资源名称:str711USB.rar [点击查看]
- /******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2003 STMicroelectronics ********************
- * File Name : usb_core.h
- * Author : MCD Application Team
- * Date First Issued : 27/10/2003
- * Description : standard protocol processing (USB v1.1)
- *
- ********************************************************************************/
- #define Type_Recipient (pInfo->USBbmRequestType & (REQUEST_TYPE | RECIPIENT))
- typedef enum _CONTROL_STATE {
- WAIT_SETUP, /* 0 */
- SETTING_UP, /* 1 */
- IN_DATA, /* 2 */
- OUT_DATA, /* 3 */
- LAST_IN_DATA, /* 4 */
- LAST_OUT_DATA, /* 5 */
- WAIT_IN_ZERO, /* 6 */
- WAIT_OUT_ZERO, /* 7 */
- WAIT_STATUS_IN, /* 8 */
- STALLED, /* 10 */
- PAUSE /* 11 */
- } CONTROL_STATE; /* The state machine states of a control pipe */
- #define STD_MAXPACKETSIZE 8 /* Maximum packet size */
- typedef struct OneDescriptor {
- BYTE *Descriptor;
- WORD Descriptor_Size;
- /* All the request process routines return a value of this type
- If the return value is not SUCCESS or NOT_READY,
- the software will STALL the correspond endpoint
- */
- typedef enum _RESULT {
- SUCCESS = 0, /* Process sucessfully */
- NOT_READY /* The process has not been finished, */
- /* endpoint will be NAK to further rquest */
- /*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Definitions for endpoint level -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*/
- typedef struct _ENDPOINT_INFO {
- /*
- When send data out of the device,
- CopyData() is used to get data buffer 'Length' bytes data
- if Length is 0,
- CopyData() returns the total length of the data
- if the request is not supported, returns 0
- (NEW Feature )
- if CopyData() returns -1, the calling routine should not proceed
- further and will resume the SETUP process by the class device
- if Length is not 0,
- CopyData() returns a pointer to indicate the data location
- Usb_wLength is the data remain to be sent,
- Usb_wOffset is the Offset of original data
- When receive data from the host,
- CopyData() is used to get user data buffer which is capable
- of Length bytes data to copy data from the endpoint buffer.
- if Length is 0,
- CopyData() returns the available data length,
- if Length is not 0,
- CopyData() returns user buffer address
- Usb_rLength is the data remain to be received,
- Usb_rPointer is the Offset of data buffer
- */
- WORD Usb_wLength;
- WORD Usb_wOffset;
- WORD PacketSize;
- BYTE *(*CopyData)(WORD Length);
- #define Usb_rLength Usb_wLength
- #define Usb_rOffset Usb_wOffset
- /*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Definitions for device level -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*/
- typedef struct _DEVICE {
- /*sb BYTE EP0; */ /* Endpoint number */
- BYTE Total_Endpoint; /* Number of endpoints that are used */
- BYTE Total_Configuration;/* Number of configuration available */
- typedef union {
- WORD w;
- struct BW {
- BYTE bb1;
- BYTE bb0;
- } bw;
- typedef struct _DEVICE_INFO {
- BYTE USBbmRequestType; /* bmRequestType */
- BYTE USBbRequest; /* bRequest */
- WORD_BYTE USBwValues; /* wValue */
- WORD_BYTE USBwIndexs; /* wIndex */
- WORD_BYTE USBwLengths; /* wLength */
- BYTE ControlState; /* of type CONTROL_STATE */
- BYTE Current_Feature;
- BYTE Current_Configuration;
- BYTE Current_Interface;
- /* Selected interface of current configuration */
- typedef struct _DEVICE_PROP {
- void (*Init)(void); /* Initialize the device */
- void (*Reset)(void); /* Reset routine of this device */
- /* Device dependent process after the status stage */
- void (*Process_Status_IN)(void);
- void (*Process_Status_OUT)(void);
- /* Procedure of process on setup stage of a class specified request with data stage */
- /* All class specified requests with data stage are processed in Class_Data_Setup
- Class_Data_Setup()
- responses to check all special requests and fills ENDPOINT_INFO
- according to the request
- If IN tokens are expected, then wLength & wOffset will be filled
- with the total transferring bytes and the starting position
- If OUT tokens are expected, then rLength & rOffset will be filled
- with the total expected bytes and the starting position in the buffer
- If the request is valid, Class_Data_Setup returns SUCCESS, else UNSUPPORT
- Since GET_CONFIGURATION & GET_INTERFACE are highly related to
- the individual classes, they will be checked and processed here.
- */
- RESULT (*Class_Data_Setup)(BYTE RequestNo);
- /* Procedure of process on setup stage of a class specified request without data stage */
- /* All class specified requests without data stage are processed in Class_NoData_Setup
- Class_NoData_Setup
- responses to check all special requests and perform the request
- Since SET_CONFIGURATION & SET_INTERFACE are highly related to
- the individual classes, they will be checked and processed here.
- */
- RESULT (*Class_NoData_Setup)(BYTE RequestNo);
- BYTE* (*GetDeviceDescriptor)(WORD Length);
- BYTE* (*GetConfigDescriptor)(WORD Length);
- BYTE* (*GetStringDescriptor)(WORD Length);
- BYTE* RxEP_buffer;
- WORD MaxPacketSize;
- extern DEVICE_PROP Device_Property;
- extern DEVICE Device_Table;
- extern DEVICE_INFO Device_Info;
- /* cells saving status during interrupt servicing */
- extern WORD SaveRState;
- extern WORD SaveTState;
- #define USBwValue USBwValues.w
- #define USBwValue0
- #define USBwValue1
- #define USBwIndex USBwIndexs.w
- #define USBwIndex0
- #define USBwIndex1
- #define USBwLength USBwLengths.w
- #define USBwLength0
- #define USBwLength1
- BYTE Setup0_Process(void);
- BYTE Post0_Process(void);
- BYTE Out0_Process(void);
- BYTE In0_Process(void);
- BYTE *Standard_GetConfiguration(WORD Length);
- RESULT Standard_SetConfiguration(void);
- BYTE *Standard_GetInterface(WORD Length);
- RESULT Standard_SetInterface(void);
- BYTE *Standard_GetDescriptorData(WORD Length, PONE_DESCRIPTOR pDesc);
- BYTE *Standard_GetStringDescriptor(WORD Length, PONE_DESCRIPTOR pDesc);
- void SetDeviceAddress(BYTE);
- void NOP_Process(void);