- /****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * mel_freq_spectrum.c
- *
- * This program will compute the Mel-Frequency Sprectrum in a given signal.
- *
- * The input will be the address of the structure that
- * has the data after computing the power of the given signal and
- * the address structure to store the Mel-Frequency Spectrum.
- *
- * The Mel-Frequency spectrum is computed by Multiplying the Signal
- * Spectrum with a set of Triangular filters designed using Mel-Scale
- *
- *
- * If 'f' is the frequency, then the mel of the frequency is given by
- * B(f) = 1125 log(1 + f/700 ) in mels
- *
- * If 'm' is the mel, then the corresponding frequency is given by
- * B^-1(m) = 700 exp(m/1125) - 700 in Hz
- *
- * Mel for 4000Hz is computed and is divided by 20. The Frequency
- * Edge of each filter is computed by substituting the correspoding mel.
- * Having Found the edge frequences and center frequencies of the filter,
- * boundry points are computed to determine the transfer function of the filter
- *
- * Boundry points are given by
- *
- * N B^-1(B(fl) + m (1/21 B(fh) - 1/21 B(fl)))
- * f(m) = ---------------------------------------------
- * fs
- *
- *
- * Here 'fs' is the sampling frequency, 'fh' is upper cut-off frequency
- * 'fl' lower cut-off frequency, 'N' is the total number of samples = 256
- * 'm' is the number denoting the filter number. (m=1 denotes first filter,
- * m=2 denotes second filter and so on )
- * 21 is the total number of filters + 1 = 20+1 = 21
- *
- *
- * After computing boundry points, Transfer function of the Filters are
- * computed using the following formula
- *
- * H_m(k) = 0 ; if k < f(m-1)
- * = (k-f(m-1))/(f(m)-f(m-1)) ; if f(m-1) <= k <= f(m)
- * = (f(m+1) -k) / (f(m+1)-f(m)) ; if f(m) <= k <= f(m+1)
- * = 0 ; if k > f(m+1)
- *
- *
- * here 'm' denotes the filter number and 'f(m)' denotes the boundry points
- * and 'k' denotes the sample number
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * The above transfer function will result in a triangular function.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Written by Vasanthan Rangan and Sowmya Narayanan
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "filter_edge.h" /* Include the Filter Edges f(m) (Precomputed)*/
- #define column_length 256 /* total Number of samples per frame */
- #define row_length 100 /* Total number of Frames */
- struct complex {
- float real;
- float imag;
- }; /* Structure to store real and imaginary part of a signal */
- struct buffer {
- struct complex data[row_length][column_length];
- }; /* Structure to store input signal */
- struct mfcc {
- float data[row_length][Number_Of_Filters];
- };/* Structure to store the Mel Frequency Spectrum */
- /* Function to Compute Mel Frequency */
- void mel_freq_spectrum(struct buffer *input_data, struct mfcc *mfcc_coeff) {
- int i,j,k; /* Variables used as counters*/
- for ( j=0; j<row_length; j++ ) { /* For every Frame */
- for ( i=0; i<Number_Of_Filters; i++ ) { /*For each Filters */
- for ( k=0; k<((column_length/2) + 1) ; k++) { /*For each Sample in a Frame*/
- if ( k < H[i] ) { /* Apply Triangular Filters */
- mfcc_coeff->data[j][i] = mfcc_coeff->data[j][i] + (input_data->data[j][k].real*0.0);
- } else if ( k > H[i] && k < H[i+1] ) {
- mfcc_coeff->data[j][i] = mfcc_coeff->data[j][i] + (input_data->data[j][k].real*((k-H[i])/(H[i+1] - H[i])));
- } else if ( k > H[i+1] && k < H[i+2] ) {
- mfcc_coeff->data[j][i] = mfcc_coeff->data[j][i] + (input_data->data[j][k].real*((H[i+2]-k)/(H[i+2] - H[i+1])));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return; /*Return back to Main Function */
- }