资源名称:bcm4702.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- Copyright 2001, Broadcom Corporation
- All Rights Reserved.
- This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
- the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
- duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
- permission of Broadcom Corporation.
- */
- /* $Id: sysALib.s,v 1.1 Broadcom SDK $ */
- /* sysALib.s - IDT S134 system-dependent assembly routines */
- /* Copyright 1984-1996 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01b,12nov99,hsm cleaned
- 01a,17june99,hsm created.
- */
- /*
- This module contains system-dependent routines written in assembly
- language.
- This module must be the first specified in the f3ldf1 command used to
- build the system. The sysInit() routine is the system start-up code.
- */
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "arch/mips/ivMips.h"
- #include "arch/mips/asmMips.h"
- #include "arch/mips/esfMips.h"
- #include "arch/mips/archMips.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h" /* where CACHE_DISABLED, etc are defined; very
- * important for #if expression evaluation!
- */
- /* internals */
- .globl sysInit /* start of system code */
- .globl sysGpInit /* initialize global pointer */
- .globl sysClearTlbEntry /* clear entry in tlb */
- .globl sysWbFlush /* flush write buffers */
- .globl sysSetCompare
- .globl sysGetCompare
- .globl sysSetCount
- .globl sysGetCount
- .globl sysGetPrid
- .globl sysGetConfig
- /* .globl setTlbEntry */
- .globl setPageSize
- .globl sysinbyte
- .globl sysinword
- .globl sysinlong
- .globl sysoutbyte
- .globl sysoutword
- .globl sysoutlong
- .globl EnableCache
- .globl DisableCache
- /* .globl _writeasm */
- .globl ReadCP0_16
- .globl ReadCP0_22
- .globl ReadSR
- .globl SetSR
- .globl vxSpGet
- .globl vxPcGet
- /* externals */
- .globl usrInit /* system initialization routine */
- .text
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysInit - start after boot
- *
- * This routine is the system start-up entry point for VxWorks in RAM, the
- * first code executed after booting. It disables interrupts, sets up the
- * stack, and jumps to the C routine usrInit() in usrConfig.c.
- *
- * The initial stack is set to grow down from the address of sysInit(). This
- * stack is used only by usrInit() and is never used again. Memory for the
- * stack must be accounted for when determining the system load address.
- *
- * NOTE: This routine should not be called by the user.
- *
- * sysInit (void) /@ THIS IS NOT A CALLABLE ROUTINE @/
- */
- .ent sysInit
- sysInit:
- la gp,_gp /* set global ptr from cmplr */
- /* disable all interrupts */
- li t0, SR_CU0 /* |SR_IE */
- li t1, ~SR_IE
- and t0, t1
- or t0, SR_DE /* disable cache errors on R4200 rev1.1 */
- mtc0 t0, C0_SR /* put on processor */
- la sp, sysInit-32 /* set stack to grow down from code,
- leave room for four parameters */
- /* give us as long as possible before a clock interrupt */
- li v0,1
- mtc0 v0,C0_COUNT
- mtc0 zero,C0_COMPARE
- li a0, BOOT_WARM_AUTOBOOT /* push start type arg = WARM_BOOT */
- jal usrInit /* never returns - starts up kernel */
- li ra, R_VEC /* load prom reset address */
- j ra /* just in case */
- .end sysInit
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysGpInit - initialize the MIPS global pointer
- *
- * The purpose of this routine is to initialize the global pointer (gp).
- * It is required in order support compressed ROMs.
- *
- *
- */
- .ent sysGpInit
- sysGpInit:
- la gp, _gp /* set global pointer from compiler */
- j ra
- .end sysGpInit
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysWbFlush - flush the write buffer
- *
- * This routine flushes the write buffers, making certain all subsequent
- * memory writes have occurred. It is used during critical periods only, e.g.,
- * after memory-mapped I/O register access.
- *
- * sysWbFlush (void)
- */
- .ent sysWbFlush
- sysWbFlush:
- .set noreorder
- nop
- la v0,sysWbFlush
- or v0,K1BASE
- sw zero,0(v0)
- lw v0,0(v0)
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysWbFlush
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysSetCompare - set the RC32364 timer compare register
- *
- * int sysSetCompare (void)
- */
- .ent sysSetCompare
- sysSetCompare:
- mtc0 a0,C0_COMPARE
- j ra
- .end sysSetCompare
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysGetCompare - get the RC32364 timer compare register
- *
- * int sysGetCompare (void)
- */
- .ent sysGetCompare
- sysGetCompare:
- mfc0 v0,C0_COMPARE
- j ra
- .end sysGetCompare
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysSetCount - set the RC32364 timer count register
- *
- * int sysSetCount (void)
- */
- .ent sysSetCount
- sysSetCount:
- mtc0 a0,C0_COUNT
- j ra
- .end sysSetCount
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysGetCount - get the RC32364 timer count register
- *
- * int sysGetCount (void)
- */
- .ent sysGetCount
- sysGetCount:
- mfc0 v0,C0_COUNT
- j ra
- .end sysGetCount
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysGetPrid - get the RC32364 processor ID register
- *
- * int sysGetPrid (void)
- */
- .ent sysGetPrid
- sysGetPrid:
- mfc0 v0,C0_PRID
- j ra
- .end sysGetPrid
- #define DELAY1 300000
- #define DELAY2 600000
- /* Tlb Related functions */
- /*****************************************************
- * setPageSize - Sets the MMU page size
- *
- * Input parameters -
- * a0 - PageSize
- */
- .ent setPageSize
- setPageSize:
- .set noreorder
- nop
- nop
- mtc0 a0,C0_PAGEMASK
- nop
- nop
- .set reorder
- j ra
- nop
- .end setPageSize
- /***************************************************
- * setTlbEntry - sets one MMU entry
- *
- * Input parameters -
- * a0- Tlb_Inx
- * a1- Tlb_Hi
- * a2- Tlb_Lo0
- * a3- Tlb_Lo1
- */
- .ent setTlbEntry
- setTlbEntry:
- .set noreorder
- nop
- nop
- mtc0 a0,C0_INX
- nop
- nop
- mtc0 a1,C0_TLBHI
- nop
- nop
- mtc0 a2,C0_TLBLO0
- nop
- nop
- mtc0 a3,C0_TLBLO1
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- tlbwi
- nop
- nop
- nop
- .set reorder
- j ra
- nop
- .end setTlbEntry
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysInByte - input one byte from I/O space
- *
- * RETURNS: Byte data from the I/O port.
- * UCHAR sysInByte (address)
- * int address; /@ I/O port address @/
- */
- .ent sysinbyte
- sysinbyte:
- .set noreorder
- lb v0, 0x0(a0)
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysinbyte
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysInWord - input one word from I/O space
- *
- * RETURNS: Word data from the I/O port.
- * USHORT sysInWord (address)
- * int address; /@ I/O port address @/
- */
- .ent sysinword
- sysinword:
- .set noreorder
- lh v0,0x0(a0)
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysinword
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysInLong - input one long-word from I/O space
- *
- * RETURNS: Long-Word data from the I/O port.
- * USHORT sysInLong (address)
- * int address; /@ I/O port address @/
- */
- .ent sysinlong
- sysinlong:
- .set noreorder
- lw v0 ,0(a0)
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysinlong
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysoutByte - output one byte to I/O space
- *
- * void sysOutByte (address, data)
- * int address; /@ I/O port address @/
- * char data; /@ data written to the port @/
- */
- .ent sysoutbyte
- sysoutbyte:
- .set noreorder
- li t0, 0x3
- xor a0, t0
- sb a1,0(a0)
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysoutbyte
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysoutWord - output one word to I/O space
- *
- * void sysOutWord (address, data)
- * int address; /@ I/O port address @/
- * short data; /@ data written to the port @/
- */
- .ent sysoutword
- sysoutword:
- .set noreorder
- sh a1,0(a0)
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysoutword
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysOutLong - output one long-word to I/O space
- *
- * void sysOutLong (address, data)
- * int address; /@ I/O port address @/
- * long data; /@ data written to the port @/
- */
- .ent sysoutlong
- sysoutlong:
- .set noreorder
- sw a1,0(a0)
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysoutlong
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * sysgetConfig - Returns the Config register contents
- *
- *
- */
- .ent sysGetConfig
- sysGetConfig:
- .set noreorder
- mfc0 v0,C0_CONFIG
- nop
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end sysGetConfig
- /************************************************************************/
- /* ReadCP0_16 : */
- /* */
- /* SYNTAX: unsigned long ReadCP0_16(void); */
- /* RETURNS: CP0 value */
- /* */
- /************************************************************************/
- .ent ReadCP0_16
- ReadCP0_16:
- .set noreorder
- mfc0 v0, $16
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end ReadCP0_16
- /************************************************************************
- */
- /* ReadCP0_22 :
- /* *
- */
- /* SYNTAX: unsigned long ReadCP0_22(void); *
- */
- /* RETURNS: CP0 value *
- */
- /* *
- */
- /************************************************************************
- */
- .ent ReadCP0_22
- ReadCP0_22:
- .set noreorder
- mfc0 v0, $22
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end ReadCP0_22
- /************************************************************************ */
- /* ReadSR : Read the SR (Status Register) * */
- /* * */
- /* SYNTAX: unsigned long ReadSR(void); * */
- /* RETURNS: SR value * */
- /* * */
- /************************************************************************ */
- .ent ReadSR
- ReadSR:
- .set noreorder
- mfc0 v0, C0_SR
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end ReadSR
- /************************************************************************ */
- /* SetSR : Set the SR (Status Register) * */
- /* * */
- /* SYNTAX: unsigned long ReadSR(unsigned long); * */
- /* RETURNS: SR value * */
- /* * */
- /************************************************************************ */
- .ent SetSR
- SetSR:
- .set noreorder
- mfc0 v0, C0_SR
- nop
- mtc0 a0, C0_SR
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end SetSR
- #define CACHEBITS 3
- #define WRITETHROUGH 0
- #define CACHEDISABLE 2
- /***********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* EnableCache: enable the caches */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************************/
- .ent EnableCache
- EnableCache:
- .set noreorder
- /* Caches must be enabled from KSEG1 */
- la t0, 1f
- li t1, K1BASE
- or t0, t1
- j t0
- nop
- 1:
- mfc0 t1, $16
- nop
- and t1, t1, ~(CACHEBITS)
- or t1, t1, CACHEDISABLE
- #else
- #endif
- #endif
- mtc0 t1, $16 # enable D Cache
- nop
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end EnableCache
- /************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* DisableCache: disable the caches */
- /* */
- /************************************************************************/
- .ent DisableCache
- DisableCache:
- .set noreorder
- mfc0 t1, $16
- nop
- and t1, t1, ~(CACHEBITS)
- or t1, t1, CACHEDISABLE
- mtc0 t1, $16 # disable D Cache
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end DisableCache
- /* Some performance and debug tools */
- .globl readCount
- .globl readInstr
- .globl readStatus
- .globl readConfig
- #define MFC0_SEL_OPCODE(dst, src, sel)
- .word (0x40000000 | ((dst)<<16) | ((src)<<11) | (sel))
- #define MTC0_SEL_OPCODE(dst, src, sel)
- .word (0x40800000 | ((dst)<<16) | ((src)<<11) | (sel))
- #define INSTR 4
- .set noreorder
- .ent readCount
- readCount:
- mfc0 v0, C0_COUNT
- nop
- jr ra
- nop
- .end readCount
- .ent readInstr
- readInstr:
- nop
- jr ra
- nop
- .end readInstr
- .ent readStatus
- readStatus:
- mfc0 v0, $12
- nop
- jr ra
- nop
- .end readStatus
- .ent readConfig
- readConfig:
- mfc0 v0, $16
- nop
- jr ra
- nop
- .end readConfig
- /*************************************************************
- *
- * Support functions for sysBackTrace
- *
- */
- .ent vxSpGet
- vxSpGet:
- .set noreorder
- j ra
- or v0,sp,sp
- .set reorder
- .end vxSpGet
- .ent vxPcGet
- vxPcGet:
- .set noreorder
- or v0,ra,ra
- j ra
- nop
- .set reorder
- .end vxPcGet