- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Drawing.Printing;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using System.Data;
- using System.IO;
- namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.GDIPlus
- {
- class TextLineInformation
- {
- public string Text;
- public uint Width;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Summary description for Form1.
- /// </summary>
- public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
- {
- #region constant fields
- private const string standardTitle = "CapsEditor";
- // default text in titlebar
- private const uint margin = 10;
- // horizontal and vertical margin in client area
- #endregion
- private int printingPageNo = 0;
- #region Member fields
- private ArrayList documentLines = new ArrayList(); // the 'document'
- private uint lineHeight; // height in pixels of one line
- private Size documentSize; // how big a client area is needed to
- // display document
- private uint nLines; // number of lines in document
- private Font mainFont; // font used to display all lines
- private Font emptyDocumentFont; // font used to display empty message
- private Brush mainBrush = Brushes.Blue;
- // brush used to display document text
- private Brush emptyDocumentBrush = Brushes.Red;
- // brush used to display empty document message
- private Point mouseDoubleClickPosition;
- // location mouse is pointing to when double-clicked
- private OpenFileDialog fileOpenDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
- // standard open file dialog
- private bool documentHasData = false;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu mainMenu1;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuFile;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuFileOpen;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuFileExit;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuFilePrint;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuFilePrintPreview;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItem4;
- private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItem5;
- // set to true if document has some data in it
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// Required designer variable.
- /// </summary>
- private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
- public Form1()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- CreateFonts();
- fileOpenDialog.FileOk += new
- System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(
- this.OpenFileDialog_FileOk);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Clean up any resources being used.
- /// </summary>
- protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
- {
- if( disposing )
- {
- if (components != null)
- {
- components.Dispose();
- }
- }
- base.Dispose( disposing );
- }
- #region Windows Form Designer generated code
- /// <summary>
- /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
- /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
- /// </summary>
- private void InitializeComponent()
- {
- this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu();
- this.menuFile = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- this.menuFileOpen = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- this.menuItem5 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- this.menuFilePrint = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- this.menuFilePrintPreview = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- this.menuItem4 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- this.menuFileExit = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
- //
- // mainMenu1
- //
- this.mainMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {
- this.menuFile});
- //
- // menuFile
- //
- this.menuFile.Index = 0;
- this.menuFile.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {
- this.menuFileOpen,
- this.menuItem5,
- this.menuFilePrint,
- this.menuFilePrintPreview,
- this.menuItem4,
- this.menuFileExit});
- this.menuFile.Text = "&File";
- //
- // menuFileOpen
- //
- this.menuFileOpen.Index = 0;
- this.menuFileOpen.Text = "&Open";
- this.menuFileOpen.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuFileOpen_Click);
- //
- // menuItem5
- //
- this.menuItem5.Index = 1;
- this.menuItem5.Text = "-";
- //
- // menuFilePrint
- //
- this.menuFilePrint.Enabled = false;
- this.menuFilePrint.Index = 2;
- this.menuFilePrint.Text = "&Print";
- this.menuFilePrint.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuFilePrint_Click);
- //
- // menuFilePrintPreview
- //
- this.menuFilePrintPreview.Enabled = false;
- this.menuFilePrintPreview.Index = 3;
- this.menuFilePrintPreview.Text = "Print Pre&view";
- this.menuFilePrintPreview.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuFilePrintPreview_Click);
- //
- // menuItem4
- //
- this.menuItem4.Index = 4;
- this.menuItem4.Text = "-";
- //
- // menuFileExit
- //
- this.menuFileExit.Index = 5;
- this.menuFileExit.Text = "E&xit";
- this.menuFileExit.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuFileExit_Click);
- //
- // Form1
- //
- this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
- this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
- this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(492, 448);
- this.Menu = this.mainMenu1;
- this.Name = "Form1";
- this.Text = "CapsEditor";
- this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);
- }
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// The main entry point for the application.
- /// </summary>
- [STAThread]
- static void Main()
- {
- Application.Run(new Form1());
- }
- private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- }
- protected void OpenFileDialog_FileOk(object Sender, CancelEventArgs e)
- {
- this.LoadFile(fileOpenDialog.FileName);
- }
- private void menuFileOpen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- fileOpenDialog.ShowDialog();
- }
- private void menuFileExit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- this.Close();
- }
- private void CreateFonts()
- {
- mainFont = new Font("Arial", 10);
- lineHeight = (uint)mainFont.Height;
- emptyDocumentFont = new Font("Verdana", 13, FontStyle.Bold);
- }
- private void LoadFile(string FileName)
- {
- StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName);
- string nextLine;
- documentLines.Clear();
- nLines = 0;
- TextLineInformation nextLineInfo;
- while ( (nextLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
- {
- nextLineInfo = new TextLineInformation();
- nextLineInfo.Text = nextLine;
- documentLines.Add(nextLineInfo);
- ++nLines;
- }
- sr.Close();
- if (nLines > 0)
- {
- documentHasData = true;
- menuFilePrint.Enabled = true;
- menuFilePrintPreview.Enabled = true;
- }
- else
- {
- documentHasData = false;
- menuFilePrint.Enabled = false;
- menuFilePrintPreview.Enabled = false;
- }
- CalculateLineWidths();
- CalculateDocumentSize();
- this.Text = standardTitle + " - " + FileName;
- this.Invalidate();
- }
- private void CalculateLineWidths()
- {
- Graphics dc = this.CreateGraphics();
- foreach (TextLineInformation nextLine in documentLines)
- {
- nextLine.Width = (uint)dc.MeasureString(nextLine.Text,
- mainFont).Width;
- }
- }
- private void CalculateDocumentSize()
- {
- if (!documentHasData)
- {
- documentSize = new Size(100, 200);
- }
- else
- {
- documentSize.Height = (int)(nLines*lineHeight) + 2*(int)margin;
- uint maxLineLength = 0;
- foreach (TextLineInformation nextWord in documentLines)
- {
- uint tempLineLength = nextWord.Width + 2*margin;
- if (tempLineLength > maxLineLength)
- maxLineLength = tempLineLength;
- }
- documentSize.Width = (int)maxLineLength;
- }
- this.AutoScrollMinSize = documentSize;
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- Graphics dc = e.Graphics;
- int scrollPositionX = this.AutoScrollPosition.X;
- int scrollPositionY = this.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
- dc.TranslateTransform(scrollPositionX, scrollPositionY);
- if (!documentHasData)
- {
- dc.DrawString("<Empty document>", emptyDocumentFont,
- emptyDocumentBrush, new Point(20,20));
- base.OnPaint(e);
- return;
- }
- // work out which lines are in clipping rectangle
- int minLineInClipRegion =
- WorldYCoordinateToLineIndex(e.ClipRectangle.Top - scrollPositionY);
- if (minLineInClipRegion == -1)
- minLineInClipRegion = 0;
- int maxLineInClipRegion =
- WorldYCoordinateToLineIndex(e.ClipRectangle.Bottom -
- scrollPositionY);
- if (maxLineInClipRegion >= this.documentLines.Count ||
- maxLineInClipRegion == -1)
- maxLineInClipRegion = this.documentLines.Count-1;
- TextLineInformation nextLine;
- for (int i=minLineInClipRegion; i<=maxLineInClipRegion ; i++)
- {
- nextLine = (TextLineInformation)documentLines[i];
- dc.DrawString(nextLine.Text, mainFont, mainBrush,
- this.LineIndexToWorldCoordinates(i));
- }
- base.OnPaint(e);
- }
- private Point LineIndexToWorldCoordinates(int index)
- {
- Point TopLeftCorner = new Point(
- (int)margin, (int)(lineHeight*index + margin));
- return TopLeftCorner;
- }
- private int WorldYCoordinateToLineIndex(int y)
- {
- if (y < margin)
- return -1;
- return (int)((y-margin)/lineHeight);
- }
- private int WorldCoordinatesToLineIndex(Point position)
- {
- if (!documentHasData)
- return -1;
- if (position.Y < margin || position.X < margin)
- return -1;
- int index = (int)(position.Y-margin)/(int)this.lineHeight;
- // check position isn't below document
- if (index >= documentLines.Count)
- return -1;
- // now check that horizontal position is within this line
- TextLineInformation theLine =
- (TextLineInformation)documentLines[index];
- if (position.X > margin + theLine.Width)
- return -1;
- // all is OK. We can return answer
- return index;
- }
- private Point LineIndexToPageCoordinates(int index)
- {
- return LineIndexToWorldCoordinates(index) +
- new Size(AutoScrollPosition);
- }
- private int PageCoordinatesToLineIndex(Point position)
- {
- return WorldCoordinatesToLineIndex(position - new
- Size(AutoScrollPosition));
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseDown(e);
- this.mouseDoubleClickPosition = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
- }
- protected override void OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e)
- {
- int i = PageCoordinatesToLineIndex(this.mouseDoubleClickPosition);
- if (i >= 0)
- {
- TextLineInformation lineToBeChanged =
- (TextLineInformation)documentLines[i];
- lineToBeChanged.Text = lineToBeChanged.Text.ToUpper();
- Graphics dc = this.CreateGraphics();
- uint newWidth =(uint)dc.MeasureString(lineToBeChanged.Text,
- mainFont).Width;
- if (newWidth > lineToBeChanged.Width)
- lineToBeChanged.Width = newWidth;
- if (newWidth+2*margin > this.documentSize.Width)
- {
- this.documentSize.Width = (int)newWidth;
- this.AutoScrollMinSize = this.documentSize;
- }
- Rectangle changedRectangle = new Rectangle(
- LineIndexToPageCoordinates(i),
- new Size((int)newWidth,
- (int)this.lineHeight));
- this.Invalidate(changedRectangle);
- }
- base.OnDoubleClick(e);
- }
- private void menuFilePrintPreview_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- PrintPreviewDialog ppd = new PrintPreviewDialog();
- PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
- pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler
- (this.pd_PrintPage);
- ppd.Document = pd;
- ppd.ShowDialog();
- }
- private void menuFilePrint_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
- pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler
- (this.pd_PrintPage);
- pd.Print();
- MessageBox.Show(pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName);
- }
- private void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
- {
- float yPos = 0;
- float leftMargin = e.MarginBounds.Left;
- float topMargin = e.MarginBounds.Top;
- string line = null;
- // Calculate the number of lines per page.
- int linesPerPage = (int)(e.MarginBounds.Height /
- mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics));
- // linesPerPage = 10;
- int lineNo = this.printingPageNo * linesPerPage;
- // Print each line of the file.
- int count = 0;
- while(count < linesPerPage && lineNo < this.nLines)
- {
- line = ((TextLineInformation)this.documentLines[lineNo]).Text;
- yPos = topMargin + (count * mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics));
- e.Graphics.DrawString(line, mainFont, Brushes.Blue,
- leftMargin, yPos, new StringFormat());
- lineNo++;
- count++;
- }
- // If more lines exist, print another page.
- if(this.nLines > lineNo)
- e.HasMorePages = true;
- else
- e.HasMorePages = false;
- printingPageNo++;
- }
- }
- }