- require 'net/http'
- require 'flickr'
- class Typo
- class Textfilter
- class Flickr < TextFilterPlugin::MacroPost
- plugin_display_name "Flickr"
- plugin_description "Automatically generate image tags for Flickr images"
- def self.help_text
- %{
- You can use `<typo:flickr>` to display images from [Flickr](http://flickr.com). Example:
- <typo:flickr img="31367273" size="small"/>
- will produce an `<img>` tag showing image number 31367273 from Flickr. This image will be linked to
- the Flickr page for this image, so you can zoom in and see larger versions. It will also have a
- comment block attached if a description has been attached to the picture in Flickr.
- This macro takes a number of parameters:
- * **img** The Flickr image ID of the picture that you wish to use. This shows up in the URL whenever
- you're viewing a picture in Flickr; for example, the image ID for <http://flickr.com/photos/scottlaird/31367273>
- is 31367273.
- * **size** The image size that you'd like to display. Options are:
- * square (75x75)
- * thumbnail (maximum size 100 pixels)
- * small (maximum size 240 pixels)
- * medium (maximum size 500 pixels)
- * large (maximum size 1024 pixels)
- * original
- * **style** This is passed through to the enclosing `<div>` that this macro generates. To float the flickr
- image on the right, use `style="float:right"`.
- * **caption** The caption displayed below the image. By default, this is Flickr's description of the image.
- to disable, use `caption=""`.
- * **title** The tooltip title associated with the image. Defaults to Flickr's image title.
- * **alt** The alt text associated with the image. By default, this is the same as the title.
- }
- end
- def self.macrofilter(blog,content,attrib,params,text="")
- img = attrib['img']
- size = attrib['size'] || "square"
- style = attrib['style']
- caption = attrib['caption']
- title = attrib['title']
- alt = attrib['alt']
- begin
- flickr = ::Flickr.new(FLICKR_KEY)
- flickrimage = ::Flickr::Photo.new(img)
- sizes = flickrimage.sizes
- details = sizes.find {|s| s['label'].downcase == size.downcase } || sizes.first
- width = details['width']
- height = details['height']
- imageurl = details['source']
- imagelink = flickrimage.url
- caption ||= sanitize(CGI.unescapeHTML(flickrimage.description)) unless flickrimage.description.blank?
- title ||= flickrimage.title
- alt ||= title
- if(caption.blank?)
- captioncode=""
- else
- captioncode = "<p class="caption" style="width:#{width}px">#{caption}</p>"
- end
- "<div style="#{style}" class="flickrplugin"><a href="#{imagelink}"><img src="#{imageurl}" width="#{width}" height="#{height}" alt="#{alt}" title="#{title}"/></a>#{captioncode}</div>"
- rescue Exception => e
- logger.info e
- %{<div class='broken_flickr_link'>`#{img}' could not be displayed because: <br />#{e}</div>}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end