- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper')
- describe XmlController do
- describe "route generation" do
- it "should map #articlerss" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "articlerss", :id => "1").should == "/xml/articlerss/1/feed.xml"
- end
- it "should map #commentrss" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "commentrss").should == "/xml/commentrss/feed.xml"
- end
- it "should map #trackbackrss" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "trackbackrss").should == "/xml/trackbackrss/feed.xml"
- end
- it "should map #feed" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :type => "feed", :format => "atom").should == "/xml/atom/feed.xml"
- end
- it "should map #feed with a custom type" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :format => "atom", :type => "comments").should == "/xml/atom/comments/feed.xml"
- end
- it "should map #feed with a custom type and an id" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :format => "atom", :type => "comments", :id => "1").should == "/xml/atom/comments/1/feed.xml"
- end
- it "should map #feed with rss type" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :type => "feed", :format => "rss").should == "/xml/rss"
- end
- it "should map #feed with sitemap type" do
- route_for(:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :type => "sitemap", :format => "googlesitemap").should == "/sitemap.xml"
- end
- end
- describe "route recognition" do
- it "should generate params for #articlerss" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/articlerss/1/feed.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "articlerss", :id => "1"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #commentrss" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/commentrss/feed.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "commentrss"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #trackbackrss" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/trackbackrss/feed.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "trackbackrss"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #feed" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/atom/feed.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :type => "feed", :format => "atom"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #feed with a custom type" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/atom/comments/feed.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :format => "atom", :type => "comments"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #feed with a custom type and an id" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/atom/comments/1/feed.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :format => "atom", :type => "comments", :id => "1"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #feed with rss type" do
- params_from(:get, "/xml/rss").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :type => "feed", :format => "rss"}
- end
- it "should generate params for #feed with sitemap type" do
- params_from(:get, "/sitemap.xml").should == {:controller => "xml", :action => "feed", :type => "sitemap", :format => "googlesitemap"}
- end
- end
- end