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  36. ****************************************************************************/
  37. #ifndef QTEXTSTREAM_H
  38. #define QTEXTSTREAM_H
  39. #include <QtCore/qiodevice.h>
  40. #include <QtCore/qstring.h>
  41. #include <QtCore/qchar.h>
  42. #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
  43. #  ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
  44. #    include <QtCore/qtextcodec.h>
  45. #  endif
  46. #endif
  47. #include <stdio.h>
  48. #ifdef Status
  49. #error qtextstream.h must be included before any header file that defines Status
  50. #endif
  53. QT_MODULE(Core)
  54. class QTextCodec;
  55. class QTextDecoder;
  56. class QTextStreamPrivate;
  57. class Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream                                // text stream class
  58. {
  59.     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QTextStream)
  60. public:
  61.     enum RealNumberNotation {
  62.         SmartNotation,
  63.         FixedNotation,
  64.         ScientificNotation
  65.     };
  66.     enum FieldAlignment {
  67.         AlignLeft,
  68.         AlignRight,
  69.         AlignCenter,
  70.         AlignAccountingStyle
  71.     };
  72.     enum Status {
  73.         Ok,
  74.         ReadPastEnd,
  75.         ReadCorruptData
  76.     };
  77.     enum NumberFlag {
  78.         ShowBase = 0x1,
  79.         ForcePoint = 0x2,
  80.         ForceSign = 0x4,
  81.         UppercaseBase = 0x8,
  82.         UppercaseDigits = 0x10
  83.     };
  84.     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(NumberFlags, NumberFlag)
  85.     QTextStream();
  86.     explicit QTextStream(QIODevice *device);
  87.     explicit QTextStream(FILE *fileHandle, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite);
  88.     explicit QTextStream(QString *string, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite);
  89.     explicit QTextStream(QByteArray *array, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite);
  90.     explicit QTextStream(const QByteArray &array, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadOnly);
  91.     virtual ~QTextStream();
  92. #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
  93.     void setCodec(QTextCodec *codec);
  94.     void setCodec(const char *codecName);
  95.     QTextCodec *codec() const;
  96.     void setAutoDetectUnicode(bool enabled);
  97.     bool autoDetectUnicode() const;
  98.     void setGenerateByteOrderMark(bool generate);
  99.     bool generateByteOrderMark() const;
  100. #endif
  101.     void setDevice(QIODevice *device);
  102.     QIODevice *device() const;
  103.     void setString(QString *string, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite);
  104.     QString *string() const;
  105.     Status status() const;
  106.     void setStatus(Status status);
  107.     void resetStatus();
  108.     bool atEnd() const;
  109.     void reset();
  110.     void flush();
  111.     bool seek(qint64 pos);
  112.     qint64 pos() const;
  113.     void skipWhiteSpace();
  114.     QString readLine(qint64 maxlen = 0);
  115.     QString readAll();
  116.     QString read(qint64 maxlen);
  117.     void setFieldAlignment(FieldAlignment alignment);
  118.     FieldAlignment fieldAlignment() const;
  119.     void setPadChar(QChar ch);
  120.     QChar padChar() const;
  121.     void setFieldWidth(int width);
  122.     int fieldWidth() const;
  123.     void setNumberFlags(NumberFlags flags);
  124.     NumberFlags numberFlags() const;
  125.     void setIntegerBase(int base);
  126.     int integerBase() const;
  127.     void setRealNumberNotation(RealNumberNotation notation);
  128.     RealNumberNotation realNumberNotation() const;
  129.     void setRealNumberPrecision(int precision);
  130.     int realNumberPrecision() const;
  131.     QTextStream &operator>>(QChar &ch);
  132.     QTextStream &operator>>(char &ch);
  133.     QTextStream &operator>>(signed short &i);
  134.     QTextStream &operator>>(unsigned short &i);
  135.     QTextStream &operator>>(signed int &i);
  136.     QTextStream &operator>>(unsigned int &i);
  137.     QTextStream &operator>>(signed long &i);
  138.     QTextStream &operator>>(unsigned long &i);
  139.     QTextStream &operator>>(qlonglong &i);
  140.     QTextStream &operator>>(qulonglong &i);
  141.     QTextStream &operator>>(float &f);
  142.     QTextStream &operator>>(double &f);
  143.     QTextStream &operator>>(QString &s);
  144.     QTextStream &operator>>(QByteArray &array);
  145.     QTextStream &operator>>(char *c);
  146.     QTextStream &operator<<(QBool b);
  147.     QTextStream &operator<<(QChar ch);
  148.     QTextStream &operator<<(char ch);
  149.     QTextStream &operator<<(signed short i);
  150.     QTextStream &operator<<(unsigned short i);
  151.     QTextStream &operator<<(signed int i);
  152.     QTextStream &operator<<(unsigned int i);
  153.     QTextStream &operator<<(signed long i);
  154.     QTextStream &operator<<(unsigned long i);
  155.     QTextStream &operator<<(qlonglong i);
  156.     QTextStream &operator<<(qulonglong i);
  157.     QTextStream &operator<<(float f);
  158.     QTextStream &operator<<(double f);
  159.     QTextStream &operator<<(const QString &s);
  160.     QTextStream &operator<<(const QByteArray &array);
  161.     QTextStream &operator<<(const char *c);
  162.     QTextStream &operator<<(const void *ptr);
  163. #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
  164.     // not marked as QT3_SUPPORT to avoid double compiler warnings, as
  165.     // they are used in the QT3_SUPPORT functions below.
  166.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int flags() const { return flagsInternal(); }
  167.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int flags(int f) { return flagsInternal(f); }
  168.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int setf(int bits)
  169.     { int old = flagsInternal(); flagsInternal(flagsInternal() | bits); return old; }
  170.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int setf(int bits, int mask)
  171.     { int old = flagsInternal(); flagsInternal(flagsInternal() | (bits & mask)); return old; }
  172.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int unsetf(int bits)
  173.     { int old = flagsInternal(); flagsInternal(flagsInternal() & ~bits); return old; }
  174.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int width(int w)
  175.     { int old = fieldWidth(); setFieldWidth(w); return old; }
  176.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int fill(int f)
  177.     { QChar ch = padChar(); setPadChar(QChar(f)); return ch.unicode(); }
  178.     inline QT3_SUPPORT int precision(int p)
  179.     { int old = realNumberPrecision(); setRealNumberPrecision(p); return old; }
  180.     enum {
  181.         skipws       = 0x0001,                        // skip whitespace on input
  182.         left         = 0x0002,                        // left-adjust output
  183.         right        = 0x0004,                        // right-adjust output
  184.         internal     = 0x0008,                        // pad after sign
  185.         bin          = 0x0010,                        // binary format integer
  186.         oct          = 0x0020,                        // octal format integer
  187.         dec          = 0x0040,                        // decimal format integer
  188.         hex          = 0x0080,                        // hex format integer
  189.         showbase     = 0x0100,                        // show base indicator
  190.         showpoint    = 0x0200,                        // force decimal point (float)
  191.         uppercase    = 0x0400,                        // upper-case hex output
  192.         showpos      = 0x0800,                        // add '+' to positive integers
  193.         scientific   = 0x1000,                        // scientific float output
  194.         fixed        = 0x2000                         // fixed float output
  195.     };
  196.     enum {
  197.         basefield = bin | oct | dec | hex,
  198.         adjustfield = left | right | internal,
  199.         floatfield = scientific | fixed
  200.     };
  201. #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
  202.     enum Encoding { Locale, Latin1, Unicode, UnicodeNetworkOrder,
  203.                     UnicodeReverse, RawUnicode, UnicodeUTF8 };
  204.     QT3_SUPPORT void setEncoding(Encoding encoding);
  205. #endif
  206.     inline QT3_SUPPORT QString read() { return readAll(); }
  207.     inline QT3_SUPPORT void unsetDevice() { setDevice(0); }
  208. #endif
  209. private:
  210. #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
  211.     int flagsInternal() const;
  212.     int flagsInternal(int flags);
  213. #endif
  214.     Q_DISABLE_COPY(QTextStream)
  215.     QTextStreamPrivate *d_ptr;
  216. };
  217. Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QTextStream::NumberFlags)
  218. /*****************************************************************************
  219.   QTextStream manipulators
  220.  *****************************************************************************/
  221. typedef QTextStream & (*QTextStreamFunction)(QTextStream &);// manipulator function
  222. typedef void (QTextStream::*QTSMFI)(int); // manipulator w/int argument
  223. typedef void (QTextStream::*QTSMFC)(QChar); // manipulator w/QChar argument
  224. class Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStreamManipulator
  225. {
  226. public:
  227.     QTextStreamManipulator(QTSMFI m, int a) { mf = m; mc = 0; arg = a; }
  228.     QTextStreamManipulator(QTSMFC m, QChar c) { mf = 0; mc = m; ch = c; }
  229.     void exec(QTextStream &s) { if (mf) { (s.*mf)(arg); } else { (s.*mc)(ch); } }
  230. private:
  231.     QTSMFI mf;                                        // QTextStream member function
  232.     QTSMFC mc;                                        // QTextStream member function
  233.     int arg;                                          // member function argument
  234.     QChar ch;
  235. };
  236. inline QTextStream &operator>>(QTextStream &s, QTextStreamFunction f)
  237. { return (*f)(s); }
  238. inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, QTextStreamFunction f)
  239. { return (*f)(s); }
  240. inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, QTextStreamManipulator m)
  241. { m.exec(s); return s; }
  242. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &bin(QTextStream &s);
  243. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &oct(QTextStream &s);
  244. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &dec(QTextStream &s);
  245. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &hex(QTextStream &s);
  246. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &showbase(QTextStream &s);
  247. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &forcesign(QTextStream &s);
  248. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &forcepoint(QTextStream &s);
  249. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &noshowbase(QTextStream &s);
  250. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &noforcesign(QTextStream &s);
  251. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &noforcepoint(QTextStream &s);
  252. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &uppercasebase(QTextStream &s);
  253. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &uppercasedigits(QTextStream &s);
  254. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &lowercasebase(QTextStream &s);
  255. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &lowercasedigits(QTextStream &s);
  256. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &fixed(QTextStream &s);
  257. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &scientific(QTextStream &s);
  258. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &left(QTextStream &s);
  259. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &right(QTextStream &s);
  260. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &center(QTextStream &s);
  261. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &endl(QTextStream &s);
  262. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &flush(QTextStream &s);
  263. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &reset(QTextStream &s);
  264. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &bom(QTextStream &s);
  265. Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream &ws(QTextStream &s);
  266. inline QTextStreamManipulator qSetFieldWidth(int width)
  267. {
  268.     QTSMFI func = &QTextStream::setFieldWidth;
  269.     return QTextStreamManipulator(func,width);
  270. }
  271. inline QTextStreamManipulator qSetPadChar(QChar ch)
  272. {
  273.     QTSMFC func = &QTextStream::setPadChar;
  274.     return QTextStreamManipulator(func, ch);
  275. }
  276. inline QTextStreamManipulator qSetRealNumberPrecision(int precision)
  277. {
  278.     QTSMFI func = &QTextStream::setRealNumberPrecision;
  279.     return QTextStreamManipulator(func, precision);
  280. }
  281. #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
  282. typedef QTextStream QTS;
  283. class Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextIStream : public QTextStream
  284. {
  285. public:
  286.     inline explicit QTextIStream(const QString *s) : QTextStream(const_cast<QString *>(s), QIODevice::ReadOnly) {}
  287.     inline explicit QTextIStream(QByteArray *a) : QTextStream(a, QIODevice::ReadOnly) {}
  288.     inline QTextIStream(FILE *f) : QTextStream(f, QIODevice::ReadOnly) {}
  289. private:
  290.     Q_DISABLE_COPY(QTextIStream)
  291. };
  292. class Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextOStream : public QTextStream
  293. {
  294. public:
  295.     inline explicit QTextOStream(QString *s) : QTextStream(s, QIODevice::WriteOnly) {}
  296.     inline explicit QTextOStream(QByteArray *a) : QTextStream(a, QIODevice::WriteOnly) {}
  297.     inline QTextOStream(FILE *f) : QTextStream(f, QIODevice::WriteOnly) {}
  298. private:
  299.     Q_DISABLE_COPY(QTextOStream)
  300. };
  301. #endif
  304. #endif // QTEXTSTREAM_H