资源名称:arcims.rar [点击查看]
- // aimsXML.js
- /*
- * JavaScript template file for ArcIMS HTML Viewer
- * dependent on ArcIMSparam.js, aimsCommon.js, aimsMap.js,
- */
- aimsXMLPresent=true;
- // client version
- var cVersion = "&ClientVersion=4.0";
- /*
- ***************************************************************************************
- Functions for sending XML requests and XML reponses
- ***************************************************************************************
- */
- // global variables
- // change these in aimsCustom.js to send XML response to custom function.
- // use numbers >= 1000
- var selectXMLMode = 6;
- var identifyXMLMode = 7;
- var queryXMLMode = 8;
- var findXMLMode = 14;
- var hyperlinkXMLMode = 15;
- // encoding for XML header
- var charEncoding = "UTF-8";
- var localeEncoding = 'encoding="' + charEncoding + '" ';
- // charset for dynamic HTML pages - static pages must be changed manually
- var charSet = "GB2312"
- var formColor = "#000000";
- // common dynamic variables
- var XMLMode = 1;
- var okToSend = true;
- var xHalf = xDistance/2;
- var yHalf = yDistance/2;
- // ending position to start parse scan of XML string
- var xmlEndPos = 0;
- var lastXMLResponse = "";
- //var theImageType = "PNG";
- var drawOVExtentBox=false;
- // force a request for Overview map image with each map request?
- var forceNewOVMap = false;
- // the base servlet connector URL
- var connectorURL = "http://" + hostName + "/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=redirect";
- var requestMethod = "Servlet";
- if (parent.connectorType!="") requestMethod = parent.connectorType;
- // index of current active MapService - default is zero - multiples in MultiService sample
- var activeMapServiceIndex = 0;
- // array for determining if extent coordinates should have comma instead of point for decimals
- var forceCommaInRequest = new Array();
- forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex] = false;
- var forceCommaInOV = false;
- var pastStart=false;
- if (hasOVMap != true) pastStart = true;
- // adjust limit extent to match image proportions?
- var adjustLimit=true;
- // dynamic flag for setting focus on external attribute display
- var focusOnData = false;
- var extWin;
- /// send in XML request and get XML response -
- function sendToServer(URLString,XMLRequest,theType) {
- if (parent.PostFrame.document.forms[0]!=null) {
- if (okToSend) {
- XMLMode = theType;
- if (XMLMode==1) showRetrieveMap();
- if (debugOn>2) alert(msgList[8] + URLString + msgList[9] + XMLRequest);
- okToSend = false;
- if (requestMethod.toUpperCase()=="JSP") {
- // uses JSP Connector - must be installed and class path to arcims_jsp.jar set
- jspSendToServer(URLString,XMLRequest,theType);
- } else {
- // default Servlet Connector
- htmlSendToServer(URLString,XMLRequest,theType);
- }
- } else {
- alert(msgList[10]);
- hideRetrieveMap();
- hideRetrieveData();
- }
- } else {
- alert(msgList[11]);
- hideRetrieveMap();
- hideRetrieveData();
- }
- }
- function htmlSendToServer(URLString,XMLRequest,theType) {
- // uses default Servlet Connector - requestMethod="Servlet";
- var cVersion = "&ClientVersion=4.0";
- var thePostForm = parent.PostFrame.document.forms[0];
- URLString = URLString + cVersion;
- var requestURL = URLString;
- if (thePostForm.RedirectURL!=null) {
- if (isNotSameHostInURL(URLString, hostName)) {
- requestURL = connectorURL;
- thePostForm.RedirectURL.value = URLString;
- } else {
- thePostForm.RedirectURL.value = "";
- }
- }
- thePostForm.action = requestURL + "&Form=True&Encode=False";
- var xmlHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" ' + localeEncoding + '?>';
- thePostForm.ArcXMLRequest.value = xmlHeader + XMLRequest;
- //thePostForm.JavaScriptFunction.value = "parent.MapFrame.processXML";
- if (thePostForm.FormCharset!=null) thePostForm.FormCharset.value = charSet;
- if (thePostForm.BgColor!=null) thePostForm.BgColor.value = "#000000";
- thePostForm.submit();
- }
- function jspSendToServer(URLString,XMLRequest,theType) {
- // uses JSP Connector - must be installed
- // class path to arcims_jsp.jar must be set
- var cVersion = "&ClientVersion=4.0";
- var theService = getService(URLString);
- var theHost = getHost(URLString);
- theService += cVersion;
- // get the Post Form and set values, then submit to server
- var thePostForm = parent.PostFrame.document.forms[0];
- // set parameters for the AppServerLink
- var xmlHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" ' + localeEncoding + '?>n';
- thePostForm.ArcXMLRequest.value=xmlHeader + XMLRequest;
- thePostForm.ServerName.value=theHost;
- thePostForm.ServiceName.value=theService;
- // submit to Application Server
- thePostForm.submit();
- }
- function getHost(theURL) {
- var thisHost = "";
- var startpos = theURL.indexOf("//");
- if (startpos==-1) {
- startpos = 0;
- } else {
- startpos = startpos + 2;
- }
- var endpos = theURL.indexOf("/",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = theURL.length;
- thisHost = theURL.substring(startpos,endpos);
- return thisHost;
- }
- function getService(theURL) {
- var theService = "";
- var startpos = theURL.indexOf("ServiceName=");
- if (startpos!=-1) {
- startpos +=12;
- theService = theURL.substring(startpos);
- }
- return theService;
- }
- // send custom XML request. . . set up custom response handler
- function sendCustomToServer(XMLRequest, theFunction, theType) {
- var theForm = parent.PostFrame.document.forms[0];
- theForm.JavaScriptFunction.value = theFunction;
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,XMLRequest,theType)
- }
- // send the created xml request to map server
- function sendMapXML() {
- // ask for the Main map
- //window.onerror=clearError;
- beforeMapRefresh();
- //window.onerror=resetError;
- showRetrieveMap();
- var theText = writeXML();
- if (debugOn==2) alert(msgList[12] + theText);
- sendToServer(imsURL,theText,1);
- }
- // process the response xml
- function processXML(theReplyIn) {
- //alert(XMLMode);
- if (doURLencode) {
- theReplyIn = replacePlus(theReplyIn);
- var theReply = unescape(theReplyIn);
- } else {
- var theReply = theReplyIn;
- }
- lastXMLResponse = theReply;
- okToSend = true;
- if (debugOn>2) alert(msgList[13] + theReply);
- var theError = getXMLErrorMessage(theReply);
- switch(XMLMode) {
- case 1:
- //alert ("Received:nn" + theReply);
- var theURL = "";
- theURL = getURL(theReply);
- //alert(theURL);
- if (theURL != "") {
- getXYs(theReply);
- document.theImage.src = theURL;
- afterMapRefresh();
- }
- else {
- if (debugOn>0) {
- alert(msgList[14] + "n" + theReply);
- } else {
- alert(msgList[14] + theError);
- }
- }
- if (toolMode==20) {
- updateMeasureBox();
- }
- if (legendVisible) {
- showLegend();
- }
- if (hasOVMap) {
- if (ovIsVisible) {
- // ask for the overview
- if ((!pastStart) || (forceNewOVMap)) {
- theText = writeOVXML();
- //pastStart=true;
- sendToServer(imsOVURL,theText,2);
- } else {
- putExtentOnOVMap();
- hideRetrieveMap();
- }
- } else {
- if ((!pastStart) || (forceNewOVMap)) {
- theText = writeOVXML();
- sendToServer(imsOVURL,theText,2);
- } else {
- hideRetrieveMap();
- }
- }
- } else {
- hideRetrieveMap();
- }
- if (aimsBufferPresent) {
- if (getBufferedData) {
- var buffString = writeGetBufferedData();
- if (buffString!="") {
- sendToServer(imsQueryURL,buffString,11);
- } else {
- alert(msgList[15]);
- }
- getBufferedData=false;
- }
- }
- if ((focusOnData) && (!useTextFrame)) {
- if(extWin && && !extWin.closed){
- extWin.focus();
- focusOnData = false;
- extWin = null;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // just put up an overview map
- var theURL = "";
- theURL = getURL(theReply);
- if (!pastStart) {
- getOVXYs(theReply);
- pastStart=true;
- }
- //alert(theURL);
- if (theURL != "") {
- ovImageVar.src = theURL;
- }
- else {
- if (debugOn>0) {
- alert(msgList[16] + "n" + theReply);
- } else {
- alert(msgList[16] + theError);
- }
- }
- if (ovIsVisible) putExtentOnOVMap();
- hideRetrieveMap();
- break;
- case 3:
- // just get full extent - service info
- //alert("processXML()[3]n" + theReply);
- if (getLimitExtent) {
- var pos = theReply.indexOf("<PROPERTIES");
- var theXYs = getEnvelopeXYs(theReply, pos)
- limitLeft = theXYs[0];
- limitBottom = theXYs[1];
- limitRight = theXYs[2];
- limitTop = theXYs[3];
- }
- if (adjustLimit) {
- //adjust limit to proportions of defined image size
- //alert("Limits: " + limitLeft + ", " + limitBottom + ", " + limitRight + ", " + limitTop);
- var imgW2HRatio = iWidth / iHeight;
- var imgH2WRatio = iHeight / iWidth;
- var itWidth = limitRight - limitLeft;
- var itHeight = limitTop - limitBottom;
- var mapRatio = itHeight / itWidth;
- var ix = limitLeft + (itWidth/2);
- var iy = limitBottom + (itHeight/2);
- var iSize = itWidth/2;
- if (iWidth>=iHeight) {
- //alert("Image wider than tall");
- if (imgH2WRatio<mapRatio) {
- //alert("Map ratio greater than Image" );
- iSize = (itHeight * imgW2HRatio) / 2;
- limitRight = ix + iSize;
- limitLeft = ix - iSize;
- } else {
- //alert("Limit wider than tall");
- iSize = (itWidth * imgH2WRatio) / 2;
- limitTop = iy + iSize;
- limitBottom = iy - iSize;
- }
- } else {
- //alert("Image taller than wide");
- if (imgH2WRatio<mapRatio) {
- //alert("Map ratio greater than Image");
- iSize = (itHeight * imgH2WRatio) / 2;
- limitRight = ix + iSize;
- limitLeft = ix - iSize;
- } else {
- //alert("Map ratio smaller than Image");
- iSize = (itWidth * imgH2WRatio) / 2;
- limitTop = iy + iSize;
- limitBottom = iy - iSize;
- }
- }
- //alert("Adjusted Limits: " + limitLeft + ", " + limitBottom + ", " + limitRight + ", " + limitTop);
- }
- imageLimitLeft=limitLeft;
- imageLimitRight=limitRight;
- imageLimitTop=limitTop
- imageLimitBottom=limitBottom;
- fullLeft = limitLeft;
- fullRight = limitRight;
- fullTop = limitTop;
- fullBottom = limitBottom;
- fullWidth = Math.abs(fullRight - fullLeft);
- fullHeight = Math.abs(fullTop - fullBottom);
- fullOVWidth = Math.abs(fullOVRight - fullOVLeft);
- fullOVHeight = Math.abs(fullOVTop - fullOVBottom);
- // get service info - extent, layers
- //alert("processXML()[4]n" + theReply);
- forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex] = false;
- processStartExtent(theReply);
- //alert('ok')
- break;
- case 5:
- // get a list of ImageServices
- //alert("processXML()[5]n" + theReply);
- processCatalog(theReply);
- break;
- case 6:
- // get select response
- displayAttributeData(theReply);
- break;
- case 7:
- // get identify response
- //alert(theReply);
- displayAttributeData(theReply);
- break;
- case 8:
- // get query response
- //alert("processXML()[8]nQuery XML Response:n" + theReply);
- displayAttributeData(theReply);
- break;
- case 9:
- // get geocode response
- processGeocode(theReply);
- break;
- case 10:
- // get identifyall response
- doIdentifyAll(theReply);
- break;
- case 11:
- // get buffer response
- getBufferAttributeData(theReply)
- break;
- /*
- case 13:
- // get route response
- processRoute(theReply);
- break;
- */
- case 14:
- // get find response
- //alert(theReply);
- displayAttributeData(theReply);
- break;
- case 15:
- // get hyperlink response
- parseHyperLink(theReply);
- break;
- case 16:
- // get hyperlinkAny response
- parseHyperLinkAny(theReply);
- break;
- case 20:
- // process startup query
- parseStartQuery(theReply);
- break;
- case 25:
- // get geocoding layers
- parseGeocodeLayers(theReply);
- // continue startup
- if ((aimsQueryPresent) && (highlightedOne!="") && (queryZoom)) {
- setStartQuery();
- } else {
- sendMapXML();
- }
- break;
- case 26:
- // get geocoding layers
- if (parseGeocodeParams(theReply,GCLayers[GCActiveLayer])) {
- var theAddressForm = appDir + "addmatch.htm";
- if ((useExternalWindow) || (!useTextFrame)) {
- var Win1 =,"GeocodeWindow","width=575,height=150,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
- } else {
- parent.TextFrame.document.location= theAddressForm;
- }
- } else {
- if (debugOn>0) {
- alert(msgList[17] + "n" + theReply);
- if (parent.TextFrame!=null) parent.TextFrame.document.location= appDir + "blank.htm";
- } else {
- alert(msgList[17]);
- if (parent.TextFrame!=null) parent.TextFrame.document.location= appDir + "blank.htm";
- }
- }
- break;
- case 27:
- // get geocoding results
- parseGeocodeResults(theReply);
- break;
- case 40:
- // get list of sample field values
- parseFieldSamples(theReply);
- writeQueryForm();
- break;
- case 55:
- // get layer storedqueries
- //alert("55n" + theReply);
- parseStoredQueries(theReply);
- break;
- case 70:
- // get layer field for submission to external db
- parseIDFieldData(theReply);
- break;
- case 98:
- // just put up a map with legend
- var theURL = "";
- theURL = getURL(theReply);
- if (theURL != "") {
- document.theImage.src = theURL;
- }
- if (legendVisible) {
- showLegend();
- drawLegendOnly=false;
- }
- hideRetrieveMap();
- break;
- case 99:
- // just put up a map
- var theURL = "";
- legendVisible=legendTemp;
- theURL = getURL(theReply);
- if (theURL != "") {
- document.theImage.src = theURL;
- }
- else {
- alert(msgList[14] + theReply);
- }
- hideRetrieveMap();
- break;
- case 101:
- // print - get Map image
- printMapURL = getURL(theReply);
- printLegURL = getLegendURL(theReply);
- if (hasOVMap) {
- getPrintOV();
- } else {
- //writePrintPage();
- getPrintLegend();
- }
- break;
- case 102:
- // print - get OV image
- printOVURL = getURL(theReply);
- legendImage = printLegURL
- getPrintLegend();
- break;
- case 103:
- // print - get Legend image
- hideRetrieveMap();
- writePrintPage();
- break;
- case 900:
- // just make a map
- var theURL = "";
- theURL = getURL(theReply);
- if (theURL != "") {
- getXYs(theReply);
- document.theImage.src = theURL;
- }
- break;
- case 902:
- // just put up an overview map
- var theURL = "";
- theURL = getURL(theReply);
- if (theURL != "") {
- ovImageVar.src = theURL;
- }
- var tempLeft = fullLeft;
- var tempRight = fullRight;
- var tempTop = fullTop;
- var tempBottom = fullBottom;
- getOVXYs(theReply);
- pastStart = true;
- fullLeft = tempLeft;
- fullRight = tempRight;
- fullTop = tempTop;
- fullBottom = tempBottom;
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_SERVICE_INFO renderer="false" extensions="true" ';
- if (aimsLayersPresent) {
- if (LayerID.length>0) {
- theString += 'fields="false" ';
- } else {
- theString += 'fields="true" ';
- }
- } else {
- theString += 'fields="false" ';
- }
- theString += '/>n</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>';
- sendToServer(imsURL,theString,3);
- break;
- default:
- // send any responses to custom requests off to the custom handler
- // XMLMode >= 1000 are reserved for custom requests/responses
- if (XMLMode >= 1000) {
- useCustomFunction(theReply);
- } else {
- alert(theReply + msgList[19]);
- }
- }
- }
- // prepare the request in xml format for Main Map
- function writeXML() {
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_IMAGE>n<PROPERTIES>n<ENVELOPE minx="' + forceComma(eLeft) + '" miny="' + forceComma(eBottom) + '" maxx="' + forceComma(eRight) + '" maxy="' + forceComma(eTop) + '" />n';
- theString += '<IMAGESIZE height="' + iHeight + '" width="' + iWidth + '" />n';
- var visString = "";
- if (aimsLayersPresent) {
- // tell the server which layers are to be visible
- if (toggleVisible) {
- theString += '<LAYERLIST >n';
- if (mCustomLayer.bCustomLayer){
- if (CustonmsLayerName.length!=0){
- //加载原有
- for (var i=0;i<serverLayerCount;i++) {
- if (LayerVisible[i]==1) {
- theString += '<LAYERDEF id="' + LayerID[i] + '" visible="true" ';
- if (aimsClassRenderPresent) {
- theString += addSpecialRenderToMap(i);
- } else {
- theString += '/>n';
- }
- }
- else {
- theString += '<LAYERDEF id="' + LayerID[i] + '" visible="false" />n';
- }
- }
- }else{
- for (var i=0;i<serverLayerCount;i++) {
- if (LayerVisible[i]==1) {
- theString += '<LAYERDEF id="' + LayerID[i] + '" visible="true" ';
- if (aimsClassRenderPresent) {
- theString += addSpecialRenderToMap(i);
- } else {
- theString += '/>n';
- }
- }else {
- theString += '<LAYERDEF id="' + LayerID[i] + '" visible="false" />n';
- }
- }
- var _CusStr = '';
- for (var i=mCustomLayer.CustonmsStartId;i<LayerVisible.length;i++){
- if (LayerVisible[i]==1){
- _CusStr += 'true,';
- }else{
- _CusStr += 'false,';
- }
- }
- mCustomLayer.setLayerVisible(_CusStr);
- }
- }else{
- for (var i=0;i<serverLayerCount;i++) {
- if (LayerVisible[i]==1) {
- theString += '<LAYERDEF id="' + LayerID[i] + '" visible="true" ';
- if (aimsClassRenderPresent) {
- theString += addSpecialRenderToMap(i);
- } else {
- theString += '/>n';
- }
- }
- else {
- theString += '<LAYERDEF id="' + LayerID[i] + '" visible="false" />n';
- }
- }
- }
- theString += '</LAYERLIST>n';
- }
- }
- // map background color
- if (mapTransparent) {
- theString += '<BACKGROUND color="255,255,254" transcolor="255,255,254" />n';
- } else {
- if (mapBackColor!="") {
- theString += '<BACKGROUND color="' + mapBackColor + '" />nn';
- }
- }
- if (aimsLegendPresent) {
- // create a legend image
- if (legendVisible) theString += addLegendToMap();
- }
- theString += '</PROPERTIES>n';
- //提前的函数
- // any custom stuff to fit here
- if (aimsCustomPresent) theString += addCustomToMap1();
- // buffer
- if (aimsBufferPresent) {
- if (showBuffer) theString += addBufferToMap();
- }
- // select
- if (aimsSelectPresent) {
- theString += addSelectToMap();
- }
- if (aimsClickPresent){
- // clickpoints
- if (clickCount>0) {
- // draw click points and lines between them on map
- var clickColor = selectColor;
- if (clickType==1) clickColor = clickMarkerColor;
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="allTheClicks">n';
- if (clickCount>1) {
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<LINE coords="' + forceComma(clickPointX[0]) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointY[0]);
- for (var i=1;i<clickCount;i++) {
- theString += pairsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointX[i]) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointY[i]);
- }
- theString += '" >n';
- theString += '<SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" color="' + clickMarkerColor;
- theString += '" width="3" />n</LINE>n</OBJECT>n';
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<LINE coords="' + forceComma(clickPointX[0]) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointY[0]);
- for (var i=1;i<clickCount;i++) {
- theString += pairsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointX[i]) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointY[i]);
- }
- theString += '" >n';
- theString += '<SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" color="255,255,255" width="1" />n</LINE>n</OBJECT>n';
- }
- for (var i=0;i<clickCount;i++) {
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<POINT coords="' + forceComma(clickPointX[i]) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(clickPointY[i]) + '">n';
- theString += '<SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL type="' + clickMarkerType + '"';
- theString += ' color="' + clickMarkerColor + '" width="' + clickMarkerSize + '" />n</POINT>n</OBJECT>n';
- }
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- }
- // route display - requires RouteServer extension
- if (aimsRoutePresent) {
- if (geocodeAppMode=="route") theString += addRouteToMapXML("");
- }
- // geocoding or point with label
- if (showGeocode) {
- // draw the point . . . also used to display any point with a label on map
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="GeoCode1">n';
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<POINT coords="' + forceComma(geocodeX) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(geocodeY) + '">n';
- theString += '<SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL type="circle" color="' + geocodePointColor + '" width="' + geocodePointSize +'" overlap="false" />n</POINT></OBJECT>n';
- if (geocodeLabel!="") {
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<TEXT coords="' + forceComma(geocodeX) + coordsDelimiter + forceComma(geocodeY) + '" label="' + geocodeLabel + '">n';
- theString += '<TEXTMARKERSYMBOL fontcolor="' + geocodePointColor + '" fontsize="12" shadow="64,64,64" glowing="255,255,0" halignment="right" valignment="top" overlap="false" /></TEXT></OBJECT>n';
- }
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- // any custom stuff to fit here
- if (aimsCustomPresent) theString += addCustomToMap2();
- if (drawBottomBar) {
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="theBottomBar">n';
- theString += '<OBJECT units="pixel">n<POLYGON ';
- theString += 'coords="0' + coordsDelimiter + '1' + pairsDelimiter;
- theString += '1' + coordsDelimiter + bottomBarHeight + pairsDelimiter;
- theString += (iWidth-1) + coordsDelimiter + bottomBarHeight + pairsDelimiter;
- theString += (iWidth-1) + coordsDelimiter + '1' + pairsDelimiter;
- theString += '0' + coordsDelimiter + '1">n';
- theString += '<SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="' + bottomBarColor + '" boundary="true" boundarycolor="' + bottomBarOutline + '" overlap="false" />n';
- theString += '</POLYGON>n</OBJECT>n';
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- if (drawCopyright) {
- // draw text on the map
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="theCopyright">n';
- theString += '<OBJECT units="pixel">n<TEXT coords="' + CopyrightCoords + '" label="' + CopyrightText + '">n';
- theString += '<TEXTMARKERSYMBOL fontstyle="' + CopyrightStyle + '" fontsize="' + CopyrightSize + '" ';
- if (CopyrightFont!="") theString += 'font="' + CopyrightFont + '" ';
- theString += 'fontcolor="' + CopyrightColor + '" antialiasing="True" ';
- //if (CopyrightBackground.toUpperCase()=="TRUE") theString += 'background="' + CopyrightBackground + '" backcolor="' + CopyrightBGColor + '" ';
- if (CopyrightBackground.toUpperCase()=="TRUE") theString += 'blockout="' + CopyrightBGColor + '" ';
- if (CopyrightShadow.toUpperCase()=="TRUE") theString += 'shadow="' + CopyrightShadowColor + '" ';
- theString += 'overlap="false" ';
- if (CopyrightGlow.toUpperCase()=="TRUE") theString += ' glowing="' + CopyrightGlowColor + '" ';
- theString += '/>n</TEXT>n</OBJECT>n';
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- if (drawNorthArrow) {
- // draw a north arrow
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="theNorthArrow">n';
- theString += '<OBJECT units="pixel">n<NORTHARROW type="' + NorthArrowType + '" size="' + NorthArrowSize + '" coords="' + NorthArrowCoords + '" shadow="32,32,32" ';
- theString += 'angle="' + NorthArrowAngle + '" antialiasing="True" overlap="False" />n</OBJECT>n';
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- if (drawScaleBar) {
- // draw a scale bar
- //ScaleBarPrecision = numDecimals;
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="theScaleBar">n';
- xDistance = eRight - eLeft;
- theString += '<OBJECT units="pixel">n';
- theString += '<SCALEBAR ';
- if (drawScaleBar2) {
- theString += 'screenlength="' + parseInt(iWidth * (1/10)) + '" coords="' + (iWidth-((parseInt(iWidth * (4/10)))+20)) + coordsDelimiter + '3" ';
- } else {
- theString += 'screenlength="' + parseInt(iWidth * (2/10)) + '" coords="' + parseInt(iWidth * (6/10)) + coordsDelimiter + '3" ';
- }
- if (MapUnits=="DEGREES") theString += 'mode="geodesic" ';
- if (ScaleBarFont!="") theString += 'font="' + ScaleBarFont + '" ';
- theString += 'fontcolor="' + ScaleBarFontColor + '" fontstyle="' + ScaleBarStyle + '" barcolor="' + ScaleBarColor + '" ';
- if (MapUnits!="DEGREES") {
- theString += 'mapunits="' + MapUnits.toLowerCase() + '" ';
- }
- theString += 'scaleunits="' + ScaleBarUnits.toLowerCase() + '" antialiasing="True" ';
- var sDistance = getScaleBarDistance();
- if (MapUnits=="DEGREES") {
- if (xDistance<1/10){
- theString += 'precision="' + ScaleBarPrecision + '" ';
- }
- } else if (sDistance<5) {
- theString += 'precision="' + ScaleBarPrecision + '" ';
- }
- //theString += 'screenlength="' + parseInt(iWidth * (2/10)) + '" ';
- theString += 'fontsize="' + ScaleBarSize + '" barwidth="' + ScaleBarWidth + '" overlap="False" ';
- //*/
- theString += '/>n</OBJECT>n';
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- if (drawScaleBar2) {
- // draw a scale bar
- //ScaleBarPrecision = numDecimals;
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="theScaleBar2">n';
- xDistance = eRight - eLeft;
- theString += '<OBJECT units="pixel">n';
- theString += '<SCALEBAR ';
- if (drawScaleBar) {
- theString += 'screenlength="' + parseInt(iWidth * (1/10)) + '" coords="' + (iWidth-((parseInt(iWidth * (2/10)))+10)) + coordsDelimiter + '3" ';
- } else {
- theString += 'screenlength="' + parseInt(iWidth * (2/10)) + '" coords="' + parseInt(iWidth * (6/10)) + coordsDelimiter + '3" ';
- }
- if (MapUnits=="DEGREES") theString += 'mode="geodesic" ';
- if (ScaleBar2Font!="") theString += 'font="' + ScaleBar2Font + '" ';
- theString += 'fontcolor="' + ScaleBar2FontColor + '" fontstyle="' + ScaleBar2Style + '" barcolor="' + ScaleBar2Color + '" ';
- if (MapUnits!="DEGREES") {
- theString += 'mapunits="' + MapUnits.toLowerCase() + '" ';
- }
- theString += 'scaleunits="' + ScaleBar2Units.toLowerCase() + '" antialiasing="True" ';
- var sDistance = getScaleBarDistance();
- if (MapUnits=="DEGREES") {
- if (xDistance<1/10){
- theString += 'precision="' + ScaleBar2Precision + '" ';
- }
- } else if (sDistance<5) {
- theString += 'precision="' + ScaleBar2Precision + '" ';
- }
- //theString += 'screenlength="' + parseInt(iWidth * (2/10)) + '" ';
- theString += 'fontsize="' + ScaleBar2Size + '" barwidth="' + ScaleBar2Width + '" overlap="False" ';
- //*/
- theString += '/>n</OBJECT>n';
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- // any custom stuff to fit here
- if (aimsCustomPresent) theString += addCustomToMap3();
- // any custom stuff to be drawn on top of everything
- if (aimsCustomPresent) theString += addCustomToMap4();
- theString += '</GET_IMAGE>n</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>';
- //alert(theString);
- return theString;
- }
- // prepare the request in xml format for overview map
- function writeOVXML() {
- var extentRatio = xDistance/fullWidth;
- var midX = eLeft + xHalf;
- var midY = eBottom + yHalf;
- var theString = '<ARCXML version="1.1">n<REQUEST>n<GET_IMAGE><PROPERTIES>n';
- theString += '<ENVELOPE minx="' + forceOVComma(fullOVLeft) + '" miny="' + forceOVComma(fullOVBottom) + '" maxx="' + forceOVComma(fullOVRight) + '" maxy="' + forceOVComma(fullOVTop) + '" />n';
- theString += '<IMAGESIZE height="' + i2Height + '" width="' + i2Width + '" />n';
- if ((toggleOVVisible) && (imsURL==imsOVURL)) {
- theString += '<LAYERLIST >n';
- for (var i=0;i<layerCount;i++) {
- if (LayerVisible[i]==1) {
- visString = "true";
- }
- else {
- visString = "false";
- }
- theString += '<LAYERDEF name="' + LayerName[i] + '" visible="' + visString + '" />n';
- }
- theString += '</LAYERLIST>n';
- }
- if (mapBackColor!="") {
- theString += '<BACKGROUND color="' + mapBackColor + '" />n';
- }
- theString += '</PROPERTIES>n';
- if (drawOVExtentBox) {
- theString += '<LAYER type="acetate" name="ACETATE">n';
- if (extentRatio<(1/100)) {
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<POINT coords="' + forceOVComma(midX) + coordsDelimiter + forceOVComma(midY) + '">n';
- theString += '<SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL type="Square" color="' + convertHexToDec(ovBoxColor) + '" width="4" />n</POINT></OBJECT>n';
- } else {
- theString += '<OBJECT units="database">n<LINE coords="' + forceOVComma(eLeft) + coordsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eBottom) + pairsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eLeft) + coordsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eTop) + pairsDelimiter;
- theString += forceOVComma(eRight) + coordsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eTop) + pairsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eRight) + coordsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eBottom) + pairsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eLeft) + coordsDelimiter + forceOVComma(eBottom) + '">n';
- theString += '<SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" color="' + convertHexToDec(ovBoxColor) + '" width="1" />n</LINE></OBJECT>n';
- }
- theString += '</LAYER>n';
- }
- theString += '</GET_IMAGE>n</REQUEST>n</ARCXML>';
- //alert(theString);
- return theString;
- }
- // get the map extents from xml reply
- function getXYs(theString) {
- var tempStr = "";
- var smallStr = "";
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var theReply = theString
- var theXYs = getEnvelopeXYs(theString, 0)
- eLeft = theXYs[0];
- eBottom = theXYs[1];
- eRight = theXYs[2];
- eTop = theXYs[3];
- xDistance = Math.abs(eRight-eLeft);
- yDistance = Math.abs(eTop-eBottom);
- xHalf = xDistance / 2;
- yHalf = yDistance / 2;
- panX = xDistance * panFactor;
- panY = yDistance * panFactor;
- var sFactor = xDistance / iWidth
- var aspectRatio = iWidth / iHeight;
- var extentRatio = (eRight-eLeft) / (eTop-eBottom);
- if (extentRatio < aspectRatio) sFactor = (eTop-eBottom) / iHeight;
- if (aimsLayersPresent) {
- if (sFactor!=mapScaleFactor) {
- mapScaleFactor = sFactor;
- if ((hasTOC) && (!legendVisible)) parent.TOCFrame.document.location = appDir + "toc.htm";
- if (aimsLayersPresent) {
- if (LayerListOpen) writeLayerListForm();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // get the map extents from xml reply
- function getOVXYs(theString) {
- var tempStr = "";
- var smallStr = "";
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var tempComma = forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex];
- var theXYs = getEnvelopeXYs(theString, 0)
- forceCommaInOV = forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex];
- forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex] = tempComma;
- fullOVLeft = theXYs[0];
- fullOVBottom = theXYs[1];
- fullOVRight = theXYs[2];
- fullOVTop = theXYs[3];
- fullOVWidth = Math.abs(fullOVRight - fullOVLeft);
- fullOVHeight = Math.abs(fullOVTop - fullOVBottom);
- //alert("Left:" + fullLeft + "nTop:" + fullTop + "nRight:" + fullRight + "nBottom:" + fullBottom);
- }
- // get URL
- function getURL(theReply) {
- var theURL = "";
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var pos = theReply.indexOf("OUTPUT");
- if (pos != -1) {
- theURL = getInsideString(theReply,'url="',dQuote,pos,0,false);
- }
- legendImage = getLegendURL(theReply);
- return theURL;
- }
- // getLegendURL
- function getLegendURL(theReply) {
- var theURL = "";
- var startpos = 0;
- var endpos = 0;
- var pos = theReply.indexOf("LEGEND");
- //alert(pos);
- if (pos != -1) {
- theURL = getInsideString(theReply,'url="',dQuote,pos,0,false);
- }
- //alert("Legend:" + theURL);
- return theURL;
- }
- // just make a map with URL and extent
- function justGetMap(theURL, extentLeft, extentTop, extentRight, extentBottom, getOVMap) {
- var mode = 900;
- if (getOVMap) mode = 1;
- if (extentLeft!="") eLeft = extentLeft;
- if (extentTop!="") eTop = extentTop
- if (extentRight!="") eRight = extentRight;
- if (extentBottom!="") eBottom = extentBottom;
- var theText = writeXML();
- if (debugOn==2) alert(msgList[12] + theText);
- sendToServer(theURL,theText,mode);
- }
- // get min and max x,y's from xml stream . . . return an array with values
- function getEnvelopeXYs(theString, startpos) {
- var theEnvelope = new Array();
- //forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex] = false;
- theString = theString.toUpperCase();
- var tempString = "";
- var pos = theString.indexOf("ENVELOPE",startpos);
- if (pos!=-1) {
- pos = pos + 8;
- startpos = theString.indexOf("MINX=",pos);
- startpos += 6;
- var endpos = theString.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- tempString = theString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- theEnvelope[0] = parseFloat(setDecimalString(tempString));
- startpos = theString.indexOf("MINY=",pos);
- startpos += 6;
- endpos = theString.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- tempString = theString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- theEnvelope[1] = parseFloat(setDecimalString(tempString));
- startpos = theString.indexOf("MAXX=",pos);
- startpos += 6;
- endpos = theString.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- tempString = theString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- theEnvelope[2] = parseFloat(setDecimalString(tempString));
- startpos = theString.indexOf("MAXY=",pos);
- startpos += 6;
- endpos = theString.indexOf(dQuote,startpos);
- tempString = theString.substring(startpos,endpos);
- theEnvelope[3] = parseFloat(setDecimalString(tempString));
- xmlEndPos = endpos;
- }
- return theEnvelope;
- }
- // set number string to have decimal character to match browser language type - point or comma
- function setDecimalString(numberString) {
- if (numberString.indexOf(",")!=-1) forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex] = true;
- if (decimalChar==".") {
- numberString = numberString.replace(/,/g, ".");
- } else {
- numberString = numberString.replace(/./g, ",");
- }
- return numberString;
- }
- function forceComma(theNumber) {
- var comma = ",";
- var dot = ".";
- var charOut = comma;
- var charIn = dot;
- var numberString = new String(theNumber);
- if (forceCommaInRequest[activeMapServiceIndex]) {
- charOut = dot;
- charIn = comma;
- }
- var pos = numberString.indexOf(charOut);
- if (pos!=-1) {
- var begin = numberString.substring(0,pos);
- var ending = numberString.substring(pos+1, numberString.length);
- numberString = begin + charIn + ending;
- }
- return numberString;
- }
- function forceOVComma(theNumber) {
- var comma = ",";
- var dot = ".";
- var charOut = comma;
- var charIn = dot;
- var numberString = new String(theNumber);
- if (forceCommaInOV) {
- charOut = dot;
- charIn = comma;
- }
- var pos = numberString.indexOf(charOut);
- if (pos!=-1) {
- var begin = numberString.substring(0,pos);
- var ending = numberString.substring(pos+1, numberString.length);
- numberString = begin + charIn + ending;
- }
- return numberString;
- }
- // check if there is an error message in the response
- function getXMLErrorMessage(theString) {
- var pos1 = 0;
- var pos2 = 0;
- var pos3 = 0;
- var theError = "";
- pos3 = theString.indexOf("<ERROR");
- if (pos3!=-1) {
- pos1 = theString.indexOf(">",pos3);
- pos1 += 1;
- pos2 = theString.indexOf("</ERROR");
- theError = theString.substring(pos1,pos2)
- }
- return theError;
- }
- // check if theURL has different host from theHost
- function isNotSameHostInURL(theURL, theHost) {
- var startpos = theURL.indexOf("//");
- if (startpos==-1) {
- startpos = 0;
- } else {
- startpos = startpos + 2;
- }
- var endpos = theURL.indexOf("/",startpos);
- if (endpos==-1) endpos = theURL.length;
- var thisHost = theURL.substring(startpos,endpos);
- if (thisHost==theHost) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // reposition map image after a pan
- function resetPanImage(){
- if (toolMode==3) {
- moveLayer("theMap",hspc,vspc);
- clipLayer2("theMap",0,0,iWidth,iHeight);
- window.setTimeout('showLayer("theMap");',1000);
- if (hasLayer("theMapClicks")) {
- moveLayer("theMapClicks",hspc,vspc);
- clipLayer2("theMapClicks",0,0,iWidth,iHeight);
- }
- }
- document.theImage.onload = null;
- }