- //*******************************************************//
- // //
- // //
- // Copyright (c) 2004-2007 FeatherySoft, Inc. //
- // //
- // //
- //*******************************************************//
- // Description: Image routines
- // Last update: 28 mar 2007
- unit ImageReader;
- interface
- uses Windows, Classes;
- type
- PFColor =^TFColor;
- TFColor = packed record
- b,g,r: Byte;
- end;
- PFColorA =^TFColorA;
- TFColorA = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0: (i: DWord);
- 1: (c: TFColor);
- 2: (hi,lo: Word);
- 3: (b,g,r,a: Byte);
- end;
- PFColorTable =^TFColorTable;
- TFColorTable = array[Byte]of TFColorA;
- PFPackedColorTable =^TFPackedColorTable;
- TFPackedColorTable = array[Byte]of TFColor;
- TLines = array[Word]of Pointer; PLines =^TLines;
- TLine8 = array[Word]of Byte; PLine8 =^TLine8;
- TLine16 = array[Word]of Word; PLine16 =^TLine16;
- TLine24 = array[Word]of TFColor; PLine24 =^TLine24;
- TLine32 = array[Word]of TFColorA; PLine32 =^TLine32;
- TPixels8 = array[Word]of PLine8; PPixels8 =^TPixels8;
- TPixels16 = array[Word]of PLine16; PPixels16 =^TPixels16;
- TPixels24 = array[Word]of PLine24; PPixels24 =^TPixels24;
- TPixels32 = array[Word]of PLine32; PPixels32 =^TPixels32;
- PBMInfo =^TBMInfo;
- TBMInfo = packed record
- Header: TBitmapInfoHeader;
- case Integer of
- 0: (Colors: TFColorTable);
- 1: (RMask,GMask,BMask: DWord);
- end;
- TBMPReader = class
- private
- Info: TBMInfo; // bitmap information
- FreeDC: Boolean; // default true, free GDI surface on destroy
- FreeBits: Boolean; // default true, free Bits on destroy (non GDI only)
- FreeHandle: Boolean;
- FTransparentIndex: integer;
- procedure SetTransparentIndex(const Value: integer); // default true, free GDI handle on destroy
- function GetBMask: DWord;
- function GetGMask: DWord;
- function GetRMask: DWord;
- procedure SetBMask(const Value: DWord);
- procedure SetGMask(const Value: DWord);
- procedure SetRMask(const Value: DWord);
- function GetClrUsed: DWord;
- procedure SetClrUsed(const Value: DWord);
- function GetSizeImage: DWord;
- procedure SetSizeImage(const Value: DWord);
- function GetCompression: DWord;
- procedure SetCompression(const Value: DWord);
- function GetBpp: Word;
- procedure SetBpp(const Value: Word);
- function GetHeight: Integer;
- procedure SetHeight(const Value: Integer);
- function GetWidth: Integer;
- procedure SetWidth(const Value: Integer);
- protected
- procedure PrepareAlphaTables(bmHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader);
- public
- DC: HDC;
- Handle: HBITMAP; // current DIB in hDC
- BWidth: Integer; // number of bytes per scanline
- AbsHeight: Integer; // number of scanlines in bitmap
- Gap: Integer; // number of pad bytes at end of scanline
- Bits: PLine8; // typed pointer to bits
- Colors: PFColorTable; // typed pointer to color table
- Bpb,Bpg,Bpr: Byte; // bits per channel (only 16 & 32bpp)
- BShr,GShr,RShr: Byte; // (B shr BShr)or(G shr GShr shl GShl)or
- BShl,GShl,RShl: Byte; // (R shr RShr shl RShl) = 16bit/32bit pixel
- Scanlines: PLines; // typed pointer to array of scanline offsets
- Pixels8: PPixels8; // typed scanlines - Pixels8[y,x]: Byte
- Pixels16: PPixels16; // typed scanlines - Pixels16[y,x]: Word
- Pixels24: PPixels24; // typed scanlines - Pixels24[y,x]: TFColor
- Pixels32: PPixels32; // typed scanlines - Pixels32[y,x]: TFColorA
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure FreeHandles;
- procedure Assign(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- // use these for debugging or reference (these don't belong in long loops)
- procedure SetPixel(y,x:Integer;c:TFColor);
- procedure SetPixelB(y,x:Integer;c:Byte);
- function GetPixel(y,x:Integer):TFColor;
- function GetPixelB(y,x:Integer):Byte;
- property Pixels[y,x:Integer]:TFColor read GetPixel write SetPixel;
- property PixelsB[y,x:Integer]:Byte read GetPixelB write SetPixelB;
- property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property Bpp: Word read GetBpp write SetBpp;
- property Compression: DWord read GetCompression write SetCompression;
- property SizeImage: DWord read GetSizeImage write SetSizeImage;
- property ClrUsed: DWord read GetClrUsed write SetClrUsed;
- property RMask: DWord read GetRMask write SetRMask;
- property GMask: DWord read GetGMask write SetGMask;
- property BMask: DWord read GetBMask write SetBMask;
- // initializers
- procedure SetSize(fWidth,fHeight:Integer;fBpp:Byte);
- procedure SetSizeEx(fWidth, fHeight: Integer; fBpp, fBpr, fBpg, fBpb: Byte);
- procedure SetSizeIndirect(bmInfo: TBMInfo);
- procedure SetInterface(fBits: Pointer; fWidth, fHeight: Integer; fBpp, fBpr, fBpg, fBpb: Byte);
- procedure SetInterfaceIndirect(fBits:Pointer;bmInfo:TBMInfo);
- procedure MakeCopy(Bmp:TBMPReader;CopyBits:Boolean);
- procedure LoadFromHandle(hBmp:HBITMAP);
- procedure LoadFromFile(FileName:string);
- procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromRes(hInst:HINST;ResID,ResType:PChar);
- // blitting methods
- procedure UpdateColors;
- property TransparentIndex: integer read FTransparentIndex write SetTransparentIndex;
- // utilities
- procedure Clear(c:TFColor);
- procedure ClearB(c:DWord);
- procedure SaveToFile(FileName:string);
- procedure SaveToStream(stream: TStream);
- procedure CopyRect(Src:TBMPReader; x,y, w,h, sx,sy:Integer);
- procedure ShiftColors(i1,i2,Amount:Integer);
- end;
- function CreateDIB(fDC:HDC;bmInfo:PBMInfo;iColor:DWord;var Bits:PLine8;hSection,dwOffset:DWord):HBITMAP; stdcall;
- Function LoadHeaderFromFile(FileName:string): TBMInfo;
- procedure SetAlphaChannel(Bmp, Alpha: TBMPReader);
- procedure FillAlpha(Bmp: TBMPReader; Alpha: byte);
- procedure FillAlphaNoSrc(Bmp: TBMPReader; Alpha: byte);
- function IsInitAlpha(Bmp: TBMPReader): boolean;
- procedure MultiplyAlpha(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- procedure SwapChannels(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- procedure FillMem(Mem:Pointer;Size,Value:Integer);
- procedure Clear(Bmp:TBMPReader;c:TFColor);
- procedure ClearB(Bmp:TBMPReader;c:DWord);
- procedure DecodeRLE4(Bmp:TBMPReader;Data:Pointer);
- procedure DecodeRLE8(Bmp:TBMPReader;Data:Pointer);
- function ClosestColor(Pal:PFColorTable;Max:Integer;c:TFColor):Byte;
- function LoadHeader(Data:Pointer; var bmInfo:TBMInfo):Integer;
- function PackedDIB(Bmp:TBMPReader):Pointer;
- function CountColors(Bmp:TBMPReader):DWord;
- procedure IntToMask(Bpr,Bpg,Bpb:DWord;var RMsk,GMsk,BMsk:DWord);
- procedure MaskToInt(RMsk,GMsk,BMsk:DWord;var Bpr,Bpg,Bpb:DWord);
- function UnpackColorTable(Table:TFPackedColorTable):TFColorTable;
- function PackColorTable(Table:TFColorTable):TFPackedColorTable;
- function FRGB(r,g,b:Byte):TFColor;
- function FRGBA(r,g,b,a:Byte):TFColorA;
- function ColorToInt(c:TFColor):DWord;
- function ColorToIntA(c:TFColorA):DWord;
- function IntToColor(i:DWord):TFColor;
- function IntToColorA(i:DWord):TFColorA;
- function Scale8(i,n:Integer):Integer;
- function Get16Bpg:Byte;
- Function isSupportImageFormat(fn: string): boolean;
- procedure GetJPGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: word);
- //procedure GetPNGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: word);
- //procedure GetGIFSize(const sGIFFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: word);
- implementation
- Uses SysUtils;
- function CreateDIB; external 'gdi32.dll' name 'CreateDIBSection';
- function ReadMWord(f: TFileStream): word;
- type
- TMotorolaWord = record
- case byte of
- 0: (Value: word);
- 1: (Byte1, Byte2: byte);
- end;
- var
- MW: TMotorolaWord;
- begin
- {It would probably be better to just read these two bytes in normally and
- then do a small ASM routine to swap them. But we aren't talking about
- reading entire files, so I doubt the performance gain would be worth the trouble.}
- f.Read(MW.Byte2, SizeOf(Byte));
- f.Read(MW.Byte1, SizeOf(Byte));
- Result := MW.Value;
- end;
- procedure GetJPGSize(const sFile: string; var wWidth, wHeight: word);
- const
- ValidSig : array[0..1] of byte = ($FF, $D8);
- Parameterless = [$01, $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $D7];
- var
- Sig: array[0..1] of byte;
- f: TFileStream;
- x: integer;
- Seg: byte;
- Dummy: array[0..15] of byte;
- Len: word;
- ReadLen: LongInt;
- begin
- FillChar(Sig, SizeOf(Sig), #0);
- f := TFileStream.Create(sFile, fmOpenRead+fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- ReadLen := f.Read(Sig[0], SizeOf(Sig));
- for x := Low(Sig) to High(Sig) do
- if Sig[x] <> ValidSig[x] then ReadLen := 0;
- if ReadLen > 0 then begin
- ReadLen := f.Read(Seg, 1);
- while (Seg = $FF) and (ReadLen > 0) do begin
- ReadLen := f.Read(Seg, 1);
- if Seg <> $FF then begin
- if (Seg = $C0) or (Seg = $C1) then begin
- ReadLen := f.Read(Dummy[0], 3); { don't need these bytes }
- wHeight := ReadMWord(f);
- wWidth := ReadMWord(f);
- end else begin
- if not (Seg in Parameterless) then begin
- Len := ReadMWord(f);
- f.Seek(Len-2, 1);
- f.Read(Seg, 1);
- end else
- Seg := $FF; { Fake it to keep looping. }
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- f.Free;
- end;
- end;
- Function isSupportImageFormat(fn: string): boolean;
- var Ext: string;
- begin
- Ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(fn));
- Result := (Ext = '.BMP') or (Ext = '.JPG') or (Ext = '.JPEG');
- end;
- constructor TBMPReader.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Bits := nil;
- Scanlines := nil;
- FTransparentIndex := -1;
- FillChar(Info, SizeOf(Info),0);
- Info.Header.biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader);
- Info.Header.biPlanes := 1;
- Colors := @Info.Colors;
- end;
- destructor TBMPReader.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeHandles;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.FreeHandles;
- begin
- if (DC <> 0) and FreeDC then DeleteDC(DC);
- if (Handle <> 0) and FreeHandle then DeleteObject(Handle);
- if (Scanlines <> nil) then ReallocMem(Scanlines, 0);
- if (Bits <> nil) and FreeBits then ReallocMem(Bits, 0);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.Assign(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- begin
- FreeHandles;
- DC := Bmp.DC;
- Handle:=Bmp.Handle; BWidth:=Bmp.BWidth;
- AbsHeight:=Bmp.AbsHeight; Gap:=Bmp.Gap;
- Bits:=Bmp.Bits; Colors^:=Bmp.Colors^;
- Info:=Bmp.Info; BShr:=Bmp.BShr;
- GShr:=Bmp.GShr; GShl:=Bmp.GShl;
- RShr:=Bmp.RShr; RShl:=Bmp.RShl;
- Bpr:=Bmp.Bpr; Bpg:=Bmp.Bpg;
- Bpb:=Bmp.Bpb; Scanlines:=Bmp.Scanlines;
- Pixels8:=Bmp.Pixels8; Pixels16:=Bmp.Pixels16;
- Pixels24:=Bmp.Pixels24; Pixels32:=Bmp.Pixels32;
- FreeDC:=Bmp.FreeDC;
- FreeBits:=Bmp.FreeBits; FreeHandle:=Bmp.FreeHandle;
- Bmp.FreeDC:=False;
- Bmp.FreeHandle:=False;
- Bmp.Scanlines:=nil;
- Bmp.FreeBits:=False;
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetPixel(y,x:Integer;c:TFColor);
- begin
- case Bpp of
- 1,4,8: PixelsB[y,x]:=ClosestColor(Colors,(1 shl Bpp)-1,c);
- 16: Pixels16[y,x]:=
- c.r shr RShr shl RShl or
- c.g shr GShr shl GShl or
- c.b shr BShr;
- 24: Pixels24[y,x]:=c;
- 32: if Compression=0 then Pixels32[y,x].c:=c else
- Pixels32[y,x].i:=
- c.r shr RShr shl RShl or
- c.g shr GShr shl GShl or
- c.b shr BShr;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetPixelB(y,x:Integer;c:Byte);
- var
- mo: Byte;
- pb: PByte;
- begin
- case Bpp of
- 1:
- begin
- c:=c and 1;
- mo:=(x and 7)xor 7;
- pb:=@Pixels8[y,x shr 3];
- pb^:=pb^ and(not(1 shl mo))or(c shl mo);
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- c:=c and 15;
- pb:=@Pixels8[y,x shr 1];
- if(x and 1)=0 then pb^:=(pb^and $0F)or(c shl 4)else pb^:=(pb^and $F0)or c;
- end;
- 8: Pixels8[y,x]:=c;
- end;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetBMask: DWord;
- begin
- Result := Info.BMask;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetRMask(const Value: DWord);
- begin
- Info.RMask := Value;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetBpp: Word;
- begin
- Result := Info.Header.biBitCount;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetClrUsed: DWord;
- begin
- Result := Info.Header.biClrUsed
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetCompression: DWord;
- begin
- Result := Info.Header.biCompression
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetGMask: DWord;
- begin
- Result := Info.GMask;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Info.Header.biHeight;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetPixel(y,x:Integer):TFColor;
- var
- w: Word;
- d: DWord;
- begin
- case Bpp of
- 1,4,8: Result:=Colors[PixelsB[y,x]].c;
- 16:
- begin
- w:=Pixels16[y,x];
- Result.b:=Scale8(w and BMask,Bpb);
- Result.g:=Scale8(w and GMask shr GShl,Bpg);
- Result.r:=Scale8(w and RMask shr RShl,Bpr);
- end;
- 24: Result:=Pixels24[y,x];
- 32:
- if Compression=0 then Result:=Pixels32[y,x].c else
- begin
- d:=Pixels32[y,x].i;
- Result.b:=Scale8(d and BMask,Bpb);
- Result.g:=Scale8(d and GMask shr GShl,Bpg);
- Result.r:=Scale8(d and RMask shr RShl,Bpr);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetPixelB(y,x:Integer):Byte;
- var
- mo: Byte;
- begin
- case Bpp of
- 1:
- begin
- mo := (x and 7)xor 7;
- Result := Pixels8[y, x shr 3] and (1 shl mo) shr mo;
- end;
- 4: if (x and 1) = 0 then Result := Pixels8[y,x shr 1] shr 4 else Result:=Pixels8[y,x shr 1] and 15;
- 8: Result:=Pixels8[y,x];
- else Result:=0;
- end;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetRMask: DWord;
- begin
- Result := Info.RMask;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetSizeImage: DWord;
- begin
- Result := Info.Header.biSizeImage;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetWidth(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- Info.Header.biWidth := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetSize(fWidth,fHeight:Integer;fBpp:Byte);
- begin
- SetInterface(nil,fWidth,fHeight,fBpp,0,0,0);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetSizeEx(fWidth,fHeight:Integer;fBpp,fBpr,fBpg,fBpb:Byte);
- begin
- SetInterface(nil,fWidth,fHeight,fBpp,fBpr,fBpg,fBpb);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetSizeImage(const Value: DWord);
- begin
- Info.Header.biSizeImage := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetSizeIndirect(bmInfo: TBMInfo);
- var
- r, g, b: DWord;
- begin
- if bmInfo.Header.biCompression in [1, 2] then
- if (bmInfo.RMask <> 0) or (bmInfo.GMask <> 0) or (bmInfo.BMask <> 0)then
- bmInfo.Header.biCompression := 3 else bmInfo.Header.biCompression := 0;
- if (bmInfo.Header.biBitCount in [16, 32]) and (bmInfo.Header.biCompression = 3) then
- MaskToInt(bmInfo.RMask, bmInfo.GMask, bmInfo.BMask, r, g, b) else
- begin
- r:=0;
- g:=0;
- b:=0;
- end;
- FTransparentIndex := -1;
- if bmInfo.Header.biBitCount <= 8 then
- Colors^ := bmInfo.Colors;
- PrepareAlphaTables(bmInfo.Header);
- SetInterface(nil, bmInfo.Header.biWidth, bmInfo.Header.biHeight, bmInfo.Header.biBitCount, r, g, b);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetTransparentIndex(const Value: integer);
- begin
- if (BPP <= 8) and (FTransparentIndex <> Value) then
- begin
- Colors[FTransparentIndex].A := $FF;
- FTransparentIndex := Value;
- Colors[FTransparentIndex].A := 0;
- end;
- end;
- function TBMPReader.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Info.Header.biWidth;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetBMask(const Value: DWord);
- begin
- Info.BMask := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetBpp(const Value: Word);
- begin
- Info.Header.biBitCount := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetClrUsed(const Value: DWord);
- begin
- Info.Header.biClrUsed := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetCompression(const Value: DWord);
- begin
- Info.Header.biCompression := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetGMask(const Value: DWord);
- begin
- Info.GMask := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetHeight(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- Info.Header.biHeight := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetInterface(fBits: Pointer; fWidth, fHeight: Integer;
- fBpp, fBpr, fBpg, fBpb: Byte);
- var
- x, il: Integer;
- sDC: Windows.HDC;
- begin
- if fBpp=0 then
- begin
- sDC:=GetDC(0);
- fBpp:=GetDeviceCaps(sDC, BITSPIXEL);
- ReleaseDC(0,sDC);
- if fBpp=16 then
- begin
- fBpr:=5;
- fBpg:=Get16Bpg;
- fBpb:=5;
- end else if fBpp=32 then
- begin
- fBpr:=8;
- fBpg:=8;
- fBpb:=8;
- end;
- end;
- if (fBpr = 0) and (fBpg = 0) and (fBpb = 0) then
- begin
- Compression:=0;
- if fBpp=16 then
- begin
- fBpr:=5;
- fBpg:=5;
- fBpb:=5;
- end else if fBpp=32 then
- begin
- fBpr:=8;
- fBpg:=8;
- fBpb:=8;
- end;
- end else Compression:=3;
- if( fBpp=16) or (fBpp=32) then IntToMask(fBpr, fBpg, fBpb, Info.RMask, Info.GMask, Info.BMask);
- if((fBits=nil) and (fWidth=Width) and (fHeight=Height) and (fBpp=Bpp) and
- (fBpr=Bpr) and (fBpg=Bpg) and (fBpb=Bpb)) and (DC<>0) then Exit;
- Width:=fWidth; Height:=fHeight;
- AbsHeight:=Abs(fHeight); Bpp:=fBpp;
- Bpr:=fBpr; Bpg:=fBpg;
- Bpb:=fBpb; GShl:=Bpb;
- RShl:=Bpb+Bpg;
- if Bpb<8 then BShr:=8-Bpb else BShr:=0;
- if Bpg<8 then GShr:=8-Bpg else GShr:=0;
- if Bpr<8 then RShr:=8-Bpr else RShr:=0;
- case Bpp of
- 1:
- begin
- x:=(Width+7)and -8;
- BWidth:=((x+31)and -32)shr 3;
- Gap:=BWidth-(x shr 3);
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- x:=((Width shl 2)+7)and -8;
- BWidth:=((x+31)and -32)shr 3;
- Gap:=BWidth-(x shr 3);
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- BWidth:=(((Width shl 3)+31)and -32)shr 3;
- Gap:=BWidth-Width;
- end;
- 16:
- begin
- BWidth:=(((Width shl 4)+31)and -32)shr 3;
- Gap:=BWidth-(Width shl 1);
- end;
- 24:
- begin
- BWidth:=(((Width*24)+31)and -32)shr 3;
- Gap:=BWidth-((Width shl 1)+Width);
- end;
- 32:
- begin
- BWidth:=(((Width shl 5)+31)and -32)shr 3;
- Gap:=0;
- end;
- end;
- SizeImage := AbsHeight * BWidth;
- if (fBits<>nil) then Bits := fBits else
- begin
- if (DC<>0) and FreeDC then DeleteDC(DC);
- if (Handle<>0) and FreeHandle then DeleteObject(Handle);
- if (Bits <> nil) and FreeBits then ReallocMem(Bits, 0);
- Handle := CreateDIB(0, @Info, 0, Bits, 0, 0);
- DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
- SelectObject(DC, Handle);
- FreeBits := False;
- FreeDC := True;
- FreeHandle := True;
- end;
- ReallocMem(Scanlines, AbsHeight shl 2);
- Pixels8 := Pointer(Scanlines);
- Pixels16 := Pointer(Scanlines);
- Pixels24 := Pointer(Scanlines);
- Pixels32 := Pointer(Scanlines);
- if AbsHeight>0 then
- begin
- x := Integer(Bits);
- for il:=0 to AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- Scanlines[il] := Ptr(x);
- Inc(x, BWidth);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SetInterfaceIndirect(fBits: Pointer; bmInfo: TBMInfo);
- var
- r, g, b: DWord;
- begin
- With bmInfo.Header do
- begin
- if biCompression in [1, 2] then
- if (bmInfo.RMask<>0) or (bmInfo.GMask<>0) or (bmInfo.BMask<>0) then
- biCompression := 3 else biCompression := 0;
- if (biBitCount in [16, 32]) and (biCompression = 3) then
- MaskToInt(bmInfo.RMask, bmInfo.GMask, bmInfo.BMask, r, g, b) else
- begin
- r:=0; g:=0; b:=0;
- end;
- if biBitCount<=8 then Colors^:=bmInfo.Colors;
- end;
- SetInterface(fBits, bmInfo.Header.biWidth, bmInfo.Header.biHeight, bmInfo.Header.biBitCount, r, g, b);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.MakeCopy(Bmp: TBMPReader; CopyBits: Boolean);
- begin
- SetSizeIndirect(Bmp.Info);
- if CopyBits then Move(Bmp.Bits^, Bits^, SizeImage);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.PrepareAlphaTables(bmHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader);
- var
- il, maxCheck: integer;
- NeedFillAlpha, is0, is255: boolean;
- begin
- FTransparentIndex := -1;
- if bmHeader.biBitCount <= 8 then
- begin
- if bmHeader.biBitCount = 8 then
- begin
- is0 := false;
- is255 := false;
- if bmHeader.biClrUsed > 0 then maxCheck := bmHeader.biClrUsed - 1
- else maxCheck := $FF;
- for il := 0 to maxCheck do
- begin
- if Colors[il].A = $FF then is255 := true else
- if Colors[il].A = 0 then is0 := true;
- end;
- NeedFillAlpha := (is0 and not is255);
- if is0 and is255 then
- for il := 0 to $FF do
- if Colors[il].A = 0 then
- begin
- FTransparentIndex := il;
- Break;
- end;
- end else
- NeedFillAlpha := true;
- if NeedFillAlpha then
- for il := 0 to (1 shl bmHeader.biBitCount) - 1 do
- Colors[il].A := $FF;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.LoadFromHandle(hBmp:HBITMAP);
- var
- dsInfo: TDIBSection;
- begin
- if GetObject(hBmp,SizeOf(dsInfo),@dsInfo)=84 then
- begin
- SetSizeIndirect(PBMInfo(@dsInfo.dsBmih)^);
- if dsInfo.dsBmih.biCompression = 1 then DecodeRLE8(Self,dsInfo.dsBm.bmBits)
- else if dsInfo.dsBmih.biCompression = 2 then DecodeRLE4(Self,dsInfo.dsBm.bmBits)
- else Move(dsInfo.dsBm.bmBits^, Bits^, dsInfo.dsBmih.biSizeImage);
- if Bpp <= 8 then
- begin
- GetDIBits(DC, hBmp, 0, 0, nil, PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, 0);
- UpdateColors;
- PrepareAlphaTables(Info.Header);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- SetSize(dsInfo.dsBm.bmWidth, dsInfo.dsBm.bmHeight, 0);
- GetDIBits(DC, hBmp, 0, AbsHeight, Bits, PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, 0);
- if Bpp <= 8 then
- begin
- UpdateColors;
- PrepareAlphaTables(Info.Header);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
- var
- FS : TFileStream;
- begin
- FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite);
- LoadFromStream(FS);
- FS.Free;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.LoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
- var
- Buffer: Pointer;
- bmInfo: TBMInfo;
- fBits, xSize: DWord;
- begin
- xSize := stream.size;
- if xSize > 1078 then xSize := 1078;
- GetMem(Buffer, 1078);
-^, xSize);
- fBits := LoadHeader(Buffer, bmInfo);
- SetSizeIndirect(bmInfo);
- stream.Seek(fBits - xSize, soFromCurrent);
- if bmInfo.Header.biCompression in [1, 2] then xSize := PDWord(Integer(Buffer)+2)^ - fBits
- else
- if (stream.size - fBits) > SizeImage then xSize := SizeImage else xSize := stream.size - fBits;
- if bmInfo.Header.biCompression in [0, 3] then^, xSize) else
- begin
- ReAllocMem(Buffer, xSize);
-^, xSize);
- if bmInfo.Header.biCompression=1 then DecodeRLE8(Self, Buffer) else DecodeRLE4(Self, Buffer);
- end;
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- end;
- Function LoadHeaderFromFile(FileName:string): TBMInfo;
- var
- Buffer: Pointer;
- hFile: Windows.HFILE;
- xSize, fSize, i: DWord;
- begin
- hFile := CreateFile(PChar(FileName),GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0);
- fSize := GetFileSize(hFile,nil);
- xSize := fSize;
- if xSize > 1078 then xSize :=1078;
- GetMem(Buffer, 1078);
- ReadFile(hFile, Buffer^, xSize, i, nil);
- LoadHeader(Buffer, Result);
- CloseHandle(hFile);
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.LoadFromRes(hInst: HINST; ResID, ResType: PChar);
- var
- pMem: Pointer;
- bmInfo: TBMInfo;
- fSize,fBits: DWord;
- begin
- pMem := LockResource(LoadResource(hInst, FindResource(hInst, ResID, ResType)));
- if pMem<>nil then
- begin
- fBits := LoadHeader(pMem,bmInfo);
- fSize := PDWord(pMem)^-DWord(fBits);
- SetSizeIndirect(bmInfo);
- if SizeImage < fSize then fSize := SizeImage;
- if bmInfo.Header.biCompression=1 then DecodeRLE8(Self, Ptr(DWord(pMem) + fBits))
- else
- if bmInfo.Header.biCompression=2 then DecodeRLE4(Self, Ptr(DWord(pMem) + fBits))
- else Move(Ptr(DWord(pMem)+fBits)^,Bits^,fSize);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.UpdateColors;
- begin
- SetDIBColorTable(DC, 0, 1 shl Bpp, Colors^);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.Clear(c:TFColor);
- begin
- ImageReader.Clear(Self, c);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.ClearB(c:DWord);
- begin
- ImageReader.ClearB(Self,c);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SaveToFile(FileName:string);
- var
- FS: TFileStream;
- begin
- if fileExists(FileName) then DeleteFile(FileName);
- FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- SaveToStream(FS);
- FS.Free;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.SaveToStream(stream: TStream);
- var
- cSize: DWord;
- fHead: TBitmapFileHeader;
- begin
- if Info.Header.biClrUsed<>0
- then cSize := (Info.Header.biClrUsed shl 2)
- else if Info.Header.biCompression=BI_BITFIELDS then cSize := 12
- else if Bpp <= 8 then cSize := (1 shl Bpp) shl 2
- else cSize := 0;
- fHead.bfType := $4D42;
- fHead.bfOffBits := 54 + cSize;
- fHead.bfSize := fHead.bfOffBits + SizeImage;
- stream.Write(fHead, SizeOf(fHead));
- stream.Write(Info,cSize+40);
- stream.WriteBuffer(Bits^, SizeImage);
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.CopyRect(Src:TBMPReader;x,y,w,h,sx,sy:Integer);
- var
- iy,pc,sc,b: Integer;
- begin
- if Height>0 then y:=AbsHeight-h-y;
- if Src.Height>0 then sy:=Src.Height-h-sy;
- if x<0 then
- begin
- Dec(sx,x);
- Inc(w,x);
- x:=0;
- end;
- if y<0 then
- begin
- Dec(sy,y);
- Inc(h,y);
- y:=0;
- end;
- if sx<0 then
- begin
- Dec(x,sx);
- Inc(w,sx);
- sx:=0;
- end;
- if sy<0 then
- begin
- Dec(y,sy);
- Inc(h,sy);
- sy:=0;
- end;
- if(sx<Src.Width)and(sy<Src.AbsHeight)and(x<Width)and(y<AbsHeight)then
- begin
- if w+sx>=Src.Width then w:=Src.Width-sx;
- if h+sy>=Src.AbsHeight then h:=Src.AbsHeight-sy;
- if w+x>=Width then w:=Width-x;
- if h+y>=AbsHeight then h:=AbsHeight-y;
- if (Bpp <= 8) and (Bpp=Src.Bpp) then
- Move(Src.Colors^, Colors^, SizeOf(TFColorTable));
- if(Bpp>=8)and(Bpp=Src.Bpp)then
- begin
- b:=w;
- case Bpp of
- 16:
- begin
- b:=w shl 1;
- x:=x shl 1;
- sx:=sx shl 1;
- end;
- 24:
- begin
- b:=w*3;
- x:=x*3;
- sx:=sx*3;
- end;
- 32:
- begin
- b:=w shl 2;
- x:=x shl 2;
- sx:=sx shl 2;
- end;
- end;
- pc:=Integer(Scanlines[y])+x;
- sc:=Integer(Src.Scanlines[sy])+sx;
- for iy:=0 to h-1 do
- begin
- Move(Ptr(sc)^,Ptr(pc)^,b);
- Inc(pc,BWidth);
- Inc(sc,Src.BWidth);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for iy:=0 to h-1 do
- for b:=0 to w-1 do
- Pixels[y+iy,x+b]:=Src.Pixels[sy+iy,sx+b];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBMPReader.ShiftColors(i1, i2, Amount: Integer);
- var
- p: PFColorTable;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i:= i2 - i1;
- if (Amount < i) and (Amount > 0) then
- begin
- GetMem(p, i shl 2);
- Move(Colors[i1], p[0], i shl 2);
- Move(p[0], Colors[i1 + Amount], (i - Amount) shl 2);
- Move(p[i - Amount], Colors[i1], Amount shl 2);
- FreeMem(p);
- end;
- if DC <> 0 then UpdateColors;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- procedure SetAlphaChannel(Bmp, Alpha: TBMPReader);
- var
- pb: PByte;
- pc: PFColorA;
- x,y: Integer;
- begin
- pb := Pointer(Alpha.Bits);
- pc := Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y := 0 to Alpha.AbsHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Alpha.Width - 1 do
- begin
- pc^.a := pb^;
- Inc(pc);
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + Bmp.Gap);
- Inc(pb, Alpha.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FillAlpha(Bmp: TBMPReader; Alpha: byte);
- var
- pc: PFColorA;
- x,y: Integer;
- begin
- pc := Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y := 0 to Bmp.AbsHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do
- begin
- pc^.a := Alpha;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FillAlphaNoSrc(Bmp: TBMPReader; Alpha: byte);
- var
- pc: PFColorA;
- x,y: Integer;
- begin
- pc := Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y := 0 to Bmp.AbsHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do
- begin
- if (pc^.r > 0) or (pc^.g > 0) or (pc^.b > 0)
- then pc^.a := Alpha
- else pc^.a := 0;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- function IsInitAlpha(Bmp: TBMPReader): boolean;
- var
- pc: PFColorA;
- x,y: Integer;
- begin
- pc := Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- Result := false;
- for y := 0 to Bmp.AbsHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do
- begin
- Result := pc^.a > 0;
- if Result then Exit;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure MultiplyAlpha(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- var
- pc: PFColorA;
- x,y,i: Integer;
- begin
- pc:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- i:=pc.a;
- if i=0 then
- begin
- pc.b:=0;
- pc.g:=0;
- pc.r:=0;
- end else if i<255 then
- begin
- pc.b:=(pc.b*i)shr 8;
- pc.g:=(pc.g*i)shr 8;
- pc.r:=(pc.r*i)shr 8;
- end;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc:=Ptr(Integer(pc)+Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure SwapChannels24(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- var
- pc: PFColor;
- x,y,z: Integer;
- begin
- pc:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- z:=pc.r;
- pc.r:=pc.b;
- pc.b:=z;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc:=Ptr(Integer(pc)+Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure SwapChannels32(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- var
- pc: PFColorA;
- x,y,z: Integer;
- begin
- pc:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- z:=pc.r;
- pc.r:=pc.b;
- pc.b:=z;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc:=Ptr(Integer(pc)+Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure SwapChannels(Bmp:TBMPReader);
- begin
- case Bmp.Bpp of
- 24: SwapChannels24(Bmp);
- 32: SwapChannels32(Bmp);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FillMem(Mem:Pointer;Size,Value:Integer);
- asm
- push edi
- push ebx
- mov ebx,edx
- mov edi,eax
- mov eax,ecx
- mov ecx,edx
- shr ecx,2
- jz @word
- rep stosd
- @word:
- mov ecx,ebx
- and ecx,2
- jz @byte
- mov [edi],ax
- add edi,2
- @byte:
- mov ecx,ebx
- and ecx,1
- jz @exit
- mov [edi],al
- @exit:
- pop ebx
- pop edi
- end;
- procedure Clear(Bmp:TBMPReader;c:TFColor);
- begin
- case Bmp.Bpp of
- 1,4,8: ClearB(Bmp,ClosestColor(Bmp.Colors,(1 shl Bmp.Bpp)-1,c));
- 16: ClearB(Bmp,c.r shr Bmp.RShr shl Bmp.RShl or
- c.g shr Bmp.GShr shl Bmp.GShl or
- c.b shr Bmp.BShr);
- 24: ClearB(Bmp,PDWord(@c)^);
- 32: if Bmp.Compression = 0 then ClearB(Bmp,PDWord(@c)^) else
- ClearB(Bmp,c.r shr Bmp.RShr shl Bmp.RShl or
- c.g shr Bmp.GShr shl Bmp.GShl or
- c.b shr Bmp.BShr);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ClearB(Bmp:TBMPReader;c:DWord);
- var
- i: Integer;
- pc: PFColor;
- begin
- if(Bmp.Bpp=1)and(c=1)then c:=15;
- if Bmp.Bpp<=4 then c:=c or c shl 4;
- if Bmp.Bpp<=8 then
- begin
- c:=c or c shl 8;
- c:=c or c shl 16;
- end else if Bmp.Bpp=16 then c:=c or c shl 16;
- if Bmp.Bpp=24 then
- begin
- pc:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for i:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- pc^:=PFColor(@c)^;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- for i:=1 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- Move(Bmp.Bits^,Bmp.Scanlines[i]^,Bmp.BWidth-Bmp.Gap);
- end else
- begin
- if Bmp.SizeImage <> 0 then FillMem(Bmp.Bits, Bmp.SizeImage, c) else
- for i:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- FillMem(Bmp.Scanlines[i],Bmp.BWidth-Bmp.Gap,c);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DecodeRLE4(Bmp:TBMPReader;Data:Pointer);
- procedure OddMove(Src,Dst:PByte;Size:Integer);
- begin
- if Size=0 then Exit;
- repeat
- Dst^:=(Dst^ and $F0)or(Src^ shr 4);
- Inc(Dst);
- Dst^:=(Dst^ and $0F)or(Src^ shl 4);
- Inc(Src);
- Dec(Size);
- until Size=0;
- end;
- procedure OddFill(Mem:PByte;Size,Value:Integer);
- begin
- Value:=(Value shr 4)or(Value shl 4);
- Mem^:=(Mem^ and $F0)or(Value and $0F);
- Inc(Mem);
- if Size>1 then FillChar(Mem^,Size,Value);
- Mem^:=(Mem^ and $0F)or(Value and $F0);
- end;
- var
- pb: PByte;
- x,y,z,i: Integer;
- begin
- pb:=Data; x:=0; y:=0;
- while y<Bmp.AbsHeight do
- begin
- if pb^=0 then
- begin
- Inc(pb);
- z:=pb^;
- case pb^ of
- 0: begin
- Inc(y);
- x:=0;
- end;
- 1: Break;
- 2: begin
- Inc(pb); Inc(x,pb^);
- Inc(pb); Inc(y,pb^);
- end;
- else
- begin
- Inc(pb);
- i:=(z+1)shr 1;
- if(z and 2)=2 then Inc(i);
- if((x and 1)=1)and(x+i<Bmp.Width)then
- OddMove(pb,@Bmp.Pixels8[y,x shr 1],i)
- else
- Move(pb^,Bmp.Pixels8[y,x shr 1],i);
- Inc(pb,i-1);
- Inc(x,z);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- z:=pb^;
- Inc(pb);
- if((x and 1)=1)and(x+z<Bmp.Width)then
- OddFill(@Bmp.Pixels8[y,x shr 1],z shr 1,pb^)
- else
- FillChar(Bmp.Pixels8[y,x shr 1],z shr 1,pb^);
- Inc(x,z);
- end;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DecodeRLE8(Bmp:TBMPReader;Data:Pointer);
- var
- pb: PByte;
- x,y,z,i,s: Integer;
- begin
- pb:=Data; y:=0; x:=0;
- while y<Bmp.AbsHeight do
- begin
- if pb^=0 then
- begin
- Inc(pb);
- case pb^ of
- 0: begin
- Inc(y);
- x:=0;
- end;
- 1: Break;
- 2: begin
- Inc(pb); Inc(x,pb^);
- Inc(pb); Inc(y,pb^);
- end;
- else
- begin
- i:=pb^;
- s:=(i+1)and(not 1);
- z:=s-1;
- Inc(pb);
- if x+s>Bmp.Width then s:=Bmp.Width-x;
- Move(pb^,Bmp.Pixels8[y,x],s);
- Inc(pb,z);
- Inc(x,i);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- i:=pb^; Inc(pb);
- if i+x>Bmp.Width then i:=Bmp.Width-x;
- FillChar(Bmp.Pixels8[y,x],i,pb^);
- Inc(x,i);
- end;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FillColors(Pal:PFColorTable;i1,i2,nKeys:Integer;Keys:PLine24);
- var
- pc: PFColorA;
- c1,c2: TFColor;
- i,n,cs,w1,w2,x,ii: Integer;
- begin
- i:=0;
- n:=i2-i1;
- Dec(nKeys);
- ii:=(nKeys shl 16)div n;
- pc:=@Pal[i1];
- for x:=0 to n-1 do
- begin
- cs:=i shr 16;
- c1:=Keys[cs];
- if cs<nKeys then Inc(cs);
- c2:=Keys[cs];
- w1:=((not i)and $FFFF)+1;
- w2:=i and $FFFF;
- if(w1<(ii-w1))then pc.c:=c2 else
- if(w2<(ii-w2))then pc.c:=c1 else
- begin
- pc.b:=((c1.b*w1)+(c2.b*w2))shr 16;
- pc.g:=((c1.g*w1)+(c2.g*w2))shr 16;
- pc.r:=((c1.r*w1)+(c2.r*w2))shr 16;
- end;
- Inc(i,ii);
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc.c:=c2;
- end;
- function ClosestColor(Pal:PFColorTable;Max:Integer;c:TFColor):Byte;
- var
- n: Byte;
- pc: PFColorA;
- i,x,d: Integer;
- begin
- x:=765; n:=0;
- pc:=Pointer(Pal);
- for i:=0 to Max do
- begin
- if pc.b>c.b then d:=pc.b-c.b else d:=c.b-pc.b;
- if pc.g>c.g then Inc(d,pc.g-c.g) else Inc(d,c.g-pc.g);
- if pc.r>c.r then Inc(d,pc.r-c.r) else Inc(d,c.r-pc.r);
- if d<x then
- begin
- x:=d;
- n:=i;
- end;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- Result:=n;
- end;
- function LoadHeader(Data:Pointer; var bmInfo:TBMInfo):Integer;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if PDWord(Ptr(Integer(Data)+14))^ = 40 then
- Move(Ptr(Integer(Data)+14)^, bmInfo, SizeOf(bmInfo))
- else
- if PDWord(Ptr(Integer(Data)+14))^ = 12 then
- with PBitmapCoreInfo(Ptr(Integer(Data)+14))^ do
- begin
- FillChar(bmInfo, SizeOf(bmInfo), 0);
- bmInfo.Header.biWidth := bmciHeader.bcWidth;
- bmInfo.Header.biHeight := bmciHeader.bcHeight;
- bmInfo.Header.biBitCount := bmciHeader.bcBitCount;
- if bmciHeader.bcBitCount <= 8 then
- for i:=0 to (1 shl bmciHeader.bcBitCount)-1 do
- bmInfo.Colors[i] := PFColorA(@bmciColors[i])^;
- end;
- Result:=PDWord(Ptr(Integer(Data)+10))^;
- end;
- function PackedDIB(Bmp:TBMPReader):Pointer;
- var
- i: DWord;
- begin
- if Bmp.Bpp <= 8 then i := 40 + ((1 shl Bmp.Bpp) shl 2) else
- if (((Bmp.Bpp = 16) or (Bmp.Bpp = 32)) and (Bmp.Compression =3 )) then i:=52 else i:=40;
- GetMem(Result, Bmp.SizeImage + i);
- Move(Bmp.Info, Result^,i);
- Move(Bmp.Bits^, Ptr(DWord(Result)+i)^, Bmp.SizeImage);
- end;
- function Count1(Bmp:TBMPReader):Integer;
- var
- pb: PByte;
- w,c,x,y: Integer;
- begin
- Result:=2;
- pb:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits); c:=pb^;
- if(c<>0)and(c<>255)then Exit;
- w:=(Bmp.Width div 8)-1;
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to w do
- begin
- if pb^<>c then Exit;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- Inc(pb,Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- Result:=1;
- end;
- function Count4(Bmp:TBMPReader):Integer;
- var
- I,J: Integer;
- pb,pc: PByte;
- x,y,w: Integer;
- Check: array[0..15]of Byte;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- FillChar(Check,SizeOf(Check),0);
- pb:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- w:=(Bmp.Width div 2)-1;
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to w do
- begin
- pc:=@Check[pb^ shr 4];
- if pc^=0 then
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- pc^:=1;
- end;
- pc:=@Check[pb^ and 15];
- if pc^=0 then
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- pc^:=1;
- end;
- if Result=16 then Exit;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- Inc(pb,Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- x:=0; y:=0; w:=w*Bmp.AbsHeight-1;
- for I := 0 to Result - 1 do
- begin
- while check[x]=0 do inc(x);
- if x<>y then
- begin
- Bmp.Colors[y]:=Bmp.Colors[x];
- pb:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for J := 0 to w do // Iterate
- begin
- if x=(pb^ shr 4) then pb^:=(pb^ and 15) or (y shl 4);
- if x=(pb^ and 15) then pb^:=(pb^ and $f0) or y;
- inc(pb);
- end; // for J
- end;
- inc(x); inc(y);
- end; // for I
- end;
- function Count8(Bmp:TBMPReader):Integer;
- var
- x,y: Integer;
- I,J : Integer;
- pb: PByte;
- Check: array[Byte]of Byte;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- FillChar(Check,SizeOf(Check),0);
- pb:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- // pc:=@Check[pb^];
- if Check[pb^] = 0 then
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- Check[pb^] := 1;
- end;
- if Result=256 then Exit;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- Inc(pb,Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- if (Result = 1) and (Check[0] = 0) and (Check[1] = 1) then
- begin
- Result := 2;
- exit; // bug monobrush
- end;
- j := 0;
- for I := 0 to 255 do
- if Check[i] = 0 then inc(J) else Check[i] := J;
- if J > 0 then
- begin
- pb:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- if Check[pb^] > 0 then pb^ := pb^ - Check[pb^];
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- Inc(pb,Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- for I := 1 to 255 do
- if Check[i] > 0 then
- Bmp.Colors[i - Check[i]] := Bmp.Colors[i];
- end;
- end;
- function Count16(Bmp:TBMPReader):Integer;
- var
- pw: PWord;
- pc: PByte;
- x,y: Integer;
- Check: array[Word]of Byte;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- FillChar(Check,SizeOf(Check),0);
- pw:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- pc:=@Check[pw^];
- if pc^=0 then
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- pc^:=1;
- end;
- Inc(pw);
- end;
- pw:=Ptr(Integer(pw)+Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- end;
- function Count24(Bmp:TBMPReader):Integer;
- type
- PCheck =^TCheck;
- TCheck = array[Byte,Byte,0..31]of Byte;
- var
- pb: PByte;
- pc: PFColor;
- Check: PCheck;
- x,y,c: Integer;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- New(Check);
- FillChar(Check^,SizeOf(TCheck),0);
- pc:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for y:=0 to Bmp.AbsHeight-1 do
- begin
- for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- pb:=@Check[pc.r,pc.g,pc.b shr 3];
- c:=1 shl(pc.b and 7);
- if(c and pb^)=0 then
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- pb^:=pb^ or c;
- end;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc:=Ptr(Integer(pc)+Bmp.Gap);
- end;
- Dispose(Check);
- end;
- function Count32(Bmp:TBMPReader):Integer;
- type
- PCheck =^TCheck;
- TCheck = array[Byte,Byte,0..31]of Byte;
- var
- pb: PByte;
- pc: PFColorA;
- i,c: Integer;
- Check: PCheck;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- New(Check);
- FillChar(Check^,SizeOf(TCheck),0);
- pc:=Pointer(Bmp.Bits);
- for i:=0 to (Bmp.SizeImage shr 2)-1 do
- begin
- pb:=@Check[pc.r,pc.g,pc.b shr 3];
- c:=1 shl(pc.b and 7);
- if(c and pb^)=0 then
- begin
- Inc(Result);
- pb^:=pb^ or c;
- end;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- Dispose(Check);
- end;
- function CountColors(Bmp:TBMPReader):DWord;
- begin
- case Bmp.Bpp of
- 1: Result:=Count1(Bmp);
- 4: Result:=Count4(Bmp);
- 8: Result:=Count8(Bmp);
- 16: Result:=Count16(Bmp);
- 24: Result:=Count24(Bmp);
- 32: Result:=Count32(Bmp);
- else Result:=0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure IntToMask(Bpr,Bpg,Bpb:DWord;var RMsk,GMsk,BMsk:DWord);
- begin
- BMsk:=(1 shl Bpb)-1;
- GMsk:=((1 shl(Bpb+Bpg))-1)and not BMsk;
- if(Bpr+Bpg+Bpb)=32 then RMsk:=$FFFFFFFF else RMsk:=(1 shl(Bpr+Bpb+Bpg))-1;
- RMsk:=RMsk and not(BMsk or GMsk);
- end;
- procedure MaskToInt(RMsk,GMsk,BMsk:DWord;var Bpr,Bpg,Bpb:DWord);
- function CountBits(i:DWord):DWord;
- asm
- bsr edx,eax
- bsf ecx,eax
- sub edx,ecx
- inc edx
- mov eax,edx
- end;
- begin
- Bpb:=CountBits(BMsk);
- Bpg:=CountBits(GMsk);
- Bpr:=CountBits(RMsk);
- end;
- function UnpackColorTable(Table:TFPackedColorTable):TFColorTable;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to 255 do
- Result[i].c:=Table[i];
- end;
- function PackColorTable(Table:TFColorTable):TFPackedColorTable;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to 255 do
- Result[i]:=Table[i].c;
- end;
- function FRGB(r,g,b:Byte):TFColor;
- begin
- Result.b:=b;
- Result.g:=g;
- Result.r:=r;
- end;
- function FRGBA(r,g,b,a:Byte):TFColorA;
- begin
- Result.b:=b;
- Result.g:=g;
- Result.r:=r;
- Result.a:=a;
- end;
- function ColorToInt(c:TFColor):DWord;
- begin
- Result:=c.b shl 16 or c.g shl 8 or c.r;
- end;
- function ColorToIntA(c:TFColorA):DWord;
- begin
- Result:=c.b shl 24 or c.g shl 16 or c.r shl 8 or c.a;
- end;
- function IntToColor(i:DWord):TFColor;
- begin
- Result.b:=i shr 16;
- Result.g:=i shr 8;
- Result.r:=i;
- end;
- function IntToColorA(i:DWord):TFColorA;
- begin
- Result.a:=i shr 24;
- Result.b:=i shr 16;
- Result.g:=i shr 8;
- Result.r:=i;
- end;
- function Scale8(i,n:Integer):Integer;
- begin // Result:=(i*255)div([1 shl n]-1);
- case n of
- 1: if Boolean(i) then Result:=255 else Result:=0;
- 2: Result:=(i shl 6)or(i shl 4)or(i shl 2)or i;
- 3: Result:=(i shl 5)or(i shl 2)or(i shr 1);
- 4: Result:=(i shl 4)or i;
- 5: Result:=(i shl 3)or(i shr 2);
- 6: Result:=(i shl 2)or(i shr 4);
- 7: Result:=(i shl 1)or(i shr 6);
- else Result:=i;
- end;
- end;
- function Get16Bpg:Byte;
- var
- c: DWord;
- sDC,bDC: Windows.HDC;
- begin
- sDC:=GetDC(0);
- bDC:=CreateCompatibleDC(sDC);
- hBM:=CreateCompatibleBitmap(sDC,1,1);
- SelectObject(bDC,hBM);
- SetPixel(bDC,0,0,RGB(0,100,0));
- c:=GetPixel(bDC,0,0);
- DeleteDC(bDC);
- DeleteObject(hBM);
- ReleaseDC(0,sDC);
- if GetGValue(c)>=100 then Result:=6 else Result:=5;
- end;
- initialization
- finalization
- end.