资源名称:arcims.rar [点击查看]
- // aimsGeocode.js
- /*
- * JavaScript template file for ArcIMS HTML Viewer
- * dependent on aimsXML.js, ArcIMSparam.js, aimsCommon.js, aimsMap.js,
- * aimsLayers.js, aimsDHTML.js
- * aimsClick.js, aimsNavigation.js
- */
- aimsGeocodePresent=true;
- var GCLayers = new Array();
- var GCLayerId = new Array();
- var GCLayerStyle = new Array();
- var GCActiveLayer=0;
- var GCidCount=0;
- var GCid = new Array();
- var GClabel = new Array();
- var GCdesc = new Array();
- var GCvalue = new Array();
- var GCpointX = new Array();
- var GCpointY = new Array();
- var GCpointCount = 0;
- var GCscore = new Array();
- var GCaddress = new Array();
- var GCLayerCount=0;
- var SdcGeocodeStyle = "sdcgeocode";
- var geocodeAppMode = "locate"; // default mode - other modes (route, address) require RouteServer Extension
- if (imsGeocodeURL=="") {
- imsGeocodeURL= imsURL + "&CustomService=Geocode";
- }
- /*
- ***************************************************************************************
- Geocoding functions
- ***************************************************************************************
- */
- // set up geocode
- function setupGeocode() {
- getGeocodeParams();
- }
- // get a list of geocoding layers
- function getGeocodeLayers() {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_SERVICE_INFO />n';
- theString += '</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>';
- sendToServer(imsGeocodeURL,theString,25);
- }
- // get the parameters for geocoding the layer
- function getGeocodeParams() {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_SERVICE_INFO />n';
- theString += '</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>';
- var theReply="";
- sendToServer(imsGeocodeURL,theString,26);
- }
- // write out the geocode XML request
- function writeGeocodeXML() {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_GEOCODE maxcandidates="' + maxGeocodeCandidates + '" minscore="' + minGeocodeScore + '">n';
- theString += '<LAYER id="' + GCLayerId[GCActiveLayer] + '" />';
- theString += '<ADDRESS>n';
- for (var i=0;i<GCidCount;i++) {
- theString += '<GCTAG id="' + GCid[i] + '" value="' + GCvalue[i] + '"/>n';
- }
- theString += '</ADDRESS>n</GET_GEOCODE>n</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>n';
- //alert(theString);
- return theString;
- }
- // parse out geocoding layers
- function parseGeocodeLayers(theReply) {
- //alert(theReply);
- var pos = 0;
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var lpos = 0;
- var rCount = 0;
- GCLayers.length=1;
- GCLayerCount=0;
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<LAYERINFO",endpos);
- while (pos!=-1) {
- lpos = theReply.indexOf('name=',pos);
- if (lpos!=-1) {
- startpos = lpos + 6;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCLayers[GCLayerCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf('id=',endpos);
- if (startpos!=-1) {
- startpos += 4;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCLayerId[GCLayerCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- }
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("<GCSTYLE name=",endpos);
- if (startpos!=-1) {
- startpos += 15;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCLayerStyle[GCLayerCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- if (GCLayerStyle[GCLayerCount]==SdcGeocodeStyle) rCount++;
- //alert(GCLayerStyle[GCLayerCount]);
- }
- GCLayerCount=GCLayerCount+1;
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<LAYERINFO",endpos);
- } else {
- // bypass this for now
- //alert(theReply);
- pos =-1;
- }
- }
- if (rCount==0) {
- //no route extension parameters
- useRoute=false;
- useReverseGeocode=false;
- }
- if (GCLayerCount==0) {
- useGeocode=false;
- useRoute=false;
- useReverseGeocode=false;
- }
- if (parent.ToolFrame!=null) {
- //alert("Refreshing toolbar");
- parent.ToolFrame.document.location= appDir + "toolbar.htm";
- }
- //alert("useRoute=" + useRoute + "nuseReverseGeocode=" + useReverseGeocode);
- }
- // parse out the bacic geocode parameters for the layer
- function parseGeocodeParams(theReply,theLayer) {
- //alert(theLayer + "n" + theReply);
- var pos = 0;
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var lpos = 0;
- GCid.length=0;
- GClabel.length=0;
- GCdesc.length=0;
- GCidCount=0;
- var theName = 'name="' + theLayer + '"'
- pos = theReply.indexOf(theName,endpos);
- if (pos!=-1) {
- //alert(theName + " at " + pos);
- startpos = pos + 17;
- lpos = theReply.indexOf("</LAYERINFO>",startpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("<GCINPUT id=",startpos);
- while ((startpos<lpos) && (startpos!=-1)) {
- //if ((startpos<lpos) && (startpos!=-1)){
- //alert(startpos);
- startpos += 13;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCid[GCidCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("description=",endpos);
- startpos += 13;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCdesc[GCidCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("label=",endpos);
- startpos = startpos + 7;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GClabel[GCidCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- GCidCount=GCidCount+1;
- //}
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("<GCINPUT id=",endpos);
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // parse out geocode response and display results in table
- function parseGeocodeResults(theReply) {
- //alert(theReply);
- GCscore.length=1;
- var pos = theReply.indexOf("<GCCOUNT count=");
- var lpos = 0;
- var startpos = pos + 16;
- var startpos2=0;
- var endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- var fString = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- GCpointCount=parseInt(fString);
- var gcCount=0;
- var tempX,tempY;
- //alert(GCpointCount);
- if ((pos>0) && (GCpointCount>0)) {
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<FEATURE");
- if (pos!=-1) {
- while (pos!=-1) {
- lpos = theReply.indexOf("<FIELD",pos);
- if (lpos!=-1) {
- startpos2 = theReply.indexOf('name="SCORE"',lpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("FIELDVALUE valuestring=",startpos2);
- startpos = startpos + 24;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCscore[gcCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- startpos2 = theReply.indexOf('name="ADDRESSFOUND"',lpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("FIELDVALUE valuestring=",startpos2);
- startpos = startpos + 24;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- GCaddress[gcCount] = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- startpos2 = theReply.indexOf('name="SHAPEFIELD"',lpos);
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("<POINT x=",startpos2);
- startpos += 10;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- tempX = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- GCpointX[gcCount]= parseFloat(setDecimalString(tempX));
- startpos = theReply.indexOf("y=",endpos);
- startpos = startpos + 3;
- endpos = theReply.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- tempY = theReply.substring(startpos,endpos);
- GCpointY[gcCount]= parseFloat(setDecimalString(tempY));
- gcCount++;
- }
- pos = theReply.indexOf("<FEATURE",endpos);
- }
- }
- if (geocodeAppMode=="locate") {
- showGeocode=true;
- geocodeX=GCpointX[0];
- geocodeY=GCpointY[0];
- geocodeLabel=GCaddress[0];
- hideRetrieveData();
- //} else {
- var Win1;
- var gPointX, gPointY
- var theFrame = "parent.MapFrame";
- if ((useExternalWindow) || (!useTextFrame)) {
- Win1 ="","GeocodeWindow","width=575,height=120,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- theFrame = "opener";
- if (parent.MapFrame!=null) theFrame = "opener.parent.MapFrame";
- } else {
- Win1 = parent.TextFrame;
- }
- Win1.document.writeln('<html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charSet + '"><head><title>' + titleList[6] + '</title></head>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<body bgcolor="' + textFrameBackColor + '" text="Black" link="Blue" vlink="Blue" LEFTMARGIN=0 onload="window.focus()">');
- Win1.document.writeln('<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><b>' + msgList[57] + '</b>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="color: ' + textFrameTextColor + '; background-color: ' + tableBackColor + '; " nowrap>');
- for (var i=0;i<GCpointCount;i++) {
- gPointX = convertDecimal(GCpointX[i].toString());
- gPointY = convertDecimal(GCpointY[i].toString());
- Win1.document.writeln('<tr>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<td><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><a href="javascript:' + theFrame + '.zoomToPoint(' + GCpointX[i] + ',' + GCpointY[i] + ',true,'' + GCaddress[i] + '')">' + (i+1) + '</a></font></td>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<td><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1">' + GCaddress[i] + '</font></td>');
- Win1.document.writeln('<td><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1">' + GCscore[i] + '</font></td>');
- Win1.document.writeln('</tr>');
- }
- Win1.document.writeln('</table><form><input type="button" onclick="document.location='' + appDir + 'addmatch.htm';" value="' + buttonList[1] + '"></form>');
- Win1.document.writeln('</body></html>');
- Win1.document.close();
- Win1=null;
- if (GCpointCount==1) sendMapXML();
- } else if (geocodeAppMode=="route") {
- // requires RouteServer extension
- hideRetrieveData();
- if ( GCpointCount == 1 ) {
- addStop( parseFloat(GCpointX[0]), parseFloat(GCpointY[0]), GCaddress[0], GCaddress[0] );
- } else {
- var url = appDir + "candidates.htm";
- if ((useExternalWindow) || (!useTextFrame)) {
- Win1 =,"GeocodeWindow","width=575,height=120,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- } else {
- parent.TextFrame.document.location = url;
- }
- }
- } else if (geocodeAppMode=="address") {
- // requires RouteServer extension
- if (zoomToGCPoint) {
- zoomToGCPoint=false;
- hideRetrieveData();
- zoomToRouteEnvelope(parseFloat(GCpointX[0]), parseFloat(GCpointY[0]),parseFloat(GCpointX[0]), parseFloat(GCpointY[0]));
- } else {
- hideRetrieveData();
- //alert(GCaddress[0]);
- writeRGCresultPage(GCaddress[0]);
- }
- }
- } else {
- //no match
- alert(msgList[60]);
- var url = appDir + "addmatch.htm";
- if ((useExternalWindow) || (!useTextFrame)) {
- Win1 =,"GeocodeWindow","width=575,height=120,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- } else {
- parent.TextFrame.document.location = url;
- }
- }
- }