资源名称:dbbase.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Object = "{0BA686C6-F7D3-101A-993E-0000C0EF6F5E}#1.0#0"; "THREED32.OCX"
- Begin VB.Form frmPWS
- BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog
- Caption = "口令修改"
- ClientHeight = 3135
- ClientLeft = 45
- ClientTop = 330
- ClientWidth = 5940
- Icon = "frmPWS.frx":0000
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- LockControls = -1 'True
- MaxButton = 0 'False
- MinButton = 0 'False
- ScaleHeight = 3135
- ScaleWidth = 5940
- ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
- StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心
- Begin VB.Frame Frame2
- Height = 2895
- Left = 4440
- TabIndex = 11
- Top = 120
- Width = 1335
- Begin Threed.SSCommand cmdadd
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 12
- Top = 360
- Width = 1095
- _Version = 65536
- _ExtentX = 1931
- _ExtentY = 873
- _StockProps = 78
- Caption = "&A.确 定"
- End
- Begin Threed.SSCommand cmdexit
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 13
- Top = 1080
- Width = 1095
- _Version = 65536
- _ExtentX = 1931
- _ExtentY = 873
- _StockProps = 78
- Caption = "&Q.退 出"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Frame Frame1
- Height = 2895
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 120
- Width = 4335
- Begin VB.TextBox txtInfo
- Alignment = 2 'Center
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 325
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 4
- Left = 1320
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 2280
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox txtInfo
- Alignment = 2 'Center
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 325
- Index = 0
- Left = 1320
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 360
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox txtInfo
- Alignment = 2 'Center
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 325
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 1
- Left = 1320
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 840
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox txtInfo
- Alignment = 2 'Center
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 325
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 2
- Left = 1320
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 1320
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox txtInfo
- Alignment = 2 'Center
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 325
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 3
- Left = 1320
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 1800
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "用户代码"
- Height = 255
- Index = 0
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 10
- Top = 395
- Width = 855
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "旧 口 令"
- Height = 255
- Index = 1
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 9
- Top = 1355
- Width = 975
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "新 口 令"
- Height = 255
- Index = 2
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 1835
- Width = 975
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "新口令确认"
- Height = 255
- Index = 3
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 7
- Top = 2415
- Width = 975
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "用 户 名"
- Height = 255
- Index = 4
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 875
- Width = 855
- End
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "frmPWS"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
- If Len(Me.txtInfo(3)) = 0 Or Len(Me.txtInfo(4)) = 0 Then
- MsgBox "口令不能为空,请重新确认!", 48, "系统提示"
- With Me.txtInfo(3)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Trim(Me.txtInfo(3)) <> Trim(Me.txtInfo(4)) Then
- MsgBox "两次输入的新口令不相同,请检查!", 48, "系统提示"
- With Me.txtInfo(3)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Trim(Me.txtInfo(2)) <> Trim(UserInfo.Pwd) Then
- MsgBox "旧口令不对,请重新确认!", 48, "系统提示"
- With Me.txtInfo(2)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- Exit Sub
- End If
- sSQL = "update t_user set password='" & Trim(Me.txtInfo(3)) & "' where usercode='" & Trim(UserInfo.UserCode) & "'"
- ConnWZ.Execute (sSQL)
- MsgBox "修改口令成功,下次登录时生效!", 64, "系统提示"
- Unload Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
- Unload Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- Me.txtInfo(0) = Trim(UserInfo.UserCode)
- Me.txtInfo(1) = Trim(UserInfo.UserName)
- Me.txtInfo(0).Enabled = False
- Me.txtInfo(1).Enabled = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtInfo_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
- If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
- Select Case Index
- Case 2
- With Me.txtInfo(3)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- Case 3
- With Me.txtInfo(4)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- Case 4
- Me.cmdAdd.SetFocus
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtInfo_KeyUp(Index As Integer, KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- Select Case Index
- Case 2
- If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then
- With Me.txtInfo(3)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- End If
- Case 3
- If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then
- With Me.txtInfo(4)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- End If
- If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then
- With Me.txtInfo(2)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- End If
- Case 4
- If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then
- With Me.txtInfo(3)
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- .SetFocus
- End With
- End If
- If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then
- Me.cmdAdd.SetFocus
- End If
- End Select
- End Sub