- /****************************************************************************
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
- **
- ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
- ** Commercial Usage
- ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
- ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
- ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
- ** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
- **
- **
- ** GNU General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
- ** General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
- ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
- ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information
- ** to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
- ** http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and
- ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. In addition, as a special
- ** exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
- ** are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.3, included in
- ** the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
- **
- ** Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
- ** As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
- ** Designer, grants users of the Qt/Eclipse Integration plug-in the
- ** right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
- ** provided by Qt Designer and its related libraries.
- **
- ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
- ** contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
- **
- ****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef QMATRIX_H
- #define QMATRIX_H
- #include <QtGui/qpolygon.h>
- #include <QtGui/qregion.h>
- #include <QtGui/qwindowdefs.h>
- #include <QtCore/qline.h>
- #include <QtCore/qpoint.h>
- #include <QtCore/qrect.h>
- class QPainterPath;
- class QVariant;
- class Q_GUI_EXPORT QMatrix // 2D transform matrix
- {
- public:
- QMatrix();
- QMatrix(qreal m11, qreal m12, qreal m21, qreal m22,
- qreal dx, qreal dy);
- QMatrix(const QMatrix &matrix);
- void setMatrix(qreal m11, qreal m12, qreal m21, qreal m22,
- qreal dx, qreal dy);
- qreal m11() const { return _m11; }
- qreal m12() const { return _m12; }
- qreal m21() const { return _m21; }
- qreal m22() const { return _m22; }
- qreal dx() const { return _dx; }
- qreal dy() const { return _dy; }
- void map(int x, int y, int *tx, int *ty) const;
- void map(qreal x, qreal y, qreal *tx, qreal *ty) const;
- QRect mapRect(const QRect &) const;
- QRectF mapRect(const QRectF &) const;
- QPoint map(const QPoint &p) const;
- QPointF map(const QPointF&p) const;
- QLine map(const QLine &l) const;
- QLineF map(const QLineF &l) const;
- QPolygonF map(const QPolygonF &a) const;
- QPolygon map(const QPolygon &a) const;
- QRegion map(const QRegion &r) const;
- QPainterPath map(const QPainterPath &p) const;
- QPolygon mapToPolygon(const QRect &r) const;
- void reset();
- inline bool isIdentity() const;
- QMatrix &translate(qreal dx, qreal dy);
- QMatrix &scale(qreal sx, qreal sy);
- QMatrix &shear(qreal sh, qreal sv);
- QMatrix &rotate(qreal a);
- bool isInvertible() const { return !qFuzzyCompare(_m11*_m22 - _m12*_m21 + 1, 1); }
- qreal det() const { return _m11*_m22 - _m12*_m21; }
- QMatrix inverted(bool *invertible = 0) const;
- bool operator==(const QMatrix &) const;
- bool operator!=(const QMatrix &) const;
- QMatrix &operator*=(const QMatrix &);
- QMatrix operator*(const QMatrix &o) const;
- QMatrix &operator=(const QMatrix &);
- operator QVariant() const;
- #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
- inline QT3_SUPPORT QMatrix invert(bool *invertible=0) const { return inverted(invertible); }
- inline QT3_SUPPORT QRect map(const QRect &r) const { return mapRect(r); }
- QT3_SUPPORT QRegion mapToRegion(const QRect &r) const;
- #endif
- private:
- friend class QTransform;
- qreal _m11, _m12;
- qreal _m21, _m22;
- qreal _dx, _dy;
- };
- // mathematical semantics
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QPoint operator*(const QPoint &p, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(p); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QPointF operator*(const QPointF &p, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(p); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QLineF operator*(const QLineF &l, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(l); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QLine operator*(const QLine &l, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(l); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QPolygon operator *(const QPolygon &a, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(a); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QPolygonF operator *(const QPolygonF &a, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(a); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT_INLINE QRegion operator *(const QRegion &r, const QMatrix &m)
- { return m.map(r); }
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QPainterPath operator *(const QPainterPath &p, const QMatrix &m);
- inline bool QMatrix::isIdentity() const
- {
- return qFuzzyCompare(_m11, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(_m22, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(_m12 + 1, 1)
- && qFuzzyCompare(_m21 + 1, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(_dx + 1, 1) && qFuzzyCompare(_dy + 1, 1);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- QMatrix stream functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QMatrix &);
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QMatrix &);
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QMatrix &);
- #endif
- #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
- #include <QtGui/qwmatrix.h>
- #endif
- #endif // QMATRIX_H