- unit CWMIBase;
- //=========================================================================
- //
- // I N T E R F A C E
- //
- //=========================================================================
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, WbemScripting_TLB, FormAbout;
- type
- TArrVariant = array of variant;
- TArrString = array of string;
- TArrInteger = array of Integer;
- TParamType = (ptIn, ptOut);
- TWMIGenericPropType = (gptString, gptStringArray, gptInteger, gptInteger64,
- gptIntegerArray, gptReal, gptBoolean, gptDateTime,
- gptChar, gptReference, gptObject);
- TWMIBase = class(TComponent)
- private
- aServices:ISWbemServices;
- FActive: Boolean;
- FAllProperties: TStrings;
- FObjectsCount: integer;
- FConnected: Boolean;
- FHost: string;
- FObjectIndex: integer;
- FAboutGLibWMI: TFAbout;
- FMSDNHelp: String;
- FComponentCaption: string;
- function GetAllProperties: TStrings;
- procedure SetObjectIndex(const Value: integer);
- function GetComponentCaption: string;
- protected
- procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); virtual;
- //: Clase para el componente
- function GetWMIClass():string; virtual; abstract;
- //: Obtener el root.
- function GetWMIRoot():string; virtual; abstract;
- //: Conectar al proveedor.
- procedure ConnectWMI();
- //: Lipiar las propiedades
- procedure ClearProps(); virtual;
- //: Rellenar las propiedades.
- procedure FillProperties(AIndex:integer); virtual;
- public
- // redefinidos
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- //: destructor
- destructor Destroy; override;
- //: Conectado correctamente
- property Connected:Boolean read FConnected;
- //:
- property WMIServices:ISWbemServices read aServices;
- //: Propiedad con la clase del componente
- property WMIClass:string read GetWMIClass;
- published
- //: Caption del componente
- property ComponentCaption:string read GetComponentCaption write FComponentCaption stored False;
- //: Informaci髇 acerca del paquete de componentes
- property VersionGLib:TFAbout read FAboutGLibWMI stored false;
- //: Acceso a la p醙ina de documentaci髇 de MSDN
- property MSDNHelp:String read FMSDNHelp write FMSDNHelp stored false;
- //: Host al que nos queremos conectar
- property Host:string read FHost write FHost;
- //: Activar el componente.
- property Active:Boolean read FActive write SetActive;
- //: odas las propiedades como texto
- property AllProperties:TStrings read GetAllProperties write FAllProperties;
- //: Objetos encontrados para esa clase.
- property ObjectsCount:integer read FObjectsCount write FObjectsCount stored False;
- //: Objeto que estamos visualizando en las propiedades.
- property ObjectIndex:integer read FObjectIndex write SetObjectIndex stored False;
- end;
- //=========================================================================
- //
- // I M P L E M E N T A T I O N
- //
- //=========================================================================
- implementation
- { TWMIBase }
- uses
- UProcedures, UConstantes, Dialogs, Variants;
- destructor TWMIBase.Destroy();
- begin
- // Asignado?
- if Assigned(Self.FAllProperties) then begin
- // Crear la lista
- FreeAndNil(Self.FAllProperties);
- end;
- // heredado
- inherited;
- end;
- constructor TWMIBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- // Ini
- Self.FObjectsCount := 0;
- Self.FObjectIndex := 0;
- Self.FConnected := False;
- Self.FActive := False;
- Self.FAllProperties := TStringList.Create();
- // ini Conexion
- Self.FHost := '.';
- end;
- procedure TWMIBase.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- var
- b:Boolean;
- TS:TStrings;
- begin
- // Guardar el valor
- Self.FActive := Value;
- // Desactivado? limpiar
- if not (Value) then begin
- Self.FObjectsCount := 0;
- Self.FObjectIndex := 0;
- Self.FAllProperties.Text := STR_EMPTY;
- ClearProps;
- Exit;
- end;
- // ini
- Self.FAllProperties.Clear;
- // Conectar
- Self.ConnectWMI;
- if not (Self.Connected) then begin
- raise Exception.Create('No se ha conectado.');
- Exit;
- end;
- // Activando?
- if (Value) then begin
- // Conectado?
- if (Self.Connected) then begin
- // Obtener las propiedades
- GetWMIProperties(0, aServices, GetWMIClass(), Self.FAllProperties);
- // Debug FAllProperties.SaveToFile('r:all.txt');
- // Obtener el n鷐ero de objetos
- Self.ObjectsCount := Self.FAllProperties.Count;
- // Hay algun objeto?
- if (Self.ObjectsCount <= 0) then begin
- Exit;
- end
- else begin
- // Cargar el primero
- Self.FObjectIndex := 1;
- Self.FillProperties(Self.FObjectIndex);
- //-- MessageDlg('Fill', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
- end;
- //--MessageDlg('objetos: ' + IntToStr(Self.ObjectsCount), mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
- end;
- end;
- Exit;
- // Obtener todas las propiedades
- if (Self.ObjectsCount > 0) then begin
- TS := TStringList.Create();
- // proteccion
- try
- // Obtener las propiedades
- GetWMIProperties(0, aServices, GetWMIClass(), TS);
- Self.FAllProperties.Text := TS.Text;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(TS);
- end;
- end;
- //--MessageDlg(Format('%d Objetos encontrados', [FObjectsCount]), mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
- end;
- function TWMIBase.GetAllProperties(): TStrings;
- begin
- // if not Assigned(Self.FAllProperties) then begin
- // MessageDlg('Self.FAllProperties NULL', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
- // Exit;
- // end;
- // Result
- Result := Self.FAllProperties;
- end;
- //: Conectar al proveedor.
- procedure TWMIBase.ConnectWMI();
- var
- Locator: ISWbemLocator;
- begin
- try
- // Create the Location object
- Locator := CoSWbemLocator.Create();
- // Connect to the WMI service, with the rootcimv2 namespace
- aServices := Locator.ConnectServer(
- Self.FHost, // Host
- GetWMIRoot(), // root
- {user}STR_EMPTY, {password}STR_EMPTY,
- STR_EMPTY, STR_EMPTY, 0, nil);
- Self.FConnected := True;
- //-MessageDlg('Conectado', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
- except
- Self.FConnected := False;
- //-MessageDlg('No Conectado', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
- raise Exception.Create(GetLastErrorAsString());
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWMIBase.SetObjectIndex(const Value: integer);
- begin
- if (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin
- Exit;
- end;
- // Si no ha cambiado, nada
- if (Self.FObjectIndex = Value) then begin
- Exit;
- end;
- // Modificar el 韓dice
- Self.FObjectIndex := Value;
- // no Conectado?
- if not (Self.Connected) then begin
- Self.FObjectIndex := 0;
- raise Exception.Create('Componente no conectado... (crear tipo espec韋ico)');
- Exit;
- end;
- // Activando?
- if not (Self.FActive) then begin
- Self.FObjectIndex := 0;
- raise Exception.Create('Componente no activado... (crear tipo espec韋ico)');
- Exit;
- end;
- // 韓dice incorecto?
- if (Value < 1) or (Value > Self.FObjectsCount) then begin
- Self.FObjectIndex := 0;
- raise Exception.Create('蚽dice fuera de l韒ites... (crear tipo espec韋ico)');
- Exit;
- end;
- // Hay algun objeto?
- if (Self.ObjectsCount <= 0) then begin
- Self.FObjectIndex := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- //.
- //.
- //.
- // si todo correcto rellenamos las propiedades
- // Rellenar las propiedades del objeto especificado
- Self.FillProperties(Self.FObjectIndex);
- end;
- //: Rellenar las propiedades.
- procedure TWMIBase.FillProperties(AIndex: integer);
- begin
- // limipar las actuales
- ClearProps();
- // El resto se rellenan en las hijas
- //...
- end;
- procedure TWMIBase.ClearProps;
- begin
- // Limpiar la propiedad
- Self.FAllProperties.Clear;
- end;
- // Caption del componente
- function TWMIBase.GetComponentCaption: string;
- var
- v:Variant;
- vNull:boolean;
- begin
- try
- GetWMIPropertyValue(Self, 'Caption', v, vNull);
- Self.FComponentCaption := VariantStrValue(v, vNull);
- except
- Self.FComponentCaption := STR_EMPTY;
- end;
- Result := FComponentCaption;
- end;
- end.