- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- # RSS 0.2/2.0/Atom converter to typo by Lennon Day-Reynolds <rcoder@gmail.com>
- # Shamelessly copied from RSS-only converter by Chris Lee
- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment'
- require 'optparse'
- begin
- require 'feed_tools'
- rescue LoadError
- STDERR.puts <<-EOF
- This converter requires feedtools to be installed.
- Please run `gem install feedtools` and try again.
- exit 1
- end
- class FeedMigrate
- attr_accessor :options
- def initialize
- self.options = {}
- self.parse_options
- self.convert_entries
- end
- def convert_entries
- feed = FeedTools::Feed.open(self.options[:url])
- puts "Converting #{feed.items.length} entries..."
- feed.items.each do |item|
- puts "Converting '#{item.title}'"
- a = Article.new
- a.author = self.options[:author]
- a.title = item.title
- a.body = item.description
- a.created_at = item.published
- a.save
- end
- end
- def parse_options
- OptionParser.new do |opt|
- opt.banner = 'Usage: feed.rb [options]'
- opt.on('-a', '--author AUTHOR', 'Username of author in typo') do |a|
- self.options[:author] = a
- end
- opt.on('-u', '--url URL', 'URL of RSS feed to import.') do |u|
- self.options[:url] = u
- end
- opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message.') do
- puts opt
- exit
- end
- opt.parse!(ARGV)
- end
- unless self.options.include?(:author) and self.options.include?(:url)
- puts 'See feed.rb --help for help.'
- exit
- end
- end
- end
- FeedMigrate.new