资源名称:arcims.rar [点击查看]
- // aimsQuery.js
- /*
- * JavaScript template file for ArcIMS HTML Viewer
- * dependent on aimsXML.js, ArcIMSparam.js, aimsCommon.js, aimsMap.js, aimsIdentify.js, aimsSelect.js, and aimsLayers.js
- * To be interactive, dependent also on aimsDHTML.js, aimsClick.js, and aimsNavigation.js
- */
- aimsQueryPresent=true;
- var showSampleValues=false;
- var storedQueryCount = 0;
- var storedQueryName = new Array();
- var storedQueryString = new Array();
- var storedQueryVariable = new Array();
- var storedQueryVarCount = new Array();
- var storedQueryFieldList = new Array();
- var storedQueryIndex = 0;
- /*
- ***************************************************************************************
- Querying functions
- ***************************************************************************************
- */
- // query form
- function queryForm() {
- if (checkIfActiveLayerAvailable()) {
- fieldIndex=0;
- showSampleValues=false;
- setLayerFields(ActiveLayerIndex);
- if (showSampleValues) {
- var theText = writeFieldSample(LayerFields[fieldIndex]);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theText,40);
- } else {
- writeQueryForm();
- }
- }
- }
- // find Form
- function findForm() {
- if (checkIfActiveLayerAvailable()) {
- setLayerFields(ActiveLayerIndex);
- if (useTextFrame) {
- parent.TextFrame.document.location= appDir + "findForm.htm";
- } else {
- var Win1 = open(appDir + "findForm.htm","QueryWindow","width=575,height=150,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- }
- }
- }
- // process query
- function sendQueryString(newString) {
- newString = parseEntity(newString);
- //if (LayerIDField[ActiveLayerIndex]!="#ID#") {
- newString = fixSingleQuotes(newString);
- newString = swapQuotes(newString);
- //}
- //alert(newString);
- newString = makeXMLsafe(newString);
- setQueryString=newString;
- selectionMode=1;
- selectData.length=0;
- LayerFields.length=0;
- LayerFieldType.length=0;
- LayerFieldCount=0;
- highlightedOne="";
- showBuffer=false;
- showRetrieveData();
- var theString = writeQueryXML(newString);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,queryXMLMode);
- }
- // write out XML request to query attributes
- function writeQueryXML(queryString) {
- if (swapSelectFields) {
- selectFields=selFieldList[ActiveLayerIndex];
- }
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_FEATURES outputmode="xml" geometry="false" envelope="true" checkesc ="true"';
- theString += ' featurelimit="' + maxFeaturesReturned + '" beginrecord="' + queryStartRecord + '">n';
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (mCustomLayer.getActiveLayer()>-1){
- theString += mCustomLayer.getActiveLayerString();
- }else{
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + ActiveLayer + '" />';
- }
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (useLimitExtent) {
- // keep this within the limitExtent
- theString += '<SPATIALQUERY subfields="' + selectFields + '" where="' + queryString + '">';
- theString += '<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">n';
- theString += '<ENVELOPE maxx="' + forceComma(limitRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(limitTop) + '" minx="' + forceComma(limitLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(limitBottom) + '" />n';
- theString += '</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- theString += '</SPATIALQUERY>n';
- } else {
- //theString += '<QUERY subfields="' + selectFields + '" where="' + queryString + '" />';
- theString += '<SPATIALQUERY subfields="' + selectFields + '" where="' + queryString + '" />';
- }
- theString += '</GET_FEATURES>';
- theString += '</REQUEST>';
- theString += '</ARCXML>';
- //alert("writeQueryXML()nQuery XML Request:n" + theString);
- selectLayer=ActiveLayer;
- selectType=ActiveLayerType;
- selectCount=0;
- hightlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=1;
- selectLeft.length=1;
- selectRight.length=1;
- selectTop.length=1;
- selectBottom.length=1;
- return theString;
- }
- // write out XML request to get field value samples
- function writeFieldSample(theField) {
- var theFields = theField;
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_FEATURES outputmode="xml" geometry="false" envelope="false" checkesc ="true"';
- theString += ' featurelimit="' + numberDataSamples + '">n';
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (mCustomLayer.getActiveLayer()>-1){
- theString += mCustomLayer.getActiveLayerString();
- }else{
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + ActiveLayer + '" />';
- }
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- //theString += '<QUERY subfields="' + theFields + '" where="' + LayerIDField[ActiveLayerIndex] + ' GT 0" />';
- theString += '<QUERY subfields="' + theFields + '" />';
- theString += '</GET_FEATURES>';
- theString += '</REQUEST>';
- theString += '</ARCXML>';
- //alert(theString);
- selectLayer=ActiveLayer;
- selectType=ActiveLayerType;
- selectCount=0;
- hightlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=1;
- selectLeft.length=1;
- selectRight.length=1;
- selectTop.length=1;
- selectBottom.length=1;
- //alert(theString);
- return theString;
- }
- // send find request
- function getFind(theValue) {
- //alert(theValue);
- selectCount=0;
- showBuffer=false;
- highlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=0;
- selectLeft.length=0;
- selectRight.length=0;
- selectTop.length=0;
- selectBottom.length=0;
- drawSelectBoundary=false;
- showGeocode=false;
- clickCount=0;
- totalMeasure=0;
- currentMeasure=0;
- selectionMode=1;
- var theNewQueryString = "";
- var theTempString = "";
- var fieldListString = LayerIDField[ActiveLayerIndex] + " " + LayerShapeField[ActiveLayerIndex];
- var elemCount = 0;
- for (var i=0;i<LayerFields.length;i++) {
- var ftval = parseInt(LayerFieldType[i]);
- if ((ftval>=12) && (ftval<=15)) {
- //if ((LayerFieldType[i].indexOf("12",0)!=-1) || (LayerFieldType[i].indexOf("13",0)!=-1) || (LayerFieldType[i].indexOf("13",0)!=-1) || (LayerFieldType[i].indexOf("15",0)!=-1)){
- if (queryCaseInsensitive) {
- theTempString = "UPPER(" + LayerFields[i] + ") LIKE '%" + theValue.toUpperCase() + "%'";
- } else {
- theTempString = LayerFields[i] + " LIKE '%" + theValue + "%'";
- }
- if (elemCount>0) theTempString = " OR " + theTempString;
- //if (theNewQueryString.length + theTempString.length < 1024) {
- theNewQueryString = theNewQueryString + theTempString;
- fieldListString = fieldListString + " " + LayerFields[i];
- elemCount += 1;
- //}
- }
- }
- if (theNewQueryString!="") {
- showRetrieveData();
- showBuffer=false;
- theNewQueryString=makeXMLsafe(theNewQueryString);
- //alert(theNewQueryString);
- setQueryString = theNewQueryString;
- var theString = writeFindRequest(theNewQueryString,fieldListString);
- //alert(theString);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,findXMLMode);
- } else {
- alert(msgList[80]);
- }
- }
- // write out find form
- function writeFindRequest(findQuery,fieldList) {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_FEATURES outputmode="xml" geometry="false" envelope="true" checkesc ="true"';
- theString += ' featurelimit="' + maxFeaturesReturned + '" beginrecord="' + queryStartRecord + '">n';
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (mCustomLayer.getActiveLayer()>-1){
- theString += mCustomLayer.getActiveLayerString();
- }else{
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + ActiveLayer + '" />';
- }
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (useLimitExtent) {
- // keep this within the limitExtent
- theString += '<SPATIALQUERY subfields="' + fieldList + '" where="' + findQuery + '" >';
- theString += '<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">n';
- theString += '<ENVELOPE maxx="' + forceComma(limitRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(limitTop) + '" minx="' + forceComma(limitLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(limitBottom) + '" />n';
- theString += '</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- theString += '</SPATIALQUERY>n';
- } else {
- theString += '<QUERY subfields="' + fieldList + '" where="' + findQuery + '" />';
- }
- theString += '</GET_FEATURES>n';
- theString += '</REQUEST>n';
- theString += '</ARCXML>';
- //alert(theString);
- selectLayer=ActiveLayer;
- selectType=ActiveLayerType;
- selectCount=0;
- hightlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=1;
- selectLeft.length=1;
- selectRight.length=1;
- selectTop.length=1;
- selectBottom.length=1;
- return theString;
- }
- // parse layer field value samples
- function parseFieldSamples(theReply) {
- if (onlyUniqueSamples) {
- parseFieldSamplesUnique(theReply);
- } else {
- //alert("Reply Length: " + theReply.length);
- //alert(theReply);
- var fList="";
- var lpos1 = 1;
- var lpos2 = 1;
- var epos = 1;
- var spos = 1;
- var morePoints=true;
- var moreFeatures=true;
- var pos = 0;
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var featureCount = justGetFeatureCount(theReply);
- var tempString="";
- if (featureCount > 0) {
- selectData.length=featureCount;
- for (var i=0;i<featureCount;i++) {
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<FIELDS ",endpos);
- startpos = pos + 8;
- endpos =theReply.indexOf(' />',startpos);
- inData = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //inData = fixSingleQuotes(inData);
- //selectData[i] = clearLeadingSpace(inData);
- //selectData[i] = escape(inData);
- selectData[i] = inData;
- }
- } else {
- selectData.length=0;
- }
- }
- }
- //replace the original function parseFieldSamples with this function parseFieldSamples
- // parse layer field value samples
- function parseFieldSamplesUnique(theReply) {
- //alert("Reply Length: " + theReply.length);
- //alert(theReply);
- var fList="";
- var lpos1 = 1;
- var lpos2 = 1;
- var epos = 1;
- var spos = 1;
- var morePoints=true;
- var moreFeatures=true;
- var pos = 0;
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var featureCount = justGetFeatureCount(theReply);
- //alert(theReply);
- var tempString="";
- //variables added to original function
- var k = 1;
- var sdLeng = 0;
- var charSort = false;
- if (featureCount > 0) {
- //Add the first sample value
- for (var i=0;i<1;i++) {
- if (selectData.length>0) {
- selectData.length=0;
- }
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<FIELDS ",endpos);
- startpos = pos + 8;
- endpos =theReply.indexOf(' />',startpos);
- inData = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- selectData[i] = inData;
- }
- //Add additional sample values
- for (var i=1;i<featureCount;i++) {
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<FIELDS ",endpos);
- startpos = pos + 8;
- endpos =theReply.indexOf(' />',startpos);
- inData = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- sdLeng = selectData.length;
- for (var j=0;j<sdLeng;j++){
- if (selectData[j] == inData){
- addValue = false;
- break;
- } else {
- addValue = true;
- }
- }
- if (addValue){
- selectData[k] = inData;
- k = k + 1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- selectData.length=0;
- }
- //alert(selectData.length);
- var testSample = selectData[0];
- var testPos = testSample.indexOf('"');
- var testStartPos = testPos+1;
- var testEndPos = testSample.indexOf('"',testStartPos);
- var testValue = testSample.substring(testStartPos,testEndPos);
- var testLeng = testValue.length;
- ///*
- //Test for non-numeric characters in the string
- for (l=0;l<testLeng;l++){
- testChar = testValue.substring(l+1);
- testChar = Number(testChar);
- if (isNaN(testChar)) {
- charSort = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- //*/
- if (charSort) {
- selectData.sort();
- } else {
- selectData.sort(compare);
- }
- }
- //add this below the new function parseFieldSamples
- //function to compare numeric values for function parseFieldSamples numeric sort
- function compare(a,b){
- var returnVal = 0;
- var aPos = a.indexOf('"');
- var aStartPos = aPos+1;
- var aEndPos = a.indexOf('"',aStartPos);
- var aValue = a.substring(aStartPos,aEndPos);
- var aNum = Number(aValue);
- var bPos = b.indexOf('"');
- var bStartPos = bPos+1;
- var bEndPos = b.indexOf('"',bStartPos);
- var bValue = b.substring(bStartPos,bEndPos);
- var bNum = Number(bValue);
- var theVal = aValue - bValue;
- if (isNaN(theVal)) {
- returnVal = -1;
- } else {
- returnVal = theVal;
- }
- return returnVal;
- }
- // write out a query form
- function writeQueryForm() {
- var url = appDir + "query.htm";
- if (useTextFrame) {
- parent.TextFrame.document.location = url;
- } else {
- var Win1 = open(url,"QueryWindow","width=575,height=150,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- }
- }
- // temporarily change getSampleValues to true and load queryform
- function tempGetSamples(theField) {
- showSampleValues=true;
- if (useTextFrame) {
- var Win1 = parent.TextFrame;
- } else {
- var Win1 = open("","QueryWindow","width=575,height=150,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- }
- Win1.document.writeln('<html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charSet + '"><HEAD>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<body BGCOLOR="' + textFrameBackColor + '" TEXT="Black" size="-1">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<div align="center"><font face="Arial"><b>');
- Win1.document.writeln(msgList[74] + LayerName[ActiveLayerIndex] + '. . .</b></font><br>');
- if (onlyUniqueSamples) {
- Win1.document.writeln('<font face="Arial" size="-1">' + msgList[75] + numberDataSamples + msgList[122] + '</font></div></body></html>');
- } else {
- Win1.document.writeln('<font face="Arial" size="-1">' + msgList[75] + numberDataSamples + msgList[76] + '</font></div></body></html>');
- }
- Win1.document.close();
- Win1=null;
- var theText = writeFieldSample(theField);
- //alert(theText);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theText,40);
- }
- // get the StoredQueries in the MapService
- function getStoredQueries() {
- if (checkIfActiveLayerAvailable()) {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_SERVICE_INFO renderer="false" extensions="true" fields="false" />n';
- theString += '</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>';
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,55);
- }
- }
- // get the StoredQueries in the MapService
- function parseStoredQueries(theReply) {
- //alert(theReply);
- storedQueryCount=0;
- storedQueryName.length=1;
- storedQueryString.length=1;
- storedQueryVariable.length=1;
- storedQueryVarCount.length=1;
- storedQueryFieldList.length=1;
- storedQueryIndex=0;
- var endpos = 1;
- var pos = -1;
- var blurb = 'id="' + ActiveLayer + '"';
- var startpos = theReply.indexOf("<LAYERINFO",1);
- var thePos = 1;
- while (thePos!=-1) {
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("<LAYERINFO",1);
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(">",startpos);
- thePos = theReply.indexOf(blurb,1);
- if (thePos!=-1) {
- pos = thePos;
- thePos=-1;
- }
- }
- var sqpos = 0;
- var sqvpos = 0;
- var sqpos2 = 0;
- var vCount=0;
- if (pos!=-1) {
- var fieldCount = 0;
- epos = theReply.indexOf("</LAYERINFO>",pos);
- startpos=0;
- endpos=pos;
- sqpos = theReply.indexOf("<STOREDQUERY name=",endpos);
- sqpos2 = theReply.indexOf("</STOREDQUERY>",endpos);
- while ((epos>sqpos) && (sqpos!=-1)) {
- if (sqpos!=-1) {
- startpos = sqpos + 19;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote, startpos);
- blurb = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //alert(blurb);
- storedQueryName[storedQueryCount] = blurb;
- //startpos = theReply.indexOf("<QUERY where=",endpos);
- var sp2 = theReply.indexOf("<QUERY ",endpos);
- sp2 += 7;
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("where=",sp2);
- startpos += 7;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote, startpos);
- blurb = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //storedQueryString[storedQueryCount] = blurb;
- storedQueryString[storedQueryCount] = parseEntity(blurb);
- //alert(storedQueryString[storedQueryCount])
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("subfields=",sp2);
- startpos += 11;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote, startpos);
- storedQueryFieldList[storedQueryCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- storedQueryVariable[storedQueryCount]="";
- sqvpos = theReply.indexOf("<SQVAR",startpos);
- vCount = 0;
- while ((sqvpos!=-1) && (sqvpos<sqpos2)) {
- endpos = sqvpos;
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("name=",endpos);
- startpos += 6;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote, startpos);
- blurb = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- if (vCount > 0) blurb = "|" + blurb;
- storedQueryVariable[storedQueryCount] = storedQueryVariable[storedQueryCount] + blurb;
- vCount += 1;
- sqvpos = theReply.indexOf("<SQVAR",startpos);
- }
- storedQueryVarCount[storedQueryCount] = vCount;
- storedQueryCount += 1;
- }
- sqpos = theReply.indexOf("<STOREDQUERY name=",endpos);
- sqpos2 = theReply.indexOf("</STOREDQUERY>",sqpos);
- }
- }
- blurb=null;
- if (storedQueryCount==0) {
- alert(LayerName[ActiveLayerIndex] + msgList[77]);
- } else {
- storedQueryForm();
- }
- }
- // storedQuery Form
- function storedQueryForm() {
- if (checkIfActiveLayerAvailable()) {
- writeStoredQueryForm(storedQueryIndex);
- }
- }
- function writeStoredQueryForm(theIndex) {
- storedQueryIndex=theIndex;
- var url = appDir + "storedquery.htm";
- if (storedQueryVarCount==0) {
- sendStoredQuery(theIndex,"");
- } else {
- if (useTextFrame) {
- parent.TextFrame.document.location = url;
- } else {
- var Win1 = open(url,"QueryWindow","width=575,height=150,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- }
- }
- }
- // create the querystring for storedQuery and send it
- function sendStoredQuery(theIndex,theValue) {
- showRetrieveData();
- var oldString = storedQueryString[theIndex];
- if (storedQueryVarCount[theIndex]>0) {
- var var1 = storedQueryVariable[theIndex].split("|");
- var var2 = theValue.split("|");
- for (var i=0;i<var1.length;i++) {
- oldString = swapStuff(oldString,var1[i],var2[i]);
- }
- } else {
- oldString = swapStuff(oldString,storedQueryVariable[theIndex],theValue);
- }
- var newString2 = parseEntity(oldString);
- var newString = makeXMLsafe(newString2);
- //alert(oldString + "n" + newString);
- setQueryString = newString;
- selectionMode=1;
- var theString = writeQueryXML(newString);
- //alert("StoredQuery Request:n" + theString);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,queryXMLMode);
- }
- // see if there are storedQueries (Search)
- function checkStoredQueries(theReply) {
- var startpos = theReply.indexOf("<STOREDQUERY",1);
- if (startpos==-1) {
- //no storedqueries. . . do not display button
- useStoredQuery=false;
- }
- }
- function writeStartQueryXML(queryString, idAndShapeOnly) {
- if (swapSelectFields) {
- selectFields=selFieldList[ActiveLayerIndex];
- }
- var theString = '<ARCXML VERSION="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_FEATURES outputmode="xml" geometry="false" envelope="true" checkesc ="true"';
- theString += ' compact="true" featurelimit="' + maxFeaturesReturned + '" beginrecord="0">n';
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (mCustomLayer.getActiveLayer()>-1){
- theString += mCustomLayer.getActiveLayerString();
- }else{
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + LayerID[ActiveLayerIndex] + '" />';
- }
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (idAndShapeOnly) {
- theString += '<QUERY subfields="#ID# #SHAPE#" where="' + queryString + '" />';
- } else {
- theString += '<QUERY subfields="' + selectFields + '" where="' + queryString + '" />';
- }
- theString += '</GET_FEATURES>';
- theString += '</REQUEST>';
- theString += '</ARCXML>';
- //alert(theString);
- return theString;
- }
- function setStartQuery() {
- var theString = writeStartQueryXML(highlightedOne,true);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL, theString, 20);
- }
- function parseStartQuery(theReply) {
- //alert(theReply);
- var theError = getXMLErrorMessage(theReply);
- if (theError=="") {
- if (queryZoom && isThereEnvelope(theReply, 0, theReply.length-1)) {
- //getXYs(theReply);
- getSelectedEnvelope(theReply);
- startLeft = eLeft;
- startTop = eTop;
- startRight = eRight;
- startBottom = eBottom;
- var fWidth = eRight - eLeft;
- var fHeight = eTop - eBottom;
- var mWMargin = 0;
- var mHMargin = 0;
- //alert(LayerType[ActiveLayerIndex]);
- if (LayerType[ActiveLayerIndex]=="point" && eLeft==eRight && eTop==eBottom) {
- selectType="point";
- //alert("fullWidth=" + fullWidth + "nfullHeight=" + fullHeight);
- mWMargin = fullWidth * selectPointMargin;
- mHMargin = fullHeight * selectPointMargin;
- } else {
- mWMargin = fWidth * selectMargin;
- mHMargin = fHeight * selectMargin;
- }
- //alert("mWMargin=" + mWMargin + "nmHMargin=" + mHMargin);
- eLeft = eLeft - mWMargin;
- eRight = eRight + mWMargin;
- eTop = eTop + mHMargin;
- eBottom = eBottom - mHMargin;
- startLeft = eLeft;
- startTop = eTop;
- startRight = eRight;
- startBottom = eBottom;
- }
- sendMapXML();
- } else {
- alert(theError);
- }
- }
- function getSelectedEnvelope(theReply) {
- eLeft = 9999999999;
- eTop = -9999999999;
- eRight = -9999999999;
- eBottom = 99999999999;
- var pos = theReply.indexOf("<ENVELOPE", pos);
- var endpos = 0;
- var theXYs;
- do {
- theXYs = getEnvelopeXYs(theReply, pos);
- if (theXYs[0]<eLeft) eLeft = theXYs[0];
- if (theXYs[1]<eBottom) eBottom = theXYs[1];
- if (theXYs[2]>eRight) eRight = theXYs[2];
- if (theXYs[3]>eTop) eTop = theXYs[3];
- endpos = theReply.indexOf("/>", pos);
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<ENVELOPE", endpos);
- } while (pos!=-1)
- }