScreenshotMessage0="%26Attach a Screenshot image"
- Count mtDialog_CopyMessage=1
- mtDialog_CopyMessage0="%26Copy to Clipboard"
- Count mtDialog_SupportMessage=1
- mtDialog_SupportMessage0="Go to the Support Page"
- Count mtMSDialog_ErrorMsgCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_ErrorMsgCaption0="The application has encountered a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
- Count mtMSDialog_RestartCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_RestartCaption0="Restart application."
- Count mtMSDialog_TerminateCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_TerminateCaption0="Terminate application."
- Count mtMSDialog_PleaseCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_PleaseCaption0="Please tell us about this problem."
- Count mtMSDialog_DescriptionCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_DescriptionCaption0="We have created an error report that you can send to us. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous."
- Count mtMSDialog_SeeDetailsCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_SeeDetailsCaption0="To see what data the error report contains,"
- Count mtMSDialog_SeeClickCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_SeeClickCaption0="click here."
- Count mtMSDialog_HowToReproduceCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_HowToReproduceCaption0="What were you doing when the problem happened (optional)?"
- Count mtMSDialog_EmailCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_EmailCaption0="Email address (optional):"
- Count mtMSDialog_SendButtonCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_SendButtonCaption0="%26Send Error Report"
- Count mtMSDialog_NoSendButtonCaption=1
- mtMSDialog_NoSendButtonCaption0="%26Don't Send"
- Count mtLog_AppHeader=1
- mtLog_AppHeader0="Application"
- Count mtLog_AppStartDate=1
- mtLog_AppStartDate0="Start Date"
- Count mtLog_AppName=1
- mtLog_AppName0="Name/Description"
- Count mtLog_AppVersionNumber=1
- mtLog_AppVersionNumber0="Version Number"
- Count mtLog_AppParameters=1
- mtLog_AppParameters0="Parameters"
- Count mtLog_AppCompilationDate=1
- mtLog_AppCompilationDate0="Compilation Date"
- Count mtLog_AppUpTime=1
- mtLog_AppUpTime0="Up Time"
- Count mtLog_ExcHeader=1
- mtLog_ExcHeader0="Exception"
- Count mtLog_ExcDate=1
- mtLog_ExcDate0="Date"
- Count mtLog_ExcAddress=1
- mtLog_ExcAddress0="Address"
- Count mtLog_ExcModuleName=1
- mtLog_ExcModuleName0="Module Name"
- Count mtLog_ExcModuleVersion=1
- mtLog_ExcModuleVersion0="Module Version"
- Count mtLog_ExcType=1
- mtLog_ExcType0="Type"
- Count mtLog_ExcMessage=1
- mtLog_ExcMessage0="Message"
- Count mtLog_ExcID=1
- mtLog_ExcID0="ID"
- Count mtLog_ExcCount=1
- mtLog_ExcCount0="Count"
- Count mtLog_ExcStatus=1
- mtLog_ExcStatus0="Status"
- Count mtLog_ExcNote=1
- mtLog_ExcNote0="Note"
- Count mtLog_UserHeader=1
- mtLog_UserHeader0="User"
- Count mtLog_UserID=1
- mtLog_UserID0="ID"
- Count mtLog_UserName=1
- mtLog_UserName0="Name"
- Count mtLog_UserEmail=1
- mtLog_UserEmail0="Email"
- Count mtLog_UserCompany=1
- mtLog_UserCompany0="Company"
- Count mtLog_UserPrivileges=1
- mtLog_UserPrivileges0="Privileges"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsHeader=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsHeader0="Active Controls"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsFormClass=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsFormClass0="Form Class"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsFormText=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsFormText0="Form Text"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsControlClass=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsControlClass0="Control Class"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsControlText=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsControlText0="Control Text"
- Count mtLog_CmpHeader=1
- mtLog_CmpHeader0="Computer"
- Count mtLog_CmpName=1
- mtLog_CmpName0="Name"
- Count mtLog_CmpTotalMemory=1
- mtLog_CmpTotalMemory0="Total Memory"
- Count mtLog_CmpFreeMemory=1
- mtLog_CmpFreeMemory0="Free Memory"
- Count mtLog_CmpTotalDisk=1
- mtLog_CmpTotalDisk0="Total Disk"
- Count mtLog_CmpFreeDisk=1
- mtLog_CmpFreeDisk0="Free Disk"
- Count mtLog_CmpSystemUpTime=1
- mtLog_CmpSystemUpTime0="System Up Time"
- Count mtLog_CmpProcessor=1
- mtLog_CmpProcessor0="Processor"
- Count mtLog_CmpDisplayMode=1
- mtLog_CmpDisplayMode0="Display Mode"
- Count mtLog_CmpDisplayDPI=1
- mtLog_CmpDisplayDPI0="Display DPI"
- Count mtLog_CmpVideoCard=1
- mtLog_CmpVideoCard0="Video Card"
- Count mtLog_CmpPrinter=1
- mtLog_CmpPrinter0="Printer"
- Count mtLog_OSHeader=1
- mtLog_OSHeader0="Operating System"
- Count mtLog_OSType=1
- mtLog_OSType0="Type"
- Count mtLog_OSBuildN=1
- mtLog_OSBuildN0="Build #"
- Count mtLog_OSUpdate=1
- mtLog_OSUpdate0="Update"
- Count mtLog_OSLanguage=1
- mtLog_OSLanguage0="Language"
- Count mtLog_OSCharset=1
- mtLog_OSCharset0="Charset"
- Count mtLog_NetHeader=1
- mtLog_NetHeader0="Network"
- Count mtLog_NetIP=1
- mtLog_NetIP0="IP Address"
- Count mtLog_NetSubmask=1
- mtLog_NetSubmask0="Submask"
- Count mtLog_NetGateway=1
- mtLog_NetGateway0="Gateway"
- Count mtLog_NetDNS1=1
- mtLog_NetDNS10="DNS 1"
- Count mtLog_NetDNS2=1
- mtLog_NetDNS20="DNS 2"
- Count mtLog_NetDHCP=1
- mtLog_NetDHCP0="DHCP"
- Count mtLog_CustInfoHeader=1
- mtLog_CustInfoHeader0="Custom Information"
- Count mtCallStack_Address=1
- mtCallStack_Address0="Address"
- Count mtCallStack_Name=1
- mtCallStack_Name0="Module"
- Count mtCallStack_Unit=1
- mtCallStack_Unit0="Unit"
- Count mtCallStack_Class=1
- mtCallStack_Class0="Class"
- Count mtCallStack_Procedure=1
- mtCallStack_Procedure0="Procedure/Method"
- Count mtCallStack_Line=1
- mtCallStack_Line0="Line"
- Count mtCallStack_MainThread=1
- mtCallStack_MainThread0="Main"
- Count mtCallStack_ExceptionThread=1
- mtCallStack_ExceptionThread0="Exception Thread"
- Count mtCallStack_RunningThread=1
- mtCallStack_RunningThread0="Running Thread"
- Count mtCallStack_CallingThread=1
- mtCallStack_CallingThread0="Calling Thread"
- Count mtCallStack_ThreadID=1
- mtCallStack_ThreadID0="ID"
- Count mtCallStack_ThreadPriority=1
- mtCallStack_ThreadPriority0="Priority"
- Count mtCallStack_ThreadClass=1
- mtCallStack_ThreadClass0="Class"
- Count mtCallStack_LeakCaption=1
- mtCallStack_LeakCaption0="Memory Leak"
- Count mtCallStack_LeakData=1
- mtCallStack_LeakData0="Data"
- Count mtCallStack_LeakType=1
- mtCallStack_LeakType0="Type"
- Count mtCallStack_LeakSize=1
- mtCallStack_LeakSize0="Total size"
- Count mtCallStack_LeakCount=1
- mtCallStack_LeakCount0="Count"
- Count mtSendDialog_Caption=1
- mtSendDialog_Caption0="Send."
- Count mtSendDialog_Message=1
- mtSendDialog_Message0="Message"
- Count mtSendDialog_Resolving=1
- mtSendDialog_Resolving0="Resolving DNS..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Login=1
- mtSendDialog_Login0="Login..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Connecting=1
- mtSendDialog_Connecting0="Connecting with server..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Connected=1
- mtSendDialog_Connected0="Connected with server."
- Count mtSendDialog_Sending=1
- mtSendDialog_Sending0="Sending message..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Sent=1
- mtSendDialog_Sent0="Message sent."
- Count mtSendDialog_SelectProject=1
- mtSendDialog_SelectProject0="Select project..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Searching=1
- mtSendDialog_Searching0="Searching..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Modifying=1
- mtSendDialog_Modifying0="Modifying..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Disconnecting=1
- mtSendDialog_Disconnecting0="Disconnecting..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Disconnected=1
- mtSendDialog_Disconnected0="Disconnected."
- Count mtReproduceDialog_Caption=1
- mtReproduceDialog_Caption0="Request"
- Count mtReproduceDialog_Request=1
- mtReproduceDialog_Request0="Please describe the steps to reproduce the error:"
- Count mtReproduceDialog_OKButtonCaption=1
- mtReproduceDialog_OKButtonCaption0="%26OK"
- Count mtModules_Handle=1
- mtModules_Handle0="Handle"
- Count mtModules_Name=1
- mtModules_Name0="Name"
- Count mtModules_Description=1
- mtModules_Description0="Description"
- Count mtModules_Version=1
- mtModules_Version0="Version"
- Count mtModules_Size=1
- mtModules_Size0="Size"
- Count mtModules_LastModified=1
- mtModules_LastModified0="Modified"
- Count mtModules_Path=1
- mtModules_Path0="Path"
- Count mtProcesses_ID=1
- mtProcesses_ID0="ID"
- Count mtProcesses_Name=1
- mtProcesses_Name0="Name"
- Count mtProcesses_Description=1
- mtProcesses_Description0="Description"
- Count mtProcesses_Version=1
- mtProcesses_Version0="Version"
- Count mtProcesses_Memory=1
- mtProcesses_Memory0="Memory"
- Count mtProcesses_Priority=1
- mtProcesses_Priority0="Priority"
- Count mtProcesses_Threads=1
- mtProcesses_Threads0="Threads"
- Count mtProcesses_Path=1
- mtProcesses_Path0="Path"
- Count mtCPU_Registers=1
- mtCPU_Registers0="Registers"
- Count mtCPU_Stack=1
- mtCPU_Stack0="Stack"
- Count mtCPU_MemoryDump=1
- mtCPU_MemoryDump0="Memory Dump"
- Count mtSend_SuccessMsg=1
- mtSend_SuccessMsg0="The message was sent successfully."
- Count mtSend_FailureMsg=1
- mtSend_FailureMsg0="Sorry, sending the message didn't work."
- Count mtSend_BugClosedMsg=2
- mtSend_BugClosedMsg0="These BUG is just closed."
- mtSend_BugClosedMsg1="Contact the program support to obtain an update."
- Count mtSend_UnknownErrorMsg=1
- mtSend_UnknownErrorMsg0="Unknown error."
- Count mtSend_InvalidLoginMsg=1
- mtSend_InvalidLoginMsg0="Invalid login request."
- Count mtSend_InvalidSearchMsg=1
- mtSend_InvalidSearchMsg0="Invalid search request."
- Count mtSend_InvalidSelectionMsg=1
- mtSend_InvalidSelectionMsg0="Invalid selection request."
- Count mtSend_InvalidInsertMsg=1
- mtSend_InvalidInsertMsg0="Invalid insert request."
- Count mtSend_InvalidModifyMsg=1
- mtSend_InvalidModifyMsg0="Invalid modify request."
- Count mtFileCrackedMsg=2
- mtFileCrackedMsg0="This file is cracked."
- mtFileCrackedMsg1="The application will be closed."
- Count mtException_LeakMultiFree=1
- mtException_LeakMultiFree0="Multi Free memory leak."
- Count mtException_LeakMemoryOverrun=1
- mtException_LeakMemoryOverrun0="Memory Overrun leak."
- Count mtException_AntiFreeze=1
- mtException_AntiFreeze0="The application seems to be frozen."
- Count mtInvalidEmailMsg=1
- mtInvalidEmailMsg0="Invalid email."
- TextsCollection=