- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
- describe 'Given a post which references a pingback enabled article' do
- def pingback_target; ''; end
- def referenced_url; ''; end
- def referrer_url; ''; end
- before(:each) do
- @mock_response = mock('response')
- @mock_xmlrpc_response = mock('xmlrpc_response')
- end
- it 'Pingback sent to url found in referenced header' do
- @mock_response.should_receive(:[]).with('X-Pingback').at_least(:once).and_return(pingback_target)
- @mock_xmlrpc_response.should_receive(:call).with('', referrer_url, referenced_url)
- make_and_send_ping
- end
- it 'Pingback sent to url found in referenced body' do
- @mock_response.should_receive(:[]).with('X-Pingback').at_least(:once).and_return(nil)
- @mock_response.should_receive(:body).at_least(:once)
- .and_return(%{<link rel="pingback" href="" />})
- @mock_xmlrpc_response.should_receive(:call).with('', referrer_url, referenced_url)
- make_and_send_ping
- end
- it 'Pingback sent when new article is saved' do
- ActiveRecord::Base.observers.should include(:email_notifier)
- ActiveRecord::Base.observers.should include(:web_notifier)
- blog = Blog.default
- blog.should_not be_send_outbound_pings
- blog.send_outbound_pings = 1
- blog.should be_send_outbound_pings
- a =
- :body => '<a href="">',
- :title => 'Test the pinging',
- :published => true
- Net::HTTP.should_receive(:get_response).and_return(@mock_response)
- XMLRPC::Client.should_receive(:new2).with(pingback_target).and_return(@mock_xmlrpc_response)
- @mock_response.should_receive(:[]).with('X-Pingback').at_least(:once).and_return(pingback_target)
- @mock_xmlrpc_response.should_receive(:call)
- .with('',
- %r{{4}/d{2}/d{2}/test-the-pinging},
- referenced_url)
- a.should have(1).html_urls
- a.should be_just_published
- a = Article.find(
- a.should_not be_just_published
- # Saving again will not resend the pings
- end
- def make_and_send_ping
- Net::HTTP.should_receive(:get_response).and_return(@mock_response)
- XMLRPC::Client.should_receive(:new2).with(pingback_target).and_return(@mock_xmlrpc_response)
- ping = contents(:article1)"url" => referenced_url)
- ping.should be_instance_of(Ping)
- ping.url.should == referenced_url
- ping.send_pingback_or_trackback(referrer_url)
- end
- end
- describe "An article links to another article, which contains a trackback URL" do
- def referenced_url; ''; end
- def trackback_url; ""; end
- it 'Trackback URL is detected and pinged' do
- referrer_url = ''
- post = "title=Article+1%21&excerpt=body&url="
- make_and_send_ping(post, contents(:article1), referrer_url)
- end
- it 'sends a trackback without html tag in excerpt' do
- # TODO: Assert the following:
- # contents(:xmltest).body = originally seen on <a href=""></a>
- post = "title=#{CGI.escape("Associations aren't :dependent => true anymore")}"
- post << "&excerpt=#{CGI.escape("originally seen on")}" # not original text see if normal ?
- post << "&url=#{contents(:xmltest).permalink_url}"
- post << "&blog_name=#{CGI.escape('test blog')}"
- make_and_send_ping(post, contents(:xmltest), contents(:xmltest).permalink_url)
- end
- it 'sends a trackback without markdown tag in excerpt' do
- # TODO: Assert the following:
- # contents(:markdown_article) #in markdown formatn * wen * usen [ok]( to define a link
- post = "title=#{CGI.escape("How made link with markdown")}"
- post << "&excerpt=#{CGI.escape("in markdown format we use ok to define a link")}" # not original text see if normal ?
- post << "&url=#{contents(:markdown_article).permalink_url}"
- post << "&blog_name=#{CGI.escape('test blog')}"
- make_and_send_ping(post, contents(:markdown_article), contents(:markdown_article).permalink_url)
- end
- def make_and_send_ping(post, article, article_url)
- @mock = mock('html_response')
- Net::HTTP.should_receive(:get_response).with(URI.parse(referenced_url)).and_return(@mock)
- @mock.should_receive(:[]).with('X-Pingback').at_least(:once)
- @mock.should_receive(:body).twice.and_return(referenced_body)
- Net::HTTP.should_receive(:start).with(URI.parse(trackback_url).host, 80).and_yield(@mock)
- @mock.should_receive(:post)
- .with('/a-post/trackback', post,
- 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8')
- .and_return(@mock)
- ping = => referenced_url)
- ping.send_pingback_or_trackback(article_url)
- end
- def referenced_body
- <<-eobody
- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:trackback=""
- xmlns:dc="">
- <rdf:Description
- rdf:about=""
- trackback:ping=""
- dc:title="Track me, track me!"
- dc:identifier=""
- dc:description="Track me 'til I fart!'"
- dc:creator="pdcawley"
- dc:date="2006-03-01T04:31:00-05:00" />
- </rdf:RDF>
- eobody
- end
- end
- describe 'Given a remote site to notify, eg technorati' do
- it 'we can ping them correctly' do
- mock = mock('response')
- XMLRPC::Client.should_receive(:new2).with('').and_return(mock)
- mock.should_receive(:call).with('', 'test blog',
- '', '')
- ping = contents(:article1)"url" => "")
- ping.send_weblogupdatesping('', '')
- end
- end