- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
- describe ArticlesController do
- integrate_views
- it "should redirect category to /categories" do
- get 'category'
- response.should redirect_to(categories_path)
- end
- it "should redirect tag to /tags" do
- get 'tag'
- response.should redirect_to(tags_path)
- end
- describe 'index action' do
- before :each do
- get 'index'
- end
- it 'should be render template index' do
- response.should render_template(:index)
- end
- it 'should assigns articles' do
- assigns[:articles].should_not be_nil
- end
- it 'should have good link feed rss' do
- response.should have_tag('head>link[href=?]','')
- end
- it 'should have good link feed atom' do
- response.should have_tag('head>link[href=?]','')
- end
- end
- describe '#search action' do
- describe 'a valid search' do
- before :each do
- get 'search', :q => 'a'
- end
- it 'should render template search' do
- response.should render_template(:search)
- end
- it 'should assigns articles' do
- assigns[:articles].should_not be_nil
- end
- it 'should have good feed rss link' do
- response.should have_tag('head>link[href=?]','')
- end
- it 'should have good feed atom link' do
- response.should have_tag('head>link[href=?]','')
- end
- it 'should have content markdown interpret and without html tag' do
- response.should have_tag('div', /in markdown formatnnnwenusenok to define a linknn...n/)
- end
- end
- it 'should render feed rss by search' do
- get 'search', :q => 'a', :format => 'rss'
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template('articles/_rss20_feed')
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- it 'should render feed atom by search' do
- get 'search', :q => 'a', :format => 'atom'
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template('articles/_atom_feed')
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- it 'search with empty result' do
- get 'search', :q => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- response.should render_template('articles/error.html.erb')
- assigns[:articles].should be_empty
- end
- end
- describe '#livesearch action' do
- describe 'with a query with several words' do
- before :each do
- Factory.create(:article, :body => "hello world and im herer")
- Factory.create(:article, :title => "hello", :body => "worldwide")
- Factory.create(:article)
- get :live_search, :q => 'hello world'
- end
- it 'should be valid' do
- assigns[:articles].should_not be_empty
- assigns[:articles].should have(2).records
- end
- it 'should render without layout' do
- controller.should_receive(:render).with(:layout =>false, :action => :live_search)
- get :live_search, :q => 'hello world'
- end
- it 'should render template live_search' do
- response.should render_template(:live_search)
- end
- it 'should not have h3 tag' do
- response.should have_tag("h3")
- end
- it "should assign @search the search string" do
- assigns[:search].should be_equal(params[:q])
- end
- end
- end
- it 'archives' do
- get 'archives'
- response.should render_template(:archives)
- assigns[:articles].should_not be_nil
- end
- describe 'index for a month' do
- before :each do
- get 'index', :year => 2004, :month => 4
- end
- it 'should render template index' do
- response.should render_template(:index)
- end
- it 'should contain some articles' do
- assigns[:articles].should_not be_nil
- end
- end
- end
- describe ArticlesController, "nosettings" do
- before(:each) do
- Blog.delete_all
- @blog =
- end
- it 'redirects to setup' do
- get 'index'
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'setup', :action => 'index')
- end
- end
- describe ArticlesController, "nousers" do
- before(:each) do
- User.stub!(:count).and_return(0)
- @user = mock("user")
- @user.stub!(:reload).and_return(@user)
- User.stub!(:new).and_return(@user)
- end
- it 'redirects to signup' do
- get 'index'
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'accounts', :action => 'signup')
- end
- end
- describe ArticlesController, "feeds" do
- integrate_views
- specify "/articles.atom => an atom feed" do
- get 'index', :format => 'atom'
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template("_atom_feed")
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- specify "/articles.rss => an RSS 2.0 feed" do
- get 'index', :format => 'rss'
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template("_rss20_feed")
- response.should have_tag('link', '')
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- specify "atom feed for archive should be valid" do
- get 'index', :year => 2004, :month => 4, :format => 'atom'
- response.should render_template("_atom_feed")
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- specify "RSS feed for archive should be valid" do
- get 'index', :year => 2004, :month => 4, :format => 'rss'
- response.should render_template("_rss20_feed")
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- it 'should create valid atom feed when article contains é' do
- article = contents(:article2)
- article.body = 'écoute!'
- get 'index', :format => 'atom'
- #response.body.should =~ /écoute!/
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- it 'should create valid atom feed when article contains loose <' do
- article = contents(:article2)
- article.body = 'is 4 < 2? no!'
- get 'index', :format => 'atom'
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- end
- describe ArticlesController, "the index" do
- it "should ignore the HTTP Accept: header" do
- request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/atom+xml"
- get "index"
- response.should_not render_template("_atom_feed")
- end
- end
- describe ArticlesController, "previewing" do
- integrate_views
- describe 'with non logged user' do
- before :each do
- @request.session = {}
- get :preview, :id => Factory(:article).id
- end
- it 'should be redirect to login' do
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => "accounts/login", :action => :index)
- end
- end
- describe 'with logged user' do
- before :each do
- @request.session = {:user => users(:tobi).id}
- @article = Factory(:article)
- end
- with_each_theme do |theme, view_path|
- it "should render template #{view_path}/articles/read" do
- this_blog.theme = theme if theme
- get :preview, :id =>
- response.should render_template('articles/read.html.erb')
- end
- end
- it 'should assigns article define with id' do
- get :preview, :id =>
- assigns[:article].should == @article
- end
- it 'should assigns last article with id like parent_id' do
- draft = Factory(:article, :parent_id =>
- get :preview, :id =>
- assigns[:article].should == draft
- end
- end
- end
- describe ArticlesController, "redirecting" do
- before do
- ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = nil # avoid failures if environment.rb defines a relative URL root
- end
- it 'should split routing path' do
- assert_routing "foo/bar/baz", {
- :from => ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
- :controller => 'articles', :action => 'redirect'}
- end
- it 'should redirect from articles_routing' do
- assert_routing "articles", {
- :from => ["articles"],
- :controller => 'articles', :action => 'redirect'}
- assert_routing "articles/foo", {
- :from => ["articles", "foo"],
- :controller => 'articles', :action => 'redirect'}
- assert_routing "articles/foo/bar", {
- :from => ["articles", "foo", "bar"],
- :controller => 'articles', :action => 'redirect'}
- assert_routing "articles/foo/bar/baz", {
- :from => ["articles", "foo", "bar", "baz"],
- :controller => 'articles', :action => 'redirect'}
- end
- it 'should redirect' do
- get :redirect, :from => ["foo", "bar"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- end
- it 'should redirect with url_root' do
- ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = "/blog"
- get :redirect, :from => ["foo", "bar"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- get :redirect, :from => ["bar", "foo"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- end
- it 'should no redirect' do
- get :redirect, :from => ["something/that/isnt/there"]
- assert_response 404
- end
- it 'should redirect to article' do
- get :redirect, :from => ["articles", "2004", "04", "01", "second-blog-article"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- end
- it 'should redirect to article with url_root' do
- b = blogs(:default)
- b.base_url = ""
- get :redirect, :from => ["articles", "2004", "04", "01", "second-blog-article"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- end
- it 'should redirect to article when url_root is articles' do
- b = blogs(:default)
- b.base_url = ""
- get :redirect, :from => ["articles", "2004", "04", "01", "second-blog-article"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- end
- it 'should redirect to article with articles in url_root' do
- b = blogs(:default)
- b.base_url = ""
- get :redirect, :from => ["articles", "2004", "04", "01", "second-blog-article"]
- assert_response 301
- assert_redirected_to ""
- end
- describe 'with permalink_format like %title%.html' do
- integrate_views
- before(:each) do
- b = blogs(:default)
- b.permalink_format = '/%title%.html'
- end
- describe 'render article' do
- integrate_views
- before(:each) do
- get :redirect, :from => ["#{contents(:article1).permalink}.html"]
- end
- it 'should render template read to article' do
- response.should render_template('articles/read.html.erb')
- end
- it 'should assign article1 to @article' do
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:article1)
- end
- it 'should have good rss feed link' do
- response.should have_tag('head>link[href=?]', "{contents(:article1).permalink}.html.rss")
- end
- it 'should have good atom feed link' do
- response.should have_tag('head>link[href=?]', "{contents(:article1).permalink}.html.atom")
- end
- end
- it 'should get good article with utf8 slug' do
- get :redirect, :from => ['2004', '06', '02', 'ルビー']
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:utf8_article)
- end
- describe 'rendering as atom feed' do
- before(:each) do
- get :redirect, :from => ["#{contents(:article1).permalink}.html.atom"]
- end
- it 'should render atom partial' do
- response.should render_template('articles/_atom_feed.atom.builder')
- end
- it 'should render a valid feed' do
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- end
- describe 'rendering as rss feed' do
- before(:each) do
- get :redirect, :from => ["#{contents(:article1).permalink}.html.rss"]
- end
- it 'should render rss20 partial' do
- response.should render_template('articles/_rss20_feed.rss.builder')
- end
- it 'should render a valid feed' do
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- end
- describe 'rendering comment feed with problematic characters' do
- before(:each) do
- @comment = contents(:article1).comments.first
- @comment.body = "écoute! 4 < 2, non?"
- get :redirect, :from => ["#{contents(:article1).permalink}.html.atom"]
- end
- it 'should result in a valid atom feed' do
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:article1)
- assert_feedvalidator response.body
- end
- end
- end
- end