- /****************************************************************************
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- ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
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- **
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- ****************************************************************************/
- #include <QtGui/qwidget.h>
- #include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
- class QDate;
- class QTextCharFormat;
- class QCalendarWidgetPrivate;
- class Q_GUI_EXPORT QCalendarWidget : public QWidget
- {
- Q_ENUMS(Qt::DayOfWeek)
- Q_ENUMS(HorizontalHeaderFormat)
- Q_ENUMS(VerticalHeaderFormat)
- Q_ENUMS(SelectionMode)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDate selectedDate READ selectedDate WRITE setSelectedDate)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDate minimumDate READ minimumDate WRITE setMinimumDate)
- Q_PROPERTY(QDate maximumDate READ maximumDate WRITE setMaximumDate)
- Q_PROPERTY(Qt::DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek READ firstDayOfWeek WRITE setFirstDayOfWeek)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool gridVisible READ isGridVisible WRITE setGridVisible)
- Q_PROPERTY(SelectionMode selectionMode READ selectionMode WRITE setSelectionMode)
- Q_PROPERTY(HorizontalHeaderFormat horizontalHeaderFormat READ horizontalHeaderFormat WRITE setHorizontalHeaderFormat)
- Q_PROPERTY(VerticalHeaderFormat verticalHeaderFormat READ verticalHeaderFormat WRITE setVerticalHeaderFormat)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool headerVisible READ isHeaderVisible WRITE setHeaderVisible STORED false DESIGNABLE false) // obsolete
- Q_PROPERTY(bool navigationBarVisible READ isNavigationBarVisible WRITE setNavigationBarVisible)
- Q_PROPERTY(bool dateEditEnabled READ isDateEditEnabled WRITE setDateEditEnabled)
- Q_PROPERTY(int dateEditAcceptDelay READ dateEditAcceptDelay WRITE setDateEditAcceptDelay)
- public:
- enum HorizontalHeaderFormat {
- NoHorizontalHeader,
- SingleLetterDayNames,
- ShortDayNames,
- LongDayNames
- };
- enum VerticalHeaderFormat {
- NoVerticalHeader,
- ISOWeekNumbers
- };
- enum SelectionMode {
- NoSelection,
- SingleSelection
- };
- explicit QCalendarWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~QCalendarWidget();
- virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
- QDate selectedDate() const;
- int yearShown() const;
- int monthShown() const;
- QDate minimumDate() const;
- void setMinimumDate(const QDate &date);
- QDate maximumDate() const;
- void setMaximumDate(const QDate &date);
- Qt::DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek() const;
- void setFirstDayOfWeek(Qt::DayOfWeek dayOfWeek);
- // ### Qt 5: eliminate these two
- bool isHeaderVisible() const;
- void setHeaderVisible(bool show);
- inline bool isNavigationBarVisible() const { return isHeaderVisible(); }
- bool isGridVisible() const;
- SelectionMode selectionMode() const;
- void setSelectionMode(SelectionMode mode);
- HorizontalHeaderFormat horizontalHeaderFormat() const;
- void setHorizontalHeaderFormat(HorizontalHeaderFormat format);
- VerticalHeaderFormat verticalHeaderFormat() const;
- void setVerticalHeaderFormat(VerticalHeaderFormat format);
- QTextCharFormat headerTextFormat() const;
- void setHeaderTextFormat(const QTextCharFormat &format);
- QTextCharFormat weekdayTextFormat(Qt::DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) const;
- void setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt::DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, const QTextCharFormat &format);
- QMap<QDate, QTextCharFormat> dateTextFormat() const;
- QTextCharFormat dateTextFormat(const QDate &date) const;
- void setDateTextFormat(const QDate &date, const QTextCharFormat &format);
- bool isDateEditEnabled() const;
- void setDateEditEnabled(bool enable);
- int dateEditAcceptDelay() const;
- void setDateEditAcceptDelay(int delay);
- protected:
- bool event(QEvent *event);
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event);
- void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event);
- virtual void paintCell(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, const QDate &date) const;
- void updateCell(const QDate &date);
- void updateCells();
- public Q_SLOTS:
- void setSelectedDate(const QDate &date);
- void setDateRange(const QDate &min, const QDate &max);
- void setCurrentPage(int year, int month);
- void setGridVisible(bool show);
- void setNavigationBarVisible(bool visible);
- void showNextMonth();
- void showPreviousMonth();
- void showNextYear();
- void showPreviousYear();
- void showSelectedDate();
- void showToday();
- void selectionChanged();
- void clicked(const QDate &date);
- void activated(const QDate &date);
- void currentPageChanged(int year, int month);
- private:
- Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QCalendarWidget)
- Q_DISABLE_COPY(QCalendarWidget)
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_slotChangeDate(const QDate &date))
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_slotChangeDate(const QDate &date, bool changeMonth))
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_editingFinished())
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_prevMonthClicked())
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_nextMonthClicked())
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_yearEditingFinished())
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_yearClicked())
- Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_monthChanged(QAction *act))
- };