- # Perl script to easily launch AT91 debug sessions.
- use File::Basename;
- # List of supported boards
- my @boards = ("at91sam7se-ek",
- "at91sam9260-ek",
- "at91sam9261-ek",
- "at91sam9263-ek",
- "at91sam9rl-ek",
- "at91sam9xe-ek",
- "at91sam9g20-ek",
- "at91sam9m10-ek",
- "at91cap9-dk",
- "at91cap9-stk"
- );
- # Check that an argument has been provided
- if (!@ARGV[0]) {
- print("Usage: " . basename($0) . " <elf-file>n");
- exit(1);
- }
- # Parse file name
- my $file = @ARGV[0];
- my $script = "";
- my $gdb = dirname($0);
- # Check #2: this must be an elf file
- if ($file !~ m/.*.elf/i) {
- print(".elf file expected.n");
- exit(2);
- }
- # Check #1: 'sdram' or 'ddram' or 'bcram' token in filename
- if (($file =~ m/.*sdram.*/i) or ($file =~ m/.*ddram.*/i) or ($file =~ m/.*bcram.*/i) or ($file =~ m/.*sam9.*/i) or ($file =~ m/.*cap9.*/i) ) {
- # Find board basename
- foreach $board (@boards) {
- if (index($file, $board) != -1) {
- $script = "$gdb\$board";
- }
- }
- # Add -ek-mck or -ek-sdram depending on need
- if ($file =~ m/.*sdram.*/i) {
- $script .= "-sdram.gdb";
- }
- elsif ($file =~ m/.*ddram.*/i) {
- $script .= "-ddram.gdb";
- }
- elsif ($file =~ m/.*bcram.*/i) {
- $script .= "-bcram.gdb";
- }
- else {
- $script .= "-sram.gdb";
- }
- }
- # Create command file to define "reset" command
- open(CMD, ">cmd.gdb") or die("Could not create command file:n$!");
- print(CMD "define resetn");
- print(CMD " target remote localhost:2331n");
- print(CMD " monitor resetn");
- if ($script) {
- print(CMD " source $scriptn");
- }
- print(CMD " loadn");
- print(CMD "end");
- close(CMD);
- # Launch GDB
- $pid = fork();
- if ($pid == 0) {
- exec("arm-none-eabi-gdb -x cmd.gdb -ex "reset" $file");
- }
- else {
- $res = waitpid($pid, 0);
- }
- print("Donen");
- unlink("cmd.gdb");