- //*******************************************************//
- // //
- // DelphiFlash.com //
- // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 FeatherySoft, Inc. //
- // info@delphiflash.com //
- // //
- //*******************************************************//
- // Description: SWF constants
- // Last update: 26 jun 2008
- unit SWFConst;
- interface
- Uses Windows;
- const
- SDKVer = '2.4.2';
- SWFLevel = 0;
- FlashLevel = 1;
- SWFVer1 = 1;
- SWFVer2 = 2;
- SWFVer3 = 3;
- SWFVer4 = 4;
- SWFVer5 = 5;
- SWFVer6 = 6;
- SWFVer7 = 7;
- SWFVer8 = 8;
- SWFVer9 = 9;
- SWFSign = 'FWS';
- SWFSignCompress = 'CWS';
- TWIPS = 20;
- type
- TSWFHeader = packed record
- SIGN: array [0..2] of Char;
- Version: byte;
- FileSize: LongWord;
- MovieRect: TRect;
- FPS: word;
- FramesCount: word;
- end;
- TSWFSystemCoord = (scTwips, scPix);
- TSWFHeaderPart = (hpAll, hp1, hp2);
- const
- SizeOfhp1 = 8;
- type
- recRect = packed record
- Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax: longint;
- end;
- recRGB = record
- R, G, B : Byte;
- end;
- recRGBA = record
- R, G, B, A : Byte;
- end;
- // A = $ff - full color
- recMATRIX = record
- hasScale, hasSkew: boolean;
- ScaleX, ScaleY,
- SkewX, SkewY, // some Skew0, Skew1
- TranslateX, TranslateY: longint;
- end;
- recColorTransform = record
- addR, addG, addB, addA,
- multR, multG, multB, multA: Smallint;
- hasADD, hasMULT, hasAlpha: boolean;
- end;
- CXFORMWITHALPHA = recColorTransform;
- TCharSets = set of char;
- const
- UppercaseChars : TCharSets = ['A'..'Z'];
- LowercaseChars : TCharSets = ['a'..'z'];
- PunctuationChars : TCharSets = ['~','@','#','!','%','&','*','(',')','-','+','<','>',
- '{','}','[',']',':',';',',','.','|','/','','?','''','"'];
- NumberChars : TCharSets = ['0'..'9'];
- AllEnglishChars : TCharSets = [#32..#127];
- AllChars : TCharSets = [#32..#255];
- SWFLangNone = 0;
- SWFLangLatin = 1;
- SWFLangJapanese = 2;
- SWFLangKorean = 3;
- SWFLangSChinese = 4;
- SWFLangTChinese = 5;
- encodeANSI = 0;
- encodeShiftJIS = 1;
- encodeUnicode = 2;
- // for Get/SetProperty
- fpPosX = 0;
- fpPosY = 1;
- fpScaleX = 2;
- fpScaleY = 3;
- fpCurFrame = 4; // read only
- fpTotalframes = 5; // read only
- fpAlpha = 6;
- fpVisible = 7;
- fpWidth = 8; // read only
- fpHeight = 9; // read only
- fpRotate = 10;
- fpTarget = 11;
- fpLastFrameLoaded= 12;
- fpName = 13;
- fpDropTarget = 14;
- fpURL = 15;
- fpHighQuality = 16; // global
- fpFocusRect = 17; // global
- fpSoundBufferTime= 18; // global
- fpQuality = 19;
- fpXMouse = 20;
- fpYMouse = 21;
- SWFFillSolid = $00;
- SWFFillLinearGradient = $10;
- SWFFillRadialGradient = $12;
- SWFFillFocalGradient = $13;
- SWFFillTileBitmap = $40;
- SWFFillClipBitmap = $41;
- SWFFillNonSmoothTileBitmap = $42;
- SWFFillNonSmoothClipBitmap = $43;
- type
- TSWFFillType = SWFFillSolid..SWFFillNonSmoothClipBitmap;
- TFillImageMode = (fmClip, fmFit, fmTile);
- TStyleChangeMode = (scmFirst, scmLast);
- TShapeRecType = (EndShapeRecord, StyleChangeRecord, StraightEdgeRecord, CurvedEdgeRecord);
- TSWFValueType = (vtString, vtFloat, vtNull, vtUndefined, vtRegister, vtBoolean, vtDouble,
- vtInteger, vtConstant8, vtConstant16, vtDefault);
- // vtDefault - non flash type, only for works
- TSWFButtonState = (bsUp, bsDown, bsOver, bsHitTest);
- TSWFButtonStates = set of TSWFButtonState;
- TSWFStateTransition = (IdleToOverUp, OverUpToIdle, OverUpToOverDown, OverDownToOverUp, OutDownToOverDown,
- OverDownToOutDown, OutDownToIdle, IdleToOverDown, OverDownToIdle);
- TSWFStateTransitions = set of TSWFStateTransition;
- TSWFClipEvent = (ceKeyUp, ceKeyDown, ceMouseUp, ceMouseDown, ceMouseMove, ceUnload,
- ceEnterFrame, ceLoad, ceDragOver, ceRollOut, ceRollOver,
- ceReleaseOutside, ceRelease, cePress, ceInitialize, ceData,
- ceConstruct, ceKeyPress, ceDragOut);
- TSWFClipEvents = set of TSWFClipEvent;
- TCompileOption = (coLocalVarToRegister, coDefineFunction2, coFlashLite);
- TCompileOptions = set of TCompileOption;
- const
- SWFButtonStateAll: TSWFButtonStates = [bsUp..bsHitTest];
- fvUndefined = 'FlashVar_undefined';
- fvNull = 'FlashVar_null';
- // Text align
- taLeft = 0;
- taRight = 1;
- taCenter = 2;
- taJustify = 3;
- type
- TSWFTextAlign = taLeft..taJustify;
- //SpreadMode
- const
- smPad = 0;
- smReflect = 1;
- smRepeat = 2;
- type
- TSWFSpreadMode = smPad..smRepeat;
- //InterpolationMode
- const
- imNormalRGB = 0;
- imLinearRGB = 1;
- type
- TSWFInterpolationMode = imNormalRGB..imLinearRGB;
- // === BlendMode ===
- const
- bmNone = 0;
- bmNormal = 1;
- bmLayer = 2;
- bmMultiply = 3;
- bmScreen = 4;
- bmLighten = 5;
- bmDarken = 6;
- bmDifference = 7;
- bmAdd = 8;
- bmSubtract = 9;
- bmInvert = 10;
- bmAlpha = 11;
- bmErase = 12;
- bmOverlay = 13;
- bmHardlight = 14;
- type
- TSWFBlendMode = bmNone..bmHardlight;
- // === Filter ID ===
- const
- fidDropShadow = 0;
- fidBlur = 1;
- fidGlow = 2;
- fidBevel = 3;
- fidGradientGlow = 4;
- fidConvolution = 5;
- fidColorMatrix = 6;
- fidGradientBevel = 7;
- type
- TSWFFilterID = fidDropShadow..fidGradientBevel;
- const
- BMP_8bit = 3;
- BMP_15bit = 4;
- BMP_24bit = 5;
- BMP_32bit = BMP_24bit; // only for DefineBitsLossless2
- BMP_32bitWork = 1;
- // === Passes type ===
- pasLow = 1;
- pasMedium = 2;
- pasHigh = 3;
- // === Video codec id ====
- codecSorenson = 2;
- codecScreenVideo = 3;
- codecVP6 = 4;
- codecAlphaVP6 = 5;
- codecScreenVideo2 = 6;
- GradientSizeXY = $8000;
- specFixed = $FFFF + 1;
- specFixed2//: int64 = $FFFFFFFF + 1;
- = $100000000;
- // GetURL2 SendVarsMethod
- svmNone = 0;
- svmGET = 1;
- svmPOST = 2;
- // ============ Control tags ========================
- tagEnd = 0;
- tagShowFrame = 1;
- tagSetBackgroundColor = 9;
- tagFrameLabel = 43;
- tagProtect = 24;
- tagExportAssets = 56;
- tagImportAssets = 57;
- tagScriptLimits = 65;
- tagSetTabIndex = 66;
- tagEnableDebugger = 58;
- tagEnableDebugger2 = 64;
- tagExtDebuggerInfo = 63; // non officially
- tagProductInfo = 41; // non officially
- // ============ Shape tags ==========================
- tagDefineShape = 2;
- tagRemoveObject = 5;
- tagPlaceObject = 4;
- tagDefineBits = 6;
- tagJPEGTables = 8;
- tagDefineBitsLossless = 20;
- tagDefineBitsLossless2 = 36;
- tagDefineBitsJPEG2 = 21;
- tagDefineBitsJPEG3 = 35;
- tagDefineShape2 = 22;
- tagDefineShape3 = 32;
- tagPlaceObject2 = 26;
- tagRemoveObject2 = 28;
- tagDefineMorphShape = 46;
- tagDefineSprite = 39;
- tagNameCharacter = 40; // undocumented
- // ===================== SOUND ===========================
- Snd5k = 0;
- Snd11k = 1;
- Snd22k = 2;
- Snd44k = 3;
- snd_PCM = 0;
- snd_ADPCM = 1;
- snd_MP3 = 2;
- snd_PCM_LE = 3;
- snd_NellymoserMono = 5;
- snd_Nellymoser = 6;
- tagDefineSound = 14;
- tagStartSound = 15;
- tagSoundStreamHead = 18;
- tagSoundStreamBlock = 19;
- tagSoundStreamHead2 = 45;
- tagDefineButtonSound = 17;
- // ===================== Font ==============================
- tagDefineFont = 10;
- tagDefineText = 11;
- tagDefineFontInfo = 13;
- tagDefineText2 = 33;
- tagDefineFont2 = 48;
- tagDefineFontInfo2 = 62;
- tagDefineEditText = 37;
- // ===================== Buttons ===========================
- tagDefineButton = 7;
- tagDefineButton2 = 34;
- tagDefineButtonCxform = 23;
- //Key Codes
- ID_KEY_LEFT = $01;
- ID_KEY_RIGHT = $02;
- ID_KEY_HOME = $03;
- ID_KEY_END = $04;
- ID_KEY_INSERT = $05;
- ID_KEY_DELETE = $06;
- ID_KEY_CLEAR = $07;
- ID_KEY_UP = $0E;
- ID_KEY_DOWN = $0F;
- ID_KEY_PAGE_UP = $10;
- ID_KEY_TAB = $12;
- ID_KEY_ESCAPE = $13;
- // ===================== Action tags =======================
- tagDoAction = 12;
- tagDoInitAction = 59;
- actionGotoFrame = $81;
- actionNextFrame = $04;
- actionPreviousFrame = $05;
- actionPlay = $06;
- actionStop = $07;
- actionToggleQuality = $08;
- actionStopSounds = $09;
- actionSetTarget = $8B;
- actionGetURL = $83;
- actionGotoLabel = $8C;
- actionWaitForFrame = $8A;
- actionPush = $96;
- actionPop = $17;
- actionGotoFrame2 = $9F;
- actionGetVariable = $1C;
- actionSetVariable = $1D;
- actionAdd = $0A;
- actionSubtract = $0B;
- actionMultiply = $0C;
- actionDivide = $0D;
- actionEquals = $0E;
- actionLess = $0F;
- actionAnd = $10;
- actionOr = $11;
- actionNot = $12;
- actionStringEquals = $13;
- actionStringLength = $14;
- actionStringAdd = $21;
- actionStringExtract = $15;
- actionStringLess = $29;
- actionMBStringLength = $31;
- actionMBStringExtract= $35;
- actionToInteger = $18;
- actionCharToAscii = $32;
- actionAsciiToChar = $33;
- actionMBCharToAscii = $36;
- actionMBAsciiToChar = $37;
- actionJump = $99;
- actionIf = $9D;
- actionCall = $9E;
- actionGetURL2 = $9A;
- actionSetTarget2 = $20;
- actionGetProperty = $22;
- actionSetProperty = $23;
- actionCloneSprite = $24;
- actionRemoveSprite = $25;
- actionStartDrag = $27;
- actionEndDrag = $28;
- actionWaitForFrame2 = $8D;
- actionRandomNumber = $30;
- actionTrace = $26;
- actionGetTime = $34;
- actionFSCommand2 = $2D; // undocumented for Flash Lite 1.1
- actionCallFunction = $3D;
- actionCallMethod = $52;
- actionConstantPool = $88;
- actionDefineFunction = $9B;
- actionDefineLocal = $3C;
- actionDefineLocal2 = $41;
- actionDelete = $3A;
- actionDelete2 = $3B;
- actionEnumerate = $46;
- actionEquals2 = $49;
- actionGetMember = $4E;
- actionInitArray = $42;
- actionInitObject = $43;
- actionNewMethod = $53;
- actionNewObject = $40;
- actionSetMember = $4F;
- actionTargetPath = $45;
- actionWith = $94;
- actionToNumber = $4A;
- actionToString = $4B;
- actionTypeOf = $44;
- actionAdd2 = $47;
- actionLess2 = $48;
- actionModulo = $3F;
- actionBitAnd = $60;
- actionBitLShift = $63;
- actionBitOr = $61;
- actionBitRShift = $64;
- actionBitURShift = $65;
- actionBitXor = $62;
- actionDecrement = $51;
- actionIncrement = $50;
- actionPushDuplicate = $4C;
- actionReturn = $3E;
- actionStackSwap = $4D;
- actionStoreRegister = $87;
- actionInstanceOf = $54;
- actionEnumerate2 = $55;
- actionStrictEquals = $66;
- actionGreater = $67;
- actionStringGreater = $68;
- actionDefineFunction2= $8E;
- actionExtends = $69;
- actionCastOp = $2B;
- actionImplementsOp = $2C;
- actionTry = $8F;
- actionThrow = $2A;
- actionByteCode = $FE; // no nativ action
- actionOffsetWork = $FF; // no nativ action
- // ================== AS3 ====================
- // kind for NameSpace
- kNamespace = $08;
- kPackageNamespace = $16;
- kPackageInternalNs = $17;
- kProtectedNamespace = $18;
- kExplicitNamespace = $19;
- kStaticProtectedNs = $1A;
- kPrivateNs = $05;
- // Multiname Kind
- mkQName = $07;
- mkQNameA = $0D;
- mkRTQName = $0F;
- mkRTQNameA = $10;
- mkRTQNameL = $11;
- mkRTQNameLA = $12;
- mkMultiname = $09;
- mkMultinameA = $0E;
- mkMultinameL = $1B;
- mkMultinameLA = $1C;
- // method flag
- NEED_REST = $04;
- SET_DXNS = $40;
- // constant kind for Options
- CONSTANT_Int = $03;
- CONSTANT_UInt = $04;
- CONSTANT_Double = $06;
- CONSTANT_Utf8 = $01;
- CONSTANT_True = $0B;
- CONSTANT_False = $0A;
- CONSTANT_Null = $0C;
- CONSTANT_Undefined = $00;
- CONSTANT_Namespace = $08;
- CONSTANT_PackageNamespace = $16;
- CONSTANT_PackageInternalNs = $17;
- CONSTANT_ProtectedNamespace = $18;
- CONSTANT_ExplicitNamespace = $19;
- CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs = $1A;
- CONSTANT_PrivateNs = $05;
- // constant kind for Instance
- CONSTANT_ClassSealed = $01;
- CONSTANT_ClassFinal = $02;
- CONSTANT_ClassInterface = $04;
- CONSTANT_ClassProtectedNs = $08;
- // trait types
- Trait_Slot = 0;
- Trait_Method = 1;
- Trait_Getter = 2;
- Trait_Setter = 3;
- Trait_Class = 4;
- Trait_Function = 5;
- Trait_Const = 6;
- // AVM2 instructions
- opBkpt = $01;
- opNop = $02;
- opThrow = $03;
- opGetsuper = $04;
- opSetsuper = $05;
- opDxns = $06;
- opDxnslate = $07;
- opKill = $08;
- opLabel = $09;
- opIfnlt = $0C;
- opIfnle = $0D;
- opIfngt = $0E;
- opIfnge = $0F;
- opJump = $10;
- opIftrue = $11;
- opIffalse = $12;
- opIfeq = $13;
- opIfne = $14;
- opIflt = $15;
- opIfle = $16;
- opIfgt = $17;
- opIfge = $18;
- opIfstricteq = $19;
- opIfstrictne = $1A;
- opLookupswitch = $1B;
- opPushwith = $1C;
- opPopscope = $1D;
- opNextname = $1E;
- opHasnext = $1F;
- opPushnull = $20;
- opPushundefined = $21;
- opPushconstant = $22;
- opNextvalue = $23;
- opPushbyte = $24;
- opPushshort = $25;
- opPushtrue = $26;
- opPushfalse = $27;
- opPushnan = $28;
- opPop = $29;
- opDup = $2A;
- opSwap = $2B;
- opPushstring = $2C;
- opPushint = $2D;
- opPushuint = $2E;
- opPushdouble = $2F;
- opPushscope = $30;
- opPushnamespace = $31;
- opHasnext2 = $32;
- opNewfunction = $40;
- opCall = $41;
- opConstruct = $42;
- opCallmethod = $43;
- opCallstatic = $44;
- opCallsuper = $45;
- opCallproperty = $46;
- opReturnvoid = $47;
- opReturnvalue = $48;
- opConstructsuper = $49;
- opConstructprop = $4A;
- opCallsuperid = $4B;
- opCallproplex = $4C;
- opCallinterface = $4D;
- opCallsupervoid = $4E;
- opCallpropvoid = $4F;
- opNewobject = $55;
- opNewarray = $56;
- opNewactivation = $57;
- opNewclass = $58;
- opGetdescendants = $59;
- opNewcatch = $5A;
- opFindpropstrict = $5D;
- opFindproperty = $5E;
- opFinddef = $5F;
- opGetlex = $60;
- opSetproperty = $61;
- opGetlocal = $62;
- opSetlocal = $63;
- opGetglobalscope = $64;
- opGetscopeobject = $65;
- opGetproperty = $66;
- opGetpropertylate = $67;
- opInitproperty = $68;
- opSetpropertylate = $69;
- opDeleteproperty = $6A;
- opDeletepropertylate = $6B;
- opGetslot = $6C;
- opSetslot = $6D;
- opGetglobalslot = $6E;
- opSetglobalslot = $6F;
- opConvert_s = $70;
- opEsc_xelem = $71;
- opEsc_xattr = $72;
- opConvert_i = $73;
- opConvert_u = $74;
- opConvert_d = $75;
- opConvert_b = $76;
- opConvert_o = $77;
- opCoerce = $80;
- opCoerce_b = $81;
- opCoerce_a = $82;
- opCoerce_i = $83;
- opCoerce_d = $84;
- opCoerce_s = $85;
- opAstype = $86;
- opAstypelate = $87;
- opCoerce_u = $88;
- opCoerce_o = $89;
- opNegate = $90;
- opIncrement = $91;
- opInclocal = $92;
- opDecrement = $93;
- opDeclocal = $94;
- opTypeof = $95;
- opNot = $96;
- opBitnot = $97;
- opConcat = $9A;
- opAdd_d = $9B;
- opAdd = $A0;
- opSubtract = $A1;
- opMultiply = $A2;
- opDivide = $A3;
- opModulo = $A4;
- opLshift = $A5;
- opRshift = $A6;
- opUrshift = $A7;
- opBitand = $A8;
- opBitor = $A9;
- opBitxor = $AA;
- opEquals = $AB;
- opStrictequals = $AC;
- opLessthan = $AD;
- opLessequals = $AE;
- opGreaterthan = $AF;
- opGreaterequals = $B0;
- opInstanceof = $B1;
- opIstype = $B2;
- opIstypelate = $B3;
- opIn = $B4;
- opIncrement_i = $C0;
- opDecrement_i = $C1;
- opInclocal_i = $C2;
- opDeclocal_i = $C3;
- opNegate_i = $C4;
- opAdd_i = $C5;
- opSubtract_i = $C6;
- opMultiply_i = $C7;
- opGetlocal0 = $D0;
- opGetlocal1 = $D1;
- opGetlocal2 = $D2;
- opGetlocal3 = $D3;
- opSetlocal0 = $D4;
- opSetlocal1 = $D5;
- opSetlocal2 = $D6;
- opSetlocal3 = $D7;
- opDebug = $EF;
- opDebugline = $F0;
- opDebugfile = $F1;
- opBkptline = $F2;
- // ================ VIDEO ===================
- // tagDefineVideo = 38;
- tagDefineVideoStream = 60;
- tagVideoFrame = 61;
- tagErrorTag = $F0; // no nativ tag
- // ================ Flash 8 tags ===================
- tagFileAttributes = $45;
- tagMetadata = $4D;
- tagDefineScalingGrid = $4E;
- tagImportAssets2 = $47;
- tagDefineShape4 = $53;
- tagPlaceObject3 = $46;
- tagDefineMorphShape2 = $54;
- tagDefineFontAlignZones = $49;
- tagCSMTextSettings = $4A;
- tagDefineFont3 = $4B;
- // ================ Flash 9 tags ===================
- tagSymbolClass = 76;
- tagDoABC = 82;
- tagDefineSceneAndFrameLabelData = 86;
- tagDefineBinaryData = 87;
- tagDefineFontName = 88;
- tagStartSound2 = 89;
- // ==================== RecRGBA colors =========================
- const
- cswfBlack: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 0; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfMaroon: recRGBA = (r: 128; g: 0; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfGreen: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 128; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfOlive: recRGBA = (r: 128; g: 128; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfNavy: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 0; b: 128; a: 255);
- cswfPurple: recRGBA = (r: 128; g: 0; b: 128; a: 255);
- cswfTeal: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 128; b: 128; a: 255);
- cswfGray: recRGBA = (r: 128; g: 128; b: 128; a: 255);
- cswfSilver: recRGBA = (r: 192; g: 192; b: 192; a: 255);
- cswfRed: recRGBA = (r: 255; g: 0; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfLime: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 255; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfYellow: recRGBA = (r: 255; g: 255; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfBlue: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 0; b: 255; a: 255);
- cswfFuchsia: recRGBA =(r: 255; g: 0; b: 255; a: 255);
- cswfWhite: recRGBA = (r: 255; g: 255; b: 255; a: 255);
- cswfLtGray: recRGBA = (r: 192; g: 192; b: 192; a: 255);
- cswfDkGray: recRGBA = (r: 128; g: 128; b: 128; a: 255);
- cswfTransparent: recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 0; b: 0; a: 0);
- cswfMoneyGreen: recRGBA = (r: 192; g: 220; b: 192; a: 255);
- cswfSkyBlue: recRGBA = (r: 166; g: 202; b: 240; a: 255);
- cswfCream: recRGBA = (r: 255; g: 251; b: 240; a: 255);
- cswfMedGray: recRGBA = (r: 160; g: 160; b: 164; a: 255);
- cswfGray100:recRGBA = (r: 0; g: 0; b: 0; a: 255);
- cswfGray90: recRGBA = (r: 25; g: 25; b: 25; a: 255);
- cswfGray80: recRGBA = (r: 51; g: 51; b: 51; a: 255);
- cswfGray70: recRGBA = (r: 76; g: 76; b: 76; a: 255);
- cswfGray60: recRGBA = (r: 102; g: 102; b: 102; a: 255);
- cswfGray50: recRGBA = (r: 128; g: 128; b: 128; a: 255);
- cswfGray40: recRGBA = (r: 153; g: 153; b: 153; a: 255);
- cswfGray30: recRGBA = (r: 178; g: 178; b: 178; a: 255);
- cswfGray20: recRGBA = (r: 204; g: 204; b: 204; a: 255);
- cswfGray10: recRGBA = (r: 229; g: 229; b: 229; a: 255);
- cswfGray0: recRGBA = (r: 255; g: 255; b: 255; a: 255);
- {
- var
- GlobalMultCoord: byte = 1;
- }
- implementation
- end.