- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
- describe Admin::FeedbackController do
- integrate_views
- describe "destroy feedback with feedback from own article", :shared => true do
- it 'should destroy feedback' do
- lambda do
- post 'delete', :id =>
- end.should change(Feedback, :count)
- lambda do
- Feedback.find(
- end.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- end
- it 'should redirect to feedback from article' do
- post 'delete', :id =>
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'admin/feedback', :action => 'article', :id =>
- end
- it 'should not delete feedback in get request' do
- lambda do
- get 'delete', :id =>
- end.should_not change(Feedback, :count)
- lambda do
- Feedback.find(
- end.should_not raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'admin/feedback', :action => 'article', :id =>
- end
- end
- describe 'logged in admin user' do
- def feedback_from_own_article
- feedback(:spam_comment)
- end
- def feedback_from_not_own_article
- feedback(:spam_comment)
- end
- before do
- request.session = { :user => users(:tobi).id }
- end
- describe 'delete action' do
- it_should_behave_like "destroy feedback with feedback from own article"
- it "should delete feedback from article doesn't own" do
- lambda do
- post 'delete', :id =>
- end.should change(Feedback, :count)
- lambda do
- Feedback.find(
- end.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'admin/feedback', :action => 'article', :id =>
- end
- end
- describe 'index action' do
- def should_success_with_index(response)
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template('index')
- end
- it 'should success' do
- get :index
- should_success_with_index(response)
- #FIXME : Test is useless because the pagination is on 10. Now there are 11
- #feedback, so there are several feedback :(
- assert_equal 10, assigns(:feedback).size #Feedback.count, assigns(:feedback).size
- end
- it 'should view only confirmed feedback' do
- get :index, :confirmed => 'f'
- should_success_with_index(response)
- Feedback.count(:conditions => { :status_confirmed => false }).should == assigns(:feedback).size
- end
- it 'should view only spam feedback' do
- get :index, :published => 'f'
- should_success_with_index(response)
- Feedback.count(:conditions => { :published => false }).should == assigns(:feedback).size
- end
- it 'should view unconfirmed_spam' do
- get :index, :published => 'f', :confirmed => 'f'
- should_success_with_index(response)
- Feedback.count(:conditions => { :published => false, :status_confirmed => false }).should == assigns(:feedback).size
- end
- it 'should get page 1 if page params empty' do
- get :index, :page => ''
- should_success_with_index(response)
- end
- end
- describe 'article action' do
- def should_success_with_article_view(response)
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template('article')
- end
- it 'should see all feedback on one article' do
- get :article, :id => contents(:article1).id
- should_success_with_article_view(response)
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:article1)
- assigns(:comments).size.should == 2
- end
- it 'should see only spam feedback on one article' do
- get :article, :id => contents(:article1).id, :spam => 'y'
- should_success_with_article_view(response)
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:article1)
- assigns(:comments).size.should == 1
- end
- it 'should see only ham feedback on one article' do
- get :article, :id => contents(:article1).id, :ham => 'y'
- should_success_with_article_view(response)
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:article1)
- assigns(:comments).size.should == 1
- end
- it 'should redirect_to index if bad article id' do
- lambda{
- get :article, :id => 102302
- }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- end
- end
- describe 'create action' do
- def base_comment(options = {})
- {"body"=>"a new comment", "author"=>"Me", "url"=>"", "email"=>""}.merge(options)
- end
- describe 'by get access' do
- it "should raise ActiveRecordNotFound if article doesn't exist" do
- lambda {
- get 'create', :article_id => 120431, :comment => base_comment
- }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- end
- it 'should not create comment' do
- assert_no_difference 'Comment.count' do
- get 'create', :article_id => contents(:article1).id, :comment => base_comment
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'article', :id => contents(:article1).id)
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'by post access' do
- it "should raise ActiveRecordNotFound if article doesn't exist" do
- lambda {
- post 'create', :article_id => 123104, :comment => base_comment
- }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- end
- it 'should create comment' do
- assert_difference 'Comment.count' do
- post 'create', :article_id => contents(:article1).id, :comment => base_comment
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'article', :id => contents(:article1).id)
- end
- end
- it 'should create comment mark as ham' do
- assert_difference 'Comment.count(:conditions => {:state => "ham"})' do
- post 'create', :article_id => contents(:article1).id, :comment => base_comment
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'article', :id => contents(:article1).id)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'edit action' do
- it 'should render edit form' do
- get 'edit', :id => feedback(:comment2).id
- assigns(:comment).should == feedback(:comment2)
- assigns(:article).should == contents(:article1)
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template('edit')
- end
- end
- describe 'update action' do
- it 'should update comment if post request' do
- post 'update', :id => feedback(:comment2).id,
- :comment => {:author => 'Bob Foo2',
- :url => '',
- :body => 'updated comment'}
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'article', :id => contents(:article1).id)
- feedback(:comment2).reload
- feedback(:comment2).body.should == 'updated comment'
- end
- it 'should not update comment if get request' do
- get 'update', :id => feedback(:comment2).id,
- :comment => {:author => 'Bob Foo2',
- :url => '',
- :body => 'updated comment'}
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'edit', :id => feedback(:comment2).id)
- feedback(:comment2).reload
- feedback(:comment2).body.should_not == 'updated comment'
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'publisher access' do
- before :each do
- request.session = { :user => users(:user_publisher).id }
- end
- def feedback_from_own_article
- feedback(:comment_on_publisher_article)
- end
- def feedback_from_not_own_article
- feedback(:comment2)
- end
- describe 'delete action' do
- it_should_behave_like "destroy feedback with feedback from own article"
- it "should not delete feedback doesn't own" do
- lambda do
- post 'delete', :id =>
- end.should_not change(Feedback, :count)
- lambda do
- Feedback.find(
- end.should_not raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
- response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'admin/feedback', :action => 'index')
- end
- end
- describe 'edit action' do
- it 'should not edit comment no own article' do
- get 'edit', :id =>
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'index')
- end
- it 'should edit comment if own article' do
- get 'edit', :id =>
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template('edit')
- assigns(:comment).should == feedback_from_own_article
- assigns(:article).should == feedback_from_own_article.article
- end
- end
- describe 'update action' do
- it 'should update comment if own article' do
- post 'update', :id =>,
- :comment => {:author => 'Bob Foo2',
- :url => '',
- :body => 'updated comment'}
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'article', :id =>
- feedback_from_own_article.reload
- feedback_from_own_article.body.should == 'updated comment'
- end
- it 'should not update comment if not own article' do
- post 'update', :id =>,
- :comment => {:author => 'Bob Foo2',
- :url => '',
- :body => 'updated comment'}
- response.should redirect_to(:action => 'index')
- feedback_from_not_own_article.reload
- feedback_from_not_own_article.body.should_not == 'updated comment'
- end
- end
- describe '#bulkops action' do
- before :each do
- post :bulkops, :bulkop_top => 'Delete all spam'
- end
- it 'should redirect to action' do
- @response.should redirect_to(:action => 'index')
- end
- end
- end
- end