资源名称:arcims.rar [点击查看]
- // aimsMap.js
- /*
- * JavaScript template file for ArcIMS HTML Viewer
- * dependent on aimsXML.js, ArcIMSparam.js, aimsCommon.js
- */
- aimsMapPresent=true;
- // global variables
- // show xml responses
- var debugOn = 0;
- // can debug be toggled?
- var setDebug = true;
- var useLimitExtent=false;
- var getStartingExtent=true;
- var getLimitExtent=true;
- var enforceFullExtent=false;
- // map extents. . . dynamically updated
- var eLeft = -180.0;
- var eRight = 180.0;
- var eTop = 90.0;
- var eBottom = -90.0;
- var fullLeft = eLeft;
- var fullRight = eRight;
- var fullTop = eTop;
- var fullBottom = eBottom;
- // map size . . . dynamically updated
- var iWidth = 630;
- var iHeight = 512;
- // location map size . . . dynamically updated
- var i2Width = 150;
- var i2Height = 120;
- var imageLimitLeft = limitLeft;
- var imageLimitTop = limitTop;
- var imageLimitRight = limitRight;
- var imageLimitBottom = limitBottom;
- var appDir = "";
- var xDistance = Math.abs(eRight-eLeft);
- var yDistance = Math.abs(eTop-eBottom);
- var panX = xDistance * panFactor;
- var panY = yDistance * panFactor;
- var pixelX = xDistance/iWidth;
- var pixelY = yDistance/iHeight;
- var mapX = eLeft;
- var mapY = eTop;
- var lastLeft = eLeft;
- var lastRight = eRight;
- var lastTop = eTop;
- var lastBottom = eBottom;
- var fullOVLeft = eLeft;
- var fullOVRight = eRight;
- var fullOVTop = eTop;
- var fullOVBottom = eBottom;
- var theCursor = "crosshair";
- var canLoad=false;
- //if (imsURL!="") canLoad=false;
- var fullWidth = Math.abs(fullRight - fullLeft);
- var fullHeight = Math.abs(fullTop - fullBottom);
- var fullOVWidth = Math.abs(fullOVRight - fullOVLeft);
- var fullOVHeight = Math.abs(fullOVTop - fullOVBottom);
- var mapScaleFactor = xDistance / iWidth;
- var geocodeX = 0;
- var geocodeY = 0;
- var showGeocode = false;
- var geocodeLabel = "";
- var queryZoom=false;
- var sQuote = "'";
- var dQuote = '"';
- var toolMode = 1;
- var legendVisible=false;
- // set legend visible at service load... showTOC=false & hasTOC=true
- if ((hasTOC) && (!showTOC)) legendVisible=true;
- MapUnits = MapUnits.toUpperCase();
- ScaleBarUnits = ScaleBarUnits.toUpperCase();
- if (drawScaleBar2) {
- switch (ScaleBarUnits) {
- case "MILES":
- ScaleBar2Units = "KILOMETERS";
- break;
- case "KILOMETERS":
- ScaleBar2Units = "MILES";
- break;
- case "FEET":
- ScaleBar2Units = "METERS";
- break;
- case "METERS":
- ScaleBar2Units = "FEET";
- break;
- }
- }
- // save the extent
- function saveLastExtent() {
- lastLeft = eLeft;
- lastRight = eRight;
- lastTop = eTop;
- lastBottom = eBottom;
- }
- // zoom out to full extent
- function fullExtent() {
- if (aimsDHTMLPresent) moveLayer("theMap",hspc,vspc);
- window.scrollTo(0,0);
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft = fullLeft;
- eRight = fullRight;
- eTop = fullTop;
- eBottom = fullBottom;
- //var theString = writeXML();
- sendMapXML();
- }
- function startExtent() {
- if (aimsDHTMLPresent) moveLayer("theMap",hspc,vspc);
- window.scrollTo(0,0);
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft = startLeft;
- eRight = startRight;
- eTop = startTop;
- eBottom = startBottom;
- //var theString = writeXML();
- sendMapXML();
- }
- // zoom back to last extent
- function zoomBack() {
- if (aimsDHTMLPresent) moveLayer("theMap",hspc,vspc);
- var left1 = eLeft;
- var right1 = eRight;
- var top1 = eTop;
- var bottom1 = eBottom;
- eLeft = lastLeft;
- eRight = lastRight;
- eTop = lastTop;
- eBottom = lastBottom;
- lastLeft = left1;
- lastRight = right1;
- lastTop = top1;
- lastBottom = bottom1;
- //var theString = writeXML();
- sendMapXML();
- }
- function zoomToPoint(xIn, yIn, drawIt,theLabel) {
- //alert(xIn + "," + yIn);
- var mWMargin = 0;
- var mHMargin = 0;
- mWMargin = Math.abs(limitRight-limitLeft) * selectPointMargin;
- mHMargin = Math.abs(limitTop-limitBottom) * selectPointMargin;
- var xNum = parseFloat(xIn);
- var yNum = parseFloat(yIn);
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft = xNum - mWMargin;
- eRight = xNum + mWMargin;
- eTop = yNum + mHMargin;
- eBottom = yNum - mHMargin;
- if (drawIt) {
- showGeocode=true;
- geocodeX=xNum;
- geocodeY=yNum;
- geocodeLabel=theLabel;
- }
- sendMapXML();
- }
- function zoomToEnvelope(minXin,minYin,maxXin,maxYin) {
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft=minXin;
- eBottom=minYin;
- eRight=maxXin;
- eTop=maxYin;
- checkFullExtent();
- sendMapXML()
- }
- // zoom to center of fullextent at set scale
- function zoomScale(inScale) {
- // inScale is scale factor where 1.0 = 100% of fullWidth and fullHeight
- var halfWidth = fullWidth / 2;
- var halfHeight = fullHeight / 2
- var midX = eRight - (xDistance / 2);
- var midY = eTop - (yDistance / 2);
- var newWidth = halfWidth * inScale;
- var newHeight = halfHeight * inScale;
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft = midX - newWidth;
- eRight = midX + newWidth;
- eTop = midY + newHeight;
- eBottom = midY - newHeight;
- sendMapXML();
- }
- // get URLs and extents from URL
- function getCommandLineParams(cmdString) {
- // Parse out from URL querystring parameters
- // to pass to the viewer.
- // Syntax:
- // Host=Hostmachine name of Host, if not default
- // Service=MapService name of MapService, if not default
- // OVMap=OvMapService name of Overview MapService, if not default
- // Box=minX:minY:maxX:maxY extent to be displayed
- // Layers=0101101 visible layers,starting from topmost: 0=not visible;1=visible
- // ActiveLayer=layerIndex index of layer to be active, if not default
- // Query=queryExpression query expression to be send on load - expression must be escaped in URL
- // QueryZoom=Yes zoom to above query?
- // StartLeft,StartTop,
- // StartRight,StartBottom starting coords - alternative to Box
- // LimitLeft,LimitTop,
- // LimitRight,LimitBottom limit coords
- // DebugOn=Yes Show all requests, responses
- //
- setLayerVisible.length=0;
- var cmdString2 = cmdString.toUpperCase();
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var pos = cmdString2.indexOf("HOST=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 5;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- hostName = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- serverURL = "http://" + hostName + "/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=";
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("SERVICE="); // formally was MAPSERVICE=
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 8;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- imsURL = serverURL + cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("OVMAP="); // formally was OVMAPSERVICE=
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 6;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- imsOVURL = serverURL + cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("BOX=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 4;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- var boxString = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //alert(boxString);
- var xyBox = boxString.split(":");
- if (xyBox.length==4) {
- startLeft = parseFloat(xyBox[0]);
- startBottom = parseFloat(xyBox[1]);
- startRight = parseFloat(xyBox[2]);
- startTop = parseFloat(xyBox[3]);
- eLeft=startLeft;
- eBottom=startBottom;
- eRight=startRight;
- eTop = startTop;
- }
- //xyBox=null;
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("MAXRECT=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 8;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- var boxString = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //alert(boxString);
- var xyBox = boxString.split(":");
- if (xyBox.length==4) {
- limitLeft = xyBox[0];
- limitBottom = xyBox[1];
- limitRight = xyBox[2];
- limitTop = xyBox[3];
- }
- //xyBox=null;
- }
- if (aimsLayersPresent) {
- // you need to have aimsLayers.js loaded
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("LAYERS=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 7;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- var layers = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //"0" means the layer should be turned off, and "1" means
- //the layer should be visible. For example, "1001" means there
- //are 4 layers. The first and last layer are visible, and the
- //middle two layers are turned off. The first number represents
- //the top-most layer.
- //Parse the layers string
- var numLayers=layers.length;
- icount=0;
- //alert(layers);
- while (icount<=numLayers-1) {
- onoff=layers.substring(icount,icount+1);
- if (onoff=='0') {
- setLayerVisible[icount]=false;
- }
- else if (onoff=='1') {
- setLayerVisible[icount]=true;
- }
- icount=icount+1;
- }
- layers="";
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("ACTIVELAYER=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 12;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- var actlyr = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- //alert(actlyr);
- ActiveLayerIndex = parseInt(actlyr);
- //selectType = LayerType[ActiveLayerIndex];
- actlyr = "";
- }
- if (aimsQueryPresent) {
- // you need to have aimsQuery.js loaded
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("QUERY=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 6;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- var escQuery = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- escQuery = replacePlus(escQuery);
- escQuery = unescape(escQuery);
- highlightedOne = makeXMLsafe(escQuery);
- escQuery="";
- }
- if (highlightedOne!="") {
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("QUERYZOOM=YES");
- if (pos!=-1) queryZoom = true;
- }
- }
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("STARTLEFT=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 10;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- startLeft = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("STARTTOP=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 9;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- startTop = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("STARTRIGHT=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 11;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- startRight = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("STARTBOTTOM=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 12;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- startBottom = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("LIMITLEFT=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 10;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- limitLeft = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("LIMITTOP=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 9;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- limitTop = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("LIMITRIGHT=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 11;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- limitRight = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("LIMITBOTTOM=");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startpos = pos + 12;
- endpos = cmdString.indexOf("&",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = cmdString.length;
- limitBottom = cmdString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("EXTENT=AUTO");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- startLeft=0;
- startRight=0;
- startTop=0;
- startBottom=0;
- limitLeft=0;
- limitRight=0;
- limitTop=0;
- limitBottom=0;
- getStartingExtent=true;
- getLimitExtent=true;
- }
- pos = cmdString2.indexOf("DEBUG=YES");
- if (pos==-1) pos = cmdString2.indexOf("DEBUG=TRUE");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- debugOn=3;
- }
- //alert("imsURL=" + imsURL + "nimsOVURL=" + imsOVURL);
- if (imsURL!="") {
- imsQueryURL= imsURL + "&CustomService=Query";
- imsGeocodeURL = imsURL + "&CustomService=Geocode";
- //canLoad=false;
- }
- // if starting extents zero'd then flag to get start from mapservice
- if ((startLeft!=0) && (startRight!=0)) getStartingExtent=false;
- // if limit extents zero'd then flag to get max from mapservice
- if ((limitLeft!=0) && (limitRight!=0)) {
- getLimitExtent=false;
- enforceFullExtent=true;
- }
- }
- // get directory path of URL
- function getPath(theFullPath) {
- var theSlash = theFullPath.lastIndexOf("/");
- var theDir = theFullPath.substring(0,theSlash);
- if (theDir==null) theDir="";
- theDir = theDir + "/";
- return theDir;
- }
- // check for existance of layer
- function hasLayer(name) {
- var result = false;
- if (isNav4) {
- if (document.layers[name]!=null) result=true;
- } else if (isIE) {
- if (eval('document.all.' + name)!=null) result=true;
- } else if (isNav) {
- var theElements = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
- var theObj;
- var j = -1;
- for (i=0;i<theElements.length;i++) {
- if (theElements[i].id==name) result=true;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- // put up the "RetriveData" image
- function showRetrieveData() {
- if (hasLayer("LoadData")) {
- showLayer("LoadData");
- }
- }
- // hide the "RetriveData" image
- function hideRetrieveData() {
- if (hasLayer("LoadData")) {
- hideLayer("LoadData");
- }
- }
- // put up the "RetriveMap" image
- function showRetrieveMap() {
- if (hasLayer("LoadMap")) {
- showLayer("LoadMap");
- }
- }
- // hide the "RetriveMap" image
- function hideRetrieveMap() {
- if (hasLayer("LoadMap")) {
- hideLayer("LoadMap");
- }
- }
- /* *****************************************************
- * Various Distance Conversion Functions
- * *****************************************************
- */
- // get scale bar distance
- function getScaleBarDistance() {
- // get distance from left and right values in map units
- // convert to ScaleBar units then clip to ScaleBar size
- // Note: decimal are not hard coded to allow use with locales using commas instead of points.
- var mUnits = MapUnits;
- var mDistance = eRight - eLeft;
- var sbDistance = 0
- if (MapUnits=="DEGREES") {
- // if DEGREES then convert to feet
- // first get mid y point
- var midY = eBottom + (eTop-eBottom)/2;
- var tempL = eLeft;
- var tempR = eRight;
- if (tempL<-180) tempL = (-1799999 /10000);
- if (tempR>180) tempL = (1799999/10000);
- var Lon1 = tempL * Math.PI / 180;
- var Lon2 = tempR * Math.PI / 180;
- var Lat1 = midY * Math.PI / 180;
- var Lat2 = midY * Math.PI / 180;
- var LonDist = Math.abs(Lon2-Lon1);
- var LatDist = Math.abs(Lat1-Lat2);
- var A = Math.pow(Math.sin(LatDist / 2),2) + Math.cos(Lat1) * Math.cos(Lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(LonDist /2),2);
- //var A = Math.cos(Lat1) * Math.cos(Lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(LonDist /2),2);
- var C = 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(A)));
- var D = (3963 - 13 * Math.sin((Lat1 + Lat2) / 2)) * C
- mDistance = D * 5280;
- mUnits = "FEET";
- }
- if (mUnits != ScaleBarUnits) {
- theDist = mDistance
- mDistance = convertUnits(theDist,mUnits,ScaleBarUnits);
- }
- sbDistance = mDistance/5;
- // /*
- var num1 = 0;
- var num2 = sbDistance;
- if (sbDistance>10000000) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/5000000);
- num2 = num1 * 5000000;
- } else if (sbDistance>1000000) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/500000);
- num2 = num1 * 500000;
- } else if (sbDistance>100000) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/50000);
- num2 = num1 * 50000;
- } else if (sbDistance>10000) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/5000);
- num2 = num1 * 5000;
- } else if (sbDistance>1000) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/500);
- num2 = num1 * 500;
- } else if (sbDistance>100) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/50);
- num2 = num1 * 50;
- } else if (sbDistance>10) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/5);
- num2 = num1 * 5;
- } else if (sbDistance>1) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/(25/100));
- num2 = num1 * (25/100);
- } else if (sbDistance>0.1) {
- num1 = parseInt(sbDistance/(25/1000));
- num2 = num1 * (25/1000);
- }
- sbDistance = num2;
- // */
- if (sbDistance > 2) {
- ScaleBarPrecision = "0";
- } else if (sbDistance > 1) {
- ScaleBarPrecision = "1";
- } else if (sbDistance > 1/10) {
- ScaleBarPrecision = "2";
- } else if (sbDistance > 1/100) {
- ScaleBarPrecision = "3";
- } else {
- ScaleBarPrecision = "4";
- }
- //alert(mDistance);
- return sbDistance;
- }
- // calculate distance to current scalebarunits
- function calcDistance(mX,mY) {
- // Note: decimal are not hard coded to allow use with locales using commas instead of points.
- if (clickCount>0) {
- var mUnits = MapUnits;
- var mDistance = 0;
- var p = clickCount-1;
- var Lon1 = clickPointX[p] * Math.PI / 180;
- var Lon2 = mX * Math.PI / 180;
- var Lat1 = clickPointY[p] * Math.PI / 180;
- var Lat2 = mY * Math.PI / 180;
- var LonDist = Lon1-Lon2;
- var LatDist = Lat1-Lat2;
- if (MapUnits=="DEGREES") {
- var A = Math.pow(Math.sin(LatDist / 2),2) + Math.cos(Lat1) * Math.cos(Lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(LonDist /2),2);
- //var A = Math.cos(Lat1) * Math.cos(Lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(LonDist /2),2);
- var C = 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(A)));
- var D = (3963 - 13 * Math.sin((Lat1 + Lat2) / 2)) * C
- mDistance = D * 5280;
- mUnits = "FEET";
- } else {
- var xD = Math.abs(mX - clickPointX[p]);
- var yD = Math.abs(mY - clickPointY[p]);
- mDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xD,2) + Math.pow(yD,2));
- }
- var theDist = convertUnits(mDistance,mUnits,ScaleBarUnits);
- var u = Math.pow(10,numDecimals);
- currentMeasure = parseInt(theDist*u+(5/10))/u;
- updateMeasureBox();
- }
- }
- // convert the amounts to new units
- function convertUnits(theDist1,mUnits,sUnits) {
- // Note: decimal are not hard coded to allow use with locales using commas instead of points.
- var theDist = parseFloat(theDist1);
- var mDistance = theDist;
- //alert(theDist);
- if (mUnits == "FEET") {
- if (sUnits=="MILES") {
- mDistance = theDist / 5280;
- } else if (sUnits == "METERS") {
- mDistance = theDist * (3048/10000);
- } else if (sUnits == "KILOMETERS") {
- mDistance = theDist * (3048/10000000);
- }
- } else {
- if (sUnits=="MILES") {
- mDistance = theDist * (6213711922/10000000000000);
- } else if (sUnits == "FEET") {
- mDistance = theDist * (3280839895/1000000000);
- } else if (sUnits == "KILOMETERS") {
- mDistance = theDist / 1000;
- }
- }
- var u = Math.pow(10,numDecimals);
- //alert(u);
- if (!isNav) mDistance = parseInt(mDistance * u + (5/10)) / u
- //alert(mDistance);
- return mDistance;
- }
- // set new map extent
- function setExtent(newLeft, newTop, newRight, newBottom) {
- eLeft = newLeft;
- eTop = newTop;
- eRight = newRight;
- eBottom = newBottom;
- }
- // set new full extent
- function setFullExtent(maxLeft, maxTop, maxRight, maxBottom) {
- fullLeft = maxLeft;
- fullTop = maxTop;
- fullRight = maxRight;
- fullBottom = maxBottom;
- fullWidth = Math.abs(fullRight-fullLeft);
- fullHeight = Math.abs(fullTop-fullBottom);
- }
- function beforeMapRefresh() {
- // add any code for checking parameters before map update
- // called by sendXML() before writing XML request
- //alert("Yup. It works.[1]");
- }
- function afterMapRefresh() {
- // add any code for checking parameters after map update
- // called by processXML() if XMMmode=1 after image and extent is updated
- //alert("Yup. It works.[1]");
- }
- // zoom using button.
- // zoomType: 1=in; 2=out
- function zoomButton(zoomType) {
- saveLastExtent();
- if (zoomType == 1) {
- // zoom in
- eLeft = eLeft + (xHalf/2);
- eRight = eRight - (xHalf/2);
- eTop = eTop - (yHalf/2);
- eBottom = eBottom + (yHalf/2);
- }
- else {
- // zoom out
- eLeft = eLeft - xHalf;
- eRight = eRight + xHalf;
- eTop = eTop + yHalf;
- eBottom = eBottom - yHalf;
- }
- checkFullExtent();
- //var theString = writeXML();
- sendMapXML();
- }
- // pan using arrow buttons
- function panButton(panType) {
- //alert("Left:" + left + "nTop:" + top + "nRight:" + right + "nBottom:" + bottom + "nWidth:" + xDistance + "nHeight:" + yDistance + "nPanX:" + panX + "nPanY:" + panY);
- saveLastExtent();
- xDistance = Math.abs(eRight-eLeft);
- yDistance = Math.abs(eTop-eBottom);
- panX = xDistance * panFactor;
- panY = yDistance * panFactor;
- switch(panType) {
- //if (panType == 1) {
- case 1:
- //west
- eLeft = eLeft - panX;
- eRight = eLeft + xDistance;
- break
- case 2:
- // north
- eTop = eTop + panY;
- eBottom = eTop - yDistance;
- break
- case 3:
- // east
- eRight = eRight + panX;
- eLeft = eRight - xDistance;
- break
- case 4:
- // south
- eBottom = eBottom - panY;
- eTop = eBottom + yDistance;
- break
- case 5:
- // southwest
- eTop = eTop - panY;
- eLeft = eLeft - panX;
- eBottom = eTop - yDistance;
- eRight = eLeft + xDistance;
- break
- case 6:
- // northwest
- eTop = eTop + panY;
- eLeft = eLeft - panX;
- eBottom = eTop - yDistance;
- eRight = eLeft + xDistance;
- break
- case 7:
- // northeast
- eTop = eTop + panY;
- eLeft = eLeft + panX;
- eBottom = eTop - yDistance;
- eRight = eLeft + xDistance;
- break
- case 8:
- // southeast
- eTop = eTop - panY;
- eLeft = eLeft + panX;
- eBottom = eTop - yDistance;
- eRight = eLeft + xDistance;
- }
- checkFullExtent();
- //alert("Left:" + left + "nTop:" + top + "nRight:" + right + "nBottom:" + bottom + "nWidth:" + xDistance + "nHeight:" + yDistance + "nPanX:" + panX + "nPanY:" + panY);
- //var theString = writeXML();
- sendMapXML();
- }
- function checkFullExtent() {
- if (enforceFullExtent) {
- var xDistance1 = eRight - eLeft;
- var yDistance1 = eTop - eBottom;
- if (xDistance1>fullWidth) xDistance1 = fullWidth;
- if (yDistance1>fullHeight) yDistance1 = fullHeight;
- //alert("Adjusting extent to image proportions");
- if ((eLeft < limitLeft) && (eTop > limitTop)) {
- eLeft = limitLeft;
- eRight = limitRight;
- } else {
- if (eLeft < limitLeft) {
- eLeft = limitLeft;
- eRight = eLeft + xDistance1;
- } else if (eRight > limitRight) {
- eRight = limitRight;
- eLeft = eRight - xDistance1;
- }
- }
- if ((eLeft < limitLeft) && (eTop > limitTop)) {
- eTop = limitTop;
- eBottom = limitBottom;
- } else {
- if (eTop > limitTop) {
- eTop = limitTop;
- eBottom = eTop - yDistance1;
- } else if (eBottom < limitBottom) {
- eBottom = limitBottom;
- eTop = eBottom + yDistance1;
- }
- }
- }
- }