- VERSION 5.00
- Begin VB.Form Form1
- Caption = "Form1"
- ClientHeight = 6765
- ClientLeft = 60
- ClientTop = 450
- ClientWidth = 6930
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- ScaleHeight = 6765
- ScaleWidth = 6930
- StartUpPosition = 3 '窗口缺省
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '**************************************************
- '
- '转载请注明:
- '
- ' 功能:一个菜单栏的例子 1.01
- '
- ' 作者:HexXiaoYou
- '
- '
- '
- ' Blog:
- '
- ' 2008.01.01
- '
- ' 修正随窗口变化时,控件变化的问题。
- '
- '**************************************************
- Option Explicit
- Dim WithEvents listCommand1 As VB.CommandButton
- Attribute listCommand1.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Dim WithEvents listCommand2 As VB.CommandButton
- Attribute listCommand2.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Dim WithEvents listCommand3 As VB.CommandButton
- Attribute listCommand3.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Dim WithEvents shuoming As VB.TextBox
- Attribute shuoming.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Dim list_top(2 To 3) As Integer
- Dim zhuangtai As Integer
- Dim frmHeight As Integer
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- Me.Move (Screen.Width / 2 - 3000), (Screen.Height / 2 - 3000), 6000, 4000
- Set shuoming = Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "shuoming", Form1) '加入一个TextBox
- With shuoming
- .Move Me.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2, 2000, 300 '设置TextBox位置和尺寸
- .Text = "程序作者:hexxiaoyou" '设置TextBox内容
- .BackColor = vbBlue '背景颜色
- .ForeColor = vbRed '字体颜色
- .Visible = True '设置TextBox按钮为可见
- .SelStart = Len(shuoming.Text) '光标位置
- End With
- Set listCommand1 = Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "listCommand1", Form1) '加入一个CommandButton
- With listCommand1
- .Move 0, 0, 1500, 300 '设置CommandButton位置和尺寸
- .Caption = "菜单一" '设置CommandButton按钮的标题
- .Visible = True '设置CommandButton按钮为可见
- End With
- Set listCommand2 = Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "listCommand2", Form1) '加入一个CommandButton
- With listCommand2
- .Move 0, Me.Height - 1120, 1500, 300 '设置CommandButton位置和尺寸
- .Caption = "菜单二" '设置CommandButton按钮的标题
- .Visible = True '设置CommandButton按钮为可见
- End With
- Set listCommand3 = Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "listCommand3", Form1) '加入一个CommandButton
- With listCommand3
- .Move 0, Me.Height - 820, 1500, 300 '设置CommandButton位置和尺寸
- .Caption = "菜单三" '设置CommandButton按钮的标题
- .Visible = True '设置CommandButton按钮为可见
- End With
- list_top(2) = listCommand2.Top '记录listCommand2在y轴上位置
- list_top(3) = listCommand3.Top '记录listCommand3在y轴上位置
- zhuangtai = 1
- frmHeight = Me.Height
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Resize()
- list_top(2) = Me.Height - 1120 '记录listCommand2在y轴上位置
- list_top(3) = Me.Height - 820 '记录listCommand3在y轴上位置
- If Me.Height < 4000 Then: Me.Height = 4000
- If zhuangtai = 1 Then
- If frmHeight <> Me.Height Then
- If listCommand3.Top > frmHeight / 2 Then
- listCommand3.Top = list_top(3)
- Else
- listCommand2.Top = listCommand1.Height
- End If
- If listCommand2.Top > frmHeight / 2 Then
- listCommand2.Top = list_top(2)
- Else
- listCommand3.Top = listCommand2.Top + listCommand2.Height
- End If
- End If
- End If
- frmHeight = Me.Height
- End Sub
- Private Sub listCommand1_Click()
- If listCommand3.Top < Me.Height / 2 Then '当listCommand3在上方位置时
- Do
- DoEvents
- listCommand3.Top = listCommand3.Top + 10 '用循环逐步让listCommand3按钮向下移
- Loop Until listCommand3.Top + 10 > list_top(3) '直到它的位置与加载时的位置相近
- listCommand3.Top = list_top(3) '则让他回到加载时位置
- End If
- If listCommand2.Top < Me.Height / 2 Then '当listCommand2在上方位置时 标记一
- Do
- DoEvents
- listCommand2.Top = listCommand2.Top + 10 '用循环逐步让listCommand2按钮向下移
- Loop Until listCommand2.Top + 10 > listCommand3.Top '直到它的位置与加载时的位置相近
- listCommand2.Top = list_top(2) '则让他回到加载时位置
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub listCommand2_Click()
- If listCommand2.Top > Me.Height / 2 Then '当listCommand2在下方位置时 标记二
- Do
- DoEvents
- listCommand2.Top = listCommand2.Top - 10 '用循环逐步让listCommand2按钮向上移
- Loop Until listCommand2.Top - 10 < listCommand1.Height '直到它的位置与listCommand1的位置相近
- listCommand2.Top = listCommand1.Height '则让他回到listCommand1下方位置
- End If
- If listCommand3.Top < Me.Height / 2 Then '同 标记一
- Do
- DoEvents
- listCommand3.Top = listCommand3.Top + 10
- Loop Until listCommand3.Top + 10 > list_top(3)
- listCommand3.Top = list_top(3)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub listCommand3_Click()
- If listCommand2.Top > Me.Height / 2 Then '同 标记二
- Do
- DoEvents
- listCommand2.Top = listCommand2.Top - 10
- Loop Until listCommand2.Top - 10 < listCommand1.Height
- listCommand2.Top = listCommand1.Height
- End If
- If listCommand3.Top > Me.Height / 2 Then '当listCommand3在下方位置时
- Do
- DoEvents
- listCommand3.Top = listCommand3.Top - 10 '用循环逐步让listCommand3按钮向上移
- Loop Until listCommand3.Top - 10 < listCommand2.Top + listCommand2.Height '直到它的位置与listCommand2的位置相近
- listCommand3.Top = listCommand2.Top + listCommand2.Height '则让他回到listCommand2下方位置
- End If
- End Sub