- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
- describe "All Requests", :shared => true do
- before do
- @comment = mock_model(Comment,
- :save => true,
- :author => 'bob',
- :email => 'bob@home',
- :url => 'http://bobs.home/')
- @article = contents(:article1)
- @blog = blogs(:default)
- end
- end
- describe "General Comment Creation", :shared => true do
- it_should_behave_like "All Requests"
- it "should assign the new comment to @comment" do
- make_the_request
- assigns[:comment].should == Comment.find_by_author_and_body_and_article_id('bob', 'content', contents(:article1).id)
- end
- it "should assign the article to @article" do
- make_the_request
- assigns[:article].should == @article
- end
- it "should save the comment" do
- lambda do
- make_the_request
- end.should change(Comment, :count).by(1)
- end
- it "should set the author" do
- make_the_request
- contents(:article1) == 'bob'
- end
- it "should set an author cookie" do
- make_the_request
- cookies["author"].should == 'bob'
- end
- it "should set a gravatar_id cookie" do
- make_the_request(:body => 'content', :author => 'bob',
- :email => 'bob@home', :url => 'http://bobs.home/')
- cookies["gravatar_id"].should == Digest::MD5.hexdigest('bob@home')
- end
- it "should set a url cookie" do
- make_the_request(:body => 'content', :author => 'bob',
- :email => 'bob@home', :url => 'http://bobs.home/')
- cookies["url"].should == 'http://bobs.home/'
- end
- it "should create a comment" do
- make_the_request
- end
- end
- describe CommentsController, 'create' do
- it_should_behave_like "General Comment Creation"
- def make_the_request(comment = {:body => 'content', :author => 'bob'})
- post :create, :comment => comment, :article_id => contents(:article1).id
- end
- it "should redirect to the article" do
- make_the_request
- response.should redirect_to("#{blogs(:default).base_url}/#{contents(:article1).created_at.year}/#{sprintf("%.2d", contents(:article1).created_at.month)}/#{sprintf("%.2d", contents(:article1)}/#{contents(:article1).permalink}")
- end
- end
- describe CommentsController, 'AJAX creation' do
- it_should_behave_like "General Comment Creation"
- def make_the_request(comment = {:body => 'content', :author => 'bob'})
- xhr :post, :create, :comment => comment, :article_id => contents(:article1).id
- end
- it "should render the comment partial" do
- make_the_request
- response.should render_template("/articles/_comment")
- end
- end
- describe CommentsController, 'scoped index' do
- it_should_behave_like "All Requests"
- it "GET 2007/10/11/slug/comments should redirect to /2007/10/11/slug#comments" do
- #content(:article1) => - 2 days
- get 'index', :article_id =>
- response.should redirect_to("#{blogs(:default).base_url}/#{contents(:article1).created_at.year}/#{sprintf("%.2d", contents(:article1).created_at.month)}/#{sprintf("%.2d", contents(:article1)}/#{contents(:article1).permalink}#comments")
- end
- it "GET /2007/10/11/slug/comments.atom should return an atom feed" do
- get :index, :format => 'atom', :article_id => contents(:article1).id
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template("articles/_atom_feed")
- end
- it "GET /2007/10/11/slug/comments.rss should return an rss feed" do
- get :index, :format => 'rss', :article_id => contents(:article1).id
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template("articles/_rss20_feed")
- end
- end
- describe CommentsController, 'GET /comments' do
- it "should be successful" do
- get 'index'
- response.should be_success
- end
- it "should not bother fetching any comments " do
- mock_comment = mock(Comment)
- mock_comment.should_not_receive(:published_comments)
- mock_comment.should_not_receive(:rss_limit_params)
- get 'index'
- end
- end
- describe CommentsController, "GET /comments.:format" do
- it ":format => 'atom' should return an atom feed" do
- get 'index', :format => 'atom'
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template("articles/_atom_feed")
- end
- it ":format => 'rss' should return an rss feed"do
- get 'index', :format => 'rss'
- response.should be_success
- response.should render_template("articles/_rss20_feed")
- end
- end