- module UploadProgress #:nodoc:
- # Upload Progress abstracts the progress of an upload. It's used by the
- # multipart progress IO that keeps track of the upload progress and creating
- # the application depends on. It contians methods to update the progress
- # during an upload and read the statistics such as +received_bytes+,
- # +total_bytes+, +completed_percent+, +bitrate+, and
- # +remaining_seconds+
- #
- # You can get the current +Progress+ object by calling +upload_progress+ instance
- # method in your controller or view.
- #
- class Progress
- unless const_defined? :MIN_SAMPLE_TIME
- # Number of seconds between bitrate samples. Updates that occur more
- # frequently than +MIN_SAMPLE_TIME+ will not be queued until this
- # time passes. This behavior gives a good balance of accuracy and load
- # for both fast and slow transfers.
- # Number of seconds between updates before giving up to try and calculate
- # bitrate anymore
- # Number of samples used to calculate bitrate
- end
- # Number bytes received from the multipart post
- attr_reader :received_bytes
- # Total number of bytes expected from the mutlipart post
- attr_reader :total_bytes
- # The last time the upload history was updated
- attr_reader :last_update_time
- # A message you can set from your controller or view to be rendered in the
- # +upload_status_text+ helper method. If you set a messagein a controller
- # then call <code>session.update</code> to make that message available to
- # your +upload_status+ action.
- attr_accessor :message
- # Create a new Progress object passing the expected number of bytes to receive
- def initialize(total)
- @total_bytes = total
- reset!
- end
- # Resets the received_bytes, last_update_time, message and bitrate, but
- # but maintains the total expected bytes
- def reset!
- @received_bytes, @last_update_time, @stalled, @message = 0, 0, false, ''
- reset_history
- end
- # Number of bytes left for this upload
- def remaining_bytes
- @total_bytes - @received_bytes
- end
- # Completed percent in integer form from 0..100
- def completed_percent
- (@received_bytes * 100 / @total_bytes).to_i rescue 0
- end
- # Updates this UploadProgress object with the number of bytes received
- # since last update time and the absolute number of seconds since the
- # beginning of the upload.
- #
- # This method is used by the +MultipartProgress+ module and should
- # not be called directly.
- def update!(bytes, elapsed_seconds)#:nodoc:
- if @received_bytes + bytes > @total_bytes
- #warn "Progress#update received bytes exceeds expected bytes"
- bytes = @total_bytes - @received_bytes
- end
- @received_bytes += bytes
- # Age is the duration of time since the last update to the history
- age = elapsed_seconds - @last_update_time
- # Record the bytes received in the first element of the history
- # in case the sample rate is exceeded and we shouldn't record at this
- # time
- @history.first[0] += bytes
- @history.first[1] += age
- history_age = @history.first[1]
- @history.pop while @history.size > MAX_SAMPLES
- @history.unshift([0,0]) if history_age > MIN_SAMPLE_TIME
- if history_age > MIN_STALL_TIME
- @stalled = true
- reset_history
- else
- @stalled = false
- end
- @last_update_time = elapsed_seconds
- self
- end
- # Calculates the bitrate in bytes/second. If the transfer is stalled or
- # just started, the bitrate will be 0
- def bitrate
- history_bytes, history_time = { |vals| vals.inject { |sum, v| sum + v } }
- history_bytes / history_time rescue 0
- end
- # Number of seconds elapsed since the start of the upload
- def elapsed_seconds
- @last_update_time
- end
- # Calculate the seconds remaining based on the current bitrate. Returns
- # O seconds if stalled or if no bytes have been received
- def remaining_seconds
- remaining_bytes / bitrate rescue 0
- end
- # Returns true if there are bytes pending otherwise returns false
- def finished?
- remaining_bytes <= 0
- end
- # Returns true if some bytes have been received
- def started?
- @received_bytes > 0
- end
- # Returns true if there has been a delay in receiving bytes. The delay
- # is set by the constant MIN_STALL_TIME
- def stalled?
- @stalled
- end
- private
- def reset_history
- @history = [[0,0]]
- end
- end
- end