资源名称:CppPrimer.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "MS_Queue.h"
- #include <stdexcept>
- using std::out_of_range;
- #include <iostream>
- using std::ostream;
- template <class Type>
- void Queue<Type>::copy_elems(const Queue &orig)
- {
- // copy elements from orig into this Queue
- // loop stops when pt == 0, which happens when we reach orig.tail
- for (QueueItem<Type> *pt = orig.head; pt; pt = pt->next)
- push(pt->item); // copy the element
- }
- template <class Type>
- Queue<Type>& Queue<Type>::operator=(const Queue &rhs)
- {
- if (this != &rhs) {
- // destroy elements on this Queue
- destroy();
- copy_elems(rhs); // copy from rhs into left-hand Queue
- }
- return *this;
- }
- template <class Type> void Queue<Type>::destroy()
- {
- while (!empty())
- pop();
- }
- template <class Type> void Queue<Type>::push(const Type &val)
- {
- // allocate a new QueueItem object
- QueueItem<Type> *pt = new QueueItem<Type>(val);
- // put item onto existing queue
- if (empty())
- head = tail = pt; // the queue now has only one element
- else {
- tail->next = pt; // add new element to end of the queue
- tail = pt;
- }
- }
- template <class Type> void Queue<Type>::pop()
- {
- // pop is unchecked: Popping off an empty Queue is undefined
- QueueItem<Type>* p = head; // keep pointer to head so we can delete it
- head = head->next; // head now points to next element
- delete p; // delete old head element
- }
- template <class Type>
- ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const Queue<Type> &q)
- {
- os << "< ";
- QueueItem<Type> *p;
- for (p = q.head; p; p = p->next)
- os << p->item << " ";
- os <<">";
- return os;
- }