- class ArchivesSidebar < Sidebar
- description 'Displays links to monthly archives'
- setting :show_count, true, :label => 'Show article counts', :input_type => :checkbox
- setting :count, 10, :label => 'Number of Months'
- attr_accessor :archives
- def self.date_func
- @date_func ||=
- begin
- if Content.connection.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLiteAdapter)
- "strftime('%Y', published_at) as year, strftime('%m', published_at) as month"
- else
- "extract(year from published_at) as year,extract(month from published_at) as month"
- end
- rescue NameError
- "extract(year from published_at) as year,extract(month from published_at) as month"
- end
- end
- def parse_request(contents, params)
- # The original query that was here instantiated every article and every
- # tag, and then sorted through them just to do a 'group by date'.
- # Unfortunately, there's no universally-supported way to do this
- # across all three of our supported DBs. So, we resort to a bit of
- # DB-specific code.
- date_func = self.class.date_func
- article_counts = Content.find_by_sql(["select count(*) as count, #{date_func} from contents where type='Article' and published = ? and published_at < ? group by year,month order by year desc,month desc limit ? ",true,,count.to_i])
- @archives = do |entry|
- {
- :name => _(Date::MONTHNAMES[entry.month.to_i]) + " #{entry.year}",
- :month => entry.month.to_i,
- :year => entry.year.to_i,
- :article_count => entry.count
- }
- end
- end
- end