- function varargout = Wavelet_Denoise(varargin)
- % WAVELET_DENOISE Application M-file for Wavelet_Denoise.fig
- % FIG = WAVELET_DENOISE launch Wavelet_Denoise GUI.
- % WAVELET_DENOISE('callback_name', ...) invoke the named callback.
- % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.0 11-Nov-2004 09:30:52
- if nargin == 0 % LAUNCH GUI
- fig = openfig(mfilename,'reuse');
- % Generate a structure of handles to pass to callbacks, and store it.
- handles = guihandles(fig);
- guidata(fig, handles);
- if nargout > 0
- varargout{1} = fig;
- end
- elseif ischar(varargin{1}) % INVOKE NAMED SUBFUNCTION OR CALLBACK
- try
- if (nargout)
- [varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:}); % FEVAL switchyard
- else
- feval(varargin{:}); % FEVAL switchyard
- end
- catch
- disp(lasterr);
- end
- end
- %| GUIDE automatically appends subfunction prototypes to this file, and
- %| sets objects' callback properties to call them through the FEVAL
- %| switchyard above. This comment describes that mechanism.
- %|
- %| Each callback subfunction declaration has the following form:
- %|
- %| The subfunction name is composed using the object's Tag and the
- %| callback type separated by '_', e.g. 'slider2_Callback',
- %| 'figure1_CloseRequestFcn', 'axis1_ButtondownFcn'.
- %|
- %| H is the callback object's handle (obtained using GCBO).
- %|
- %| EVENTDATA is empty, but reserved for future use.
- %|
- %| HANDLES is a structure containing handles of components in GUI using
- %| tags as fieldnames, e.g. handles.figure1, handles.slider2. This
- %| structure is created at GUI startup using GUIHANDLES and stored in
- %| the figure's application data using GUIDATA. A copy of the structure
- %| is passed to each callback. You can store additional information in
- %| this structure at GUI startup, and you can change the structure
- %| during callbacks. Call guidata(h, handles) after changing your
- %| copy to replace the stored original so that subsequent callbacks see
- %| the updates. Type "help guihandles" and "help guidata" for more
- %| information.
- %|
- %| VARARGIN contains any extra arguments you have passed to the
- %| callback. Specify the extra arguments by editing the callback
- %| property in the inspector. By default, GUIDE sets the property to:
- %| <MFILENAME>('<SUBFUNCTION_NAME>', gcbo, [], guidata(gcbo))
- %| Add any extra arguments after the last argument, before the final
- %| closing parenthesis.
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = pushbutton4_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- [filename, pathname] = uigetfile( ...
- {'*.wav', 'All wav-Files (*.wav)'; ...
- '*.*','All Files (*.*)'}, ...
- 'Select Wave File');
- % If "Cancel" is selected then return
- File = fullfile(pathname,filename);
- [x1 fs nbits]=wavread(File);
- x2=x1(1:65536);
- axes(handles.axes1)
- plot(x2);
- set(handles.axes1,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- handles.X1=x2;
- guidata(h, handles);
- handles.X2=fs;
- guidata(h, handles);
- set(handles.edit1,'String',File)
- uiwait(msgbox('File Loaded','File Loaded','modal'));
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Denoise_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- f1 = get(handles.edit1,'String')
- x=findstr(f1,'')
- if x==[]
- [s,N] = makesig(f1);
- n = randn(1,N);
- f2 = str2double(get(handles.edit4,'String'));
- if f2==2
- h = 2;
- elseif f2==4
- h = 4;
- elseif f2==6;
- h = 6;
- elseif f2==8;
- h = 8 ;
- elseif f2==10;
- h = 10;
- else
- h = 2;
- end
- x = s + n/h;
- f2 = str2double(get(handles.edit3,'String'))
- if f2==4
- h = daubcqf(4);
- elseif f2==6
- h = daubcqf(6);
- elseif f2==8;
- h = daubcqf(8);
- elseif f2==10;
- h = daubcqf(10);
- else
- h = daubcqf(4);
- end
- f1 = str2double(get(handles.edit2,'String'))
- if f1==1
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x,h);
- elseif f1==2
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x,h,1);
- else
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x,h);
- end
- axes(handles.axes4)
- plot(x);hold on;plot(yd,'r');hold off;
- legend('Noisy Signal','Filter Signal')
- set(handles.axes4,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- uiwait(msgbox('Denoising Done','Denoising','modal'));
- else
- File=get(handles.edit1,'String');
- x1=wavread(File);
- x2=x1(1:65536);
- f2 = str2double(get(handles.edit3,'String'))
- if f2==4
- h = daubcqf(4);
- elseif f2==6
- h = daubcqf(6);
- elseif f2==8;
- h = daubcqf(8);
- elseif f2==10;
- h = daubcqf(10);
- else
- h = daubcqf(4);
- end
- f1 = str2double(get(handles.edit2,'String'))
- if f1==1
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x2,h);
- elseif f1==2
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x2,h,1);
- else
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x2,h);
- end
- axes(handles.axes4)
- plot(yd)
- set(handles.axes4,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- uiwait(msgbox('Denoising Done','Denoising','modal'));
- end
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = File_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Close_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Calculate_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Untitled_6_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- File=get(handles.edit1,'String');
- x1=wavread(File);
- x2=x1(1:65536);
- h = daubcqf(6);
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x2,h,1);
- axes(handles.axes2)
- plot(yd);
- set(handles.axes2,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- uiwait(msgbox('Denoising Done','Denoising','modal'));
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Help_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Untitled_8_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- [data map]=imread('sheraz.bmp');
- uiwait(msgbox('This Software is developed by Sheraz Khan','About Developer','custom',data,map));
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = LoadFile_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- function varargout = Open_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % Use UIGETFILE to allow for the selection of a custom address book.
- [filename, pathname] = uigetfile( ...
- {'*.wav', 'All wav-Files (*.wav)'; ...
- '*.*','All Files (*.*)'}, ...
- 'Select Address Book');
- % If "Cancel" is selected then return
- File = fullfile(pathname,filename);
- x1=wavread('File');
- x2=x1(1:65536);
- h = daubcqf(6);
- [yd,yn,opt2] = denoise(x2,h,1,[]);
- axes(handles.axes1)
- plot(x2);hold on;plot(yd,'r');
- set(handles.axes1,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = edit1_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = popupmenu1_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- val = get(h,'Value');
- switch val
- case 1
- set(handles.edit2,'String','1')
- case 2
- set(handles.edit2,'String','2')
- end
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = popupmenu2_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- val = get(h,'Value');
- switch val
- case 1
- set(handles.edit3,'String','4')
- case 2
- set(handles.edit3,'String','6')
- case 3
- set(handles.edit3,'String','8')
- case 4
- set(handles.edit3,'String','10')
- end
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = edit2_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = edit3_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = popupmenu3_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- val = get(h,'Value');
- switch val
- case 1
- set(handles.pushbutton4,'Enable','on')
- set(handles.text10,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.popupmenu4,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.text11,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.popupmenu5,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.radiobutton3,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.radiobutton4,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.frame2,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.text12,'Visible','on')
- case 2
- set(handles.pushbutton4,'Enable','off')
- set(handles.radiobutton3,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.radiobutton4,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.frame2,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.text12,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.text10,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.popupmenu4,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.text11,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.popupmenu5,'Visible','on')
- end
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = popupmenu4_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- val = get(h,'Value');
- switch val
- case 1
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Bumps')
- signal= 'Bumps';
- case 2
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Blocks')
- signal= 'Blocks';
- case 3
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Doppler')
- signal= 'Doppler';
- case 4
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Ramp')
- signal= 'Ramp';
- case 5
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Cusp')
- signal= 'Cusp';
- case 6
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Sing')
- signal= 'Sing';
- case 7
- set(handles.edit1,'String','HiSine')
- signal= 'HiSine';
- case 8
- set(handles.edit1,'String','LoSine')
- signal= 'LoSine';
- case 9
- set(handles.edit1,'String','LinChirp')
- signal= 'LinChirp';
- case 10
- set(handles.edit1,'String','TwoChirp')
- signal= 'TwoChirp';
- case 11
- set(handles.edit1,'String','QuadChirp')
- signal= 'QuadChirp';
- case 12
- set(handles.edit1,'String','MishMash')
- signal= 'MishMash';
- case 13
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Werner Sorrows')
- signal= 'Werner Sorrows';
- case 14
- set(handles.edit1,'String','Leopold')
- signal= 'Leopold';
- case 15
- set(handles.edit1,'String','HeaviSine')
- signal= 'HeaviSine';
- end
- f2 = str2double(get(handles.edit4,'String'));
- if f2==2
- h = 2;
- elseif f2==4
- h = 4;
- elseif f2==6;
- h = 6;
- elseif f2==8;
- h = 8 ;
- elseif f2==10;
- h = 10;
- else
- h = 2;
- end
- [s,N] = makesig(signal);
- n = randn(1,N);
- x = s + n/h;
- axes(handles.axes1)
- plot(x);hold on;plot(s,'r');hold off;
- legend('Noisy Signal','Pure Signal')
- set(handles.axes1,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = popupmenu5_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- val = get(h,'Value');
- switch val
- case 1
- set(handles.edit4,'String','2')
- case 2
- set(handles.edit4,'String','4')
- case 3
- set(handles.edit4,'String','6')
- case 4
- set(handles.edit4,'String','8')
- case 5
- set(handles.edit4,'String','10')
- end
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = edit4_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = edit5_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = radiobutton3_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- set(handles.radiobutton4,'Value',0)
- set(handles.axes1,'Visible','on')
- set(handles.axes7,'Visible','off')
- x2=handles.X1;
- fs=handles.X2
- axes(handles.axes1)
- plot(x2);
- set(handles.axes1,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = radiobutton4_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- set(handles.radiobutton3,'Value',0)
- set(handles.axes1,'Visible','off')
- set(handles.axes7,'Visible','on')
- x2=handles.X1;
- fs=handles.X2
- fft1=fft(x2,65536);
- w=(0:32767)/32768*(fs/2);
- axes(handles.axes7)
- plot(w,abs(fft1(1:32768)));
- set(handles.axes7,'XMinorTick','on')
- grid on
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Signal_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Length_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Untitled_12_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = Type_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)