- # This file is copied to ~/spec when you run 'ruby script/generate rspec'
- # from the project root directory.
- ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment" unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
- require 'spec/autorun'
- require 'spec/rails'
- Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
- config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
- config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
- config.fixture_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/test/fixtures/'
- config.global_fixtures =
- %w{ blogs categories categorizations contents
- feedback notifications page_caches profiles redirects resources sidebars
- tags text_filters triggers users }
- config.before(:each) do
- Localization.lang = :default
- end
- end
- def define_spec_public_cache_directory
- ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory = File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'public')
- unless File.exist? ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory
- FileUtils.mkdir_p ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory
- end
- end
- def path_for_file_in_spec_public_cache_directory(file)
- define_spec_public_cache_directory
- File.join(ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory, file)
- end
- def create_file_in_spec_public_cache_directory(file)
- file_path = path_for_file_in_spec_public_cache_directory(file)
- File.open(file_path, 'a').close
- file_path
- end
- # TODO: Rewrite to be more RSpec-like instead of Test::Unit-like.
- def assert_template_has(key=nil, message=nil)
- msg = build_message(message, "<?> is not a template object", key)
- assert_block(msg) { @response.has_template_object?(key) }
- end
- def assert_xml(xml)
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert REXML::Document.new(xml)
- end
- end
- def this_blog
- Blog.default || Blog.create!
- end
- # test standard view and all themes
- def with_each_theme
- yield nil, ""
- Dir.new(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "themes")).each do |theme|
- next if theme =~ /..?/
- view_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/themes/#{theme}/views"
- if File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/themes/#{theme}/helpers/theme_helper.rb")
- require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/themes/#{theme}/helpers/theme_helper.rb"
- end
- yield theme, view_path
- end
- end
- # This test now has optional support for validating the generated RSS feeds.
- # Since Ruby doesn't have a RSS/Atom validator, I'm using the Python source
- # for http://feedvalidator.org and calling it via 'system'.
- #
- # To install the validator, download the source from
- # http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=99943
- # Then copy src/feedvalidator and src/rdflib into a Python lib directory.
- # Finally, copy src/demo.py into your path as 'feedvalidator', make it executable,
- # and change the first line to something like '#!/usr/bin/python'.
- if($validator_installed == nil)
- $validator_installed = false
- begin
- IO.popen("feedvalidator 2> /dev/null","r") do |pipe|
- if (pipe.read =~ %r{Validating http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/index.})
- puts "Using locally installed Python feed validator"
- $validator_installed = true
- end
- end
- rescue
- nil
- end
- end
- def assert_feedvalidator(rss, todo=nil)
- unless $validator_installed
- puts 'Not validating feed because no validator (feedvalidator in python) is installed'
- return
- end
- begin
- file = Tempfile.new('typo-feed-test')
- filename = file.path
- file.write(rss)
- file.close
- messages = ''
- IO.popen("feedvalidator file://#{filename}") do |pipe|
- messages = pipe.read
- end
- okay, messages = parse_validator_messages(messages)
- if todo && ! ENV['RUN_TODO_TESTS']
- assert !okay, messages + "nTest unexpectedly passed!nFeed text:n"+rss
- else
- assert okay, messages + "nFeed text:n"+rss
- end
- end
- end
- def parse_validator_messages(message)
- messages=message.split(/n/).reject do |m|
- m =~ /Feeds should not be served with the "text/plain" media type/ ||
- m =~ /Self reference doesn't match document location/
- end
- if(messages.size > 1)
- [false, messages.join("n")]
- else
- [true, ""]
- end
- end