- // Title: Tigra Tree
- // Description: See the demo at url
- // URL: http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_menu_tree/
- // Version: 1.0
- // Date: 07-20-2002 (mm-dd-yyyy)
- // Contact: feedback@softcomplex.com (specify product title in the subject)
- // Notes: Registration needed to use this script on your web site.
- // Registration for this version (1.0) is free of charge.
- // Visit official site for details
- function tree (a_items, a_template) {
- this.a_tpl = a_template;
- this.a_config = a_items;
- this.o_root = this;
- this.a_index = [];
- this.o_selected = null;
- this.n_depth = -1;
- var o_icone = new Image(),
- o_iconl = new Image();
- o_icone.src = a_template['icon_e'];
- o_iconl.src = a_template['icon_l'];
- a_template['im_e'] = o_icone;
- a_template['im_l'] = o_iconl;
- for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
- if (a_template['icon_' + i]) {
- var o_icon = new Image();
- a_template['im_' + i] = o_icon;
- o_icon.src = a_template['icon_' + i];
- }
- this.toggle = function (n_id) { var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; o_item.open(o_item.b_opened) };
- this.select = function (n_id) { return this.a_index[n_id].select(); };
- this.mout = function (n_id) { this.a_index[n_id].upstatus(true) };
- this.mover = function (n_id) { this.a_index[n_id].upstatus() };
- this.a_children = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < a_items.length; i++)
- new tree_item(this, i);
- this.n_id = trees.length;
- trees[this.n_id] = this;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.a_children.length; i++) {
- document.write(this.a_children[i].init());
- this.a_children[i].open();
- }
- }
- function tree_item (o_parent, n_order) {
- this.n_depth = o_parent.n_depth + 1;
- this.a_config = o_parent.a_config[n_order + (this.n_depth ? 2 : 0)];
- if (!this.a_config) return;
- this.o_root = o_parent.o_root;
- this.o_parent = o_parent;
- this.n_order = n_order;
- this.b_opened = !this.n_depth;
- this.n_id = this.o_root.a_index.length;
- this.o_root.a_index[this.n_id] = this;
- o_parent.a_children[n_order] = this;
- this.a_children = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.a_config.length - 2; i++)
- new tree_item(this, i);
- this.get_icon = item_get_icon;
- this.open = item_open;
- this.select = item_select;
- this.init = item_init;
- this.upstatus = item_upstatus;
- this.is_last = function () { return this.n_order == this.o_parent.a_children.length - 1 };
- }
- function item_open (b_close) {
- var o_idiv = get_element('i_div' + this.n_id);
- if (!o_idiv) return;
- if (!o_idiv.innerHTML) {
- var a_children = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.a_children.length; i++)
- a_children[i]= this.a_children[i].init();
- o_idiv.innerHTML = a_children.join('');
- }
- o_idiv.style.display = (b_close ? 'none' : 'block');
- this.b_opened = !b_close;
- var o_jicon = document.images['j_img' + this.n_id],
- o_iicon = document.images['i_img' + this.n_id];
- if (o_jicon) o_jicon.src = this.get_icon(true);
- if (o_iicon) o_iicon.src = this.get_icon();
- this.upstatus();
- }
- function item_select (b_deselect) {
- if (!b_deselect) {
- var o_olditem = this.o_root.o_selected;
- this.o_root.o_selected = this;
- if (o_olditem) o_olditem.select(true);
- }
- var o_iicon = document.images['i_img' + this.n_id];
- if (o_iicon) o_iicon.src = this.get_icon();
- get_element('i_txt' + this.n_id).style.fontWeight = b_deselect ? 'normal' : 'bold';
- this.upstatus();
- return Boolean(this.a_config[1]);
- }
- function item_upstatus (b_clear) {
- window.setTimeout('window.status="' + (b_clear ? '' : this.a_config[0] + (this.a_config[1] ? ' ('+ this.a_config[1] + ')' : '')) + '"', 10);
- }
- function item_init () {
- var a_offset = [],
- o_current_item = this.o_parent;
- for (var i = this.n_depth; i > 1; i--) {
- a_offset[i] = '<img src="' + this.o_root.a_tpl[o_current_item.is_last() ? 'icon_e' : 'icon_l'] + '" border="0" align="absbottom">';
- o_current_item = o_current_item.o_parent;
- }
- return '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td nowrap>' + (this.n_depth ? a_offset.join('') + (this.a_children.length ? '<a href="javascript: trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')"><img src="' + this.get_icon(true) + '" border="0" align="absbottom" name="j_img' + this.n_id + '"></a>' : '<img src="' + this.get_icon(true) + '" border="0" align="absbottom">') : '') + '<a href="' + this.a_config[1] + '" target="' + this.o_root.a_tpl['target'] + '" onclick="return trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].select(' + this.n_id + ')" ondblclick="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'i" id="i_txt' + this.n_id + '"><img src="' + this.get_icon() + '" border="0" align="absbottom" name="i_img' + this.n_id + '" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'im">' + this.a_config[0] + '</a></td></tr></table>' + (this.a_children.length ? '<div id="i_div' + this.n_id + '" style="display:none"></div>' : '');
- }
- function item_get_icon (b_junction) {
- // alert('icon_' + ((this.n_depth ? 0 : 32) + (this.a_children.length ? 16 : 0) + (this.a_children.length && this.b_opened ? 8 : 0) + (!b_junction && this.o_root.o_selected == this ? 4 : 0) + (b_junction ? 2 : 0) + (b_junction && this.is_last() ? 1 : 0)));
- return this.o_root.a_tpl['icon_' + ((this.n_depth ? 0 : 32) + (this.a_children.length ? 16 : 0) + (this.a_children.length && this.b_opened ? 8 : 0) + (!b_junction && this.o_root.o_selected == this ? 4 : 0) + (b_junction ? 2 : 0) + (b_junction && this.is_last() ? 1 : 0))];
- }
- var trees = [];
- get_element = document.all ?
- function (s_id) { return document.all[s_id] } :
- function (s_id) { return document.getElementById(s_id) };