- { *************************************************************************** }
- { }
- { Audio Tools Library (Freeware) }
- { Class TMPEGaudio - for manipulating with MPEG audio file information }
- { }
- { Uses: }
- { - Class TID3v1 }
- { - Class TID3v2 }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001 by Jurgen Faul }
- { E-mail: }
- { }
- { }
- { Version 1.0 (31 August 2001) }
- { - Support for MPEG audio (versions 1, 2, 2.5, layers I, II, III) }
- { - Support for Xing & FhG VBR }
- { - Ability to guess audio encoder (Xing, FhG, LAME, Blade, GoGo, Shine) }
- { - Class TID3v1: reading & writing support for ID3v1.x tags }
- { - Class TID3v2: reading support for ID3v2.3.x tags }
- { }
- { 11 mar 2007 - Add ReadFromStream mathod by }
- { 10 mar 2008 - some bugs fixed }
- { }
- { *************************************************************************** }
- unit MPEGaudio;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Contnrs;
- const
- { Table for bit rates }
- MPEG_BIT_RATE: array [0..3, 0..3, 0..15] of Word =
- (
- { For MPEG 2.5 }
- ((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0),
- (0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0),
- (0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0)),
- { Reserved }
- ((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
- { For MPEG 2 }
- ((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0),
- (0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0),
- (0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0)),
- { For MPEG 1 }
- ((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0),
- (0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 0),
- (0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 0))
- );
- { Sample rate codes }
- MPEG_SAMPLE_RATE_LEVEL_3 = 0; { Level 3 }
- MPEG_SAMPLE_RATE_LEVEL_2 = 1; { Level 2 }
- MPEG_SAMPLE_RATE_LEVEL_1 = 2; { Level 1 }
- MPEG_SAMPLE_RATE_UNKNOWN = 3; { Unknown value }
- { Table for sample rates }
- MPEG_SAMPLE_RATE: array [0..3, 0..3] of Word =
- (
- (11025, 12000, 8000, 0), { For MPEG 2.5 }
- (0, 0, 0, 0), { Reserved }
- (22050, 24000, 16000, 0), { For MPEG 2 }
- (44100, 48000, 32000, 0) { For MPEG 1 }
- );
- { VBR header ID for Xing/FhG }
- VBR_ID_XING = 'Xing'; { Xing VBR ID }
- VBR_ID_INFO = 'Info';
- { MPEG version codes }
- MPEG_VERSION_2_5 = 0; { MPEG 2.5 }
- MPEG_VERSION_UNKNOWN = 1; { Unknown version }
- MPEG_VERSION_2 = 2; { MPEG 2 }
- MPEG_VERSION_1 = 3; { MPEG 1 }
- { MPEG version names }
- MPEG_VERSION: array [0..3] of string =
- ('MPEG 2.5', 'MPEG ?', 'MPEG 2', 'MPEG 1');
- { MPEG layer codes }
- MPEG_LAYER_UNKNOWN = 0; { Unknown layer }
- MPEG_LAYER_III = 1; { Layer III }
- MPEG_LAYER_II = 2; { Layer II }
- MPEG_LAYER_I = 3; { Layer I }
- { MPEG layer names }
- MPEG_LAYER: array [0..3] of string =
- ('Layer ?', 'Layer III', 'Layer II', 'Layer I');
- { Channel mode codes }
- MPEG_CM_STEREO = 0; { Stereo }
- MPEG_CM_JOINT_STEREO = 1; { Joint Stereo }
- MPEG_CM_DUAL_CHANNEL = 2; { Dual Channel }
- MPEG_CM_MONO = 3; { Mono }
- MPEG_CM_UNKNOWN = 4; { Unknown mode }
- { Channel mode names }
- MPEG_CM_MODE: array [0..4] of string =
- ('Stereo', 'Joint Stereo', 'Dual Channel', 'Mono', 'Unknown');
- { Extension mode codes (for Joint Stereo) }
- MPEG_CM_EXTENSION_OFF = 0; { IS and MS modes set off }
- MPEG_CM_EXTENSION_IS = 1; { Only IS mode set on }
- MPEG_CM_EXTENSION_MS = 2; { Only MS mode set on }
- MPEG_CM_EXTENSION_ON = 3; { IS and MS modes set on }
- MPEG_CM_EXTENSION_UNKNOWN = 4; { Unknown extension mode }
- { Emphasis mode codes }
- MPEG_EMPHASIS_NONE = 0; { None }
- MPEG_EMPHASIS_5015 = 1; { 50/15 ms }
- MPEG_EMPHASIS_UNKNOWN = 2; { Unknown emphasis }
- { Emphasis names }
- MPEG_EMPHASIS: array [0..3] of string =
- ('None', '50/15 ms', 'Unknown', 'CCIT J.17');
- { Encoder codes }
- MPEG_ENCODER_UNKNOWN = 0; { Unknown encoder }
- MPEG_ENCODER_XING = 1; { Xing }
- MPEG_ENCODER_BLADE = 4; { Blade }
- MPEG_ENCODER_SHINE = 6; { Shine }
- { Encoder names }
- MPEG_ENCODER: array [0..6] of string =
- ('Unknown', 'Xing', 'FhG', 'LAME', 'Blade', 'GoGo', 'Shine');
- TAG_VERSION_1_0 = 1; { Index for ID3v1.0 tag }
- TAG_VERSION_1_1 = 2; { Index for ID3v1.1 tag }
- TAG_VERSION_2_3 = 3; { Code for ID3v2.3.0 tag }
- { Max. number of supported tag frames }
- { Names of supported tag frames }
- ID3V2_FRAME: array [1..ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT] of string =
- ('TIT2', 'TPE1', 'TALB', 'TRCK', 'TYER', 'TCON', 'COMM');
- MAX_MUSIC_GENRES = 148; { Max. number of music genres }
- DEFAULT_GENRE = 255; { Index for default genre }
- var
- MusicGenre: array [0..MAX_MUSIC_GENRES - 1] of PChar = { Genre names }
- ({ Standard genres }
- 'Blues', 'Classic Rock', 'Country', 'Dance', 'Disco', 'Funk', 'Grunge', 'Hip-Hop', 'Jazz', 'Metal',
- 'New Age', 'Oldies', 'Other', 'Pop', 'R&B', 'Rap', 'Reggae', 'Rock', 'Techno', 'Industrial',
- 'Alternative', 'Ska', 'Death Metal', 'Pranks', 'Soundtrack', 'Euro-Techno', 'Ambient', 'Trip-Hop',
- 'Vocal', 'Jazz+Funk', 'Fusion', 'Trance', 'Classical', 'Instrumental', 'Acid', 'House', 'Game',
- 'Sound Clip', 'Gospel', 'Noise', 'AlternRock', 'Bass', 'Soul', 'Punk', 'Space', 'Meditative',
- 'Instrumental Pop', 'Instrumental Rock', 'Ethnic', 'Gothic', 'Darkwave', 'Techno-Industrial',
- 'Electronic', 'Pop-Folk', 'Eurodance', 'Dream', 'Southern Rock', 'Comedy', 'Cult', 'Gangsta',
- 'Top 40', 'Christian Rap', 'Pop/Funk', 'Jungle', 'Native American', 'Cabaret', 'New Wave',
- 'Psychadelic', 'Rave', 'Showtunes', 'Trailer', 'Lo-Fi', 'Tribal', 'Acid Punk', 'Acid Jazz',
- 'Polka', 'Retro', 'Musical', 'Rock & Roll', 'Hard Rock',
- { Extended genres }
- 'Folk', 'Folk-Rock', 'National Folk', 'Swing', 'Fast Fusion', 'Bebob', 'Latin', 'Revival',
- 'Celtic', 'Bluegrass', 'Avantgarde', 'Gothic Rock', 'Progessive Rock', 'Psychedelic Rock',
- 'Symphonic Rock', 'Slow Rock', 'Big Band', 'Chorus', 'Easy Listening', 'Acoustic', 'Humour',
- 'Speech', 'Chanson', 'Opera', 'Chamber Music', 'Sonata', 'Symphony', 'Booty Bass', 'Primus',
- 'Porn Groove', 'Satire', 'Slow Jam', 'Club', 'Tango', 'Samba', 'Folklore', 'Ballad', 'Power Ballad',
- 'Rhythmic Soul', 'Freestyle', 'Duet', 'Punk Rock', 'Drum Solo', 'A capella', 'Euro-House',
- 'Dance Hall', 'Goa', 'Drum & Bass', 'Club-House', 'Hardcore', 'Terror', 'Indie', 'BritPop',
- 'Negerpunk', 'Polsk Punk', 'Beat', 'Christian Gangsta Rap', 'Heavy Metal', 'Black Metal',
- 'Crossover', 'Contemporary Christian', 'Christian Rock', 'Merengue', 'Salsa', 'Trash Metal',
- 'Anime', 'JPop', 'Synthpop');
- type
- { Used in TID3v1 class }
- String04 = string[4]; { String with max. 4 symbols }
- String30 = string[30]; { String with max. 30 symbols }
- { Xing/FhG VBR header data }
- VBRData = record
- Found: Boolean; { True if VBR header found }
- ID: array [1..4] of Char; { Header ID: "Xing" or "VBRI" }
- Frames: longint; { Total number of frames }
- Bytes: longint; { Total number of bytes }
- Scale: Byte; { VBR scale (1..100) }
- VendorID: array [1..8] of Char; { Vendor ID (if present) }
- end;
- { MPEG frame header data}
- FrameData = record
- Found: Boolean; { True if frame found }
- Position: Integer; { Frame position in the file }
- Size: Word; { Frame size (bytes) }
- Empty: Boolean; { True if no significant frame data }
- Data: array [1..4] of Byte; { The whole frame header data }
- VersionID: Byte; { MPEG version ID }
- LayerID: Byte; { MPEG layer ID }
- ProtectionBit: Boolean; { True if protected by CRC }
- BitRateID: Word; { Bit rate ID }
- SampleRateID: Word; { Sample rate ID }
- PaddingBit: Boolean; { True if frame padded }
- PrivateBit: Boolean; { Extra information }
- ModeID: Byte; { Channel mode ID }
- ModeExtensionID: Byte; { Mode extension ID (for Joint Stereo) }
- CopyrightBit: Boolean; { True if audio copyrighted }
- OriginalBit: Boolean; { True if original media }
- EmphasisID: Byte; { Emphasis ID }
- end;
- { Real structure of ID3v1 tag }
- TagID3v1 = record
- Header: array [1..3] of Char; { Tag header - must be "TAG" }
- Title: array [1..30] of Char; { Title data }
- Artist: array [1..30] of Char; { Artist data }
- Album: array [1..30] of Char; { Album data }
- Year: array [1..4] of Char; { Year data }
- Comment: array [1..30] of Char; { Comment data }
- Genre: Byte; { Genre data }
- end;
- { ID3v2 header data - for internal use }
- TagID3v2 = record
- { Real structure of ID3v2 header }
- ID: array [1..3] of Char; { Always "ID3" }
- Version: Byte; { Version number }
- Revision: Byte; { Revision number }
- Flags: Byte; { Flags of tag }
- Size: array [1..4] of Byte; { Tag size excluding header }
- { Extended data }
- FileSize: Integer; { File size (bytes) }
- Frame: array [1..ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT] of string; { Information from frames }
- end;
- TID3v1 = class(TObject)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FExists: Boolean;
- FVersionID: Byte;
- FTitle: String30;
- FArtist: String30;
- FAlbum: String30;
- FYear: String04;
- FComment: String30;
- FTrack: Byte;
- FGenreID: Byte;
- FSize: longint;
- procedure FSetTitle(const NewTitle: String30);
- procedure FSetArtist(const NewArtist: String30);
- procedure FSetAlbum(const NewAlbum: String30);
- procedure FSetYear(const NewYear: String04);
- procedure FSetComment(const NewComment: String30);
- procedure FSetTrack(const NewTrack: Byte);
- procedure FSetGenreID(const NewGenreID: Byte);
- function FGetGenre: string;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create; { Create object }
- procedure ResetData; { Reset all data }
- function ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Load tag }
- function ReadFromStream(Src: TStream): Boolean;
- property Size: longint read FSize;
- property Exists: Boolean read FExists; { True if tag found }
- property VersionID: Byte read FVersionID; { Version code }
- property Title: String30 read FTitle write FSetTitle; { Song title }
- property Artist: String30 read FArtist write FSetArtist; { Artist name }
- property Album: String30 read FAlbum write FSetAlbum; { Album name }
- property Year: String04 read FYear write FSetYear; { Year }
- property Comment: String30 read FComment write FSetComment; { Comment }
- property Track: Byte read FTrack write FSetTrack; { Track number }
- property GenreID: Byte read FGenreID write FSetGenreID; { Genre code }
- property Genre: string read FGetGenre; { Genre name }
- end;
- TID3v2 = class(TObject)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FExists: Boolean;
- FVersionID: Byte;
- FSize: Integer;
- FTitle: string;
- FArtist: string;
- FAlbum: string;
- FTrack: Byte;
- FYear: string;
- FGenre: string;
- FComment: string;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create; { Create object }
- procedure ResetData; { Reset all data }
- function ReadFromStream(Src: TStream): boolean;
- function ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Load tag }
- property Exists: Boolean read FExists; { True if tag found }
- property VersionID: Byte read FVersionID; { Version code }
- property Size: Integer read FSize; { Total tag size }
- property Title: string read FTitle; { Song title }
- property Artist: string read FArtist; { Artist name }
- property Album: string read FAlbum; { Album name }
- property Track: Byte read FTrack; { Track number }
- property Year: string read FYear; { Year }
- property Genre: string read FGenre; { Genre name }
- property Comment: string read FComment; { Comment }
- end;
- TMP3FrameInfo = class (TObject)
- private
- FPosition: longint;
- FSize: Word;
- FisSound: boolean;
- FHeader: DWord;
- public
- property Header: DWord read FHeader write FHeader;
- property Position: longint read FPosition write FPosition;
- property Size: Word read FSize write FSize;
- property isSound: boolean read FisSound write FisSound;
- end;
- { Class TMPEGaudio }
- TMPEGaudio = class(TObject)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FFramesPos: TObjectList;
- FFileLength: Integer;
- FWaveHeader: Boolean;
- FVBR: VBRData;
- FFrame: FrameData;
- FID3v1: TID3v1;
- FID3v2: TID3v2;
- FSoundFrameCount: longint;
- procedure FResetData;
- function FGetVersion: string;
- function FGetLayer: string;
- function FGetBitRate: Word;
- function FGetSampleRate: Word;
- function FGetChannelMode: string;
- function FGetEmphasis: string;
- function FGetFrames: Integer;
- function FGetDuration: Double;
- function FGetVBREncoderID: Byte;
- function FGetCBREncoderID: Byte;
- function FGetEncoderID: Byte;
- function FGetEncoder: string;
- function FGetValid: Boolean;
- function GetMP3FrameInfo(index: Integer): TMP3FrameInfo;
- protected
- procedure EnumFrames(Src: TStream);
- public
- SkipCount: integer;
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create; { Create object }
- destructor Destroy; override; { Destroy object }
- function ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Load data }
- function ReadFromStream(Src: TStream): boolean;
- function isMP3File(const FileName: string): Boolean; {check MP3 format}
- property FileLength: Integer read FFileLength; { File length (bytes) }
- property FrameInfo[index: longint]: TMP3FrameInfo read GetMP3FrameInfo;
- property VBR: VBRData read FVBR; { VBR header data }
- property FirstFrame: FrameData read FFrame; { Frame header data }
- property ID3v1: TID3v1 read FID3v1; { ID3v1 tag data }
- property ID3v2: TID3v2 read FID3v2; { ID3v2 tag data }
- property Version: string read FGetVersion; { MPEG version name }
- property Layer: string read FGetLayer; { MPEG layer name }
- property BitRate: Word read FGetBitRate; { Bit rate (kbit/s) }
- property SampleRate: Word read FGetSampleRate; { Sample rate (hz) }
- property ChannelMode: string read FGetChannelMode; { Channel mode name }
- property Emphasis: string read FGetEmphasis; { Emphasis name }
- property FrameCount: longint read FGetFrames; { Total number of frames }
- property SoundFrameCount: longint read FSoundFrameCount;
- property Duration: Double read FGetDuration; { Song duration (sec) }
- property EncoderID: Byte read FGetEncoderID; { Guessed encoder ID }
- property Encoder: string read FGetEncoder; { Guessed encoder name }
- property Valid: Boolean read FGetValid; { True if MPEG file valid }
- end;
- procedure DecodeHeader(const HeaderData: array of Byte; var Frame: FrameData);
- function GetFrameLength(const Frame: FrameData): Word;
- implementation
- type
- MP3FrameHeader = record
- ID: array [1..4] of Char; { Frame ID }
- Size: Integer; { Size excluding header }
- Flags: Word; { Flags }
- end;
- const
- { Limitation constants }
- MAX_MPEG_FRAME_LENGTH = 1729; { Max. MPEG frame length }
- MIN_MPEG_BIT_RATE = 8; { Min. bit rate value }
- MAX_MPEG_BIT_RATE = 448; { Max. bit rate value }
- MIN_ALLOWED_DURATION = 0.1; { Min. song duration value }
- { VBR Vendor ID strings }
- VBR_VENDOR_ID_GOGO_NEW = 'GOGO'; { For GoGo (New) }
- VBR_VENDOR_ID_GOGO_OLD = 'MPGE'; { For GoGo (Old) }
- VBR_Lame_Track = 'UUUU';
- { ********************* Auxiliary functions & procedures ******************** }
- function WaveHeaderPresent(const Index: Integer; Data: array of Byte): Boolean;
- begin
- { Check for WAV header }
- Result :=
- (Chr(Data[Index + 8]) = 'W') and
- (Chr(Data[Index + 9]) = 'A') and
- (Chr(Data[Index + 10]) = 'V') and
- (Chr(Data[Index + 11]) = 'E');
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function IsFrameHeader(const HeaderData: array of Byte): Boolean;
- begin
- { Check for valid frame header }
- if ((HeaderData[0] and $FF) <> $FF) or
- ((HeaderData[1] and $E0) <> $E0) or
- (((HeaderData[1] shr 3) and 3) = 1) or
- (((HeaderData[1] shr 1) and 3) = 0) or
- ((HeaderData[2] and $F0) = $F0) or
- ((HeaderData[2] and $F0) = 0) or
- (((HeaderData[2] shr 2) and 3) = 3) or
- ((HeaderData[3] and 3) = 2) then
- Result := false
- else
- Result := true;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure DecodeHeader(const HeaderData: array of Byte; var Frame: FrameData);
- begin
- { Decode frame header data }
- Move(HeaderData, Frame.Data, SizeOf(Frame.Data));
- Frame.VersionID := (HeaderData[1] shr 3) and 3;
- Frame.LayerID := (HeaderData[1] shr 1) and 3;
- Frame.ProtectionBit := (HeaderData[1] and 1) <> 1;
- Frame.BitRateID := HeaderData[2] shr 4;
- Frame.SampleRateID := (HeaderData[2] shr 2) and 3;
- Frame.PaddingBit := ((HeaderData[2] shr 1) and 1) = 1;
- Frame.PrivateBit := (HeaderData[2] and 1) = 1;
- Frame.ModeID := (HeaderData[3] shr 6) and 3;
- Frame.ModeExtensionID := (HeaderData[3] shr 4) and 3;
- Frame.CopyrightBit := ((HeaderData[3] shr 3) and 1) = 1;
- Frame.OriginalBit := ((HeaderData[3] shr 2) and 1) = 1;
- Frame.EmphasisID := HeaderData[3] and 3;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function ValidFrameAt(const Index: Word; Data: array of Byte): Boolean;
- var
- HeaderData: array [1..4] of Byte;
- begin
- { Check for frame at given position }
- HeaderData[1] := Data[Index];
- HeaderData[2] := Data[Index + 1];
- HeaderData[3] := Data[Index + 2];
- HeaderData[4] := Data[Index + 3];
- if IsFrameHeader(HeaderData) then Result := true
- else Result := false;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetCoefficient(const Frame: FrameData): Byte;
- begin
- { Get frame coefficient }
- if Frame.VersionID = MPEG_VERSION_1 then
- if Frame.LayerID = MPEG_LAYER_I then Result := 48
- else Result := 144
- else
- if Frame.LayerID = MPEG_LAYER_I then Result := 24
- else Result := 72;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetBitRate(const Frame: FrameData): Word;
- begin
- { Get bit rate }
- Result := MPEG_BIT_RATE[Frame.VersionID, Frame.LayerID, Frame.BitRateID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetSampleRate(const Frame: FrameData): Word;
- begin
- { Get sample rate }
- Result := MPEG_SAMPLE_RATE[Frame.VersionID, Frame.SampleRateID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetPadding(const Frame: FrameData): Byte;
- begin
- { Get frame padding }
- if Frame.PaddingBit then
- if Frame.LayerID = MPEG_LAYER_I then Result := 4
- else Result := 1
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetFrameLength(const Frame: FrameData): Word;
- var
- Coefficient, BitRate, SampleRate, Padding: Word;
- begin
- { Calculate MPEG frame length }
- Coefficient := GetCoefficient(Frame);
- BitRate := GetBitRate(Frame);
- SampleRate := GetSampleRate(Frame);
- Padding := GetPadding(Frame);
- Result := Trunc(Coefficient * BitRate * 1000 / SampleRate) + Padding;
- { if Frame.LayerID = MPEG_LAYER_I then
- Result := Trunc((12 * BitRate * 1000 / SampleRate + Padding) * 4)
- else
- Result := trunc(144 * BitRate * 1000 / SampleRate) + Padding;
- }
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function FrameIsEmpty(const Index: Word; Data: array of Byte): Boolean;
- begin
- { Get true if frame has no significant data }
- Result :=
- (Data[Index] = 0) and
- (Data[Index + 1] = 0) and
- (Data[Index + 2] = 0) and
- (Data[Index + 3] = 0) and
- (Data[Index + 4] = 0) and
- (Data[Index + 5] = 0);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetXingInfo(const Index: Word; Data: array of Byte): VBRData;
- begin
- { Extract Xing VBR info at given position }
- FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
- Result.Found := true;
- Result.ID := VBR_ID_XING;
- Result.Frames := Data[Index + 8] shl 24 + Data[Index + 9] shl 16 +
- Data[Index + 10] shl 8 + Data[Index + 11];
- Result.Bytes := Data[Index + 12] shl 24 + Data[Index + 13] shl 16 +
- Data[Index + 14] shl 8 + Data[Index + 15];
- Result.Scale := Data[Index + 119];
- { Encoder ID can be not present }
- Result.VendorID[1] := Chr(Data[Index + 120]);
- Result.VendorID[2] := Chr(Data[Index + 121]);
- Result.VendorID[3] := Chr(Data[Index + 122]);
- Result.VendorID[4] := Chr(Data[Index + 123]);
- Result.VendorID[5] := Chr(Data[Index + 124]);
- Result.VendorID[6] := Chr(Data[Index + 125]);
- Result.VendorID[7] := Chr(Data[Index + 126]);
- Result.VendorID[8] := Chr(Data[Index + 127]);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetFhGInfo(const Index: Word; Data: array of Byte): VBRData;
- begin
- { Extract FhG VBR info at given position }
- FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
- Result.Found := true;
- Result.ID := VBR_ID_FHG;
- Result.Scale := Data[Index + 9];
- Result.Bytes := Data[Index + 10] shl 24 + Data[Index + 11] shl 16 +
- Data[Index + 12] shl 8 + Data[Index + 13];
- Result.Frames := Data[Index + 14] shl 24 + Data[Index + 15] shl 16 +
- Data[Index + 16] shl 8 + Data[Index + 17];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetVbrInfo(const Index: Word; Data: array of Byte): VBRData;
- var
- PSize: PLongint;
- PPos: PByte absolute PSize;
- Flags: byte;
- begin
- FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
- Result.Found := true;
- Result.ID := VBR_ID_INFO;
- Flags := Data[Index + 7];
- if (Flags and 1) = 1 then
- Result.Frames := Data[Index + 8] shl 24 + Data[Index + 9] shl 16 +
- Data[Index + 10] shl 8 + Data[Index + 11];
- if (Flags and 2) = 2 then
- Result.Bytes := Data[Index + 12] shl 24 + Data[Index + 13] shl 16 +
- Data[Index + 14] shl 8 + Data[Index + 15];
- if (Flags and 8) = 8 then
- Result.Scale := Data[Index + 119];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function FindVBR(const Index: Word; Data: array of Byte): VBRData;
- begin
- { Check for VBR header at given position }
- FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
- if Chr(Data[Index]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 1]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 2]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 3]) = VBR_ID_XING then Result := GetXingInfo(Index, Data);
- if Chr(Data[Index]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 1]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 2]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 3]) = VBR_ID_FHG then Result := GetFhGInfo(Index, Data);
- if Chr(Data[Index]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 1]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 2]) +
- Chr(Data[Index + 3]) = VBR_ID_INFO then Result := GetVbrInfo(Index, Data);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetVBRDeviation(const Frame: FrameData): Byte;
- begin
- { Calculate VBR deviation }
- if Frame.VersionID = MPEG_VERSION_1 then
- if Frame.ModeID <> MPEG_CM_MONO then Result := 36
- else Result := 21
- else
- if Frame.ModeID <> MPEG_CM_MONO then Result := 21
- else Result := 13;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function FindFrame(const Data: array of Byte; var VBR: VBRData): FrameData;
- var
- HeaderData: array [1..4] of Byte;
- Iterator: Integer;
- // isDecode: boolean;
- begin
- { Search for valid frame }
- FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
- Move(Data, HeaderData, SizeOf(HeaderData));
- for Iterator := 0 to SizeOf(Data) - MAX_MPEG_FRAME_LENGTH do
- begin
- { Decode data if frame header found }
- if IsFrameHeader(HeaderData) then
- begin
- DecodeHeader(HeaderData, Result);
- // if not isDecode then
- // begin
- // DecodeHeader(HeaderData, Result);
- // isDecode := true;
- // Result.Found := true;
- // Result.Size := GetFrameLength(Result);
- // Result.Empty := FrameIsEmpty(Iterator + SizeOf(HeaderData), Data);
- // end;
- { Check for next frame and try to find VBR header }
- if ValidFrameAt(Iterator + GetFrameLength(Result), Data) then
- begin
- Result.Found := true;
- Result.Position := Iterator;
- Result.Size := GetFrameLength(Result);
- Result.Empty := FrameIsEmpty(Iterator + SizeOf(HeaderData), Data);
- VBR := FindVBR(Iterator + GetVBRDeviation(Result), Data);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- { Prepare next data block }
- HeaderData[1] := HeaderData[2];
- HeaderData[2] := HeaderData[3];
- HeaderData[3] := HeaderData[4];
- HeaderData[4] := Data[Iterator + SizeOf(HeaderData)];
- end;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function GetTrack(const TrackString: string): Byte;
- var
- Index, Value, Code: Integer;
- begin
- { Extract track from string }
- Index := Pos('/', TrackString);
- if Index = 0 then Val(Trim(TrackString), Value, Code)
- else Val(Copy(Trim(TrackString), 1, Index), Value, Code);
- if Code = 0 then Result := Value
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- { ********************** Private functions & procedures ********************* }
- procedure TMPEGaudio.FResetData;
- begin
- { Reset all variables }
- FFileLength := 0;
- FillChar(FVBR, SizeOf(FVBR), 0);
- FillChar(FFrame, SizeOf(FFrame), 0);
- FID3v1.ResetData;
- FID3v2.ResetData;
- end;
- function TMPEGaudio.GetMP3FrameInfo(index: longint): TMP3FrameInfo;
- begin
- result := TMP3FrameInfo(FFramesPos[index]);
- end;
- function TMPEGaudio.isMP3File(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var
- F: TFileStream;
- Data: array [1..MAX_MPEG_FRAME_LENGTH * 2] of Byte;
- begin
- F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite);
- Result := false;
- FResetData;
- if (FID3v1.ReadFromStream(F)) and (FID3v2.ReadFromStream(F)) then
- begin
- F.Position := FID3v2.Size;
- F.Read(Data, SizeOf(Data));
- FWaveHeader := WaveHeaderPresent(FID3v2.Size, Data);
- FFrame := FindFrame(Data, FVBR);
- Result := FFrame.Found;
- end;
- F.Free;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetVersion: string;
- begin
- { Get MPEG version name }
- Result := MPEG_VERSION[FFrame.VersionID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetLayer: string;
- begin
- { Get MPEG layer name }
- Result := MPEG_LAYER[FFrame.LayerID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetBitRate: Word;
- begin
- { Get bit rate, calculate average bit rate if VBR header found }
- if (FVBR.Found) and (FVBR.Frames > 0) then
- Result := Round((FVBR.Bytes / FVBR.Frames - GetPadding(FFrame)) *
- GetSampleRate(FFrame) / GetCoefficient(FFrame) / 1000)
- else
- Result := GetBitRate(FFrame);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetSampleRate: Word;
- begin
- { Get sample rate }
- Result := GetSampleRate(FFrame);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetChannelMode: string;
- begin
- { Get channel mode name }
- Result := MPEG_CM_MODE[FFrame.ModeID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetEmphasis: string;
- begin
- { Get emphasis name }
- Result := MPEG_EMPHASIS[FFrame.EmphasisID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetFrames: LongInt;
- begin
- { Get total number of frames, calculate if VBR header not found }
- if FFramesPos.Count > 0 then
- Result := FFramesPos.Count else
- if FVBR.Found then
- Result := FVBR.Frames
- else
- Result := (FFileLength - FID3v2.Size - FFrame.Position) div
- GetFrameLength(FFrame);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetDuration: Double;
- begin
- { Calculate song duration }
- if FFrame.Found then
- if (FVBR.Found) and (FVBR.Frames > 0) then
- Result := FVBR.Frames * GetCoefficient(FFrame) * 8 /
- GetSampleRate(FFrame)
- else
- Result := (FFileLength - FID3v2.Size - FFrame.Position) * 8 /
- GetBitRate(FFrame) / 1000
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetVBREncoderID: Byte;
- begin
- { Guess VBR encoder and get ID }
- Result := 0;
- if Copy(FVBR.VendorID, 1, 4) = VBR_VENDOR_ID_LAME then
- if Copy(FVBR.VendorID, 1, 4) = VBR_VENDOR_ID_GOGO_NEW then
- if Copy(FVBR.VendorID, 1, 4) = VBR_VENDOR_ID_GOGO_OLD then
- if (FVBR.ID = VBR_ID_XING) and
- (Copy(FVBR.VendorID, 1, 4) <> VBR_VENDOR_ID_LAME) and
- (Copy(FVBR.VendorID, 1, 4) <> VBR_VENDOR_ID_GOGO_NEW) and
- (Copy(FVBR.VendorID, 1, 4) <> VBR_VENDOR_ID_GOGO_OLD) then
- if FVBR.ID = VBR_ID_FHG then
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetCBREncoderID: Byte;
- begin
- { Guess CBR encoder and get ID }
- Result := 0;
- if (FFrame.OriginalBit) and
- (FFrame.ProtectionBit) then
- if (FFrame.ModeID = MPEG_CM_JOINT_STEREO) and
- (not FFrame.CopyrightBit) and
- (not FFrame.OriginalBit) then
- if (GetBitRate(FFrame) <= 112) and
- (FFrame.ModeID = MPEG_CM_STEREO) then
- if (FFrame.CopyrightBit) and
- (FFrame.OriginalBit) and
- (not FFrame.ProtectionBit) then
- if (FFrame.Empty) and
- (FFrame.OriginalBit) then
- if (FWaveHeader) then
- if (FFrame.ModeID = MPEG_CM_DUAL_CHANNEL) and
- (FFrame.ProtectionBit) then
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetEncoderID: Byte;
- begin
- { Get guessed encoder ID }
- if FFrame.Found then
- if FVBR.Found then Result := FGetVBREncoderID
- else Result := FGetCBREncoderID
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetEncoder: string;
- begin
- { Get guessed encoder name }
- Result := MPEG_ENCODER[FGetEncoderID];
- if (FVBR.Found) and
- (FGetEncoderID = MPEG_ENCODER_LAME) and
- (FVBR.VendorID[5] in ['0'..'9']) and
- (FVBR.VendorID[6] = '.') and
- (FVBR.VendorID[7] in ['0'..'9']) and
- (FVBR.VendorID[8] in ['0'..'9']) then
- Result :=
- Result + #32 +
- FVBR.VendorID[5] +
- FVBR.VendorID[6] +
- FVBR.VendorID[7] +
- FVBR.VendorID[8];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.FGetValid: Boolean;
- begin
- { Check for right MPEG file data }
- Result :=
- (FFrame.Found) and
- (FGetBitRate >= MIN_MPEG_BIT_RATE) and
- (FGetBitRate <= MAX_MPEG_BIT_RATE) and
- end;
- { ********************** Public functions & procedures ********************** }
- constructor TMPEGaudio.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FID3v1 := TID3v1.Create;
- FID3v2 := TID3v2.Create;
- FResetData;
- FFramesPos := TObjectList.Create;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- destructor TMPEGaudio.Destroy;
- begin
- FFramesPos.Free;
- FID3v1.Free;
- FID3v2.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TMPEGaudio.ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var
- F: TFileStream;
- begin
- F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite);
- Result := ReadFromStream(F);
- F.Free;
- end;
- function TMPEGaudio.ReadFromStream(Src: TStream): boolean;
- var
- Data: array [1..MAX_MPEG_FRAME_LENGTH * 2] of Byte;
- begin
- Result := false;
- FResetData;
- if (FID3v1.ReadFromStream(Src)) and (FID3v2.ReadFromStream(Src)) then
- try
- { Open file, read first block of data and search for a frame }
- FFileLength := Src.Size;
- Src.Position := FID3v2.Size;
- Src.Read(Data, SizeOf(Data));
- // BlockRead(SourceFile, Data, SizeOf(Data), Transferred);
- FWaveHeader := WaveHeaderPresent(FID3v2.Size, Data);
- FFrame := FindFrame(Data, FVBR);
- { Try to search in the middle if no frame at the beginning found }
- if (not FFrame.Found) {and (Transferred = SizeOf(Data))} then
- begin
- Src.Position := (FFileLength - FID3v2.Size) div 2;
- Src.Read(Data, SizeOf(Data));
- FFrame := FindFrame(Data, FVBR);
- end;
- Result := true;
- if FFrame.Found then
- EnumFrames(Src);
- except
- end;
- if not FFrame.Found then FResetData;
- end;
- procedure TMPEGaudio.EnumFrames(Src: TStream);
- var HeaderData: array [1..4] of Byte;
- DW: dword absolute HeaderData;
- CFrame: FrameData;
- FI: TMP3FrameInfo;
- vbrflag: array [0..3] of char;
- begin
- CFrame := FirstFrame;
- FSoundFrameCount := 0;
- CFrame.Position := FirstFrame.Position + ID3v2.Size;
- Src.Position := CFrame.Position;
- while (Src.Position + ID3v1.Size) < Src.Size do
- begin
- Src.Read(HeaderData, 4);
- if IsFrameHeader(HeaderData) then
- begin
- FI := TMP3FrameInfo.Create;
- FI.Header := DW;
- FI.Position := Src.Position - 4;
- DecodeHeader(HeaderData, CFrame);
- FI.Size := GetFrameLength(CFrame);
- Src.Seek(32, 1);
- Src.Read(vbrflag, 4);
- FI.isSound := not((vbrflag = VBR_ID_INFO) or (vbrflag = VBR_Lame_Track) or
- (vbrflag = VBR_ID_XING) or (vbrflag = MPEG_ENCODER[3]));
- if FI.isSound then inc(FSoundFrameCount);
- FFramesPos.Add(FI);
- Src.Position := FI.Position + Fi.Size;
- end else
- Src.Position := Src.Size;
- end;
- end;
- function GetTagVersion(const TagData: TagID3v1): Byte;
- begin
- Result := TAG_VERSION_1_0;
- { Terms for ID3v1.1 }
- if ((TagData.Comment[29] = #0) and (TagData.Comment[30] <> #0)) or
- ((TagData.Comment[29] = #32) and (TagData.Comment[30] <> #32)) then
- Result := TAG_VERSION_1_1;
- end;
- function Swap32(const Figure: Integer): Integer;
- var
- ByteArray: array [1..4] of Byte absolute Figure;
- begin
- { Swap 4 bytes }
- Result :=
- ByteArray[1] * $100000000 +
- ByteArray[2] * $10000 +
- ByteArray[3] * $100 +
- ByteArray[4];
- end;
- { ********************** TID3v1 ********************* }
- constructor TID3v1.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- ResetData;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.ResetData;
- begin
- FExists := false;
- FVersionID := TAG_VERSION_1_0;
- FTitle := '';
- FArtist := '';
- FAlbum := '';
- FYear := '';
- FComment := '';
- FTrack := 0;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TID3v1.ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var
- F: TFileStream;
- begin
- F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite);
- Result := ReadFromStream(F);
- F.Free;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TID3v1.ReadFromStream(Src: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- TagData: TagID3v1;
- begin
- Result := true;
- Src.Position := Src.Size - 128;
- Src.Read(TagData, 128);
- FSize := 0;
- if (TagData.Header = 'TAG') then
- begin
- FSize := 128;
- FExists := true;
- FVersionID := GetTagVersion(TagData);
- { Fill properties with tag data }
- FTitle := TrimRight(TagData.Title);
- FArtist := TrimRight(TagData.Artist);
- FAlbum := TrimRight(TagData.Album);
- FYear := TrimRight(TagData.Year);
- if FVersionID = TAG_VERSION_1_0 then
- FComment := TrimRight(TagData.Comment)
- else
- begin
- FComment := TrimRight(Copy(TagData.Comment, 1, 28));
- FTrack := Ord(TagData.Comment[30]);
- end;
- FGenreID := TagData.Genre;
- Result := true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TID3v1.FSetTitle(const NewTitle: String30);
- begin
- FTitle := TrimRight(NewTitle);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.FSetArtist(const NewArtist: String30);
- begin
- FArtist := TrimRight(NewArtist);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.FSetAlbum(const NewAlbum: String30);
- begin
- FAlbum := TrimRight(NewAlbum);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.FSetYear(const NewYear: String04);
- begin
- FYear := TrimRight(NewYear);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.FSetComment(const NewComment: String30);
- begin
- FComment := TrimRight(NewComment);
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.FSetTrack(const NewTrack: Byte);
- begin
- FTrack := NewTrack;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v1.FSetGenreID(const NewGenreID: Byte);
- begin
- then FGenreID := MAX_MUSIC_GENRES - 1
- else FGenreID := NewGenreID;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TID3v1.FGetGenre: string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- { Return an empty string if the current GenreID is not valid }
- if FGenreID in [0..MAX_MUSIC_GENRES - 1] then Result := MusicGenre[FGenreID];
- end;
- { ********************************** TID3v2 ******************************** }
- constructor TID3v2.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- ResetData;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- procedure TID3v2.ResetData;
- begin
- FExists := false;
- FVersionID := 0;
- FSize := 0;
- FTitle := '';
- FArtist := '';
- FAlbum := '';
- FTrack := 0;
- FYear := '';
- FGenre := '';
- FComment := '';
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TID3v2.ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var
- F: TFileStream;
- begin
- F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite);
- Result := ReadFromStream(F);
- F.Free;
- end;
- function TID3v2.ReadFromStream(Src: TStream): boolean;
- var
- TagData: TagID3v2;
- Frame: MP3FrameHeader;
- DataPosition: longint;
- Data: array [1..250] of Char;
- Iterator: Byte;
- begin
- ResetData;
- Result := true;
- Src.Position := 0;
- Src.Read(TagData, 10);
- if TagData.ID = 'ID3' then
- begin
- FExists := true;
- TagData.FileSize := Src.Size;
- { Fill properties with header data }
- FVersionID := TagData.Version;
- FSize := TagData.Size[1] * $200000 + TagData.Size[2] * $4000 + TagData.Size[3] * $80 + TagData.Size[4] + 10;
- if FSize > TagData.FileSize then FSize := 0;;
- { Get information from frames if version supported }
- if (FVersionID = TAG_VERSION_2_3) and (FSize > 0) then
- begin
- while (Src.Position < FSize) and (Src.Position < Src.Size) do
- begin
- FillChar(Data, SizeOf(Data), 0);
- Src.Read(Frame, 10);
- DataPosition := Src.Position;
- Src.Read(Data, Swap32(Frame.Size) mod SizeOf(Data));
- for Iterator := 1 to ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT do
- if ID3V2_FRAME[Iterator] = Frame.ID then TagData.Frame[Iterator] := Data;
- Src.Seek(DataPosition + Swap32(Frame.Size), 0);
- end;
- { Fill properties with data from frames }
- FTitle := Trim(TagData.Frame[1]);
- FArtist := Trim(TagData.Frame[2]);
- FAlbum := Trim(TagData.Frame[3]);
- FTrack := GetTrack(TagData.Frame[4]);
- FYear := Trim(TagData.Frame[5]);
- FGenre := Trim(TagData.Frame[6]);
- if Pos(')', FGenre) > 0 then Delete(FGenre, 1, LastDelimiter(')', FGenre));
- FComment := Trim(Copy(TagData.Frame[7], 5, Length(TagData.Frame[7]) - 4));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { TMP3FrameInfo }
- end.