- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
- describe 'Given loaded fixtures' do
- it 'we can Tag.get by name' do
- Tag.get('foo').should == tags(:foo)
- end
- it 'tags are unique' do
- lambda {Tag.create!(:name => 'test')}.should_not raise_error
- test_tag = Tag.new(:name => 'test')
- test_tag.should_not be_valid
- test_tag.errors.on(:name).should == 'has already been taken'
- end
- it 'display names with spaces can be found by joinedupname' do
- Tag.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => 'Monty Python'}).should be_nil
- tag = Tag.create(:name => 'Monty Python')
- tag.should be_valid
- tag.name.should == 'montypython'
- tag.display_name.should == 'Monty Python'
- tag.should == Tag.get('montypython')
- tag.should == Tag.get('Monty Python')
- end
- it 'articles can be tagged' do
- a = Article.create(:title => 'an article')
- a.tags << tags(:foo)
- a.tags << tags(:bar)
- a.reload
- a.tags.size.should == 2
- a.tags.sort_by(&:id).should == [tags(:foo), tags(:bar)].sort_by(&:id)
- end
- it 'find_all_with_article_counters finds 2 tags' do
- tags = Tag.find_all_with_article_counters
- tags.should have(2).entries
- tags.first.name.should == "foo"
- tags.first.article_counter.should == 3
- tags.last.name.should == 'bar'
- tags.last.article_counter.should == 2
- end
- it 'permalink_url should be of form /tag/<name>' do
- Tag.get('foo').permalink_url.should == 'http://myblog.net/tag/foo'
- end
- it "find_with_char('f') should be return foo" do
- Tag.find_with_char('f').should == [tags(:foo)]
- end
- it "find_with_char('v') should return empty data" do
- Tag.find_with_char('v').should == []
- end
- it "find_with_char('ba') should return tag bar and bazz" do
- Tag.find_with_char('ba').sort_by(&:id).should == [tags(:bar), tags(:bazz)].sort_by(&:id)
- end
- end