资源名称:arcims.rar [点击查看]
- // aimsSelect.js
- /*
- * JavaScript template file for ArcIMS HTML Viewer
- * dependent on aimsXML.js, ArcIMSparam.js, aimsCommon.js, aimsMap.js, aimsIdentify, and aimsLayers.js
- * To be interactive, dependent also on aimsDHTML.js, aimsClick.js, and aimsNavigation.js
- */
- aimsSelectPresent=true;
- var selectData = new Array();
- var selectLeft = new Array();
- var selectRight = new Array();
- var selectTop = new Array();
- var selectBottom = new Array();
- var selMaxEnvelope = new Array();
- var selectLayer="";
- var selectType = "";
- var selectCount = 0;
- var selectBlurb = "";
- var selectEnvelope="";
- var highlightedOne = "";
- //mode - 0=selection; 1=query
- var queryMode=1;
- //mode - 1=query; 2=box,point; 3=line,polygon
- var selectionMode=1;
- var setQueryString="";
- var shapeBufferDistance = 0;
- /*
- ***************************************************************************************
- Selection functions
- ***************************************************************************************
- */
- // select feature
- function select(e) {
- //getImageXY(e);
- getMapXY(mouseX,mouseY);
- searchTolerance = (xDistance/iWidth) * pixelTolerance;
- var tempWest = mapX - searchTolerance;
- var tempNorth = mapY + searchTolerance;
- var tempEast = mapX + searchTolerance;
- var tempSouth = mapY - searchTolerance;
- queryStartRecord=1;
- selectEnvelope='maxy="' + forceComma(tempNorth) + '" maxx="' + forceComma(tempEast) + '" miny="' + forceComma(tempSouth) + '" minx="' + forceComma(tempWest) + '"';
- selectionMode=2;
- showRetrieveData();
- var theString = writeGetFeatures2(tempWest,tempSouth,tempEast,tempNorth);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,selectXMLMode);
- }
- // start select box display
- function startSelectBox(e) {
- if (checkIfActiveLayerAvailable()) {
- moveLayer("theMap",hspc,vspc);
- getImageXY(e);
- // keep it within the MapImage
- if ((mouseX<iWidth) && (mouseY<iHeight)) {
- if (selectBox) {
- stopSelectBox(e);
- } else {
- x1=mouseX;
- y1=mouseY
- x2=x1+1;
- y2=y1+1;
- zleft=x1;
- ztop=y1;
- zbottom=y1;
- zright=x1
- boxIt(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- selectBox=true;
- }
- highlightedOne="";
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- // stop select box display..... select
- function stopSelectBox(e) {
- selectBox=false;
- hideLayer("zoomBoxTop");
- hideLayer("zoomBoxLeft");
- hideLayer("zoomBoxRight");
- hideLayer("zoomBoxBottom");
- if ((zright <zleft+2) && (zbottom < ztop+2)) {
- getMapXY(mouseX,mouseY);
- searchTolerance = (xDistance/iWidth) * pixelTolerance;
- tempLeft = mapX-searchTolerance;
- tempTop = mapY-searchTolerance;
- tempRight = mapX+searchTolerance;
- tempBottom = mapY+searchTolerance;
- } else {
- pixelX = xDistance / iWidth;
- var theY = iHeight - ztop;
- pixelY = yDistance / iHeight;
- tempTop = pixelY * theY + eBottom;
- tempRight = pixelX * zright + eLeft;
- tempLeft = pixelX * zleft + eLeft;
- theY = iHeight - zbottom;
- pixelY = yDistance / iHeight;
- tempBottom = pixelY * theY + eBottom;
- }
- window.scrollTo(0,0);
- queryStartRecord=1;
- var theString = writeGetFeatures2(tempLeft,tempBottom,tempRight,tempTop);
- selectEnvelope='maxy="' + forceComma(tempTop) + '" maxx="' + forceComma(tempRight) + '" miny="' + forceComma(tempBottom) + '" minx="' + forceComma(tempLeft) + '"';
- drawSelectBoundary=true;
- showBuffer=false;
- selectionMode=2;
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,selectXMLMode);
- return true;
- }
- // write out XML request to select features
- function writeGetFeatures2(west1,south1,east1,north1) {
- if (swapSelectFields) {
- selectFields=selFieldList[ActiveLayerIndex];
- //alert(selectFields);
- }
- var theEnvelope = 'maxy="' + forceComma(north1) + '" maxx="' + forceComma(east1) + '" miny="' + forceComma(south1) + '" minx="' + forceComma(west1 )+ '"';
- var theString = writeEnvelopeXML(ActiveLayer,ActiveLayerType,selectFields,maxFeaturesReturned,queryStartRecord,theEnvelope,useLimitExtent);
- //alert(theString);
- selectLayer=ActiveLayer;
- selectType=ActiveLayerType;
- selectCount=0;
- hightlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=1;
- selectLeft.length=1;
- selectRight.length=1;
- selectTop.length=1;
- selectBottom.length=1;
- return theString;
- }
- function writeGetFeatures3() {
- if (swapSelectFields) {
- selectFields=selFieldList[ActiveLayerIndex];
- }
- var theString = writeEnvelopeXML(ActiveLayer,ActiveLayerType,selectFields,maxFeaturesReturned,queryStartRecord,selectEnvelope,useLimitExtent);
- //alert(theString);
- selectLayer=ActiveLayer;
- selectType=ActiveLayerType;
- selectCount=0;
- hightlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=1;
- selectLeft.length=1;
- selectRight.length=1;
- selectTop.length=1;
- selectBottom.length=1;
- return theString;
- }
- // generic envelope select xml write routine
- function writeEnvelopeXML(theLayer,theLayerType,theFields,maxReturned,startRec,theEnvelope,hasLimit) {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_FEATURES outputmode="xml" envelope="true" geometry="false" checkesc ="true"';
- theString += ' featurelimit="' + maxReturned + '" beginrecord="' + startRec + '">n';
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (mCustomLayer.getActiveLayer()>-1){
- theString += mCustomLayer.getActiveLayerString();
- }else{
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + theLayer + '" />';
- }
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- theString += '<SPATIALQUERY subfields="' + theFields + '">';
- theString += '<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection" >';
- theString += '<ENVELOPE ' + theEnvelope + ' />';
- theString += '</SPATIALFILTER>';
- if (hasLimit) {
- // keep this within the limitExtent
- theString += '<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">n';
- theString += '<ENVELOPE maxx="' + forceComma(limitRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(limitTop) + '" minx="' + forceComma(limitLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(limitBottom) + '" />n';
- theString += '</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- }
- theString += '</SPATIALQUERY>';
- theString += '</GET_FEATURES>';
- theString += '</REQUEST>';
- theString += '</ARCXML>';
- return theString;
- }
- // write out xml request for selection by shape
- function writeShapeSelect(theType) {
- if (swapSelectFields) {
- selectFields=selFieldList[ActiveLayerIndex];
- }
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_FEATURES outputmode="xml" envelope="true" geometry="false" checkesc ="true"';
- theString += ' featurelimit="' + maxFeaturesReturned + '" beginrecord="' + queryStartRecord + '">n';
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- if (mCustomLayer.getActiveLayer()>-1){
- theString += mCustomLayer.getActiveLayerString();
- }else{
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + ActiveLayer + '" />';
- }
- //CustomLayer===================================================
- theString += '<SPATIALQUERY subfields="' + selectFields + '">';
- theString += '<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection" >';
- if ((shapeSelectBuffer) && (shapeBufferDistance>0)) {
- // do a buffer around the shape before selecting
- theString += '<BUFFER distance="' + forceComma(shapeBufferDistance) + '" ';
- theString += ' bufferunits="' + ScaleBarUnits + '"';
- theString += ' />n';
- }
- if (theType==1) {
- theString += '<POLYLINE>n<PATH>n';
- } else if (theType==2) {
- theString += '<POLYGON>n<RING>n';
- } else {
- theString += '<MULTIPOINT>n';
- }
- if (theType==0) {
- theString += '<POINT x="' + forceComma(clickPointX[clickCount-1]) + '" y="' + forceComma(clickPointY[clickCount-1]) + '" />n';
- } else {
- for (var i=0;i<clickCount;i++) {
- theString += '<POINT x="' + forceComma(clickPointX[i]) + '" y="' + forceComma(clickPointY[i])+ '" />n';
- }
- }
- if (theType==0) {
- theString += '</MULTIPOINT>n';
- } else if (theType==2) {
- theString += '</RING>n</POLYGON>n';
- } else {
- theString += '</PATH>n</POLYLINE>n';
- }
- theString += '</SPATIALFILTER>';
- if (useLimitExtent) {
- // keep this within the limitExtent
- theString += '<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">n';
- theString += '<ENVELOPE maxx="' + forceComma(limitRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(limitTop) + '" minx="' + forceComma(limitLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(limitBottom) + '" />n';
- theString += '</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- }
- theString += '</SPATIALQUERY>';
- theString += '</GET_FEATURES>';
- theString += '</REQUEST>';
- theString += '</ARCXML>';
- //alert(theString);
- selectLayer=ActiveLayer;
- selectType=ActiveLayerType;
- selectCount=0;
- hightlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=1;
- selectLeft.length=1;
- selectRight.length=1;
- selectTop.length=1;
- selectBottom.length=1;
- return theString;
- }
- // request a selection using a shape
- function sendShapeSelect(theType) {
- queryStartRecord=1;
- selectionMode=3;
- showBuffer=false;
- if (theType==2) {
- if ((clickPointX[0]!=clickPointX[clickCount-1]) && (clickPointY[0]!=clickPointY[clickCount-1])) {
- clickPointX[clickCount]=clickPointX[0];
- clickPointY[clickCount]=clickPointY[0];
- clickCount=clickCount+1;
- }
- }
- showRetrieveData();
- var theString = writeShapeSelect(theType);
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,selectXMLMode);
- }
- // request more records to display
- function getMoreData(startRecord) {
- var theString = "";
- queryStartRecord = startRecord;
- if (selectionMode==1) {
- //query
- theString = writeQueryXML(setQueryString);
- } else if (selectionMode==2) {
- theString = writeGetFeatures3();
- } else {
- var theType = clickType-1;
- theString = writeShapeSelect(theType);
- }
- showRetrieveData();
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,theString,selectXMLMode);
- }
- // refresh map with hightlighted selection
- function showHighlight(selNum) {
- highlightedOne = LayerIDField[ActiveLayerIndex] + " = " + selectPoints[selNum];
- //alert(selectLeft[selNum] + "," + selectRight[selNum]);
- var fWidth = selectRight[selNum] - selectLeft[selNum];
- var fHeight = selectTop[selNum] - selectBottom[selNum];
- var mWMargin = 0;
- var mHMargin = 0;
- if (selectType=="point") {
- mWMargin = fullWidth * selectPointMargin;
- mHMargin = fullHeight * selectPointMargin;
- if (mWMargin > xDistance/2) {
- mWMargin = xDistance/2;
- mHMargin = yDistance/2;
- }
- } else {
- mWMargin = fWidth * selectMargin;
- mHMargin = fHeight * selectMargin;
- }
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft = selectLeft[selNum] - mWMargin;
- eRight = selectRight[selNum] + mWMargin;
- eTop = selectTop[selNum] + mHMargin;
- eBottom = selectBottom[selNum] - mHMargin;
- //alert(highlightedOne);
- legendTemp=legendVisible;
- legendVisible=false;
- sendMapXML();
- }
- // calculate max envelope for returned records
- function calcSelectEnvelope() {
- //alert(selectCount);
- if (selectCount>0) {
- selMaxEnvelope[0] = parseFloat(selectLeft[0]);
- selMaxEnvelope[1] = parseFloat(selectBottom[0]);
- selMaxEnvelope[2] = parseFloat(selectRight[0]);
- selMaxEnvelope[3] = parseFloat(selectTop[0]);
- //alert("0 - " + selMaxEnvelope[0] + "," + selMaxEnvelope[1] + "," + selMaxEnvelope[2] + "," + selMaxEnvelope[3]);
- if (selectCount>1) {
- for (var i=1;i<selectCount;i++) {
- if (parseFloat(selectLeft[i])<selMaxEnvelope[0]) selMaxEnvelope[0] = parseFloat(selectLeft[i]);
- if (parseFloat(selectBottom[i])<selMaxEnvelope[1]) selMaxEnvelope[1] = parseFloat(selectBottom[i]);
- if (parseFloat(selectRight[i])>selMaxEnvelope[2]) selMaxEnvelope[2] = parseFloat(selectRight[i]);
- if (parseFloat(selectTop[i])>selMaxEnvelope[3]) selMaxEnvelope[3] = parseFloat(selectTop[i]);
- //alert(i + " - " + selMaxEnvelope[0] + "," + selMaxEnvelope[1] + "," + selMaxEnvelope[2] + "," + selMaxEnvelope[3]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function zoomToReturnedRecords() {
- calcSelectEnvelope();
- var fWidth = selMaxEnvelope[2] - selMaxEnvelope[0];
- var fHeight = selMaxEnvelope[3] - selMaxEnvelope[1];
- var mWMargin = 0;
- var mHMargin = 0;
- if ((fWidth==0) && (fHeight==0)) {
- mWMargin = fullWidth * selectPointMargin;
- mHMargin = fullHeight * selectPointMargin;
- if (mWMargin > xDistance/2) {
- mWMargin = xDistance/2;
- mHMargin = yDistance/2;
- }
- } else {
- mWMargin = fWidth * selectMargin;
- mHMargin = fHeight * selectMargin;
- }
- saveLastExtent();
- eLeft = selMaxEnvelope[0] - mWMargin;
- eRight = selMaxEnvelope[2] + mWMargin;
- eTop = selMaxEnvelope[3] + mHMargin;
- eBottom = selMaxEnvelope[1] - mHMargin;
- sendMapXML();
- }
- // clear current selection
- function clearSelection() {
- var theCount = selectCount;
- var theHL = highlightedOne;
- selectCount=0;
- showBuffer=false;
- highlightedOne="";
- selectPoints.length=0;
- selectLeft.length=0;
- selectRight.length=0;
- selectTop.length=0;
- selectBottom.length=0;
- drawSelectBoundary=false;
- showGeocode=false;
- clickCount=0;
- totalMeasure=0;
- currentMeasure=0;
- if (useTextFrame) {
- parent.TextFrame.document.writeln('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charSet + '"><html>');
- parent.TextFrame.document.writeln('<body bgcolor="White" text="Black" link="Blue" vlink="Blue">');
- parent.TextFrame.document.writeln('<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><b>' + LayerName[ActiveLayerIndex] + '</b><br>');
- if (toolMode==20) {
- parent.TextFrame.document.writeln(msgList[70]);
- updateMeasureBox()
- }
- else
- parent.TextFrame.document.writeln(msgList[71]);
- parent.TextFrame.document.writeln('</body></html>');
- parent.TextFrame.document.close()
- } else {
- if (toolMode==20) {
- showLayer("measureBox");
- updateMeasureBox()
- alert(msgList[70]);
- } else {
- alert(msgList[71]);
- }
- }
- sendMapXML();
- }
- // add Draw Selected Features to Map XML request
- function addSelectToMap(){
- var selString = "";
- var sFactor = (eRight-eLeft) / iWidth;
- var aspectRatio = iWidth / iHeight;
- var extentRatio = (eRight-eLeft) / (eTop-eBottom);
- if (extentRatio < aspectRatio) sFactor = (eTop-eBottom) / iHeight;
- selectType = LayerType[ActiveLayerIndex];
- if (((sFactor>=LayerMinScale[ActiveLayerIndex]) && (sFactor<=LayerMaxScale[ActiveLayerIndex]) && (LayerVisible[ActiveLayerIndex]==1)) || (canSelectInvisible)) {
- if ((selectCount>0) && (showSelectedFeatures)) {
- selString +='<LAYER type="featureclass" name="' + titleList[22] + '" visible="true">n';
- selString +='<DATASET fromlayer="' + LayerID[ActiveLayerIndex] + '" />n';
- if (selectionMode==1) {
- selString +='<SPATIALQUERY where="' + setQueryString + '"';
- if (useLimitExtent) {
- // keep this within the limitExtent
- selString +='>n<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">n';
- selString +='<ENVELOPE maxx="' + forceComma(limitRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(limitTop) + '" minx="' + forceComma(limitLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(limitBottom) + '" />n';
- selString +='</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- selString +='</SPATIALQUERY>n';
- } else {
- selString +='/>n';
- }
- } else {
- selString +='<SPATIALQUERY>n';
- selString +='<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection" >n';
- if (selectionMode==2) {
- selString +='<ENVELOPE ' + selectEnvelope + ' />n';
- } else {
- if ((shapeSelectBuffer) && (shapeBufferDistance>0)) {
- // do a buffer around the shape before selecting
- selString += '<BUFFER distance="' + forceComma(shapeBufferDistance) + '" ';
- selString += ' bufferunits="' + ScaleBarUnits + '"';
- selString += ' />n';
- }
- if (clickType==2) {
- selString +='<POLYLINE>n<PATH>n';
- } else if (clickType==3) {
- selString +='<POLYGON>n<RING>n';
- } else {
- selString +='<MULTIPOINT>n';
- }
- if (clickType==1) {
- selString +='<POINT x="' + forceComma(clickPointX[clickCount-1]) + '" y="' + forceComma(clickPointY[clickCount-1]) + '" />n';
- } else {
- for (var i=0;i<clickCount;i++) {
- selString +='<POINT x="' + forceComma(clickPointX[i]) + '" y="' + forceComma(clickPointY[i]) + '" />n';
- }
- }
- if (clickType==3) {
- selString +='</RING>n</POLYGON>n';
- } else if (clickType==2) {
- selString +='</PATH>n</POLYLINE>n';
- } else {
- selString +='</MULTIPOINT>n';
- }
- }
- selString +='</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- if (useLimitExtent) {
- // keep this within the limitExtent
- selString +='<SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">n';
- selString +='<ENVELOPE maxx="' + forceComma(limitRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(limitTop) + '" minx="' + forceComma(limitLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(limitBottom) + '" />n';
- selString +='</SPATIALFILTER>n';
- }
- selString +='</SPATIALQUERY>n';
- }
- selString +='<SIMPLERENDERER>n';
- if (selectType=="point") {
- selString +='<SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL color="' + selectColor + '" type="Circle" width="10" />n';
- } else if (selectType=="line") {
- selString +='<SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="SOLID" color="' + selectColor + '" width="3" />n';
- } else {
- selString +='<SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="' + selectColor + '" filltype="solid" transparency="' + forceComma(transparentLevel) + '" boundarycolor="255,255,255" />n';
- }
- selString +='</SIMPLERENDERER>n';
- selString +='</LAYER>n';
- }
- if (selectBlurb!="") {
- // add SelectBlurb to Map XML request
- selString +='<LAYER type="featureclass" name="' + titleList[22] + '" visible="true">n';
- selString +='<DATASET fromlayer="' + LayerID[ActiveLayerIndex] + '" />n';
- selString +='<QUERY where="' + selectBlurb + '" />n';
- selString +='<SIMPLERENDERER>n';
- if (selectType=="point") {
- selString +='<SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL color="' + selectColor + '" type="Circle" width="10" />n';
- } else if (selectType=="line") {
- selString +='<SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="SOLID" color="' + selectColor + '" width="3" />n';
- } else {
- selString +='<SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="' + selectColor + '" filltype="solid" transparency="' + forceComma(transparentLevel) + '" boundarycolor="255,255,255" />n';
- }
- selString +='</SIMPLERENDERER>n';
- selString +='</LAYER>n';
- }
- if (!isArcMapService) {
- if (highlightedOne!="") {
- // add Draw Highlighed Feature to Map XML request
- selString +='<LAYER type="featureclass" name="' + titleList[23] + '" visible="true">n';
- selString +='<DATASET fromlayer="' + LayerID[ActiveLayerIndex] + '" />n';
- selString +='<QUERY where="' + highlightedOne + '" />n';
- selString +='<SIMPLERENDERER>n';
- if (selectType=="point") {
- selString +='<SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL color="' + highlightColor + '" type="Circle" width="10" />n';
- } else if (selectType=="line") {
- selString +='<SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="SOLID" color="' + highlightColor + '" width="3" />n';
- } else {
- selString +='<SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="' + highlightColor + '" filltype="solid" transparency="' + forceComma(transparentLevel) + '" boundarycolor="255,255,255" />n';
- }
- selString +='</SIMPLERENDERER>n';
- selString +='</LAYER>n';
- //alert(selString);
- }
- }
- }
- return selString;
- }