- //*******************************************************//
- // //
- // //
- // Copyright (c) 2004 FeatherySoft, Inc. //
- // //
- // //
- //*******************************************************//
- // Description: Demonstrates kind of shape
- // Last update: 29 oct 2004
- unit UShape;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, OleCtrls, Menus, FlashPlayerControl;
- type
- TFormShape = class(TForm)
- Panel1: TPanel;
- GB: TGroupBox;
- RB1: TRadioButton;
- RB2: TRadioButton;
- RB3: TRadioButton;
- RB4: TRadioButton;
- RB5: TRadioButton;
- RB6: TRadioButton;
- RB7: TRadioButton;
- Player: TFlashPlayerControl;
- RB8: TRadioButton;
- FontDialog: TFontDialog;
- RB9: TRadioButton;
- procedure GBClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- tmpName, demoName: string;
- end;
- var
- FormShape: TFormShape;
- implementation
- Uses SWFStreams, FlashObjects, SWFTools, SWFConst, FontReader;
- {$R *.dfm}
- const
- SelfLineStyle : array [0..3] of byte = (4, 3, 1, 3);
- procedure TFormShape.GBClick(Sender: TObject);
- var SH: array [0..5] of TFlashShape;
- Movie: TFlashMovie;
- MS: TMemoryStream;
- il:integer;
- AColor: array [0..7] of recRGBA;
- Img: TFlashImage;
- DC: HDC;
- begin
- Movie := TFlashMovie.Create(0, 0, 400*twips, 300*twips, 10);
- Movie.SystemCoord := scPix;
- for il := 0 to 5 do SH[il] := nil;
- if RB1.Checked then
- begin
- // Line
- SH[0] := Movie.AddLine(10, 20, 200, 60);
- SH[0].SetLineStyle(3, SWFRGB(clRed));
- SH[1] := Movie.AddLine(150, 20, 150, 60);
- SH[1].SetLineStyle(5, SWFRGBA(clBlue, 150));
- SH[2] := Movie.AddLine(10, 50, 200, 20);
- SH[2].SetLineStyle(1, SWFRGB(clGreen));
- SH[2].ExtLineStyle.SetStyle([6,4,1,4]);
- end else
- if RB2.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddRectangle(10, 20, 200, 60);
- SH[0].SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),0);
- SH[1] := Movie.AddSquare(100, 100, 100);
- SH[1].SetRadialGradient(SWFRGBA(clAqua), SWFRGBA(clblack),50, 50);
- SH[2] := Movie.AddDiamond(40, 40, 140, 240);
- SH[2].SetSolidColor(SWFRGBA(clBlue, 150));
- SH[3] := Movie.AddRoundRect(20, 150, 170, 240, 30);
- SH[3].SetSolidColor(SWFRGBA(clgreen, 150));
- end else
- if RB3.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddEllipse(10, 20, 200, 60);
- SH[0].SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),0);
- SH[1] := Movie.AddCircle(100, 140, 80);
- SH[1].SetRadialGradient(SWFRGBA(clAqua), SWFRGBA(clblack),35, 35);
- end else
- if RB4.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddRing(150, 50, 70, 30);
- SH[0].SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),0);
- SH[1] := Movie.AddPie(100, 100, 50, - 45, 225);
- SH[1].SetRadialGradient(SWFRGBA(clAqua), SWFRGBA(clblack),50, 50);
- SH[2] := Movie.AddArc(150, 150, 100, 225, 315);
- SH[2].SetSolidColor(SWFRGBA(clBlue, 150));
- end else
- if RB5.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddCurve(Point(50, 100),
- Point(120, 30),
- Point(300,100));
- SH[0].SetLineStyle(3, SWFRGB(clRed));
- SH[1] := Movie.AddCurve(Point(100, 20),
- Point(200, 250),
- Point(200, 50));
- SH[1].SetLineStyle(3, SWFRGBA(clblue, 180));
- SH[2] := Movie.AddCubicBezier(Point(10, 50),
- Point(52, 226),
- Point(375, 13),
- Point(275, 210));
- SH[2].SetLineStyle(3, SWFRGB(clGreen));
- end else
- if RB6.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddLine(10, 20, 350, 250);
- SH[0].SetLineStyle(1, SWFRGB(clGreen));
- SH[1] := Movie.AddShape;
- SH[1].SetShapeBound(20, 20, 350, 220);
- SH[1].SetLineStyle(1, SWFRGB(clBlue));
- SH[1].SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),-45);
- with SH[1].Edges do
- begin
- MoveTo(50, 20);
- MakeRectangle(250, 200);
- MoveTo(100, 70);
- MakeEllipse(40, 40);
- MoveTo(150, 60);
- MakeRectangle(30, 100);
- MakePolyline([Point(280, 200),
- Point(20, 200),
- Point(20, 170),
- Point(200, 170),
- Point(200, 40)]);
- MakeCubicBezier(Point(300, 80),
- Point(200, 100),
- Point(280, 200));
- MoveTo(315, 70);
- MakeRectangle(35, 150);
- EndEdges;
- end;
- end else
- if RB7.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddStar(50, 50, 50, 15, 20, false);
- SH[0].SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),0);
- SH[1] := Movie.AddStar(150, 50, 50, 30, 8, true);
- SH[1].SetRadialGradient(SWFRGBA(clAqua), SWFRGBA(clblack),50, 50);
- SH[2] := Movie.AddStar(150, 150, -25, 50, 12, false);
- SH[2].SetSolidColor(SWFRGBA(clBlue, 150));
- SH[3] := Movie.AddStar(50, 150, 20, 70, 12, true);
- SH[3].SetRadialGradient(SWFRGBA(clOlive), SWFRGBA(clYellow),50, 50);
- end else
- if RB8.Checked then
- begin
- FontDialog.Execute;
- SH[0] := Movie.AddShape;
- SH[0].SetLineStyle(1, SWFRGBA(clSilver, $cc));
- DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(DC, FontDialog.Font.Handle));
- GetCharOutlines(DC, Ord('S'), SH[0].Edges);
- DeleteDC(DC);
- With SH[0] do
- begin
- CalcBounds;
- Edges.OffsetEdges(-XMin + 100, -YMin + 50);
- CalcBounds;
- SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),0);
- end;
- end else
- if RB9.Checked then
- begin
- SH[0] := Movie.AddShape;
- With SH[0] do
- begin
- StyleChangeMode := scmLast;
- Edges.MoveTo(50, 50);
- Edges.MakeRoundRect(230, 130, 20);
- CalcBounds;
- SetLineStyle(8, SWFRGBA(clGreen, $80));
- SetSolidColor(cswfGray20);
- Edges.MoveTo(100, 100);
- Edges.MakeEllipse(30, 30);
- SetLineStyle(2, cswfYellow);
- SetLinearGradient(SWFRGBA(clred), SWFRGBA(clblack),0).ScaleTo(
- Rect(100* twips, 100*twips, 130* twips, 130*twips));
- Edges.MoveTo(200, 100);
- Edges.MakeEllipse(30, 30);
- SetLineStyle(2, cswfBlack);
- SetRadialGradient(SWFRGBA(clOlive), SWFRGBA(clYellow), 50, 50).ScaleTo(
- Rect(200* twips, 100*twips, 230* twips, 130*twips));
- end;
- end;
- for il := 0 to 5 do
- if SH[il] = nil then break
- else Movie.PlaceObject(SH[il], il);
- Movie.ShowFrame;
- Movie.MakeStream;
- MS := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Movie.SaveToStream(MS);
- Movie.Free;
- // uncomment next line for SWF file testing
- // MS.SaveToFile('demo_exshape.swf');
- MS.Position := 0;
- Player.LoadMovieFromStream(0, MS);
- MS.Free;
- end;
- end.