资源名称:ASP.RAR [点击查看]
Visual Basic
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- .MenuOut
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- <body>
- <%
- '=========================================================
- '编程者
- '=========================================================
- dim jiebie_cha,lm_num_cha,lm_num_cha2,s_jibie,jibie_cha,lanmu_xxx,lanmu_nei_xxx
- ul_num_cha=0
- function tabnum(num)
- tabnum=tabnum+chr(9)+chr(9)+chr(9)
- for i=0 to num
- tabnum=tabnum+chr(9)
- next
- end function
- %>
- <div id="topbanner"></div>
- <div id="menu">
- <%
- dim lanmu_xx
- lanmu_xx=1
- set rs=conn.execute("select top 5 * from class where cwar=0 order by id desc")
- while not rs.eof
- %>
- <div class="mainmenu" onMouseOver="submenu<%=lanmu_xx%>.style.display='block'" onMouseOut="submenu<%=lanmu_xx%>.style.display='none'">
- <div class="menucontent"><a href="#"><%=rs("cname")%></a></div></div>
- <%
- lanmu_xx=lanmu_xx+1
- rs.movenext
- wend
- 'end if
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- %>
- </div>
- <%
- dim marginleft
- marginleft=0
- lanmu_xx=1
- lanmu_xxx=1
- lanmu_nei_xxx=1
- set rs=conn.execute("select top 5 * from class where cwar=0 order by id desc")
- while not rs.eof
- %>
- <div class="submenu" style="display:none;margin-left:<%=marginleft%>px;" onMouseOver="submenu<%=lanmu_xx%>.style.display='block'" onMouseOut="submenu<%=lanmu_xx%>.style.display='none'" id="submenu<%=lanmu_xx%>">
- <div class="MenuOut">
- <%
- sql2="select * from class where csub="&rs("id")&" and cwar<>0 order by csub,lmcd"
- set rs2=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
- sql2,conn,1,3
- while not rs2.eof
- %>
- <%
- if lanmu_nei_xxx<>1 and rs2("cwar")>0 then
- jibie_cha=rs2("cwar")-s_jibie
- if jibie_cha<0 then
- for i=1 to jibie_cha*-1
- %>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <%
- next
- ul_num_cha=ul_num_cha-jibie_cha
- 'response.Write("hhh"&int(jibie_cha)*-1&"hhh")
- end if
- end if
- %>
- <%
- if rs2("cwar")=1 then
- if rs2("endclass")=0 then
- %>
- <div class="MenuItemP">
- <div class="MenuItem biank" ><a href="#"> <%=rs2("cname")%></a></div>
- </div>
- <%else%>
- <div class="MenuItemP" onMouseOver="showm('s<%=lanmu_xxx%>');" onMouseOut="hidem('s<%=lanmu_xxx%>');" >
- <div class="MenuItem biank" ><a href="#"> <%=rs2("cname")%> »</a></div>
- <div class="SubMenuP">
- <div class="SubMenuItem" id="s<%=lanmu_xxx%>" style="display:none;" onMouseOut="hidem('s<%=lanmu_xxx%>');">
- <ul>
- <%
- lm_num_cha=lm_num_cha+1
- end if
- end if
- %>
- <%
- if rs2("cwar")>1 then
- if rs2("endclass")=0 then
- %>
- <li><span class="biank" style="width:100%"><a href="#"> <%=rs2("cname")%></a></span></li>
- <%else%>
- <div class="MenuItemP" onMouseOver="showm('s<%=lanmu_xxx%>');" onMouseOut="hidem('s<%=lanmu_xxx%>');" >
- <div class="MenuItem biank" ><a href="#"> <%=rs2("cname")%> »</a></div>
- <div class="SubMenuP">
- <div class="SubMenuItem" id="s<%=lanmu_xxx%>" style="display:none;" onMouseOut="hidem('s<%=lanmu_xxx%>');">
- <ul>
- <%
- lm_num_cha=lm_num_cha+1
- end if
- end if
- %>
- <%
- rs2.movenext
- if rs2.eof then
- rs2.MovePrevious
- jibie_cha=1-rs2("cwar")
- if jibie_cha<0 then
- for i=1 to jibie_cha*-1
- %>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <%
- next
- ul_num_cha=ul_num_cha-jibie_cha
- 'response.Write("hhh"&int(jibie_cha)*-1&"hhh")
- end if
- rs2.movenext
- end if
- rs2.MovePrevious
- %>
- <%
- s_jibie=rs2("cwar")
- lanmu_xxx=lanmu_xxx+1
- lanmu_nei_xxx=lanmu_nei_xxx+1
- rs2.movenext
- if rs2.eof then
- lanmu_nei_xxx=1
- end if
- wend
- rs2.close
- set rs2=nothing
- response.Write("<br class=""BRC"" />")
- response.Write("</div>")
- response.Write("</div>")
- lanmu_xx=lanmu_xx+1
- marginleft=marginleft+80
- rs.movenext
- wend
- 'end if
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- %>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function init(obj,id)
- {
- showm(id);
- d=$(id);
- obj.onmouseout = function(e)
- {
- }
- d.onmouseout = function(e)
- {
- }
- }
- function showm(o)
- {
- var obj=document.getElementById(o);
- }
- function hidem(o)
- {
- var obj=document.getElementById(o);
- }
- function $( id )
- {
- if( typeof(id) == "string" )
- return document.getElementById( id );
- return id;
- }
- </script>