- using System;
- using System.Data;
- public class DataRelationships
- {
- public static void Main()
- {
- // Create a dataset, add a couple of tables & a relationship
- DataSet ds = CreateDataSetWithRelationships ( ) ;
- // Add some data to the tables
- DataRow aBuilding = ds.Tables["Building"].NewRow() ;
- // Create a building
- aBuilding["BuildingID"] = 1 ;
- aBuilding["Name"] = "The Lowry" ;
- ds.Tables["Building"].Rows.Add ( aBuilding ) ;
- // Add a new room
- DataRow aRoom = ds.Tables["Room"].NewRow ( ) ;
- aRoom["RoomID"] = 1 ;
- aRoom["Name"] = "Reception" ;
- aRoom["BuildingID"] = 1 ;
- ds.Tables["Room"].Rows.Add ( aRoom ) ;
- // And add another room
- aRoom = ds.Tables["Room"].NewRow ( ) ;
- aRoom["RoomID"] = 2 ;
- aRoom["Name"] = "The Modern Art Gallery" ;
- aRoom["BuildingID"] = 1 ;
- ds.Tables["Room"].Rows.Add ( aRoom ) ;
- // Now use the relationships to loop through the data
- foreach ( DataRow theBuilding in ds.Tables["Building"].Rows )
- {
- DataRow[] children = theBuilding.GetChildRows("Rooms") ;
- int roomCount = children.Length ;
- Console.WriteLine ( "Building {0} contains {1} room{2}" ,
- theBuilding["Name"] ,
- roomCount ,
- roomCount > 1 ? "s" : "" ) ;
- // Loop through the rooms
- foreach ( DataRow theRoom in children )
- Console.WriteLine ( "Room: {0}" , theRoom["Name"]);
- }
- // And go the other way too...
- foreach ( DataRow theRoom in ds.Tables["Room"].Rows)
- {
- DataRow[] parents = theRoom.GetParentRows ( "Rooms" ) ;
- foreach ( DataRow theBuilding in parents )
- Console.WriteLine ( "Room {0} is contained in building {1}" , theRoom["Name"] , theBuilding["Name"] ) ;
- }
- }
- public static DataSet CreateDataSetWithRelationships ( )
- {
- DataSet ds = new DataSet ( "Relationships" ) ;
- ds.Tables.Add ( CreateBuildingTable ( ) ) ;
- ds.Tables.Add ( CreateRoomTable ( ) ) ;
- // Create a simple relationship...
- ds.Relations.Add ( "Rooms" , ds.Tables["Building"].Columns["BuildingID"],ds.Tables["Room"].Columns["BuildingID"]) ;
- return ds ;
- }
- public static DataTable CreateBuildingTable ( )
- {
- DataTable aBuilding = new DataTable ( "Building" ) ;
- aBuilding.Columns.Add ( new DataColumn ( "BuildingID" , typeof ( int ) ) ) ;
- aBuilding.Columns.Add ( new DataColumn ( "Name" , typeof ( string ) ) ) ;
- aBuilding.Constraints.Add ( new UniqueConstraint ( "PK_Building" , aBuilding.Columns[0] ) ) ;
- aBuilding.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { aBuilding.Columns[0] } ;
- return aBuilding ;
- }
- public static DataTable CreateRoomTable ( )
- {
- DataTable aRoom = new DataTable ( "Room" ) ;
- aRoom.Columns.Add ( new DataColumn ( "RoomID" , typeof ( int ) ) ) ;
- aRoom.Columns.Add ( new DataColumn ( "Name" , typeof ( string ) ) ) ;
- aRoom.Columns.Add ( new DataColumn ( "BuildingID" , typeof ( int ) ) ) ;
- aRoom.Constraints.Add ( new UniqueConstraint ( "PK_Room" , aRoom.Columns[0] ) ) ;
- aRoom.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { aRoom.Columns[0] } ;
- return aRoom ;
- }
- }