资源名称:package.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //
- // Delaunay Triangulation
- //
- // Homework of CG lesson (Fall 2009) in Tsinghua University.
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // temp include, delete later if necessary
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "delaunaytriangulation.h"
- // C++ headers
- #include <cassert>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <stack>
- // User headers
- #include "utility.h"
- #include "dcel.h"
- using namespace std;
- DelaunayTriangulation::DelaunayTriangulation(void)
- {
- isFinished = false;
- nPoints = 0;
- points = NULL;
- }
- Point2d* DelaunayTriangulation::point(int pos) const
- {
- assert(pos >= 0 && pos < nPoints);
- return (points + pos);
- }
- void DelaunayTriangulation::initial(int* count, Point2d* ps)
- {
- nPoints = *count;
- points = ps;
- std::sort(points, points + nPoints);
- // Deletes the repeated elements.
- int j = 1;
- for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; ++i)
- {
- if (points[i].x != points[i-1].x || points[i].y != points[i-1].y)
- {
- points[j++] = points[i];
- }
- }
- nPoints = *count = j;
- isFinished = false;
- }
- void DelaunayTriangulation::destroy(void)
- {
- if(!maxEdge.le)
- {
- return;
- }
- // collect dcels
- vector<DCEL *>dcels;
- dcels.clear();
- collectDcel(maxEdge.le, dcels);
- collectDcel(, dcels);
- // delete the DCEL.
- vector<DCEL *>::iterator iter;
- for(iter = dcels.begin(); iter != dcels.end(); iter++)
- delete (*iter);
- maxEdge.le = NULL;
- = NULL;
- nPoints = 0;
- isFinished = false;
- points = NULL;
- }
- void DelaunayTriangulation::collectDcel(Edge* e, vector<DCEL*> &dcels)
- {
- DCEL *pDcel;
- Edge *edge;
- std::stack<Edge *>dcelStack;
- dcelStack.push(e);
- while(!dcelStack.empty())
- {
- edge =;
- pDcel = (DCEL *)(edge->qEdge());
- dcelStack.pop();
- if(!pDcel->visited)
- {
- dcels.push_back(pDcel);
- pDcel->visited = true;
- dcelStack.push(edge->oNext());
- dcelStack.push(edge->oPrev());
- dcelStack.push(edge->dNext());
- dcelStack.push(edge->dPrev());
- }
- }
- }
- void DelaunayTriangulation::doDelaunayTriangulation(void)
- {
- if (nPoints >= 2)
- {
- maxEdge = delaunay(0, nPoints - 1);
- isFinished = true;
- }
- }
- MaxEdge DelaunayTriangulation::delaunay(int begin, int end)
- {
- // the number of points
- int size = end - begin + 1;
- // max edge
- MaxEdge ret;
- // delaunay triangulation
- if(size == 2) // only two points
- {
- // let s1, s2 be two sites in sorted order.
- // create an edge a from s1 to s2
- Edge* a = makeEdge();
- a->endPoints(point(begin), point(end));
- ret.le = a;
- = a->twin();
- return ret;
- }
- else if(size == 3) // only three points
- {
- // let s1, s2, s3 be the three sites, in sorted order,
- // create edges a connecting s1 to s2 and b connecting s2 to s3
- Edge* a = makeEdge();
- Edge* b = makeEdge();
- splice(a->twin(), b);
- a->endPoints(point(begin), point(begin + 1));
- b->endPoints(point(begin + 1), point(end));
- // close the triangle
- Edge* c;
- if(ccw(*point(begin), *point(begin + 1), *point(end)))
- {
- c = connect(b, a);
- ret.le = a;
- = b->twin();
- return ret;
- }
- else if(ccw(*point(begin), *point(end), *point(begin + 1)))
- {
- c = connect(b, a);
- ret.le = c->twin();
- = c;
- return ret;
- }
- else // the three points are collinear
- {
- ret.le = a;
- = b->twin();
- return ret;
- }
- }
- else // |sites| >= 4
- {
- Edge *ldo, *ldi; // left half result
- Edge *rdo, *rdi; // right half result
- // recursively delaunay triangulation L and R halves
- MaxEdge leftRet = delaunay(begin, begin + (size / 2) - 1);
- MaxEdge rightRet = delaunay(begin + (size / 2), end);
- ldo = leftRet.le;
- ldi =;
- rdi = rightRet.le;
- rdo =;
- // Compute the lower commom tangent of L and R
- while(1)
- {
- if(leftOf(*(rdi->org()), ldi))
- {
- ldi = ldi->lNext();
- }
- else if(rightOf(*(ldi->org()), rdi))
- {
- rdi = rdi->rPrev();
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- // create a first edge basel from to
- Edge* basel = connect(rdi->twin(), ldi);
- if((ldi->org()) == (ldo->org()))
- {
- ldo = basel->twin();
- }
- if((rdi->org()) == (rdo->org()))
- {
- rdo = basel;
- }
- // merge
- while(1)
- {
- // locate the first L point (lcand.Dest) to be encountered by the rising bubble
- // and delete L edges out of basel.Dest that fail the circle test
- Edge* lcand = basel->twin()->oNext();
- Edge* t;
- if(valid(lcand, basel))
- {
- while(inCircle(*(basel->dest()), *(basel->org()), *(lcand->dest()),
- *(lcand->oNext()->dest())))
- {
- t = lcand->oNext();
- deleteEdge(lcand);
- lcand = t;
- }
- }
- // symmetrically, locate the first R point to be hit, and delete R edges
- Edge* rcand = basel->oPrev();
- if(valid(rcand, basel))
- {
- while(inCircle(*(basel->dest()), *(basel->org()), *(rcand->dest()),
- *(rcand->oPrev()->dest())))
- {
- t = rcand->oPrev();
- deleteEdge(rcand);
- rcand = t;
- }
- }
- // if both lcand and rcand are invalid, then basel is the upper common tangent
- if((!valid(lcand, basel)) && (!valid(rcand, basel)))
- {
- break;
- }
- // the next cross edge is to be connected to either lcand.Dest or rcand.Dest
- // if both are valid, then choose the appropriate one using the inCircle test
- if((!valid(lcand, basel)) || (valid(rcand, basel)
- && inCircle(*(lcand->dest()), *(lcand->org()),
- *(rcand->org()), *(rcand->dest()))))
- {
- // add cross edge basel from rcand.Dest to basel.Dest
- basel = connect(rcand, basel->twin());
- }
- else
- {
- // add cross edge basel from to lcand.Dest
- basel = connect(basel->twin(), lcand->twin());
- }
- }
- ret.le = ldo;
- = rdo;
- return ret;
- }
- }