- //*******************************************************//
- // //
- // DelphiFlash.com //
- // Copyright (c) 2004-2006 FeatherySoft, Inc. //
- // info@delphiflash.com //
- // //
- //*******************************************************//
- // Description: Sample of making XML from SWF and conversely
- // Last update: 27 jun 2006
- unit UTestXML;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, SWFStreams, SWFObjects, FlashObjects, ShellApi, ComCtrls;
- type
- TdlgName = class(TForm)
- OD: TOpenDialog;
- Label1: TLabel;
- ProgressBar: TProgressBar;
- GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
- CBExt: TCheckBox;
- CBSubFolder: TCheckBox;
- CBSomeFolder: TCheckBox;
- CBFontExt: TCheckBox;
- CBFBytecode: TCheckBox;
- CBActionExt: TCheckBox;
- CBABytecode: TCheckBox;
- bMakeXML: TButton;
- GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
- bMakeSWF: TButton;
- RB1: TRadioButton;
- RB2: TRadioButton;
- procedure bMakeXMLClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bMakeSWFClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CBSubFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CBFontExtClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- procedure onProcess(sender: TBasedSWFStream; Percent: byte; WT: TProgressWorkType);
- public
- SWF: TSWFStreamReader;
- Movie: TFlashMovie;
- end;
- var
- dlgName: TdlgName;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- procedure TdlgName.bMakeXMLClick(Sender: TObject);
- var Stt: string;
- begin
- OD.Filter := 'SWF|*.swf';
- if OD.Execute then
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- SWF := TSWFStreamReader.Create('');
- With SWF.XMLReadWriteSettings do
- begin
- BasePath := ExtractFilePath(OD.FileName);
- if CBExt.Checked then
- AsExternal := [lpImage, lpSound, lpVideo]
- else
- AsExternal := [];
- if CBFontExt.Checked then
- AsExternal := AsExternal + [lpFont];
- if CBActionExt.Checked then
- AsExternal := AsExternal + [lpActions];
- FontAsByteCode := CBFBytecode.Checked;
- ActionsAsByteCode := CBABytecode.Checked;
- if CBSubFolder.Checked then
- begin
- Stt := BasePath + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(OD.FileName), '.files');
- // uncoment for testing releative path
- // stt := 'c:temp' + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(OD.FileName), '.files');
- SomePath := CBSomeFolder.Checked;
- if CBSomeFolder.Checked then
- begin
- Path := Stt;
- CreateDir(Path);
- end else
- begin
- PathImage := Stt + '_I';
- CreateDir(PathImage);
- PathSound := Stt + '_S';
- CreateDir(PathSound);
- PathVideo := Stt + '_V';
- CreateDir(PathVideo);
- PathFont := Stt + '_F';
- CreateDir(PathFont);
- PathActions := Stt + '_A';
- CreateDir(PathActions);
- end;
- end else
- FilePrefix := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(OD.FileName), '_');
- end;
- SWF.OnProgress := onProcess;
- SWF.LoadFromFile(OD.FileName);
- SWF.SaveToXMLFile(ChangeFileExt(OD.FileName, '.xml'));
- SWF.Free;
- label1.Caption := '';
- ProgressBar.Position := 0;
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TdlgName.bMakeSWFClick(Sender: TObject);
- var BaseSWF: TBasedSWFStream;
- begin
- OD.Filter := 'XML|*.xml';
- if OD.Execute then
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- if RB1.Checked
- then
- BaseSWF := TSWFStreamReader.Create('')
- else
- BaseSWF := TFlashMovie.Create(0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
- BaseSWF.OnProgress := onProcess;
- BaseSWF.LoadFromXMLFile(OD.FileName, true);
- BaseSWF.MakeStream;
- BaseSWF.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(OD.FileName, '_new.swf'));
- BaseSWF.Free;
- label1.Caption := '';
- ProgressBar.Position := 0;
- ShellExecute(0, 'open', pchar(ChangeFileExt(OD.FileName, '_new.swf')), nil, nil, SW_NORMAL);
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TdlgName.onProcess(sender: TBasedSWFStream; Percent: byte; WT: TProgressWorkType);
- var Lbl: string;
- begin
- case WT of
- pwtReadStream: Lbl := 'Loading file';
- pwtMakeStream: Lbl := 'Making SWF stream';
- pwtLoadXML: Lbl := 'Loading XML';
- pwtParseXML: Lbl := 'Parsing XML';
- pwtSaveXML: Lbl := 'Saving XML';
- pwtCompressStream: Lbl := 'Compressing stream';
- end;
- if Lbl <> Label1.Caption then
- begin
- label1.Caption := Lbl;
- label1.Update;
- end;
- ProgressBar.Position := Percent;
- end;
- procedure TdlgName.CBSubFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- CBSomeFolder.Enabled := CBSubFolder.Checked;
- end;
- procedure TdlgName.CBFontExtClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- CBFBytecode.Enabled := CBFontExt.Checked;
- end;
- end.