资源名称:arcims.rar [点击查看]
- // aimsLegend.js
- /*
- * JavaScript template file for ArcIMS HTML Viewer
- * dependent on aimsXML.js, ArcIMSparam.js, aimsCommon.js, aimsMap.js
- */
- aimsLegendPresent=true;
- var drawLegendOnly=false;
- var defaultLegTitle=legTitle;
- /*
- ***************************************************************************************
- Legend functions
- ***************************************************************************************
- */
- // send request to create graphic legend
- function getLegend() {
- legendVisible=true;
- drawLegendOnly=true;
- var theString=writeXML();
- showRetrieveMap();
- sendToServer(imsURL,theString,98);
- }
- // write out the legend display
- function showLegend() {
- if (hasTOC) {
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charSet + '">');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="false">');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<head><title>' + titleList[3] + '</title>');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<style type="text/css">a {text-decoration:none;}</style>');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('</head>');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<body BGCOLOR="White" text="Black" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 link="Black" vlink="Black" alink="Black">');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<center>');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('<IMG SRC="' + legendImage + '" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 ALT="' + titleList[3] + '"></center>');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.writeln('</body></html>');
- parent.TOCFrame.document.close();
- } else {
- var Win1 = open("","LegendWindow","width=190,height=300,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- Win1.document.writeln('<html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charSet + '"><head><title>' + titleList[3] + '</title>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<style type="text/css">a {text-decoration:none;}</style>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<script language="Javascript">');
- Win1.document.writeln(' var t;');
- Win1.document.writeln(' var tName = "";');
- Win1.document.writeln(' if (opener) {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' if ("MapFrame") {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' t = opener.parent.MapFrame;');
- Win1.document.writeln(' tName = "opener.parent.MapFrame.";');
- Win1.document.writeln(' } else {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' t = opener;');
- Win1.document.writeln(' tName = "opener.";');
- Win1.document.writeln(' }');
- Win1.document.writeln(' } else {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' if (parent.MapFrame!=null) {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' t = parent.MapFrame;');
- Win1.document.writeln(' tName = "parent.MapFrame.";');
- Win1.document.writeln(' } else {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' t=document;');
- Win1.document.writeln(' }');
- Win1.document.writeln(' }');
- Win1.document.writeln(' function closeIt() {');
- Win1.document.writeln(' t.legendVisible=false;');
- Win1.document.writeln(' window.close();');
- Win1.document.writeln(' }');
- Win1.document.writeln('</script>');
- Win1.document.writeln('</head>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<body BGCOLOR="White" text="Black" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 link="Gray" vlink="Gray" alink="Gray" onclose="closeIt()">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<form onsubmit="closeIt(); return false;"><center>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<font face="Arial" size="-2"><b>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hideButton1" VALUE="' + buttonList[0] + '" onClick="closeIt()">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<hr width="75%">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<IMG SRC="' + legendImage + '" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 ALT="' + titleList[3] + '">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<hr width="75%">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hideButton2" VALUE="' + buttonList[0] + '" onClick="closeIt()">');
- Win1.document.writeln('</b></font></center></FORM>');
- Win1.document.writeln('</body></html>');
- Win1.document.close();
- Win1.focus();
- Win1=null;
- }
- //}
- }
- // add Legend to XML request
- function addLegendToMap() {
- var legString = '<LEGEND title="' + legTitle + '" font="' + legFont + '" width="' + legWidth + '" height="' + legHeight + '" ';
- legString += 'autoextend="true" backgroundcolor="255,255,255"';
- if (hideLayersFromList) {
- legString += '>n<LAYERS>n';
- for (var legvar=0;legvar<noListLayer.length;legvar++) {
- if (noListLayer[legvar]) legString += '<LAYER id="' + LayerID[legvar] + '" />n';
- }
- legString += '</LAYERS>n';
- legString += '</LEGEND>n';
- } else {
- legString += ' />n';
- }
- if (drawLegendOnly) legString = legString + '<DRAW map="false" />n';
- return legString;
- }