- # desc "Explaining what the task does"
- # task :ckeditor do
- # # Task goes here
- # end
- namespace :ckeditor do
- def setup
- require "config/environment"
- require 'fileutils'
- directory = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, '/vendor/plugins/easy-ckeditor/')
- require "#{directory}lib/ckeditor"
- require "#{directory}lib/ckeditor_version"
- require "#{directory}lib/ckeditor_file_utils"
- end
- desc 'Install the CKEditor components'
- task :install do
- setup
- puts "** Installing CKEditor Plugin version #{CkeditorVersion.current}..."
- CkeditorFileUtils.destroy_and_install
- puts "** Successfully installed CKEditor Plugin version #{CkeditorVersion.current}"
- end
- desc 'Uninstall the CKEditor components'
- task :uninstall do
- setup
- puts "** Uninstalling CKEditor Plugin version #{CkeditorVersion.current}..."
- CkeditorFileUtils.destroy
- puts "** Uninstalling Easy CKEditor Plugin Files..."
- CkeditorFileUtils.rm_plugin
- puts "** Successfully Uninstalled CKEditor Plugin version #{CkeditorVersion.current}"
- end
- def fetch(path)
- response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(path))
- case response
- when Net::HTTPSuccess then
- response
- when Net::HTTPRedirection then
- puts "** Redirected to #{response['location']}"
- fetch(response['location'])
- else
- response.error!
- end
- end
- desc "Update the CKEditor code to the latest nightly build"
- task :download do
- require 'net/http'
- require 'zip/zipfilesystem'
- setup
- version = ENV['VERSION'] || "Nightly"
- installed_version = "3.0"
- puts "** Current CKEditor version: #{installed_version}..."
- puts "** Downloading #{version} (please be patient)..."
- rails_tmp_path = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "/tmp/")
- tmp_zip_path = File.join(rails_tmp_path, "ckeditor_#{version}.zip")
- # Creating tmp dir if it doesn't exist
- Dir.mkdir(rails_tmp_path) unless File.exists? rails_tmp_path
- # Download nightly build (
- # Releases (
- nightly = version=='Nightly' ? true : false
- domain = ""
- path = nightly ? "/CKEditor/CKEditor/Nightly%20Build/" : "/CKEditor/CKEditor/CKEditor%203.0/ckeditor_#{version}.zip"
- puts "** Download from #{domain}#{path}"
- #Net::HTTP.start(domain) { |http|
- response = fetch("#{domain}#{path}")
- open(tmp_zip_path, "wb") { |file|
- file.write(response.body)
- }
- #}
- puts "** Download successful"
- puts "** Extracting CKeditor"
- do |zipfile|
- zipfile.each do |entry|
- filename = File.join(rails_tmp_path,
- FileUtils.rm_f(filename)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filename))
- entry.extract(filename)
- end
- end
- puts "** Backing up existing CKEditor install to /public/javascripts/ckeditor_bck"
- CkeditorFileUtils.backup_existing
- puts "** Shifting files to /public/javascripts/ckeditor"
- FileUtils.cp_r File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "/tmp/ckeditor/"), File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "/public/javascripts/")
- puts "** Clean up"
- FileUtils.remove_file(tmp_zip_path, true)
- FileUtils.remove_entry(File.join(rails_tmp_path, "ckeditor/"), true)
- puts "** Successfully updated to CKEditor version: #{version}..."
- end
- end